
Level of Description
Linux source code for all supported architectures is contained in more than 14,000 C and assembly language files stored in about 1000 subdirectories; it consists of roughly 6 million lines of code, which occupy over 230 megabytes of disk space. Of course, this book can cover only a very small portion of that code. Just to figure out how big the Linux source is, consider that the whole source code of the book you are reading occupies less than 3 megabytes. Therefore, we would need more than 75 books like this to list all code, without even commenting on it! So we had to make some choices about the parts to describe. This is a rough assessment of our decisions:
• We describe process and memory management fairly thoroughly.
• We cover the Virtual Filesystem and the Ext2 and Ext3 filesystems, although many functions are just mentioned without detailing the code; we do not discuss other filesystems supported by Linux.
• We describe device drivers, which account for roughly 50% of the kernel, as far as the kernel interface is concerned, but do not attempt analysis of each specific driver. The book describes the official 2.6.11 version of the Linux kernel, which can be downloaded from the web site http://www.kernel.org.


  1. 对进程和内存管理我们进行了完整的分析;
  2. 对于文件系统,尽管我们只是提到了许多功能而并未做详尽的描述,但是我们的分析依然覆盖了虚拟文件系统、Ext2和Ext3文件系统,对于其他Linux支持的文件系统没有纳入讨论范围;
  3. 对于内核接口而言,我们剖析了约占内核50%的设备驱动,但是并未试图分析每一个特定驱动的实现。
