

  • Initialize()
  • Load Project(string Path, uint channelID, out long projectHandle)
  • Start(long projectHandle, CallbackProgressDelegate progressCallback, CallbackStatusDelegate statusCallback)
  • Unload Project(long projectHandle)
  • Deinitialize()

Flashing an ECU can be a time-intensive process, so it’s no wonder that automotive OEMs are looking for ways to speed up production. Luckily, Vector has released a set of C/C# API commands called vFlashStation.

This library has the capability to simultaneously flash up to eight ECUs on separate communication channels. Additionally, these APIs are compatible with several application environments, including LabVIEW.

Learn vFlashStation API Calls
This blog explains how we were able to integrate Vector’s vFlashStation API with NI’s LabVIEW development environment to flash software to multiple ECUs at a time.

To flash an ECU, there are five necessary commands:


Description: Synchronously initializes the vFlash library. This must be called before calling any other command.

Load Project(string Path, uint channelID, out long projectHandle)

Description: Synchronously loads a packed project (.vflashpack) to a specific channel. The flash project contains important data such as the security seed key and necessary flashware. The packed project must be initially created using the vFlash GUI that comes with the hardware.


Path: filepath to the vFlash packed project (.vflashpack).

channelID: Channel number for the project. It must match the numbers used in the Vector Hardware Configuration screen (vFlash CAN 1, vFlash CAN 2, etc.).

projectHandle: The method will return a handle (ID) for the newly loaded project.

Start(long projectHandle, CallbackProgressDelegate progressCallback, CallbackStatusDelegate statusCallback)

Description: Asynchronously starts the flash process for the channel as indicated by the projectHandle.


projectHandle: Handle (ID) to the project to be flashed. Should have been created during the Load Project method.

progressCallback: Delegate reporting the flash progress in percent and time remaining (seconds).

statusCallback: Delegate reporting the status of the flash process (enum containing success or error information).

Unload Project(long projectHandle)

Description: Synchronously unloads the project associated with the project handle.


projectHandle: ID of the associated project and channel. Should have been created during the Load Project method.


Description: Deinitializes the vFlash library in order to free allocated resources.
These are the bare bone methods required to flash an ECU through the vFlashStation API. While the other methods are not described in detail in this blog post, Vector also created other API calls to customize reporting, networks, flash attributes, and custom actions.

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