


  1. 下载并通读整篇文章
  2. 打开word,写一个文章的summary
  3. 建立所有section的清单(abstract, method, results, discussion...)
  4. 详细提出每一个section的constructive comment (comment重点:方法漏洞、背景补充、文章结构 (拼写和标点交给杂志的professional editor))
    • On page three line 42, misspelling for "principal"
    • In the discussion, more details on XXX is needed for clinical audiences
    • ...
  5. 提交你的review


  1. 重点放在综述的编排结构、专业性、通俗性不提杂志编辑解决的问题(如标点、拼写、语法、杂志风格)
  2. 先搞清楚清楚杂志的要求(For example, review articles written for Trends in Biotechnology are required to include recent work but don’t need to cite every paper ever published in the field. When in doubt, seek clarification of requirements from the editor of the journal. A clear understanding enables you to be efficient and provide a thorough assessment of the review article.)
  3. 提出专业有建设性的评论
  1. Balance: 综述有没有很好地对话题进行全面说明
  2. Scientific accuracy: 有没有对全面包括近年来的论文(一般指近5年内,十年前的论文不应出现太多,具体参考杂志的要求
  3. Novelty
    • 已有相关主题的综述?如果有要指出来
    • 不能只是对实验结果的罗列,或只是分析出一个"additional research is needed" (需要综述提出独到的synthesis, connection, or critique)
  4. Authoritativeness: 当综述里出现明显专业知识错误时,tell the author that an additional author, with a different background from that of the original authors, could strengthen the manuscript
  5. Accessibility: 要充分认识到综述的读者受众广泛,不是专家也能轻松读懂主要信息。如果存在下面问题要指出来:
    • 缩写词是否读者confusing?
    • 写作是否过于晦涩?
    • take-home message是否直接就能读出来?
    • 文章结构clear,故事是否有逻辑性?
    • 段落编排是否合理?(最好可以指出如何重排段落)
