2021-01-30 Recap of 204th R.M. of XHTMC

It has about 1 month since my last attendance in XHTMC regular meeting.It feels so great to be back today. With strong excitment, i saw something really different compared with the old days. If one word i'm going to apply for describing the feeling about the meeting, that will be AWESOME.

Golden Sentences

I looked through their eyes and see a different Xi'an, fun and charming. I learned through their experience  and got a different life style, free and firm. I understood through their thoughts and saw a different joy, brave and independent.---By Joy

Evaluation, sometimes it is tough but it is love.---By Arya

The weather is not always sunshine.---Joe

Acturally there were much more golden sentences delivered during the meeting, unfortunately i just recorded in full words the above.There were many reasons incuding my poor stomach which was just filled during the first half of the meeting, the poor network connection which sometimes only allowed me to appreciate the body language of the speakers and the challenges of focusing on ideas of the wonderful speakers. All in all, what a pity to miss and what a strong desire to change strategy to catch more next time since i know well that the more i catch, the more furtune i feel i have.

Beautiful Ideas Inspired by Speakers

Big company or just a startup? The choice depends on your own desire at different situation.---From Scarlett

When there is one door shut down, maybe another window will be opened. People are always the drive to discover new happyniess. And life can be very colorful if you encounter the right friends. ---From Joy

President doesn't to be the real model in all aspects, but should be in optimisum and enthusiasm. ---From Carol

When people are really scared, they don't want to talk. Be aware of this especially in kids education.---From Joe

Even you don't have given gift in something, keep learning will equip you with great results.---From Julia

Don't limit yourself.---From Joe

Great opportunities are not given but earned by proactively speaking it out. Get the opprtunity in hands is the first step to sucess.---From FangJiao

Confidence is not jus tthe word we say, but also the action we do.---From Scarlett

The voice can also be so charming.---From Gabby

Look around and discover with hearts for the pop we can use to better speak our minds.---From Micheal

One of the key reasons that i am so fond of Toastmaster is i alwasy get inspired here. The efforts people make for good, the growth after practice and practice, and the minds shared when life reflected. Sincerely I'm looking forward to more friends show up, sign up and speak up.

To the Lovely People I Missed to Feedback During the Meeting

To Arya: I'm looking for the moment you play as Toastmaster for days since only by this role i get the opportunity to learn you more, appreciate you more. Congratulations. Elegant as always, confident on stage when speak in English big improved, transtion scripts carefully prepared, also strongly believe you soon will be more than you are now if more awareness about the interaction with the audience (especially with on-line friends and respond to the speakers' comments.)

To Sky: Not sure how you feel for yourself right now, i feel a strong and confident leader rising, leading in challanging ourselves again and again the thing we are not so sure, in speaking out our minds directly and sincerely since suppsose always we care we gather. Leave alone the paper, you don't need it especially when you do the role introduction. Your sincere eyes and wisdom insights attracts me much more than the dead paper.

To Diana: You and unique you i saw now when you stand on the stage. You observed, you listened, you transformed from ordinary to extrodinary. I can hardly imagine how shine you will become in Toastmaster since strong potention i see in you. Secrets of overcoming Ah language in the role introduction part or just leave it a question and then answer the report part? Try different to test the result in next role. And explore more relevant and valuable question for you as well for the speaker will help to build you a greater thinker.

To Liqiang: You grow so abruptly based on your accumulated strength in the past. Now I clearly can see and feel that power especially during your performance today. Always ready to serve every role and always ready to let the strong you to shine in an unique way. I see miracles happening when you are in the helm of XHTMC, surrounded and supported by the talented and devoted officer members. Keep fighting, you can make bigger miracles if you are ready to run together with your team members, creat more opportunities for other to shine as well, for example encourage the TTM to handle the challenge during the table topic section.

To Joy: Really enjoyed your stories in your ice-breaking speech. I saw a girl who is full of passion and love. So happy to have you with us. Also your parralel language structure impressed me a lot. I tried to record them as a whole but failed. For sure i need to improve my listening and fast-writing skills, one the other hand, i'm wandering whether we should stop and slow when we are going to impress others some informaiton. How about in your speech, stop before your parrale sentences, and stop again when you finish, that would leave me time to weight more the meaning of your words. What do you think?

To Carol: Really appreciate your attitude to reflect your role as president, which is really a good opportunity for us to move ahead. For your speech today, i noticed you tried to make a relexed beginning by applying a joke about sale a huge book and mini speech, it was really interesting however i felt a little bit confused by your serious tone. To me if more relexed tone togher with a enjoyed facial expression (you forhead frowned very often in front of camera) would work better on me for the humorous effect.

To David: Very nice to have you back with us with full engine. Two years in Toastmaster is definately not your limit, but a new start. Looking forward to your actions to make what you expect happen.

To the Meeting

I am so pround that XHTMC can make the on-line and off-line meeting combined so perfectly. Great job. And also thumbs up for the Rapid fire section which will assist the speaker get insights from different audience. Like Arya commented, though sometimes but for sure is due to love. Adimire to be honest i was when i hear the violin by Julia and the hot chat among participants during coffee breakfast.

Sincerely i hope on the one hand if the one-line and off-line combined regular meeting will carry on, more interaction especially for the on-line participants could be designed so the on-line frineds can join more; on the other hand the Rapid Fire could try one by one instead of all speakers all toghter. If i were the speaker, i prefer to collect all the feedbacks once and for all, and i feel no much opportunity for others as audience if one participant delivery the comments to all the speakers once and for all which would take much time in overall.

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