
英文 中文
There you are, Mr Bates. It's in. Came this morning. 拿好贝茨先生收到了今早送来的
They said it would, which isn't quite the same thing. 他们说可能会到还是有区别的
Hello. 你好
I could have posted that for you. 早知道我就帮你寄了
Well, I prefer to do it myself. 还是我自己来吧
I'll wait outside. 我在外边等你
Lovely. 好的
What are you doing? 你在干什么
If you must know, I'm trying to find some space 你非要打听的话我想把橱柜上边
on top of the cupboard to make life easier. 腾出些空间屋里就不会那么挤了
So, what's in it, then? 里边装了什么
What? 什么
The bleeding great packing case that weighs a tonne, that's what. 那个该死的大箱子重得要死还能有什么
- Can't you just leave it? - No, I can't. -你别问行吗-不不行
And you'll tell me right now. 你现在就得告诉我
- Anything interesting? - Not particularly. -有什么趣事吗-没有
It's from Evelyn Napier. 是艾弗林·奈皮尔寄来的
You met him with 去年十一月唐克斯特赛马会
the Delderfields last November, at Doncaster races. 他和戴德菲尔兹一家在一起你们见过面
- Is that Lord Branksome's boy? - It is. -是布兰克森老爷的儿子吗-没错
Do you like him? 你喜欢他吗
- I don't dislike him. - And what's he writing about? -我不讨厌他-他信上说些什么
Nothing much, he's out with the York and Ainsty next week. 没什么下周他要跟约克安斯提的人出去狩猎
The meet is at Downton. He'll want some tea when he's up here. 集合地点就在唐顿届时他会来喝杯茶
Where's he staying? With friends? 他住在哪和朋友一起吗
He says he's found a pub that caters for hunting. 他说找了一家为狩猎提供住宿的酒吧
Well, we can improve on that. 我们能提供更好的条件
He must come here. He can send the horses up early if he wants. 让他来这里吧早晨他可以随时备马出发
He'll know why you're asking him. 他能猜到你邀请他的原因
I can't think what you mean. 我不明白你说什么
His mother's a friend of mine. She'll be pleased at the idea. 我是他母亲的朋友她肯定喜欢这个提议
Not very pleased, she's dead. 不怎么喜欢她过世了
All the more reason, then. 那就更有理由邀请他了
You can write a note, too, and put it in with mine. 你可以写个便条然后和我的一起寄出去
Should I tell him about your friendship with his late mother? 我要不要提及你与他亡母的交情
I am sure you, of all people, can compose a letter 我很确信众人当中
to a young man without any help from me. 唯独你给年轻男子写信用不着我帮忙
How much did it cost? 这个花了多少钱
Every penny I'd saved. Almost. 我的全部积蓄差不多
And is this the mystery lover? 这个就是你的秘密情人吗
I've been taking a correspondence course in typing and shorthand. 我参加了一项有关打字和速记的函授课程
That's what was in the envelopes. 信封里就是课件
- Are you any good? - Yes. -你学得好吗-当然
I am, actually. 说实话我学得很好
Her Ladyship wants the fawn skirt Lady Mary never wears. 夫人要玛丽小姐从来不穿的那件黄褐色短裙
The seamstress is going to 缝纫女工要把它
fit it to Lady Sybil, but I can't find it. 改成茜玻小姐的尺寸不过我没找到
I'll come in a minute. 我马上就去
- They're waiting now. - One minute. -她们正等着呢-马上就去
I'm just changing my cap and apron. 我得换帽子和围裙
Have you told anyone? What did your parents say? 你跟别人说过吗你父母怎么看
I can't tell them till I've got a job. 没找到工作之前我不能告诉他们
Dad will think I'm a fool 放弃这份好差事我爸会觉得我
to leave a good place and Mum will say I'm getting above myself, 不知好歹我妈妈会说我好高骛远
- but I don't believe that. - Nor do I. -但我不这么想-我也不这么想
It's not of my doing. It's all Mary's own work. 这事与我无关全是玛丽自己在忙活
But I think we should encourage it. 不过我觉得我们应该鼓励她
Branksome's a dull dog, but I don't suppose that matters. 布兰克森这人不解风情但这似乎不要紧
Did you know his wife had died? 你知道他妻子去世了吗
He only ever talks about racing. 他就知道谈论赛马
Cora is right. 柯拉是对的
Mary won't take Matthew Crawley, 玛丽不会接受马修·卡劳利
so we'd better get her settled 所以得赶快把她嫁出去
before the bloom is quite gone off the rose. 否则青春易逝容颜易老
Is the family an old one? 这个家族有历史吗
Older than yours, I imagine. 我想比你家历史久远
- Old enough. - And there's plenty of money. -挺古老的-而且家产颇丰
- Oh, really? - Hmm. -是吗-嗯
Mama, you've already looked him up in the stud books 母亲你早就在纯血种马簿里查过他们
and made enquiries about the fortune, don't pretend otherwise. 打听过他们的家产了不要装得毫不知情
Are you afraid someone 你是不是在担心
will think you're American if you speak openly? 如果你表现得太坦诚会被当成美国人
I doubt it'll come to that. 也不是不可能
- Shall I ring for tea? - No, not for me. -摇铃让他们端茶吗-不我不要了
I'm meeting Cripps at five. I'll see you at dinner. 我约了克里普斯五点见面晚餐见
You don't seem very pleased. 你看起来不太满意
I'm pleased. 还算满意
- It's not brilliant, but I'm pleased. - So? -虽不完美也还凑活-那么
I don't want Robert to use a marriage 我不想让罗伯特以婚姻为借口
as an excuse to stop fighting for Mary's inheritance. 放弃争夺玛丽的继承权
It won't make any difference. 其实那都无所谓
I don't think he has the slightest intention of fighting as it is. 我觉得他压根就没想去争
The price of saving Downton 保住唐顿庄园的代价就是
is to accept Matthew Crawley as his heir. 让马修·卡劳利成为他的继承人
What about you? 那你怎么想
I don't dislike Matthew. 我对马修并无反感
In fact, I rather admire him. 老实说我挺欣赏他
Is that sufficient reason to give him your money? 仅凭这点你就把所有家产都交给他吗
- Of course not. - Then there's nothing more to be said. -当然不是-那就无需多言了
Are we going to have tea or not? 我们不是要喝茶吗
Hello. 你好
I'd offer you a lift if I could. 不介意的话我送你一程
It was you I was coming to see. 我就是来找你的
Well, then, your timing is matchless. I've just got off the train. 你的时间算得真精确我刚下火车
The other day, at dinner, 那天进餐的时候
Cousin Isobel was saying 伊泽贝尔堂亲说
you wanted to see some of the local churches. 你想逛逛当地的教堂
She's right. I do. 她说的没错我确有此意
I want to know more about 如果要在这里定居
the county generally, if I'm to live here. 我想更全面地了解这个郡
Well, I thought I might show you a few of the nearer ones. 我想我可以带你看看附近的几座教堂
We could take a picnic and make an outing of it. 我们可以带上食物就当是远足了
- That's very kind. - Nonsense. I'll enjoy it. -你真热情-哪里我会很享受的
It's too long since I've played the tourist. 我很久没出去转转了
Well, it would have to be a Saturday. 那就只能选星期六了
The churches work on Sunday and I work all the weekdays. 星期日教堂要工作平时我要工作
Then Saturday it is. 那就星期六吧
I'll get Lynch to sort out the governess cart 我让林奇去准备马车
and I'll pick you up at about 11:00. 十一点钟我会来接你
- How does it work? - Well, it's easy. -这个怎么用-很简单
You just press the letters and they print on the paper. 你只要按这些字母就能印到纸上了
Get back, please. 请你们离远点
They were trying to hide it, so I knew it was wrong. 她们企图藏什么东西被我看出来了
Where's Gwen now? 格温现在在哪里
Doing the dining room with Anna, they'll be finishing. 和安娜一起收拾餐厅马上就能回来
Then I'll wait. 那我就等着
With all due respect, Mr Carson, Gwen is under my jurisdiction. 恕我直言卡森先生格温归我管
Indeed she is, Mrs Hughes, 的确如此休斯太太
and I have no intention of usurping your authority. 我绝没有企图篡夺您的职权
I merely want to get to the bottom of it. 我只是想搞清事情的真相
Why shouldn't Gwen have a typewriter, if she wants one? 为什么格温想要一台打字机都不行
Mind your own business. 别多管闲事
- What's that doing here? - Ah, Gwen. Come in. -那东西怎么会在这里-格温快进来
Why is that down here? Who's been in my room? 那东西怎么会在这里谁进我的房间了
They had no right. 他们无权这么做
See here. In the first place, 注意了首先
none of the rooms in this house belong to you. 这座庄园里的任何一个房间都不属于你
And in the second, I am in charge of your welfare 其次你的一切由我负责
and that gives me every right. 因此我也有权管你
This is you, isn't it? 是你做的对不对
All we want is to know what Gwen wants with a typewriter 我们只想搞清楚格温要打字机做什么
and why she feels the need to keep it secret? 她为何要对此保密
She wants to keep it private, not secret. 这是她的隐私并非有意隐瞒
- There's a difference. - Amen. -这是有区别的-阿门
I've done nothing to be ashamed of. 我没做任何丢人的事情
I've bought a typewriter 我买了台打字机
and I've taken a postal course in shorthand. 我一直在上函授速写课
I'm not aware that either of these actions is illegal. 我不知道这些行为哪里犯法了
Will you tell us why, preferably without any more cheek? 有话好好说别这么没轻没重的
Because I want to leave service. I want to be a secretary. 因为我不想做女仆了我想当秘书
You want to leave service? 你不想当女仆了
What's wrong with being in service? 当女仆有什么不好
Nothing's wrong with it. 没什么不好
And there's nothing wrong with mending roads, neither, 修马路也没什么不好
but it's not what I want to do. 但我不想这样干下去
I should remind you that there are plenty of young girls 我得提醒你有很多年轻姑娘
who will be glad of a position in this house. 对这里的工作求之不得呢
And when I hand in my notice I shall be happy 那不正好等我一辞职
to think one of them will be taking my place. 自然有人顶替我的位置
What makes you think we'll wait till then? 你觉得自己还能待到那个时候吗
Are you hiring and sacking now, Miss O'Brien? 什么时候轮到你当家了奥布瑞恩太太
I thought that lay with 我以为这事本该由
Mr Carson and Mrs Hughes. 卡森先生和休斯太太来定夺
Enough of this. I'm going to ring the dressing gong 都别吵了我要去通知晚餐更衣了
and we'll have no more talk of this tonight. 今晚谁都不许再提此事
Can I have my machine back now? 我能把打字机拿回去了吗
Very well, but I wish I were sure you know what you're doing. 可以但是我希望你好自为之
Daisy, what's happened to you? 黛西你怎么回事
I said you could go for a drink of water, 我让你来喝点水
not a trip up the Nile. 又不是让你去尼罗河
Which churches will you show him? 你准备带他去哪几个教堂
I can't decide. 还没想好呢
Kirby, possibly, or perhaps Easingwold. 柯比吧要不去伊兴沃德教堂
You don't think you're being a bit obvious? 不觉得你表现得太直白了吗
Coming from you, that's rich. 你说我直白真是笑话
There was a letter from Mr Napier in the evening post. 晚邮送来一封奈皮尔先生的信件
- Oh. Did he accept? - Not yet. -他答应来了吗-还没
Perhaps he thought it was too obvious. 大概他觉得太直白了吧
Apparently, he's bringing a friend with him. 很显然他有位友人同行
An attache at the Turkish Embassy. A Mr Kemal Pamuk. 土耳其大使馆的专员科莫·帕努克先生
He's the son of one of the Sultan's ministers 他是苏丹某大臣之子
and he's here for the Albanian talks. 是为阿尔巴尼亚会谈而来
- What's that? - To create an independent Albania. -会谈什么-建立独立的阿尔巴尼亚
Don't you read the papers? 你平时不看报纸的吗
I'm too busy living a life. 活得太滋润没时间看报
Since Turkey's signature is vital, 鉴于获得土耳其的支持至关重要
Mr Napier's been given the job 在会谈前奈皮尔先生的任务就是
of keeping him happy until the conference begins. 好生招待专员使其尽欢
And he's eager to try an English hunt. 而他很想尝试英式狩猎
I shall invite this Mr Pamuk to stay here as well. 那就把这位帕努克先生也请来
Who knows, 没准
a little hospitality in an English house 英式府邸的盛情款待
may make all the difference to the outcome. 能对会谈产生出其不意的效果呢
And Mary, you will ride out with him. 玛丽你得随行作陪
Oh, Mama, must I? 妈妈有必要吗
My boots are at the menders 我的靴子还没修好
and I haven't ridden for weeks. 我都好几个星期没骑马了
Anna? Please see that Lady Mary is fully equipped to go hunting. 安娜去把玛丽小姐的狩猎装备齐全
Yes, Your Ladyship. 好的夫人
Yes? 有事吗
I saw this advertisement for a limp corrector. 我看到这张跛足矫正器的广告
Yes? 怎么了
What does it do, exactly? 这个到底是干什么用的
It corrects limps. 矫正跛足的
Does it work? 有效吗
Well, as I make it and I advertise it, 东西我做的广告我发的
is it likely I'd say no? 难道我会说没用吗
Could I see one? 能拿一个给我瞧瞧吗
Here we are. 瞧好了
You adjust this to the right height to minimise the limp. 把这个调整到合适的高度矫正跛足
You tighten these, gradually, as tight as you can stand, 逐渐拧紧直到无法再忍受
and as the legs straighten the foot lowers to the floor. 等把腿掰直了脚自然就能落地了
Can't say it's going to be easy. 戴上不好受
And you can't slack. 戴上就得坚持
Every day, all day, 想要治好
if you mean business. 就得天天戴戴一整天
All right. 明白了
How much? 多少钱
She asks if we can both dine on Saturday? 她邀请我们周六一同赴宴
There are two young men staying, 到时还会有另外两位年轻男客
so you won't be so out numbered for once. 你就不会寡不敌众了
What men? 什么客人
A Turkish diplomat 一个土耳其外交官
called something I can't read 名字很拗口我念不出来
and "Lord Branksome's charming son", 还有布兰克森爵爷的爱子
who's to be flung at Mary, presumably. 八成是给玛丽介绍的
When it comes to Cousin Mary, 说到玛丽堂妹
she's quite capable of doing her own flinging, I assure you. 以她的能力哪还用得着别人介绍
Ah, open the door, can you? 拜托帮忙开下门
I couldn't find her breeches anywhere, 哪儿都找不着她的马裤
so I asked Mr Bates 我问了贝茨先生
and he looked among His Lordship's riding clothes 然后他去老爷的骑射行头里找了找
and there they were. 还真给找着了
I only hope to god I've got everything. 现在我就希望别落下什么东西
Hat, I'll do here. 帽子我拿着呢
Gloves and crop are in the hall. 手套和马鞭在门厅
Gwen? 格温
Whatever's the matter? 你怎么了
Hey, come on, sit down. 别哭坐下
What's up? 怎么了
Oh, I'm just being silly. 没事一时耍性子
You should get that brushed. 你应该把那个拿去刷刷
He won't be up for another half an hour. Now, what is it? 老爷还得半个小时才起出什么事了
Well, I suppose I've just realised that it's not going to happen. 我只是意识到没可能了
- What isn't? - Oh, none of it. -什么没可能-都没可能
I'm not going to be a secretary. 我没可能成为秘书
I'm not going to leave service. 我也没可能不做女仆
I doubt I'll leave here before I'm 60. 六十岁之前我都不会离开这里
What's all this? 怎么这么消极
You saw their faces. 你看见他们的表情了
And they're right. Oh, look at me. 他们说的没错瞧瞧我自个儿
I'm the daughter of a farmhand, I'm lucky to be a maid. 农夫的女儿当女仆够幸运了
I was born with nothing and I'll die with nothing. 生不带来死不带去一条贱命活一世
Don't talk like that. 别说这样的话
You can change your life if you want to. 有志者事竟成
Sometimes you have to be hard on yourself, 尽管过程艰辛
but you can change it completely, I know. 但你还是能改变命运的
Mr Bates? 贝茨先生
Are you all right? 你还好吧
Take her upstairs, dry her off. 带她上楼把眼泪擦干

