
英文 中文
Hello. 你好
Sheila Mosconi. 我是希拉·莫斯科尼
It was lovely to meet you. 很高兴认识你们
Rob kissed a blonde waitress. 罗伯亲了一个金发服务员
Not Rob. 罗伯不会的
Not after what happened to our daughter. 尤其是在失去了我们的女儿之后
Beth Ann, confront the girl. 贝丝·安找那个姑娘对质
She might not even know that Rob is married. 她或许都不知道罗伯已经结婚了
Can I get you some coffee to start? 要先来一杯咖啡吗
You look like you could use someone to talk to, 你看样子需要找人倾诉
and we're slow right now. 现在刚好客人少
What is your name? 你叫什么
Sheila. 希拉
Tommy, what's this? 汤米这是什么
I don't know, was here when I came in. 我不知道我来时就在了
Is he the only one, or have there been others? 是只有他一个还是还有其他人
Here's what's going to happen. 接下来你按我说的做
You will go upstairs to begin packing. 你上楼去打包行李
You won't come down until everyone's gone. 在所有人离开之前你都不许下楼
Do you understand? I will not be humiliated. 你明白了吗我不会受此羞辱的
What did you do? 你干了什么
You think you're gonna get out of this by dying? Fuck you! 你想以死解脱吗去你的
Tommy. 汤米
I've wanted to that since I was 13. 我从13岁起就想这么做了
Well, how old are you now? 你现在多大
I'm 18. 我18岁
I think you should go. 我想你该走了
Hello. Hey, what's up? 喂怎么了
What? 什么
Who was that? 谁啊
My friend Jade... she has this crazy ex. 我朋友洁德她有个疯狂前男友
Oh... you fucking her? 你在干她吗
- Don't be mad. - About what? -别生气-生什么气
Jade's outside. 洁德在门外
You've become emotionally involved. 你动了感情了
That is an insult to me 这不仅是对我的侮辱
and the sacred institution known as open marriage. 也是对神圣的开放婚姻的侮辱
All right, fine, one night. 好吧就一晚
I told her she could stay the weekend. 我跟她说她这个周末都可以待在这里
Thank you so much for letting me stay. 很感谢你能收留我
I really, really appreciate it. 真的很谢谢
Oh, my gosh. 我的天
This is crazy. I can't believe this. 这太疯狂了难以置信
I'm staying with the guy who wrote my favorite movie. 我和写了我最爱电影的人住在一起
If Jade needed to stay here a couple extra weeks, it's no problem. 如果洁德要在这里多待上几周没有任何问题
I lived next door to a nice married couple. 我隔壁住了一对善良的夫妻
They seemed very much in love. 他们看上去很相爱
Until the night someone heard gunshots, 直到一天晚上有人听到了枪声
and the police were called. 然后警察来了
They said one of those nice people had been murdered. 他们说其中一个好人被杀了
I asked my mother how something like that could happen. 我问我妈妈怎么会发生这样的事
All she said was, 她说
"Marriage is harder than it looks." "婚姻比看上去难多了"
Years later, a rich couple moved into that same house. 多年后一对有钱夫妇搬进了同一座房子
I always thought they seemed happy. 我一直以为他们很幸福
Until the police came back, 直到警察再次出现
and I saw the body. 我看到了尸体
The rumor was one of the rich people had killed the other. 传闻说其中一个有钱人杀了另一个有钱人
I asked my fiancée what she thought had happened. 我问我未婚妻她觉得发生了什么
All she said was, 她说
"Death is cheaper than divorce." "死亡比离婚便宜"
Last year yet another couple came to live in the house next door. 去年隔壁又搬来了一对夫妻
They were young and seemed to have so much to live for. 他们很年轻似乎未来有着大好人生
But, sadly, 不过可惜的是
I heard the sirens one more time. 我又听到了警笛声
I arrived at the crime scene to have my worst fears confirmed. 我到达了犯罪现场证实了我最深的恐惧
I turned to my wife and said, 我转向我妻子对她说
"Another love story has ended in murder. "又一个爱情故事以谋杀收场"
I can't believe it." "我不敢相信"
My wife looked at me and said, 我妻子看着我说
"I can." "我敢"
That looks delicious. 看着真美味
You know, you're starting to become one of my regulars. 你开始成了我的常客了
What is this, your second time this week? 这是你这周第二次来了吧
My third. 第三次
I'm afraid I don't have much to occupy my days, 我成天无所事事
being a lonely widow in a new town. 刚搬来这里又是寡妇
Sheila, you never told me that your husband died. I'm so sorry. 希拉你从没跟我说你丈夫过世了我很遗憾
Don't be. It happens. Do you have a fella? 别这很正常你有对象吗
- Well, um... - Of course you do. -这个...-你当然有了
You're so pretty. What's his name? 你这么美他叫什么
Um... Rob. 罗伯
Tell me about him. 跟我说说他
I-I can't. Not here. 不行不能在这说
It's kind of a complicated situation. 情况有点复杂
I understand. 我明白
Understand what? 明白什么
Clearly, you're dating a married man. 显然你在跟一个有妇之夫交往
How did you know that? 你怎么知道的
You used the word "Complicated." What else could it mean? 你用了"复杂"一词还能是什么
Please don't tell anyone. I'm not proud of it. 请别告诉任何人我并不以此为傲
Of course you're not. 当然了
Don't worry. I can keep a secret. 别担心我能保密
Thank you. 谢谢
I do have one question. 不过我有个问题
Has your married man ever told you 你的有妇之夫有跟你说过
why he feels the need to cheat? 他为什么需要出轨吗
Uh... what? 什么
M-My husband had an affair, 我丈夫也出轨
but he died before I could find out why. 但我还没弄清楚原因他就死了
Naturally, I'm curious. 我自然好奇了
I'm... sure it was a completely different situation. 肯定跟我的情况不同
Or maybe it was exactly the same. Who knows? 也许情况完全一样谁知道呢
- Has Rob said anything? - Not really, no. -罗伯说过什么吗-没有
I assume it's just the obvious: he was bored with his wife. 我猜原因很明显他厌倦了自己的老婆
Bored? 厌倦了
Check, please. 买单
You know how housewives can be. 你也知道家庭主妇的
They forget that their husbands need more 她们总会忘记自己老公需要的
than hot meals and clean socks. 不止热饭和干净的袜子
Men want excitement and passion. 男人都想要刺激和激情
Lots of women just forget to put in that kind of an effort. 很多女人都会忘记在这方面努力
They don't change their hair. 她们从不改变发型
They always wear the same dowdy clothes. 每天都穿着同样的过时衣服
- Can I get you anything else? - No. -你还需要什么吗-不用了
You've already given me more than enough to chew on. 你给我的已经足够我消化了
Oh, hello. 好呀
How long have you been here? 你在这坐了多久了
About an hour or so. How are you feeling? 一个多小时吧你感觉如何
Eh. You know, it's funny. 说来有趣
You, uh, you attempt suicide with a bottle of sleeping pills, 你吞下一整瓶安眠药企图自杀
and when you finally wake up, they sedate you. 好不容易醒了结果又被打镇静剂
God, what were you thinking? 天呐你当时在想什么
Look, I was ashamed of the pain I had caused. 我很羞愧自己造成了这么多痛苦
And you thought your death would cause me less pain? 你觉得你一死了之会减少我的痛苦
It was stupid and selfish. I'm sorry. 我很傻也很自私对不起
Well, just tell me you won't try it again. 告诉我你不会再这样了
- I won't. - Say it. -我不会了-说出来
I won't try and kill myself again. 我不会再自杀了
The doctors say you can go home this afternoon. 医生说你今天下午可以回家了
Well, that's your call, not theirs. 这个得你说了算医生说的不算
Can I come home? 我能回家了吗
Well, I've thought about it... I still want a divorce. 我考虑过了我还是打算离婚
But there's no need to rush things. 但没必要那么急
You can stay at the house, and then after a while, we'll separate. 你可以住在家里过一阵子我们就分居
Amicably. 友好地
Charmingly. 有风度地
- Charmingly? - I want people to envy -有风度地-我想要别人
our divorce the same way they envied our marriage. 像嫉妒我们婚姻一样嫉妒我们离婚
God forbid our friends should ever pity you. 万万不能让我们的朋友怜悯你
Our friends don't feel pity, only schadenfreude. 我们的朋友不会怜悯谁只会幸灾乐祸
And when would we separate? 我们什么时候分居
Oh, sometime in July. 七月的某个时候吧
After your daughter's wedding. 在你女儿婚礼后
We've been planning all year to make sure every detail is perfect. 我们计划了整整一年确保每个细节都做到完美
And why upstage her? 为什么要抢她的风头
Exactly. You love Amy as much as I do. 正是你和我一样爱艾米
You wouldn't want to ruin her special day with a divorce. 你不会想用离婚来毁了她的大好日子
Or a scandal. 或丑闻
Of course not. 当然
Or a suicide. 或自杀
Oh, for God's sake, Simone! 别再提了萨蒙妮
Sorry, darling, 抱歉亲爱的
but with what I've spent on this wedding, 但介于我为这场婚礼投入了这么多
I had to make sure. 我得确保万无一失
Guys. 大伙
- You don't need to wait on me. - No, no, no. -你们不用等我-不不不
No. You are our guest. 不你是我们的客人
And you're recovering from a traumatic event. 而且你刚走出了一段痛苦的经历
I'm not worried about Duke anymore. 我再也不用担心杜克了
He stopped texting me. 他没有再发短信给我了
So, what's his deal? 他是什么情况
- Is he crazy? - A little. -他是疯子吗-有点吧
He was always accusing me of cheating on him. 他总是说我在背着他偷吃
Of course, I was, 这倒不假
but I would have appreciated a little trust. 但还是应该给我一点信任
Did Duke know about you two? 杜克知道你们的事吗
Sure, yeah. Mostly because of how we met. 当然知道主要因为我们认识的过程
Okay, come on. 好吧快说
How did you meet? 你们是怎么认识的
You never told him the story? 你没跟他说过吗
Well, we don't usually share stories about our playmates. 我们通常不会分享自己和玩伴的故事
Share, just this once. 分享一下嘛就这一次
Okay. 好吧
I was selling lingerie at Agent Provocateur. 我那时在密探卖内衣
Solid opening scene. Go on. 引人入胜的开场继续
Well, I was there to buy a few bras. 我去那准备买几件胸罩
- Red lace? - No. -红色蕾丝吗-不是的
The kind I like. 是我喜欢的那种
So, I was in the fitting room taking my top off 我在试衣间脱衣服
when the zipper gets caught in my hair. 头发却不小心卡进拉链里了
So she sticks her head out and is all... 于是她探出头来像这样说
"Can you come in here for a sec?" "你能进来一下吗"
What are you doing? 你在干什么
Nothing. 没什么
You had your eyes closed. 你闭眼了
Yeah, I'm just trying to picture it. 是我在努力设想这个画面
Don't. It's pervy. 别很变态
Okay. Uh, so, what happened 好吧那你帮我老婆
after you helped my wife out of her sweater, 脱掉上衣后发生了什么
he asked in a non-pervy way. 他以一种不变态的方式问道
We did it. 我们做了
Right there in the fitting room. 就在试衣间里
Sex in a fitting room. 试衣间性爱
Bravo. That was just... Bravo. 精彩实在太精彩了
And I am so gonna close my eyes later. 我过会一定要好好闭眼畅想一下
Anyway, that was six months ago, 不管怎样那是六个月前的事了
and we're still together. 而我们现在仍在一起
Six months? 六个月
Uh, you told me that you met Jade just a few weeks ago. 你跟我说你和洁德是几周前认识的
I'm pretty sure I said "months." 我肯定说的是"几个月"
No. No. 不不
You absolutely did not. 绝对不是
Well, obviously I made a mistake. 很明显是我说错了
Who wants dessert? 谁想吃甜点
- I got fortune cookies. - Actually, I was hoping -我有幸运饼干-说实话我本想着
we could jump in the hot tub. 我们可以去热水浴池泡一下
Were you? 是吗
If it's okay with you guys. 如果你们没意见的话
- I don't know. - Yeah, you know what? -我不确定-你猜怎么着
I'm not really in the mood for cookies. 我并不想吃饼干
Why don't I run down to that pie shop you like, 要不我去你喜欢的那家馅饼店
pick up some pecan? 买点山核桃馅饼
You guys... get in the hot tub, 你们...进到热水浴池
have a nice little soak until I get back. 好好泡一泡等我回来
That sounds amazing. 听起来太棒了
Doesn't that sound amazing? 难道不是吗
Yeah, you don't mind? 你不介意吗
Not at all. 完全不
Honey, I'm home. 亲爱的我回来了
Where are you? 你在哪儿呢
I'm right here, darling. 我在这呢亲爱的
I've missed you. 我好想你
Is dinner ready? 晚饭做好了吗
Uh... not yet. 还没
I've had a hell of day. 我今天被折腾得够呛
I'm gonna go fix myself a drink. 我去倒杯酒喝
Let me know when food's on the table. 晚饭好了叫我
So you had a rough day? 今天过得不顺吗
The worst. 糟透了
My best engineer quit today, 我最好的工程师今天辞职了
my secretary called in sick, and on top of all that, 我的秘书请假没来除此之外
I took my boss's briefcase home by mistake. 我错拿了我老板的公文包
I hope your day was better than mine. 我希望你今天过得比我好些
Well, now that you ask... 既然你问起来...
I had a lovely day. 我今天过得很愉快
- Oh? - Yes. -是吗-是的
I... bought a new dress. 我...买了条新裙子
Did you? 是吗
Yeah. 是的
That the dress? 这条裙子吗
It is. 正是
What do you think? 你觉得怎么样
It's nice. 不错
Just nice? 不错而已吗
It... cost a whole week's allowance. 它...花了我一整周的生活费
Why would you spend that much on a dress? 你为什么要买那么贵的裙子
I wanted to look pretty. 我想变得漂亮
For you. 为了你
Thanks. 谢了
- What's wrong? - I don't understand. -怎么了-我不明白
It has been years since I bought a new dress. 我已经多年没买过新裙子了
And I got my nails done, a-and I got a new hairdo. 我还做了美甲剪了新发型
How could you not notice? 你怎么会没注意到呢
Well, to be honest, I never notice stuff like that. 说实话我从没留意过那些
Why not? 为什么不呢
'Cause when I look at you, I don't see clothes or hair. 因为当我看你时我不在意衣服或发型
I just see you... the girl I married. 我只看得到你...我娶的那位姑娘
Is that so? 是这样吗
Yeah. I don't expect you to be chic or stylish. 是啊我没指望你会变得时髦动人
You're my wife. 你是我的妻子
I just need you to be the... same old Beth. 我只需要你做一直以来的那个贝丝
What the hell? 什么情况
If you're not going to notice what I'm wearing, 既然你不会留意我穿什么的话
why should I bother to wear anything at all? 我何必要穿衣服呢
Honey. 亲爱的
You want to see the same old Beth? 你不是想看从前的那个贝丝吗
Fine. Here she is in all her glory. 好啊老娘在此胴光闪耀
Honey! 亲爱的
Why is your boss here? 你老板怎么来了
He probably came to get his briefcase. 他可能是来拿公文包的
Could you give me a moment before you open the door? 在你开门之前能给我点时间吗
Definitely. 没问题
Simone! 萨蒙妮
I would prefer you call me Mrs. Grove. 你最好还是称呼我为格罗夫太太
At least in public. 起码在公共场合
You got it... Mrs. Grove. 没问题格罗夫太太
My mom asked me to bring you these get-well muffins. 我妈让我给你送些"康复"松糕
- Oh, that was nice of her. - Yeah, not really. -她人真好-并非如此
She just wanted me to find out what happened to Mr. Grove. 她只是想让我打探下格罗夫先生怎么了
- Well, you know what happened. - And I'm not telling her. -你知道是怎么回事-但我不会告诉她
So I guess it's kind of a waste of muffins. 也算枉费这些松糕了
But I can still carry them in the house for you if you'd like. 如果你喜欢我还是可以把它们送到府上
No, thank you. 不了谢谢
Come on, Simone! 拜托了萨蒙妮
Tommy, that kiss we shared was sweet, 汤米我们那一吻是很甜蜜
but it was not a down payment. 但它不是笔首付
Look, if you don't find me attractive, then just say so. 听着如果你觉得我不够迷人尽管直说
I find you alarmingly attractive, 我觉得你帅气逼人
but there are other considerations. 但是我还有其他顾虑
Like what? 比如
Your mother is my best friend. 你妈妈是我最好的朋友
- So? - So it would be an absolute betrayal -所以-所以如果我睡了她的小孩
to sleep with her child. 那是对她极大的背叛
I'm not a child. 我不是个小孩
I've grown up, and I-I've learned some things. 我已经长大了学到了些事情
Like... how to take care of a woman's needs. 比如...如何照顾一个女人的需求
Just give me a chance to show you the man that I've become. 给我个机会我会证明给你我已长成男人
That was a lovely speech, Tommy. 这番话很动人汤米
Next time try it without the skateboard. 下次别把滑板带上
God. Isn't this magical? 天这难道不美妙吗
Well... it's certainly nice. 确实很不错
Nice?! 不错
You have no idea the kinds of places I grew up in. 你对于我长大的那种地方一无所知
When I was a kid, i thought that houses like this only existed on TV. 我小时候以为这种豪宅只存在于电视中
You never talk about your childhood. 你从没提过你的童年
Yeah, yeah, that's 'cause it was shitty. 嗯因为很烂
It was just bouncing between foster homes 寄篱于一个个寄养家庭中
with parents who only saw me as another check from the government. 那些父母只把我看作是政府给的一张支票
But you make me feel like I'm worth something. 但你让我觉得我还是有价值的
So... 所以...
yeah, that's really magical. 真的那太神奇美妙了
I guess it is. 或许是吧
- Yeah, it is. - Is it? -就是的-对吧
Hey, guys. 你们好啊
Ooh, that's hot. 好烫啊
- Eli... - So funny. -伊莱-说起来有趣
I was on my way to the bakery, and I remembered 我在去烘焙店的路上突然想起来
we still have that pie in the fridge. 冰箱里还有一块馅饼没吃完呢
I'm so dumb. 我真是太傻了
You're also naked. Why? 你还裸着身子为什么
Am I the only one? 就我一个人裸着吗
Oh, gosh, that's awkward. 天呐好尴尬啊
Well, of course, there are two ways to fix this situation. 当然了现在有两种办法可以解决这个问题
I could put on a suit, or... 我可以穿件泳衣又或者...
- Inside. - What? -进屋去-什么
Inside... now. 进屋去马上
Oh, there we go. Steady. 好了稳一点
Use my arm. 扶着我的胳膊
It's very kind of you to help me like this. 你这样帮助我真是太好心了
Oh, here, sit. 来坐下
Oh, dear. Hang on. 天呐等等
There we are. 好了
So, um... 话说...
Shall we begin? 我们要开始吗
- Begin what? - The conversation. -开始什么-谈话
You-you must have questions for me. 你一定有很多问题要问我
When did I know I was gay? 比如我何时发现自己是同性恋的
How many men have I been with? 我跟多少男人在一起过
Karl, please. I just had lunch. 卡尔拜托别害我把午餐吐出来
You're not curious? 你不好奇吗
Not in the slightest. 一点都不好奇
And if this arrangement is going to work, 如果要想这样的安排长久持续下去
you can't bring up topics that will upset me. 你不能提起一些会惹我发怒的话题
But we need to talk about this 但我们必须谈谈这事
if we're to have any sort of rapprochement. 只有这样以后才能和谐地相处
What do you mean? 你什么意思
We've been married for ten years, Simone. 我们的婚姻已经持续十年了萨蒙妮
You can't say we haven't been happy. 你不能否认我们也幸福过
No, I can't. 是啊无法否认
I'm glad you know the truth. 我很高兴你现在知道真相了
Now we can deal with it, 现在我们可以面对它了
come to some sort of understanding, and... 达成某种理解并且...
maybe we could be happy again? 或许我们能够再次幸福
Darling, I'm not ready to discuss this yet. 亲爱的我还没准备好谈论这事
I've moved your things into the guest room. 我已经把你的东西都搬去客房了
I don't want anyone to know that we're staying in separate beds. 我不希望任何人知道我们现在分床睡了
Especially not my daughter. 尤其不能让我女儿知道
I understand. 我理解
Where are you going? 你要去哪儿
Oh, I-I felt a little chilly. 我觉得有点冷
I wanted to get my cashmere throw. 我想去拿我的开士米小毯子
Oh, well, I'll get it for you. 我去帮你拿
- Sit down. - Thank you. -坐下吧-谢谢
Don't be silly. 别说傻话
You're very kind, darling. 你真的很心善亲爱的
You son of a bitch! 你个混蛋
All right, um, if you'll just let me explain. 好吧请听我解释
Shut up. I'm counting pills. 闭嘴我在数药片呢
I-I admit I may... I may have dropped a few. 我承认我可能撒出来了一些
There are over 40 pills here. 这里还有40多片药
You said you swallowed the whole bottle. 你之前说你吞了一整瓶的药
How many did you really take? Two? Three? 你到底吞了多少片两片还是三片
They pumped my stomach. 他们给我洗胃了
I'm not paying for that. 我不会出那个医药费的
Not when a good burp would have saved you. 明明打个嗝都能吐出药片救活你
And where's your cane? 你的拐杖呢
Shit. 该死的
Please understand. 请你理解
I was trying to prove I love you. 我只是想证明我爱你
By faking a suicide attempt? 通过伪装自杀吗
You don't respond to small gestures! 不惊天动地你根本没反应
I'm going to work out. 我去健身了
If you and your things are not out of this house 如果等我回家时你和你的东西
by the time I get home, I will call the police. 还没滚出这个家我就报警
Where am I supposed to go? 我能去哪儿
I don't care! 我才懒得管
Well, maybe I'll go to Naomi's. 或许我会去娜奥米家
Yes. Uh, sh-she has a guest room. 没错她家有客房
Maybe she'll ply me with liquor 或许她会用酒招待我
and get me to spill all my lurid secrets. 听我倾诉我那些可怕的秘密
And why would you do that? 你为什么要那么做
You're the one who kept your sex life hidden. 是你对我隐瞒了你的性生活
I was married. 我有婚姻的啊
If you kick me to the curb, 如果你把我赶出家门
I'll have no reason - not to come out. 我也就没理由不出柜了
And then you, my love, will be another Grace Belknap. 到时候你就会成为下一个格蕾丝·贝尔纳普
Remember Grace? 还记得格蕾丝吗
Are you threatening me? 你是在威胁我吗
Yes, her husband ran off with their carpenter, I believe. 没错她丈夫好像跟一个木匠私奔了
Oh, your friends were so catty. 你那些朋友们都很恶毒
For God's sake, Karl... 老天呐卡尔
But you were the cruelest of all, Simone. 但你是其中最残酷无情的萨蒙妮
"Oh, poor Grace. 「可怜的格蕾丝
"I suppose her carpenter wasn't the only one with a stud finder." 她的木匠有寻柱器而她的丈夫有"寻鸡器"」
Oh, I imagine those women would relish the poetic justice 我猜如果你沦落到同样的境地
if you wound up in the same boat. 那些女人也同样会嘲笑和诋毁你的
Why are you doing this? 你为什么要这么做
I am fighting for our future happiness. 我在为我们未来的幸福而抗争
By blackmailing me. 通过胁迫我吗
Well, like I said... 就像我说的
you don't respond to small gestures. 不惊天动地你就毫无反应
What do you think you're doing? 你以为你在干什么
What do you mean? 什么意思
You own swim trunks, Eli, multiple pairs. 你是有很多条泳裤的伊莱
So why did Jade and I just get a face full of ass? 为什么要让洁德和我看到你的光屁股
- Well... - I'll tell you why. -这个...-我来告诉你是为什么
You thought if you left Jade and I alone to get comfortable, 你以为如果你让我和洁德独处
we'd get a little loose, a little frisky, 我们就会松懈下来燃起性欲
and then you could just slide right in 然后你就可以乘虚而入
and the three of us would fuck the night away. 然后今晚就可以来一场三人行
That may have been on my wish list, yes. 我也许的确这么想过是的
Solid plan. 计划还挺靠谱
Not gonna happen. 但不可能实现的
Okay. Okay. 好吧好吧
But what if it did? 但如果可以呢
I mean, think about it. 你想想啊
We like sex with each other. 我们喜欢和对方啪啪
We like sex with hot women. 我们也都喜欢和辣妹啪啪
It's one of the reasons we work as a couple. 这也是我们关系融洽的原因
We've got so much in common. 我们有很多共同点
That's fine for us. 我们这样是没关系
But what about Jade? 但洁德会怎么想
Oh, I'm... I'm pretty sure she's into me. 我...我很确定她喜欢我
What? Why? 什么为什么
The other day, she was going on and on 那天她一直不停地说
about how much she liked my movie. 她有多喜欢我的电影
I liked The Shining. 我喜欢《闪灵》
That doesn't mean I want to fuck Stephen King. 但不代表我想跟斯蒂芬·金上床
Okay, all right. Well, well, if you're not sure 好吧如果你不确定
that she'd be into it, 她感不感兴趣的话
ask her. 就问她
No, it'd be weird. 不那样太奇怪了
Weird how? 怎么奇怪了
Like, I don't know if she's that adventurous. 我不知道她有没有那么开放
She fucked you in a fitting room! 她可是跟你在试衣间里做了啊
Okay. It would be weird for us. 好吧对我们来说会很奇怪
We've never done anything like this before. 我们之前从来没做过类似的事情
No, it doesn't have to be a big deal. 其实没什么大不了
No, we-we've already got an open marriage. 我们已经是开放式婚姻了
Why can't it be open to Jade? 为什么不能开放给洁德呢
Fine. 好吧
I'll ask her for a three-way. 我会去问她愿不愿意三人行
Will that shut you up? 这样能不能让你闭嘴
I think you know it will. 你知道这肯定可以的
Okay, but we won't pressure her. 但我们不能向她施压
No. No, no. 绝对不会
I will take her aside, I will ask respectfully, 我会把她带到一边郑重问她
and if she says no... 如果她拒绝的话...
She says yes. 她同意了
You two coming or what? 你们来不来
His boss saw your tits? 他老板看到你的胸了
Don't make it sound worse than it was. 别把事情说得比本身还要遭
I'm not sure I could. 我可能做不到
I was so angry. 我当时真的很生气
I changed my whole look. 我全身上下都换了行头
Rob did not even notice. 罗伯都没有注意到
Here's my two cents, all right? 这是我的看法
Spend them wisely. 听仔细了
Rob isn't cheating on you because you don't wear 罗伯出轨并不是因为
the latest styles from Paris. 你的穿着没有紧跟巴黎时尚潮流
What do you mean? 什么意思
Ma! Mikey hit me. 妈妈迈克打我
What am I, your bodyguard? 我是你保镖吗
Hit him back. 打回去
So what I mean is, 我的意思是
how is your love life? 你的性生活怎么样
Are you doing everything you can to keep him interested? 你尽力保持他对你的兴趣了吗
Sheila. 希拉
Sometimes old dogs need new tricks. 有时候老狗也需要一些新花样
New tricks? 新花样
I was a virgin on my wedding night. 我新婚之夜时还是处女
I only know what Rob was willing to teach me. 我只会罗伯愿意教我的那些
There's a book that you should read. 有本书你该看看
What is this? 这是什么
It's a manual. 这是本手册
For married couples. 给夫妻用的
These are dirty pictures! 这都是小黄图
They're illustrations. 这是图解
They're scientific. 都是很科学的
Why do you have this? 你为什么会有这个
There was a time that Leo and I felt 有段时间我和利奥觉得
our love life needed a little zing. 我们的性生活需要一点刺激
And you actually do these things? 你真的会照着这些做
You see page 76? 你看到76页了吗
Yes. 看到了
That's how we got Benny. 我们就是这样怀上本尼的
Oh, dear. 天哪
Yeah. That's not for beginners. 这不是新手级别的
Let's go back a few chapters. 你往回翻几章
Ah. That's a classic. 这个很经典
We like to do that in the shower. 我们喜欢洗澡的时候用这个姿势
You've done that to Leo? 你为利奥做了这个
That's... 我的庞蒂亚克...
how I got my Pontiac. 就是这么来的
And you really think Rob will like these things? 你真的觉得罗伯会喜欢这些吗
I do. 是的
And... 而且...
I won't feel humiliated after? 这样之后我不会觉得很羞耻吗
Sex is how women gain power over men. 性是女性控制男性的方式
And there is nothing humiliating about that. 这没什么好羞耻的
Jumping jacks! 开合跳
Two, three, four, 二三四
five, six, seven, eight... 五六七八
Simone, I've never seen you work out so fiercely. 萨蒙妮我从没见你练得这么狠过
I began to wonder if maybe you're upset about something. 我在想你是不是有什么烦心事
Not at all. 完全没有
Just burning off the muffins you sent. 就是来消耗掉你送的松糕的
So, Karl's home? 所以卡尔回家了吗
Yes. 是的
And everything's fine? 一切都正常吗
Yes. 是的
Why do you ask? 为什么这么问
It's just... 只不过...
Wanda left the most cryptic message on my answering machine. 旺达在我的答录机上留了史上最含混的留言
Before she left for rehab. 在她去戒毒之前
She intimated that you and Karl were having 她暗示说你跟卡尔有
some sort of marital problems. 婚姻方面的问题
Oh, we're fine, Naomi. 我们好得很娜奥米
Now, if you'll excuse me. 好了恕我不能奉陪
Simone, please. 萨蒙妮拜托
You don't have to pretend. 你不必假装
Not with me. I wasn't surprised. 不用跟我假装我没有感到吃惊
I've known for some time about Karl's indiscretions. 卡尔的轻率之举我已经耳闻一段时间了
I don't know what you've heard... 我不知道你听说了什么
I didn't hear. 我不是听的
I saw with my own eyes. 我亲眼看到的
What exactly did you see? 你到底看到了什么
I-I was picking up my dry cleaning one day, 有天我去取干洗的衣服
and there was his car, 他的车停在那里
parked across the street at some seedy motel. 就在街对面的什么三流旅馆前面
So you know everything. 那你什么都知道了
I do. 是的
I mean, I couldn't tell you who the woman was, but... 我不能告诉你那个女人是谁但是...
The woman? 那个女人
I wanted to catch him in the act, 我本想抓他现行
but I couldn't just stand there all day, 但我也不能在那里站一天
waiting for him and his floozy to come out. 等他和他的姘头出来
So you have no idea who he was with? 所以你不知道他跟谁在一起
Do you? 你呢
Oh, Naomi. 娜奥米
I really do have to go. 我真的得走了
The important thing is, 重要的事情是
is that you finally know the truth. 你终于知道了真相
"Finally"? 终于
How long ago did this happen? 这是多久之前发生的
I don't know. 我不记得了
Year ago. 一年前吧
Maybe two. 或者两年前
You knew my husband was cheating for two years 你知道我丈夫出轨两年了
and you said nothing? 却一句话都没说
Wives always say they'd want to know 妻子们总说想知道
if their husbands were cheating, 丈夫到底有没有出过轨
but they never forgive the person who tells them. 但是却绝对不会原谅告诉她们的那个人
But you're my best friend. 但你是我最好的朋友
And you're... one of mine. 你也是我最好的朋友...之一
I'm so glad we had this talk. 我很庆幸我们有过这场谈话
You still want to make love to me? 你还想跟我滚床单吗
Yeah. 是的
I'm free today at 4:00. 我今天四点没事
Great. 好极了
Where should we go? 我们应该去哪里
You're a man now. Figure it out. 你是个男人了自己想
Hi there. 好呀
You're home early. 你早回家了
I have a business dinner. 要参加商务晚餐
I wanted to come home and shower first. 我想先回家洗一下
Another business dinner. 又是商务晚餐
You've had a lot of those lately. 最近你商务晚餐有点多
Sorry, honey. 抱歉亲爱的
Duty calls. 职责所在
Oh, before we get in there, got any Jade tips for me? 我们进去之前关于洁德有什么经验分享给我吗
You know, dos and don'ts? 能做的不能做的
Stuff she likes, stuff she doesn't. 她喜欢的她不喜欢的
Oh. You know that thing you do to me? 记得你喜欢对我做的那事吗
- With your tongue? - The circle thing. -用你的舌头-打转儿舔
- Yeah. - Yeah. -对-嗯
Don't do that. 别那样做
You don't think she'd like that? 你觉得她不会喜欢
- No. - Why not? -对-为什么
Because I've never liked it. 因为我从来都不喜欢
Copy that. Good tip. 收到好建议
Honey, what are you doing? 亲爱的你在做什么
What is this? 这是什么情况
I want to try something I read in a book. 我想试试在书里读到的玩意
I think you'll like it. 我觉得你会喜欢的
Beth Ann... 贝丝·安
I have to concentrate. 我需要专注
- Hold still. - Beth Ann. -站稳了-贝丝·安
Oh, my God. 天哪
Oh, my God. 天哪
Oh, my God. 天哪
Seriously, honey, that kind of hurts. 真的亲爱的这样有点疼
I'll go slower. 我会慢一点
You really don't have to... 你真的不必...
Oh, dear. 糟糕
Oh, my God. 天哪
I can't believe that just happened. 我简直不敢相信刚发生的事情
Well, it did. 但的确发生了
I must have done something... 我肯定是上辈子
really good in a past life. Like... 干了什么超级大好事比如
like maybe I was Jesus or... 比如我或许就是耶稣...或者
or that guy that cured polio. 治愈了小儿麻痹症的人
What was his name? 他叫什么来着
Yeah. 是的
Yeah, that's right. 是的没错
Yeah, it's all about you guys now. 现在该你们亲热了
So what can I do to help? 我能做点什么帮忙吗
I'm open to suggestion. 我乐于听取建议
Hello? 有人吗
Hey, babe, can you just give us a minute? 宝贝你能回避一下吗
Yeah, we're both very, very close. 对我们俩都快高潮了
Oh. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Sure. 好好当然
I'm hungry. 我饿了
You guys hungry? 你们饿吗
I'm gonna get some pie. 我去弄点馅饼
Simone. 萨蒙妮
Hello, Tommy. 你好汤米
You look nice. 你真漂亮
Thank you. 谢谢
I have the catering van all afternoon. 整个下午餐车都是我的
Oh, clever idea switching cars. 换车是个好主意
Where are we going? 我们去哪
What do you mean, "Where are we going?" 你说"我们去哪"是什么意思
We're here. 我们已经到了
You can't be serious. 你在搞笑吧
You want to make love to me in a catering van? 你想在一个餐车里做爱吗
The futon is brand-new, and so are the sheets. 床垫是新的床单也是
Well, technically, they're tablecloths. 严格来说是桌布
There's no way I'm getting into your mobile sex den. 我不会进入你的移动性窝的
For God's sake. 吓死我了
Then come inside. 那就赶紧进去吧
Come on. 快来
So... what do you think? 所以你觉得怎么样
You like the candle? 喜欢这蜡烛吗
It's sandalwood. 檀香油做的
All I can smell is pastrami. 我只能闻到五香熏牛肉的味道
Oh, yeah. We catered a bris yesterday. 对我们昨天刚给一场割礼备办了宴席
I can't do this. 我做不到
Wait. 等等
I even got us music. 我还为我们准备了音乐
I don't care if you hired the Budapest String Quartet. 请了布达佩斯弦乐四重奏乐团我也不管
I'm not fucking you in a van. 我才不要和你在货车里做爱
Look, I know you were probably hoping for a nice hotel, 我知道你希望能去一个不错的酒店
but I can't afford that. I'm sorry. 但是我付不起抱歉
Don't be. I needed to remember this is a bad idea. Thank you. 别我需要记起来这是个坏主意谢谢
Wait-wait. So y-you're just leaving? 等等所以你就这么走了吗
You've always been a good kid. 你一直都是个好小伙
And you're becoming a good... friend, 你也渐渐成了我的好朋友
but let's not let a silly impulse ruin that, okay? 但别让一次愚蠢的冲动毁了我们的关系好吗
Okay. 好吧
Goodbye. 再见
Goodbye. 再见
What will you tell the doctor? 你要怎么跟医生说
The truth. 真相
I was cut to shreds moments 在我妻子变成法国妓女之后
after my wife turned into a French whore. 我被切成了碎片
There's no need to be rude. 没必要这么粗鲁
Well, I'll be more pleasant once I've stopped bleeding profusely. 等我大出血停了后我会更友善的
For God's sake. What were you thinking? 老天爷啊你当时在想什么
I wanted to surprise you. 我想给你惊喜
Well, next time bake a cake. 下次烤个蛋糕就行了
I got the idea from... a sex manual. 我是从一本性手册上得到的灵感
It said men like that sort of thing. 上面说男人就喜欢这样
Well, men on shore leave, perhaps. 好吧上岸休假的船员也许会喜欢
Not me. 但我不喜欢
Well, I had to do something. 我总得做点什么吧
Why? 为什么
I feel you pulling away from me. 我感觉你在疏远我
That's not true. 不是这样的
It is. It absolutely is. 是的绝对是的
- It's work. I've been preoccupied. - No. -是工作我最近很忙-不是
It's more than that. 不只是这样
You're unhappy. 你不幸福
I see it. 我能看出来
Every day. 日复一日
You get up, you go to work, 起床工作
you come home, you eat dinner, 回家吃饭
you put on a smile for my benefit, 你敷衍地对我笑
and then you go to sleep. 然后就去睡觉了
That's what your life is. 你的生活就是这样
And it's empty. 很空虚
Because of what we've suffered. 因为我们所经历的痛苦
Please don't talk about that. 请别谈那事
We've tried not talking about it, 我们尝试过不去谈这事
and it doesn't help. 但是没用
You're drowning in the routine of your existence. 你快被你的日常生活淹没
I know because I'm drowning alongside you. 我很清楚因为我就在你身旁
But maybe if we help each other... 但也许我们互相帮助
we can survive. 我们就能挺过去
I wish I was a better man. 我希望我是个更好的男人
You are a fine man. 你已经很好了
I've made choices... 我做出了一些
I'm not proud of. 我不引以为傲的选择
Like what? 比如呢
Mr. Stanton? 斯坦顿先生
The doctor will see you now. 医生现在可以接待你了
Oh. Okay. 好的
I'll be back soon. 我很快就回来
Rob. 罗伯
I'm glad we had this little talk. 很高兴我们小谈了一下
I feel better. 我感觉好多了
That was fun, huh? 很有趣对吗
I mean, I knew sex was cool, 我是说我知道做爱很酷
because I'm not a virgin, 因为我不是处男
but my limited experience 但我与仪仗队的姑娘们
with the girls on the drill team 做的次数有限
did not prepare me for that. 还没玩过这么花的
Simone? 萨蒙妮
Hey, are you okay? 你还好吗
Are you sure? Because y-you seem upset. 确定吗因为你你看起来很沮丧
No. 没有
I now realize what I've been missing for... 我现在意识到我错过了什么
God, such a very long time. 天这么久了
So you and Mr. Grove never...? 你和格罗夫先生从没...
Not for years. 很多年没有过了
I told myself it's marriage. Passion fades. 我跟自己说这是婚姻激情会褪去
That's what happens when you get old. 老了就会这样
You're not old. 你不老
You're a goddess. 你是女神
Well, the temple's been closed for quite some time. 这座庙已经关了很久了
But thank you. 不过谢谢你
For reminding me that I'm still alive. 让我知道我还活着
You want to do it again? 你还想再来吗
Yes. What day's good for you? 当然你哪天方便
No, I meant now. 我是说现在
Now? 现在
You can go again already? 你已经又能硬了吗
Ah, youth. 年轻真好
Eli? 伊莱
In here. 我在这儿
I got to hand it to you, babe. 不得不说你真厉害亲爱的
That was some kind of fun. 刚才真爽
Oh, I'm so glad we went there. 真高兴我们那么做了
It was absolutely... 简直...
That's it? 你就没别的想说的吗
Hey, you don't get a lot of I-told-you-sos with me, babe. 你可没多少对我说"我就说吧"的机会哦
Don't waste this one. 别浪费了
What's wrong? 怎么了
Nothing. 没什么
Are you sulking? 你在生气吗
- No. - Then what's up? -没-那是怎么了
'Cause you don't look like a man who just had 因为你看上去可不像是个
his lifelong dream fulfilled. 刚实现了毕生梦想的男人
I need to ask you something. 我得问你件事
Okay. 问吧
You in love with her? 你爱上她了吗
I knew it. 我就知道
Six months. 六个月
That... should have been my first clue. 知道这个后我就该明白的
I think you're jumping to conclusions here. 你这是妄下结论
I saw the way that you looked at her. 我看到了你看她的样子
When? 什么时候
I was there in the doorway. 我当时在门口
You two were holding each other and... 你们俩互相搂着
I can't remember the last time you looked at me like that. 我已经记不起你上次那样看我是什么时候了
Honey. 亲爱的
This isn't about me. 这跟我无关
This is about you. 跟你有关
Don't do that. 别这样
You've been insecure lately because of your career. 你最近没有安全感因为你事业不顺
Are you in love with her? 你爱上她了吗
No. 没有
Really? Because... that look. 是吗因为那个眼神
Look, I'll admit, 我承认
she's more than just another hookup. 她不仅仅是个炮友
And I should have told you about her a long time ago. 我早该跟你提起她的
But my love story... 但我爱的人
is with you. 是你
And it always will be. 永远都会是
Okay? 好吗
I guess I have been feeling a little insecure lately. 我想我最近是不太有安全感
Yeah. 是的
And when you guys didn't come downstairs... 你们迟迟不下楼的时候...
I'm sorry about that. 我很抱歉
Truly. 真心地
Are we good? 我们没事了吧
Yeah, we're good. 没事了
I thought we were having pie. 不是说要吃馅饼吗
Yes, we are. We are. 吃的吃的
Great. 太好了
Just don't expect ice cream. 不过冰淇淋就别指望了
Unless you guys like it drinkable. 除非你们喜欢吃化了的
Oh, hello. 好啊
- Where have you been? - You committed adultery, Karl. -你去哪了-你犯了通奸卡尔
That means you're no longer entitled 这意味着你不再有权
to keep tabs on my life. 窥探我的生活
Fair enough. 好吧
Did you go to the gym? 你去了健身房吗
- Why? - Oh, I don't know. -怎么问这个-我也不知道
You seem, uh, energized. 你看上去容光焕发
Do I? 是吗
Yes. Have you embarked on a new exercise regimen? 是的你最近是开始了新的锻炼课程吗
As a matter of fact, I have. 事实上是的
And I plan on working out as often as I can. 我打算有空就去健身
Well, I should get going. 我该走了
To my dinner meeting. 去参加我的晚餐会议
You've just gotten back from the hospital. 你才从医院回来
I feel fine. 我感觉很好
Surely whomever you're meeting with has already left. 跟你见面的人肯定早走了
I called the restaurant. 我联系了餐厅
They're still there. 他们还在
Rob, please don't go. 罗伯拜托别走
Honey. 亲爱的
This has been an awkward night. 今晚真令人尴尬
I really do think you and I need some time together. 我真的觉得你我需要谈谈
I need to make an appearance. 我必须到场
They must be important clients. 他们一定是重要客户
Very important. 非常重要
Don't wait up. 别等我

