
1. 利弊分析

This world is a global village where different parts and countries are increasingly connected with (越来越多的联系) each other and people are able to migrate to other places for a brand new life (全新的生活) or greener pastures (更好的机会). However, concerning whether this trend will bring more benefits than undesirable outcomes, the opinions diverge.

Of course the benefits of such a lifestyle cannot be denied. The increased flexibility is welcomed by those couples who work for two distant companies. The wife would not have to either sacrifice her career for family union or suffer from long-distance commuting to her workplace. In addition to the balance between the family and work, the geographical freedom of residence also eliminates the boundary of employment. Both employees and employers enjoy a wider range of labor market (就业市场), locally and globally as well. Higher mobility (高流动性) can also be a solution to urban problems. Housing prices can be expected to drop since the demand for living in major cities would go down.

However, freedom would not come without any cost. The emotional bond with their family and friends will get loose if people are constantly on the move (搬家). When people are allowed to make a choice among many, they are less likely to settle down, which is detrimental to (不利于) a stable relationship and life. It is also worth mentioning that there will be more fuel energy consumption and more greenhouse gas emission if more people migrate from one city to another.

To sum up, people can benefit enormously from this new work and life mode, while the negative effects of this trend still remain. Personally, I contend that its benefits far overweigh its drawbacks.

In some countries, a variety of foreign foods are available in local supermarkets. However, while those living in cold climate are enjoying their tropical fruits, some people are worrying about the negative effects caused by this trend and hence suggest minimum import.

This suggestion is made on the following grounds. Firstly, the increasing demand for imported food among consumers is likely to put a greater pressure on the local environment. It is because long-distance transport and delivery through different vehicles such as airplanes, trains and lorries will emit a substantial amount of gas, which will eventually pollute the environment. By contrast, if consumers purchase local food only, environmental pressure will be lessened. Secondly, the domestic food industry will be negatively influenced due to the competition pressure imposed by imported foods, which can often bring in its wake (随之) a loss of jobs as it puts local craftsmen in the old industry out of work (无事可做).

However, there are some distinct advantages of imported foods and there is no reason for us to reject the trend of importing food from abroad. In some places such as Arabic countries where agriculture is restricted by harsh local geographic conditions, importation is the only resolution to food supply. Even in countries with agriculturally friendly land, trading food is also a favorable economic conduct, enabling consumers to enjoy various fresh and in-season farm products from other countries.

To sum up, surely local production of food is optimal in terms of price and environment, hence should be encouraged. But in some areas where agricultural condition is extremely poor, transporting daily goods across the world is necessary so as to imporve food diversity and promote international trade.

2. 同意与否

Since the invention of TV sets, reading books seems to lose its popularity as an increasing number of people including children are becoming counch potatoes (电视迷). However, some people maintain that such tradition as reading is more effective than watching TV in terms of the development of imagination and language skills.

Proponents of this opinion advocate that reading books is universally employed to develop children's intelligence and language skills regardless of their native languages or races (不管是什么民族或者母语是什么). The most important reason can be that words enable readers to picture what they read and there is no restriction for such imaginative thinking. Besides, readers are allowed to pause, and reflect on (仔细思考) the part they like or they do not have a clear understanding of. In addition, reading books can also help people to hone their literacy skills (提高读写能力). This is because books are a great treasury for (蕴藏着) vocabulary and sentences. With the passage of time (随着时间的推移), language learners are more likely to be able to read and write as a native speaker.

Opponents of the above-mentioned view argue that watching TV has certain advantages for people to be more expressive and creative. TV programs are usually presented in verbal languages and therefore watchers are encouraged to express themselves orally. They tend to speak faster and clearer and have a larger vocabulary in the context of popular culture. Moreover, TV watchers also speculate the plot of a TV drama, but the more pictures and sounds to offer, the more limits on imagination as they are presented in such a way that there is little need for the watchers to use their brain actively.

My personal view is that reading books plays an indispensable role in developing people's imagination and language skills, not only by broadening their horizons, but also improving their literacy skills. Watching TV can also be utilized to cultivate these faculties to some extent, but in a less effective way.

These days the inequality in wealth distribution still remains pervasive on global scale, with the rich being richer and the poor being even poorer. And whether helping others should be high on the wealthy people's agenda has triggered heated debate.

  • be high on the ... agenda 最重要的待办事项

Assiting other people might be essential for some affluent people. Initially, being well-off lays a material foundation for aiding other people. It is quite common for entrepreneurs and celebrities such as famous sports professionals and movie stars to establish or donate to charity organizations. Besides, according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, self-actualization or self-fulfillment, which lies at the top of pyramid, is considered growth needs and leads to long-lasting happiness. Maximizing social benefits falls into this category, enabling rich people to achieve a higher degree of happiness compared with satisfying lower level needs, the latter of which is too easy to accomplish.

On the other hand, the rest of the rich people have their own ideas of what is their priority. For some, they tend to expand their business through merger and acquisition (并购), covering a wider range of transaction and earning much more money. For others, they choose to be investors, selecting business proposals and investing in appropriate ones. Once these startup companies have gone public (创业公司上市), investors will reap the rewards (获得回报) and make huge profits. Furthermore, some rich people please themselves in terms of materials ways by living extravagant lifestyles with huge houses and cars. They may buy a yacht so as to hang out on the sea or travel around the world without worrying about money.

Personally, I contend that merely those who rank the highest on the fortune list tend to regard helping others as the most critical task while other rich people may think about themselves first.

Long time sitting in front of your computer work, see green can also alleviate eyestrain

3. 双方讨论

Why do we attend school from an early age? Is it our personal will or a compulsory duty for society? Different people hold contrasting views.

Some argue that schooling benefits individuals essentially. Initially, education equips students with knowledge and skills which enable them to earn a living. Further, it expands one's vision by presenting the world in various ways. For example, mathematics reveals the world by number; arts by color and sound. Science discovers principles of the material world; biology studies animals and plants. All of these subjects can enrich our life experiences and help people gain more significance from life. On top of (除了) the academic development, students can also foster their social ability when studying at school with peers from different backgrounds. They learn how to be a member of a community, and this ability would help them survive and succeed when they start their career life.

However, education not only serves a vital role for individual, it also means significantly to the whole society. Knowledgeable and skilled workers from all walks of life (各行各业) can promote productivity and the development of a nation. Well-educated people tend to be more civilized, responsible for their work and abiding by the laws. These qualities always make a safe and harmonious society because the crime level will be reduced substantially.

As far as I am concerned, education serves double purpose - personal and national development and these two purposes are fulfilled simultaneously. Partial emphasis on either of them fails to see education from diverse perspectives or to see individuals and the community from an integrated way.

There is nothing that influences our health more than food. Keeping a healthy diet is taken as a personal issue for granted (理所当然), but food safety has to be bound up with (密不可分) the governmental responsibility.

Regrading the duty for health, individuals cannot escape. It is hard to argue with fact that our body belongs to ourselves and we have absolute rights to determine what to feed it. As the direct beneficiary or victim, we are the ones who care about our health most because we have to take the consequences of how we treat our body, no matter good or bad. In addition, individuals are different. Someone's trash can be another one's treasure. In this sense, healthy eating is perceived as an individual issue.

However, there is something that is beyond individual ability and becomes public issues. Under such circumstances, governmental power plays a prominent role. In some countries, food safety has caused growing concern and without political commitment (政府的投入), it would not be solved fundamentally. For exampe, toxic milk powder and recycled food oil are threatening the public health. Large usage of chemical fertilizer, genetically modified food (转基因食品) and many other agricultural poblems are causing the decline of food quality, which is the pain of the whole nation. Such big issues have to resort to the authority power. In addition, the department of food supervision and inspection is obligated to publicize national and provincial food report, helping the masses to make a reasonable decision about food purchase.

Overall, I think both the government and individuals share responsibility for health, but in different ways. The authorities should ensure food safety on a macro level by setting up standards and legislating while individuals take care of their body on a micro level by regular eating, balanced nutrition and reducing junk food.
