



使用如下命令,从SDL Mercurial获取SDL_image的源码:

hg clone https://hg.libsdl.org/SDL_ttf/




LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)


SDL_IMAGE_PATH := ../SDL2_image
SDL_TTF_PATH := ../SDL_ttf


# Add your application source files here...
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(SDL_PATH)/src/main/android/SDL_android_main.c \


LOCAL_LDLIBS := -lGLESv1_CM -lGLESv2 -llog



 * SDL_lesson.c
 * Clipping Sprite Sheets
 *  Created on: Aug 12, 2014
 *      Author: clarck
#include <jni.h>
#include "SDL.h"
#include "SDL_image.h"
#include "SDL_ttf.h"
#include "SDL_logger.h"
#include "SDL_main.h"
#include "SDL_cleanup.h"

//The attributes of the screen
const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 640;
const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480;

struct SDL_Window *window = NULL;
struct SDL_Renderer *render = NULL;

struct SDL_Texture *background = NULL;
struct SDL_Texture *image = NULL;

struct SDL_Surface *surface = NULL;
struct SDL_Texture *texture = NULL;


* SDL_lesson.c
 * Clipping Sprite Sheets
 *  Created on: Aug 12, 2014
 *      Author: clarck
#include <jni.h>
#include "SDL.h"
#include "SDL_image.h"
#include "SDL_ttf.h"
#include "SDL_logger.h"
#include "SDL_main.h"
#include "SDL_cleanup.h"

//The attributes of the screen
const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 640;
const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480;

struct SDL_Window *window = NULL;
struct SDL_Renderer *render = NULL;

struct SDL_Texture *background = NULL;
struct SDL_Texture *image = NULL;

struct SDL_Surface *surface = NULL;
struct SDL_Texture *texture = NULL;

 * Loads a image into a texture on the rendering device
 * @param file The image file to load
 * @param ren The renderer to load the texture onto
 * @return the loaded texture, or NULL if something went wrong.
SDL_Texture* loadTexture(const char *file, SDL_Renderer *render) {
    struct SDL_Texture *texture = NULL;

    texture = IMG_LoadTexture(render, file);

    if (texture == NULL) {
        LOGE("SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface failed %s", SDL_GetError());
    } else {
        LOGI("SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface successful.");

    return texture;

 * Draw an SDL_Texture to an SDL_Renderer at position x, y, preserving
 * the texture's width and height
 * @param tex The source texture we want to draw
 * @param ren The renderer we want to draw too
 * @param x The x coordinate to draw too
 * @param y The y coordinate to draw too
 * @param w The width of the texture to draw
 * @param h The height of the texture to draw
void renderTexture(SDL_Texture *tex, SDL_Renderer *ren, SDL_Rect dst,
        SDL_Rect *clip) {
    SDL_RenderCopy(ren, tex, clip, &dst);

 * Draw an SDL_Texture to an SDL_Renderer at position x, y, preserving
 * the texture's width and height and taking a clip of the texture if desired
 * If a clip is passed, the clip's width and height will be used instead of the texture's
 * @param tex The source texture we want to draw
 * @param rend The renderer we want to draw too
 * @param x The x coordinate to draw too
 * @param y The y coordinate to draw too
 * @param clip The sub-section of the texture to draw (clipping rect)
 *        default of nullptr draws the entire texture
void renderTexture2(SDL_Texture *tex, SDL_Renderer *ren, int x, int y,
        SDL_Rect *clip) {
    SDL_Rect dst;
    dst.x = x;
    dst.y = y;
    if (clip != NULL) {
        dst.w = clip->w;
        dst.h = clip->h;
    } else {
        SDL_QueryTexture(tex, NULL, NULL, &dst.w, &dst.h);
    renderTexture(tex, ren, dst, clip);


 * SDL_lesson.c
 * Clipping Sprite Sheets
 *  Created on: Aug 12, 2014
 *      Author: clarck
#include <jni.h>
#include "SDL.h"
#include "SDL_image.h"
#include "SDL_ttf.h"
#include "SDL_logger.h"
#include "SDL_main.h"
#include "SDL_cleanup.h"

//The attributes of the screen
const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 640;
const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480;

struct SDL_Window *window = NULL;
struct SDL_Renderer *render = NULL;

struct SDL_Texture *background = NULL;
struct SDL_Texture *image = NULL;

struct SDL_Surface *surface = NULL;
struct SDL_Texture *texture = NULL;

 * Loads a image into a texture on the rendering device
 * @param file The image file to load
 * @param ren The renderer to load the texture onto
 * @return the loaded texture, or NULL if something went wrong.
SDL_Texture* loadTexture(const char *file, SDL_Renderer *render) {
    struct SDL_Texture *texture = NULL;

    texture = IMG_LoadTexture(render, file);

    if (texture == NULL) {
        LOGE("SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface failed %s", SDL_GetError());
    } else {
        LOGI("SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface successful.");

    return texture;

 * Draw an SDL_Texture to an SDL_Renderer at position x, y, preserving
 * the texture's width and height
 * @param tex The source texture we want to draw
 * @param ren The renderer we want to draw too
 * @param x The x coordinate to draw too
 * @param y The y coordinate to draw too
 * @param w The width of the texture to draw
 * @param h The height of the texture to draw
void renderTexture(SDL_Texture *tex, SDL_Renderer *ren, SDL_Rect dst,
        SDL_Rect *clip) {
    SDL_RenderCopy(ren, tex, clip, &dst);

 * Draw an SDL_Texture to an SDL_Renderer at position x, y, preserving
 * the texture's width and height and taking a clip of the texture if desired
 * If a clip is passed, the clip's width and height will be used instead of the texture's
 * @param tex The source texture we want to draw
 * @param rend The renderer we want to draw too
 * @param x The x coordinate to draw too
 * @param y The y coordinate to draw too
 * @param clip The sub-section of the texture to draw (clipping rect)
 *        default of nullptr draws the entire texture
void renderTexture2(SDL_Texture *tex, SDL_Renderer *ren, int x, int y,
        SDL_Rect *clip) {
    SDL_Rect dst;
    dst.x = x;
    dst.y = y;
    if (clip != NULL) {
        dst.w = clip->w;
        dst.h = clip->h;
    } else {
        SDL_QueryTexture(tex, NULL, NULL, &dst.w, &dst.h);
    renderTexture(tex, ren, dst, clip);

SDL_Texture* renderText(char *message, char *fontFile, SDL_Color color,
        int fontSize, SDL_Renderer *renderer) {
    //Open the font
    TTF_Font *font = TTF_OpenFont(fontFile, fontSize);

    if (font == NULL) {
        LOGE("renderText error: %s", SDL_GetError());
        return NULL;

    surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font, message, color);
    if (surface == NULL) {
        LOGE("TTF_RenderText_Blended error: %s", SDL_GetError());
        return NULL;

    texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, surface);
    if (texture == NULL) {
        LOGE("SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface error: %s", SDL_GetError());

    //Clean up the surface and font
    return texture;


 * SDL_lesson.c
 * Clipping Sprite Sheets
 *  Created on: Aug 12, 2014
 *      Author: clarck
#include <jni.h>
#include "SDL.h"
#include "SDL_image.h"
#include "SDL_ttf.h"
#include "SDL_logger.h"
#include "SDL_main.h"
#include "SDL_cleanup.h"

//The attributes of the screen
const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 640;
const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480;

struct SDL_Window *window = NULL;
struct SDL_Renderer *render = NULL;

struct SDL_Texture *background = NULL;
struct SDL_Texture *image = NULL;

struct SDL_Surface *surface = NULL;
struct SDL_Texture *texture = NULL;

 * Loads a image into a texture on the rendering device
 * @param file The image file to load
 * @param ren The renderer to load the texture onto
 * @return the loaded texture, or NULL if something went wrong.
SDL_Texture* loadTexture(const char *file, SDL_Renderer *render) {
    struct SDL_Texture *texture = NULL;

    texture = IMG_LoadTexture(render, file);

    if (texture == NULL) {
        LOGE("SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface failed %s", SDL_GetError());
    } else {
        LOGI("SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface successful.");

    return texture;

 * Draw an SDL_Texture to an SDL_Renderer at position x, y, preserving
 * the texture's width and height
 * @param tex The source texture we want to draw
 * @param ren The renderer we want to draw too
 * @param x The x coordinate to draw too
 * @param y The y coordinate to draw too
 * @param w The width of the texture to draw
 * @param h The height of the texture to draw
void renderTexture(SDL_Texture *tex, SDL_Renderer *ren, SDL_Rect dst,
        SDL_Rect *clip) {
    SDL_RenderCopy(ren, tex, clip, &dst);

 * Draw an SDL_Texture to an SDL_Renderer at position x, y, preserving
 * the texture's width and height and taking a clip of the texture if desired
 * If a clip is passed, the clip's width and height will be used instead of the texture's
 * @param tex The source texture we want to draw
 * @param rend The renderer we want to draw too
 * @param x The x coordinate to draw too
 * @param y The y coordinate to draw too
 * @param clip The sub-section of the texture to draw (clipping rect)
 *        default of nullptr draws the entire texture
void renderTexture2(SDL_Texture *tex, SDL_Renderer *ren, int x, int y,
        SDL_Rect *clip) {
    SDL_Rect dst;
    dst.x = x;
    dst.y = y;
    if (clip != NULL) {
        dst.w = clip->w;
        dst.h = clip->h;
    } else {
        SDL_QueryTexture(tex, NULL, NULL, &dst.w, &dst.h);
    renderTexture(tex, ren, dst, clip);

SDL_Texture* renderText(char *message, char *fontFile, SDL_Color color,
        int fontSize, SDL_Renderer *renderer) {
    //Open the font
    TTF_Font *font = TTF_OpenFont(fontFile, fontSize);

    if (font == NULL) {
        LOGE("renderText error: %s", SDL_GetError());
        return NULL;

    surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font, message, color);
    if (surface == NULL) {
        LOGE("TTF_RenderText_Blended error: %s", SDL_GetError());
        return NULL;

    texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, surface);
    if (texture == NULL) {
        LOGE("SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface error: %s", SDL_GetError());

    //Clean up the surface and font
    return texture;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    //char *filefolder = "/storage/sdcard0/";
    char *filefolder = argv[1];

    char *font_temp = "sample.ttf";
    char *image_temp = "image.png";
    char *background_temp = "background.png";
    LOGI("natvie_SDL %s", filefolder);

    char *background_file = (char*) malloc(
            strlen(filefolder) + strlen(background_temp) + 1);
    strcpy(background_file, filefolder);
    strcat(background_file, background_temp);
    LOGI("natvie_SDL background_file : %s", background_file);

    char *image_file = (char*) malloc(
            strlen(filefolder) + strlen(image_temp) + 1);
    strcpy(image_file, filefolder);
    strcat(image_file, image_temp);
    LOGI("natvie_SDL image_file : %s", image_file);

    char *font_file = (char*) malloc(
            strlen(filefolder) + strlen(font_temp) + 1);
    strcpy(font_file, filefolder);
    strcat(font_file, font_temp);
    LOGI("natvie_SDL font_file : %s", font_file);

    if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) != 0) {
        LOGE("SDL_Init failed %s", SDL_GetError());
        return 1;

    if (TTF_Init() != 0) {
        LOGE("TTF_Init failed %s", SDL_GetError());
        return 1;

    window = SDL_CreateWindow("lesson5", 100, 100, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT,
    if (window == NULL) {
        LOGE("SDL_CreateWindow failed %s", SDL_GetError());
        return 1;

    render = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1,
    if (render == NULL) {
        LOGE("SDL_CreateRenderer failed %s", SDL_GetError());
        return 1;

    SDL_Color color = { 255, 255, 255, 255 };

    image = renderText("TTF fonts are cool !", font_file, color, 64, render);

    if (image == NULL) {
        return 1;

    //Clear the window

    //Draw our image in the center of the window
    //We need the foreground image's width to properly compute the position
    //of it's top left corner so that the image will be centered
    int iW, iH;
    int x = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - iW / 2;
    int y = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - iH / 2;

    SDL_Event e;
    int quit = 1;
    while (quit != 0) {
        //Read any events that occured, for now we'll just quit if any event occurs
        while (SDL_PollEvent(&e)) {
            //If user closes the window
            if (e.type == SDL_QUIT) {
                quit = 0;
            if (e.type == SDL_KEYDOWN && e.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) {
                quit = 0;


        //Draw the image
        renderTexture2(image, render, x, y, NULL);
    //Destroy the various items

    return 0;


// Load the .so
    static {



