编写一个 SQL 查询,查找 Person 表中所有重复的电子邮箱。
Id | |
1 | a@b.com |
2 | c@d.com |
3 | a@b.com |
a@b.com |
解题思路:group by … having
// 解法1
select email from person group by email having count(email)>1
select email from (select count(1) as t,email from person group by email)r where r.t>1;
select distinct(p1.Email) from Person p1 join Person p2 on p1.Email = p2.Email AND p1.Id!=p2.Id
给定一个 salary 表,如下所示,有 m = 男性 和 f = 女性 的值。交换所有的 f 和 m 值(例如,将所有 f 值更改为 m,反之亦然)。要求只使用一个更新(Update)语句,并且没有中间的临时表。
注意,您必只能写一个 Update 语句,请不要编写任何 Select 语句。
id | name | sex | salary |
1 | A | m | 2500 |
2 | B | f | 1500 |
3 | C | m | 5500 |
4 | D | f | 500 |
id | name | sex | salary |
1 | A | f | 2500 |
2 | B | m | 1500 |
3 | C | f | 5500 |
4 | D | m | 500 |
SQL语句 - case…when…then…end语句使用
case语句- 适用于一个条件判断有多种值情况下 分别执行不同的操作。
// 解法一
update salary set sex = case when sex = 'm' then 'f' else 'm' end;
update salary set sex = if(sex='m','f','m');
update salary set sex = char(ascii('m') + ascii('f') - ascii(sex));
这里有张 World 表
name | continent | area | population | gdp |
Afghanistan | Asia | 652230 | 25500100 | 20343000 |
Albania | Europe | 28748 | 2831741 | 12960000 |
Algeria | Africa | 2381741 | 37100000 | 188681000 |
Andorra | Europe | 468 | 78115 | 3712000 |
Angola | Africa | 1246700 | 20609294 | 100990000 |
如果一个国家的面积超过 300 万平方公里,或者人口超过 2500 万,那么这个国家就是大国家。
编写一个 SQL 查询,输出表中所有大国家的名称、人口和面积。
name | population | area |
Afghanistan | 25500100 | 652230 |
Algeria | 37100000 | 2381741 |
// 解法一
select name,population,area from world group by population,area having population > 25000000 or area > 3000000;
select name,population,area from world where population > 25000000 or area > 3000000;
某城市开了一家新的电影院,吸引了很多人过来看电影。该电影院特别注意用户体验,专门有个 LED显示板做电影推荐,上面公布着影评和相关电影描述。
作为该电影院的信息部主管,您需要编写一个 SQL查询,找出所有影片描述为非 boring (不无聊) 的并且 id 为奇数 的影片,结果请按等级 rating 排列。
例如,下表 cinema:
id | movie | description | rating |
1 | War | great 3D | 8.9 |
2 | Science | fiction | 8.5 |
3 | irish | boring | 6.2 |
4 | Ice song | Fantacy | 8.6 |
5 | House card | Interesting | 9.1 |
id | movie | description | rating |
5 | House card | Interesting | 9.1 |
1 | War | great 3D | 8.9 |
解题思路:!=、and、order by …desc
// 解法一
select id,movie,description,rating from cinema where description != 'boring' and id%2 != 0 order by rating desc;
表1: Person
列名 | 类型 |
PersonId | int |
FirstName | varchar |
LastName | varchar |
PersonId 是上表主键
表2: Address
列名 | 类型 |
AddressId | int |
PersonId | int |
City | varchar |
State | varchar |
AddressId 是上表主键
编写一个 SQL 查询,满足条件:无论 person 是否有地址信息,都需要基于上述两表提供 person 的以下信息:
FirstName, LastName, City, State
解题思路:left join 保留左表所有记录,右表不存在,字段为NULL
知识点: https://blog.csdn.net/m0_37882192/article/details/109961198
// 解法一
select Person.FirstName,Person.LastName,Address.City,Address.State from Person left join Address on Person.PersonId = Address.PersonId;
Employee 表包含所有员工,他们的经理也属于员工。每个员工都有一个 Id,此外还有一列对应员工的经理的 Id。
Id | Name | Salary | ManagerId |
1 | Joe | 70000 | 3 |
2 | Henry | 80000 | 4 |
3 | Sam | 60000 | NULL |
4 | Max | 90000 | NULL |
给定 Employee 表,编写一个 SQL 查询,该查询可以获取收入超过他们经理的员工的姓名。在上面的表格中,Joe 是唯一一个收入超过他的经理的员工。
Employee |
Joe |
// 解法一:自链接
select e1.Name as Employee
from employee e1, employee e2
where e1.ManagerId= e2.Id
and e1.Salary > e2.Salary
select e.Name as Employee
from employee e
where salary > (select salary from employee where Id = e.ManagerId)
某网站包含两个表,Customers 表和 Orders 表。编写一个 SQL 查询,找出所有从不订购任何东西的客户。
Customers 表:
Id | Name |
1 | Joe |
2 | Henry |
3 | Sam |
4 | Max |
Orders 表:
Id | CustomerId |
1 | 3 |
2 | 1 |
Customers |
Henry |
Max |
解题思路:not in 、left join、not exists
链接: https://blog.csdn.net/m0_37882192/article/details/111185449
// 375 ms, 在所有 MySQL 提交中击败了71.87%的用户
select name as Customers from Customers a where a.Id not in (select CustomerId from Orders);
select c.Name as Customers from Customers c left join Orders o on o.CustomerId = c.Id where o.Id is null;
select c.Name as Customers from Customers c where not exists (select 1 from Orders o where o.CustomerId = c.Id);