《Word Power Made Easy》——Chapter 7 骗子和谎言



单词 涵义
1. notorious famous—or infamous—for lying; tendency to falsify is well-known
2. consummate great skill
3. incorrigible too far gone to be reformed—impervious to rehabilitation
4. inveterate lying has become a deep-rooted habit
5. congenital lying had very early beginnings—as if from birth
6. chronic over and over
7. pathological an irresistible compulsion to lie—often for no rational reason; lying is a disease
8. unconscionable lack of regret or remorse
9. glib great smoothness
10. egregious viciousness of the lies
单词 发音
1. notorious nƏ-TAWR′-ee-Əs
2. consummate KAHN′-sƏ-mƏt
3. incorrigible in-KAWR′-Ə-jƏ-bƏl
4. inveterate in-VET′-Ə-rƏt
5. congenital kƏn-JEN′-Ə-tƏl
6. chronic KRON′-ik
7. pathological path′-Ə-LOJ′-Ə-kƏl
8. unconscionable un-KON′-shƏ-nƏ-bƏl
9. glib GLIB
10. egregious Ə-GREE′-jƏs
单词 发音
1. notoriety nō-tƏ-RĪ′-Ə-tee
2. to consummate (v.) KON′-sƏ-mayt′
3. consummacy kƏn-SUM′-Ə-see
4. consummation kon′-sƏ-MAY′-shƏn
5. incorrigibility in-kawr′-Ə-jƏ-BIL′-Ə-tee
6. inveteracy in-VET′-Ə-rƏ-see
7. veteran VET′-Ə-rƏn
8. genetics jƏ-NET′-iks
9. geneticist jƏ-NET′-Ə-sist
10. genetic jƏ-NET′-ik
11. gene JEEN
12. genealogy jee′-nee-AL′-Ə-jee
13. genealogist jee′-nee-AL′-Ə-jist
14. genealogical jee′-nee-Ə-LOJ′-Ə-kƏl
15. genital JEN′-Ə-tƏl
16. genesis JEN′-Ə-sis
17. hereditary hƏ-RED′-Ə-tair′-ee
单词 发音
1. chronicity krƏ-NIS′-Ə-tee
2. anachronism Ə-NAK′-rƏ-niz-Əm
3. anachronous Ə-NAK′-rƏ-nƏs
4. anachronistic Ə-nak′-rƏ-NIS′-tik
5. incongruous in-KONG′-gr-Əs
6. incongruity in′-kƏng-GR′-Ə-tee
7. chronological kron′-Ə-LOJ′-Ə-kƏl
8. chronology krƏ-NOL′-Ə-jee
9. chronologist krƏ-NOL′-Ə-jist
10. chronometer krƏ-NOM′-Ə-tƏr
11. chronometry krƏ-NOM′-Ə-tree
12. chronometric kron′-Ə-MET′-rik
13. synchronize SIN′-krƏ-nīz′


词根 涵义
1. notus known
2. summus highest
3. corrigo to correct, set straight
4. vetus old
5. senex old
6. genesis birth, origin
7. logos science, study
8. in negative prefix
词根 涵义
1. chronos time
2. ana -, a- negative prefix
3. con - with, together
4. in - negative prefix
5. logos science, study
6. metron measurement
7. syn-, sym- with, together
8. -ize verb suffix
9. pathos disease, suffering, feeling
10. anti against
11. en, em- in
12. tele distance
词根 涵义
1. grex, gregis herd, flock
2. e-, ex- out
3. -ness noun suffix
4. con with, together
5. ad, ag- to, toward
6. un negative prefix
7. scio to know
8. sciens knowing
9. omnis all
10. pre before
11. ne negative prefix
12. se apart
13. -ion noun suffix added to verbs

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