一词多义、熟悉僻意 | 第二轮 更新ing

1. plan (建筑,城镇)详图;平面图,示意图;floor plan 建筑平面图

2. advance v. 预付金钱to sb;We’re willing to advance the moment to you. v. 提出(想法,理论,计划)to advance a new theory

3. account n.描述,叙述,报告;She gave the police a full account of the incident.

4. cap v.限定金额;cap our fee at...;胜过,

- v. 超过,比...更;What an amazing story. Can anyone cap that? 还能有人讲得比这个更精彩吗?= top v.

- v. 被选入体育项目的国家队;He has been capped more than 30 times for Wales.

- to cap it all; to top it all 最倒霉的是....

5. save prep./conj. 除了=except;eg: They know nothing about her save her name. They found out nothing more save that she had borne a child.

6. award n/v. 赔偿,裁定额;判给

7. collection n.(季节性推出的)时装系列;家居用品

8. consideration n.报酬,支付款;in consideration of sth 作为...的报酬

9. policy n. 保险单

10. bottle n. 勇气,信心= nerve;eg: It took a lot of bottle to do that.

11. conclude v. 定立,缔结(合同)conclude an agreement = enter into an agreement

12. thread n.(留言板帖子)上的相关消息,链式消息

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