每日一词 104 | pursue

1. 这是个什么词?   


英英释义:seek to attain or accomplish (a goal) over a long period   

例句:After celebrating the Chinese New Year, people have returned to work and started to pursue new goals.   

2. 为什么选这个词?   

“pursue”是动词,它有多个意思,比如“追逐(罪犯)”和“从事(某一职业)”。我们今天要学的是它作“追求”的意思。它可以组成很多地道的搭配,比如 pursue a goal/aim/objective, pursue a dream, pursue love/truth/success/growth 等。这些搭配在口语和写作中都可以使用,包括托福雅思考试。       

下面通过几个例句来掌握 pursue 作“追求”的用法。   


After celebrating the Chinese New Year, people have returned to work and started to pursue new goals.    很多有出息的年轻人放弃了家乡安逸的工作来到大城市追逐他们的梦想,就可以说: 

Many ambitious young people give up cushy jobs in their hometowns and relocate to big cities to pursue their dreams.   

《经济学人》在一篇关于英国老牌汽车公司 Morgan Motor Company 的文章中用到了 pursue:   

The company, still owned by the family that founded it in 1909, does not pursue the relentless growth that other carmakers crave.   


Some apps are more concerned about ensuring optimal user experience than pursuing relentless growth.    另一篇写石油公司 ExxonMobil(埃克森美孚)的《经济学人》文章中也用到了 pursue growth 这一搭配:   

No firm embodies this strategy better than ExxonMobil, the giant that rivals admire and green activists love to hate. As our briefing explains, it plans to pump 25% more oil and gas in 2025 than in 2017. If the rest of the industry pursues even modest growth, the consequence for the climate could be disastrous.

最后,我们顺便来学习一下 pursue 的名词形式 pursuit。如果你知道美国经典电影《当幸福来敲门》(The Pursuit of Happyness),熟悉美国《独立宣言》中的经典表达“life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”,那你应该不会忘记 pursuit。前面的例句也可以用 pursue 的名词形式 pursuit 来稍作改写:

Many ambitious young people give up cushy jobs in their hometowns and relocate to big cities  in pursuit of their dreams.       

3. 怎样学会使用这个词?  



further, still 进一步从事;仍然进行

actively, energetically, vigorously 积极从事

doggedly 固执地进行:

He was still doggedly pursuing his studies. 他仍然顽强地进行着自己的研究。

relentlessly 不懈地追求

effectively, successfully 有效地实现;成功地实现:

How can we most effectively pursue these aims? 我们如何才能最有效地实现这些目标?

2. [搭配]VERB + PURSUE 

decide to 决定进行:

We have decided not to pursue the matter further. 我们决定不再追究此事。

intend to, want to, wish to 打算从事;想做;希望从事:

deciding on which career you wish to pursue 对你希望干哪行作出决定

be/feel inclined to 倾向于/有意向从事

be reluctant to 不愿从事

be able to, be at liberty to, be free to 有能力从事;可自由从事

continue to 继续从事

3. [搭配]PHRASES

the ability/freedom to pursue sth 从事某事的能力/ 自由:

the freedom to pursue her own interests做她自己感兴趣的事的自由

be not worth pursuing不值得做:

I decided the matter was not worth pursuing further. 我决定这件事不值得深究。



(参考翻译:People should not pursue their own happiness at the expense of others.)   



造句:Children have the freedom to pursue their own interests. 

例句:We are working together to pursue a common goal.

He decided to pursue a career in television. 

We need to decide soon what marketing strategy we should pursue for these new products. 

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