Business Insider日读新闻随记13


Hadean built a simulation engine that could handle a 10,000 players battle royale

British startup Hadean claims to have created a new simulation engine that would allow thousands of gamers to participate in a battle royale-style fight simultaneously.

CCP Games currently holds the record for the largest number of players in a single battle, at 6,142 players through EVE Online. A cloud operating system called HadeanOS. Aether Engine plugs into these third-party engines and handles the simulation side of games. 

Hadean believes its software will eventually have much bigger applications than gaming. It’s worth noting that the startup is at an early stage and, according to LinkedIn, currently has fewer than 30 employees. The startup has just raised £7 million ($US9.1 million) in a fresh round of funding. Technology companies today are hampered by their ability to scale their platforms to meet demand and exploit data,” said Hadean CEO Craig Beddis in a statement. “Our technology, which was derived from first principles, eliminates the significant manpower and time wasted on engineering and DevOps."

Why the US is terrified of one Chinese company controlling the world's 5G networks 

Around 100,000 technology vendors, carriers, and device makers head to Mobile World Congress in Barcelona every year. This year, the conversation was dominated almost exclusively by 5G, as carriers look to introduce next-generation, superfast mobile networks.

Rotating chairman Guo Ping took to the stage on Tuesday morning to talk up Huawei’s 5G business to a cavernous auditorium filled with telecoms executives and journalists.

His speech took an unexpected turn about halfway through, when he fired a shot at the US government, turning claims that Huawei spies on behalf of China back on America.

Asked if the US might simply be worried about leaning too heavily on a foreign tech company, Strayer said: “Really I think the question is this: Do you want to have a system that is potentially compromised by the Chinese government or would you rather go with a more secure alternative?” Security experts with ties to the US government said America’s lobbying efforts are about more than just protecting the West’s nascent 5G networks from potential Chinese spies.

The Americas account for only a small portion of Huawei’s business from 2017. Just 6.5% of its $US90 billion in revenue came from the Americas that year, while Europe accounted for more than a quarter.

Technology will displace millions of workers worldwide - what can we do?

20-25% of the workforce will be displaced over the the next 10-20 years. As the deployment of automation technology accelerates, as many as 40 million jobs could be lost in the US over the next one to two decades. 

Beyond the traditional educational construct of study-then-work to a study-and-work career-connected learning (CCL) approach that combines classroom instruction with relevant, real-world experience. The educational system as highlight that “moving programs from merely notable to broadly relevant requires meeting the needs of both employers and students at scale”.

An essential starting point for career-connected learning is the understanding that it is a connected series of experiences that come in three phases, beginning with awareness, building to preparation and culminating with career launch. Going forward, our students will need affordable, practical ways to learn and work in continual self-reinforcing cycles throughout a career, developing new skills as required to meet the demands of an ever-shifting economic landscape

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