Ted Talks演讲笔记分享#15

1. I want to see a show of hands before I start:how many of you have done sth.  在开始前,我想请大家举手示意一下, 你们当中有多少人做过。。。#a show of hands 举手表决,举手投票,how many of you你们当中有多少人

2. I make my living talking to people. 我的职业就是与人谈话 #make a living 谋生

3. Don't be half in it, and half out of it. 不要身在曹营心在汉。

4. Be present, be in that moment. 活在当下

5. Take a cue from the journalists. 借鉴一下新闻工作者的做法 #take a cue from 按照……的提示,借鉴……的做法

6. Go with the flow. 顺其自然

7. People don't care about all those things you're struggling to come up with in your mind. 人们不在乎你绞尽脑汁想出来的那些细节 #struggling to come up with 绞尽脑汁的想出,极力追上

8. A good conversation is like a miniskirt; short enough to retain interest, but long enough to cover the subject. 一个好的谈话就像一条恰到好处的超短裙:足够短,才能保持兴趣;又足够长,才能涵盖(掩盖)主体(部位)。


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