



The libswresample library performs highly optimized audio resampling, rematrixing and sample format conversion operations.

Specifically, this library performs the following conversions:

Resampling: is the process of changing the audio rate, for example from a high sample rate of 44100Hz to 8000Hz. 
Audio conversion from high to low sample rate is a lossy process. Several resampling options and algorithms are available.
Format conversion: is the process of converting the type of samples, for example from 16-bit signed samples to unsigned 8-bit or float samples. 
It also handles packing conversion, when passing from packed layout.
Rematrixing: is the process of changing the channel layout, for example from stereo to mono. 
When the input channels cannot be mapped to the output streams, the process is lossy, since it involves different gain factors and mixing.



struct SwrContext {                           
    enum AVSampleFormat  in_sample_fmt;      // input sample format
    enum AVSampleFormat int_sample_fmt;      // internal sample format
    enum AVSampleFormat out_sample_fmt;      // output sample format
    int64_t  in_ch_layout;                   // input channel layout
    int64_t out_ch_layout;                   // output channel layout
    int      in_sample_rate;                 // input sample rate
    int     out_sample_rate;                 // output sample rate
    int flags;                               // miscellaneous flags such as SWR_FLAG_RESAMPLE
    float slev;                              // surround mixing level
    float clev;                              // center mixing level
    float lfe_mix_level;                     // LFE mixing level
    float rematrix_volume;                   // rematrixing volume coefficient
    float rematrix_maxval;                   // maximum value for rematrixing output
    int matrix_encoding;                     // matrixed stereo encoding
    const int *channel_map;                  // channel index (or -1 if muted channel) map
    int used_ch_count;                       // number of used input channels
    int engine;

    int user_in_ch_count;                    // User set input channel count
    int user_out_ch_count;                   // User set output channel count
    int user_used_ch_count;                  // User set used channel count
    int64_t user_in_ch_layout;               // User set input channel layout
    int64_t user_out_ch_layout;              // User set output channel layout
    enum AVSampleFormat user_int_sample_fmt; // User set internal sample format
    int user_dither_method;                  // User set dither method
    struct DitherContext dither;

    int filter_size;                         // length of each FIR filter relative to the cutoff frequency
    int phase_shift;                         // log2 of the number of entries in the resampling polyphase filterbank
    int linear_interp;                       // if 1 then the resampling FIR filter will be linearly interpolated
    int exact_rational;                      // if 1 then enable non power of 2 phase_count
    double cutoff;                           // resampling cutoff frequency
    int filter_type;                         // swr resampling filter type
    double kaiser_beta;                      // swr beta value for Kaiser window                   

    float min_compensation;                  // swr minimum below which no compensation will happen
    float min_hard_compensation;             // swr minimum below which no silence inject / sample drop will happen
    float soft_compensation_duration;        // swr duration over which soft compensation is applied
    float max_soft_compensation;             // swr maximum soft compensation in seconds
    float async;                             // swr simple 1 parameter async, similar to ffmpegs -async
    int64_t firstpts_in_samples;             // swr first pts in samples

    int resample_first;                      // 1 if resampling must come first, 0 if rematrixing
    int rematrix;                            // flag to indicate if rematrixing is needed
    int rematrix_custom;                     // flag to indicate that a custom matrix has been defined

    AudioData in;                            // input audio data
    AudioData postin;                        // post-input audio data: used for rematrix/resample
    AudioData midbuf;                        // intermediate audio data
    AudioData preout;                        // pre-output audio data: used for rematrix/resample
    AudioData out;                           // converted output audio data
    AudioData in_buffer;                     
    AudioData silence;                                                     

    struct AudioConvert *in_convert;             // input conversion context
    struct AudioConvert *out_convert;            // output conversion context
    struct AudioConvert *full_convert;           // full conversion context
    struct ResampleContext *resample;            // resampling context
    struct Resampler const *resampler;           // resampler virtual function table

    double matrix[SWR_CH_MAX][SWR_CH_MAX];       // floating point rematrixing coefficients
    float matrix_flt[SWR_CH_MAX][SWR_CH_MAX];    // rematrixing coefficients
    int32_t matrix32[SWR_CH_MAX][SWR_CH_MAX];    // 17.15 fixed point rematrixing coefficients
    uint8_t matrix_ch[SWR_CH_MAX][SWR_CH_MAX+1]; // Lists of input channels per output channel



SwrContext *swr = swr_alloc();
av_opt_set_channel_layout(swr, "in_channel_layout",  AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1, 0);
av_opt_set_channel_layout(swr, "out_channel_layout", AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO,  0);
av_opt_set_int(swr, "in_sample_rate",     48000,                0);
av_opt_set_int(swr, "out_sample_rate",    44100,                0);
av_opt_set_sample_fmt(swr, "in_sample_fmt",  AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP, 0);
av_opt_set_sample_fmt(swr, "out_sample_fmt", AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16,  0);

// The same job can be done using swr_alloc_set_opts() as well:
SwrContext *swr = swr_alloc_set_opts(NULL,  // we're allocating a new context                       
                      AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO,  // out_ch_layout
                      AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16,    // out_sample_fmt
                      44100,                // out_sample_rate
                      AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1, // in_ch_layout
                      AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP,   // in_sample_fmt
                      48000,                // in_sample_rate
                      0,                    // log_offset
                      NULL);                // log_ctx



int swr_init(struct SwrContext *s){
    int ret;
    char l1[1024], l2[1024];

    // 检查参数
    if(s-> in_sample_fmt >= AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NB){
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);
    if(s->out_sample_fmt >= AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NB){
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);
    if(s-> in_sample_rate <= 0){
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);
    if(s->out_sample_rate <= 0){
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);
	// 参数赋值
    s->out.ch_count  = s-> user_out_ch_count;
    s-> in.ch_count  = s->  user_in_ch_count;
    s->used_ch_count = s->user_used_ch_count;
    s-> in_ch_layout = s-> user_in_ch_layout;
    s->out_ch_layout = s->user_out_ch_layout;
    s->int_sample_fmt= s->user_int_sample_fmt;
    s->dither.method = s->user_dither_method;
    // 选择重采样器
        case SWR_ENGINE_SOXR: s->resampler = &swri_soxr_resampler; break;
        case SWR_ENGINE_SWR : s->resampler = &swri_resampler; break;
            av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "resampling engine is unavailable\n");
            return AVERROR(EINVAL);
    // 分配输入输出的转换器
    s->in_convert = swri_audio_convert_alloc(s->int_sample_fmt,
                                             s-> in_sample_fmt, 
											 s->channel_map, 0);
    s->out_convert= swri_audio_convert_alloc(s->out_sample_fmt,
											 s->out.ch_count, NULL, 0);
    // 如果需要声道转换,初始化声道转换函数
    if(s->rematrix || s->dither.method) {
        ret = swri_rematrix_init(s);
        if (ret < 0)
            goto fail;
    return 0;
    return ret;




int swr_convert(struct SwrContext *s, uint8_t *out_arg[SWR_CH_MAX], 
				int out_count, const uint8_t *in_arg [SWR_CH_MAX], 
				int  in_count){
    AudioData * in= &s->in;
    AudioData *out= &s->out;
    int av_unused max_output;
    // 判断是否已经初始化
    if (!swr_is_initialized(s)) {
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);
		// 调用内部方法进行音频转换
        int ret = swr_convert_internal(s, out, out_count, in, in_count);
        if(ret>0 && !s->drop_output)
            s->outpts += ret * (int64_t)s->in_sample_rate;

        av_assert2(max_output < 0 || ret < 0 || ret <= max_output);

        return ret;
        AudioData tmp= *in;
        int ret2=0;
        int ret, size;
        size = FFMIN(out_count, s->in_buffer_count);
            buf_set(&tmp, &s->in_buffer, s->in_buffer_index);
            ret= swr_convert_internal(s, out, size, &tmp, size);
                return ret;
            ret2= ret;
            s->in_buffer_count -= ret;
            s->in_buffer_index += ret;
            buf_set(out, out, ret);
            out_count -= ret;
                s->in_buffer_index = 0;
        return ret2;


static int swr_convert_internal(struct SwrContext *s, 
                                AudioData *out, int out_count,
                                AudioData *in , int  in_count){

    // 如果是全量转换,直接转换,然后返回结果
        swri_audio_convert(s->full_convert, out, in, in_count);
        return out_count;
    // 重新分配缓冲区
    if((ret=swri_realloc_audio(&s->postin, in_count))<0)
        return ret;
        av_assert0(s->midbuf.ch_count == s->used_ch_count);
        if((ret=swri_realloc_audio(&s->midbuf, out_count))<0)
            return ret;
        av_assert0(s->midbuf.ch_count ==  s->out.ch_count);
        if((ret=swri_realloc_audio(&s->midbuf,  in_count))<0)
            return ret;
    if((ret=swri_realloc_audio(&s->preout, out_count))<0)
        return ret;
    // 没有转换部分,执行音频转换
    if(in != postin){
        swri_audio_convert(s->in_convert, postin, in, in_count);

        if(postin != midbuf)
            out_count= resample(s, midbuf, out_count, postin, in_count);
        if(midbuf != preout)
            swri_rematrix(s, preout, midbuf, out_count, preout==out);
        if(postin != midbuf)
            swri_rematrix(s, midbuf, postin, in_count, midbuf==out);
        if(midbuf != preout)
            out_count= resample(s, preout, out_count, midbuf, in_count);
    return out_count;


uint8_t **input;
int in_samples;
while (get_input(&input, &in_samples)) {
    uint8_t *output;
    int out_samples = av_rescale_rnd(swr_get_delay(swr, 48000) 
	                                 + in_samples, 44100, 48000, 
    av_samples_alloc(&output, NULL, 2, out_samples,
                     AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, 0);
    out_samples = swr_convert(swr, &output, out_samples,
                                     input, in_samples);
    handle_output(output, out_samples);



void swr_free(SwrContext **ss){
    SwrContext *s= *ss;
        if (s->resampler)


void swr_close(SwrContext *s){
