
I once saw such a scene in The Shawshank Redemption:

Andy was confined in a cell for a mouth. He spent everyday of that mouth in darkness with only mice around.Most people couldn't stand it even for 3 days. But Andy survived it. After he was let out, his cellmates got totally astonished by this. But Andy told him that he was not alone in that cell. He had Mozart as his companion. And he was pointing at his own head when he said this. Of course, this is an extreme situation.But we do encounter simillar things in our real lives. The better educated a person is, the more he can enjoy his solitute. Because he was accumulated enough resources in his mind to entertain himself. He won't feel bored when in solitute. On the contrary, there are some kind of peace that you can find only when he are alone. Those who cannot bear to be alone are kidnapped by the restlessness that exists in their intuition. 
