8月晨读笔记 05

beautiful; evaluator;shopping mall(small. tall), 卷舌音读出来;coupon /'kupɑn/; coup /kʊ/; 碰到i:的话夸张,breath /brɛθ/, breathy /'brɛθi/, bath/bæθ/, bathe /beð/, conscious, 

1 抓到原声的语音语调,也要想想他为什么这样念?

2 平时准备到100%,要夸张,真正的话就达到折扣到20%,30%,要有百分之几百的努力,自己练习和说是不一样的。

1 TGIF: THANKS god it's Friday

2 cost a (small/big) fortune 

3 These large stores carry everything from clothing to housewares  出售

4 free sample = give away 免费赠送;freebie;sample还有个意思是体验(试吃,试用都可以); doorbusters 限时免费

5 do some window-shopping 只逛, 不买

6 super, way 很好的一个词,可以替代very 

7 I could use some garden supplies. 我想要... eg: I could use some water. I could use this book.

8 takeout 外卖 /ˈtekaʊt/

9 stroller --pram 婴儿车

10 sampling station 采样站,监测站;取样站

11  punish sb on the spot 就地正法

12 homegrown (水果、蔬菜)家种的,本国产的

13 Do you have any peaches today? 

a plum for my peach 

peach, peachy, everything is peachy 

lemon 破车

banana: drive me banana 

14 big ticket item 花了大价格买的东西

15 BOGO : buy one get one

16 operator: 投机取巧者;善于钻营的人;骗子:

 »a smooth / slick / shrewd operator 


17 that's a steal 太划算啦

18 how do you my new shoes? 你觉得怎么样? how do you like my computer? how are you liking... ? I'm liking very much. (强调此时此刻的感觉)

19 where did you get them? 在哪儿买的?

20 landlines 接线的电话,座机

21 paramedics /ˌpærə'mɛdɪk/

22 说人名 : a as apple

23  The neighbor is doing CPR, do的用法

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