app-id: xxxxxxxxxxx
app-secret: xxxxxxx
sign-name: 自己设置的短信签名
VALID_CODE: SMS_234234343(自己设置的)
* @ClassName: AliSmsProperties
* @Description: 阿里云短信配置类
* @author: ruyi
* @date: 2021/12/27 22:45
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "thg.sms.aliyun")
public class AliSmsProperties {
final static String DEFAULT_PRODUCT="Dysmsapi";
final static String DEFAULT_DOMAIN="dysmsapi.aliyuncs.com";
final static String DEFAULT_REGION ="cn-hangzhou";
private String product=DEFAULT_PRODUCT;
private String domain=DEFAULT_DOMAIN;
private String regionId= DEFAULT_REGION;
private String appId;
private String appSecret;
private String signName;
* 短信模板集合
private Map<String,String> templates=new HashMap<>();
* @ClassName: SmsResponse
* @Description: 短信发送响应
* @author: ruyi
* @date: 2021/12/27 22:25
public class SmsResponse {
* 发送是否成功
private Boolean send;
* 错误消息
private String msg;
public SmsResponse(Boolean send, String msg) {
this.send = send;
this.msg = msg;
public SmsResponse(String msg) {
this.msg = msg;
public SmsResponse() {
* @ClassName: NoticeData
* @Description: 短信模板
* @author: ruyi
* @date: 2021/12/27 22:21
public class NoticeData implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6624808649341355670L;
* 短信模板类型
private String type;
* 变量参数
private Map<String,String> params;
* @ClassName: NoticeInfo
* @Description: 通知消息
* @author: wyj
* @date: 2021/12/27 22:18
public class NoticeInfo implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* 通知内容
private NoticeData noticeData;
* 号码列表
private Collection<String> phones;
* @ClassName: BaseSmsSender
* @Description: 短信发送器接口
* @author: ruyi
* @date: 2021/12/27 22:33
public interface BaseSmsSender {
* 单发
* @param data 发送内容
* @param mobile 发送手机
* @return
default SmsResponse send(NoticeData data, String mobile) {
Assert.notNull(mobile,"mobile must be not null");
return send(data, Arrays.asList(mobile));
* 群发
* @param data 发送内容
* @param mobile 发送手机号集合
* @return
default SmsResponse send(NoticeData data, String... mobile) {
if(mobile == null) {
return new SmsResponse("手机号为空");
return send(data, Arrays.asList(mobile));
SmsResponse send(NoticeData data,Collection<String> mobiles);
* @ClassName: AliSmsSender
* @Description: 阿里云短信发送
* @author: ruyi
* @date: 2021/12/27 22:45
public class AliSmsSender implements BaseSmsSender {
private IAcsClient acsClient;
private AliSmsProperties smsProperties;
private static final String OK = "OK";
public AliSmsSender(AliSmsProperties smsProperties) {
this.smsProperties = smsProperties;
private void initClient() {
System.setProperty("sun.net.client.defaultConnectTimeout", "10000");
System.setProperty("sun.net.client.defaultReadTimeout", "10000");
IClientProfile profile = DefaultProfile.getProfile(smsProperties.getRegionId(), smsProperties.getAppId(), smsProperties.getAppSecret());
DefaultProfile.addEndpoint(smsProperties.getRegionId(), smsProperties.getProduct(), smsProperties.getDomain());
acsClient = new DefaultAcsClient(profile);
private SendSmsResponse sendSms(NoticeData data, Collection<String> mobile) {
SendSmsResponse sendSmsResponse = new SendSmsResponse();
SendSmsRequest request = buildSmsRequest(data, mobile);
try {
sendSmsResponse = acsClient.getAcsResponse(request);
if (OK.equals(sendSmsResponse.getCode())) {
log.info("mobile={},data={},result={},send sms success", CollectionUtil.join(mobile, ","),JSONUtil.toJsonStr(data), sendSmsResponse.getMessage());
log.warn("mobile={},data={},result={},send sms failed", CollectionUtil.join(mobile, ","),JSONUtil.toJsonStr(data), sendSmsResponse.getMessage());
} catch (ClientException e) {
log.error("send sms failed:mobile={},data:{},result={},exception={}",CollectionUtil.join(mobile, ","),JSONUtil.toJsonStr(data),sendSmsResponse.getMessage(), e.getErrMsg());
throw new BizException("短信发送失败!");
return sendSmsResponse;
private SendSmsRequest buildSmsRequest(NoticeData data, Collection<String> mobile) {
SendSmsRequest request = new SendSmsRequest();
Map<String, String> params = data.getParams();
if (params != null && params.size() > 0) {
request.setPhoneNumbers(CollectionUtil.join(mobile, ","));
return request;
public SmsResponse send(NoticeData data, Collection<String> mobiles) {
SendSmsResponse smsResponse= sendSms(data, mobiles);
if(OK.equals(smsResponse.getCode())) return new SmsResponse();
else return new SmsResponse(smsResponse.getMessage());
* @ClassName: AutoAliSmsConfiguration
* @Description: 阿里云短信配置类
* @author: ruyi
* @date: 2021/12/27 22:45
public class AutoAliSmsConfiguration {
private final AliSmsProperties smsProperties;
public AutoAliSmsConfiguration(AliSmsProperties smsProperties) {
this.smsProperties = smsProperties;
* If a candidate bean may be created by another auto-configuration, make sure that the one using this condition runs after.
* ConditionalOnMissingBean该注解表示,如果存在它修饰的类的bean,则不需要再创建这个bean;不存在则创建
* @return 短信发送器
public AliSmsSender aliSmsSender() {
return new AliSmsSender(smsProperties);
注意:需要创建spring.factories 自动装配AutoAliSmsConfiguration类
在 resource文件夹创建META-INF文件夹 创建文件spring.factories加入配置
private final AliSmsSender aliSmsSender;(用的构造注入,也可以直接自己喜欢的注入方式)
@GetMapping(value = "/send")
public SmsResponse sendSms() {
Map<String,String> content = new HashMap<>(16);
content.put("code", String.valueOf(RandomUtil.randomInt(100000, 999999)));
return aliSmsSender.send(new NoticeData(SmsConstants.CODE_KEY, content), "153****6968");