What's New in Dxperience 8.1.1

To learn about our new ASP.NET controls, as well as get acquainted with other major improvements introduced in this version, please check the following page:

What's New in DXperience v2008 vol 1

To learn about breaking changes in this version, please refer to the following page:

Breaking Changes - DXperience v2008 vol 1.1

The following sections list all minor and major changes, as well as issue fixes in DXperience v2008 vol 1. Note that this list covers all issues fixed in 8.1.0 (Release Candidate 1) and 8.1.1 (Final Release) versions of the Suite.

New Features/Changes

ASPxGridView and Editors Suite

  • S18263 - Add a client-side method to determine if a group row is expanded or not
  • S18502 - Add a client-side method to determine the number of visible rows on the Page
  • S18501 - Add a client-side method to determine the top VisibleRowIndex
  • AS17472 - Add a new client-side method, which will return the number of visible rows in the ASPxGridView
  • S18158 - Add an ability to focus a certain editor in the EditForm
  • S18568 - Add the "Enable Inserting" tag to the ASPxGridView's SmartTag
  • S90372 - Add the Button's Collection to the CommandColumn
  • S18821 - Add the IsGroupRow client-side method
  • S18739 - Add the MasterRowExpanding and MasterRowCollapsing client side events
  • AS17370 - Add the ParseEditValue server-side event, which will allow a developer to change values that come from the client side before they are converted to the datacolumn's Type
  • S18576 - Allow a PopupEditForm to be used in Modal mode
  • S18442 - ASPxGridView - add a client-side method to determine the row count
  • S18638 - ASPxGridView - add a Footer Template container
  • S18756 - ASPxGridView - add a method to retrieve the grid's grouped columns
  • S18593 - ASPxGridView - add a new property to define the New row position
  • S18495 - ASPxGridView - add a RowCancelling event
  • S19094 - ASPxGridView - Add an ability to sort columns displayed within the Field Chooser alphabetically
  • S19087 - ASPxGridView - Add the CustomGroupDisplayText event
  • S19194 - ASPxGridView - CustomSummaryCalculate - add the GetValue parameter to the CustomSummaryEventArgs class to be able to obtain a field value in a certain record
  • Q98122 - ASPxGridView - Export To Excel - add an ability to export data according to data types
  • S18908 - ASPxGridView - Start client-side validation when the Update button is clicked
  • S18816 - ASPxGridView - the Sort By Summary feature is needed
  • S19043 - ASPxListBox - add the client-side ItemDoubleClick event
  • S50103 - Export only selected rows
  • S90734 - Implement an ASPxFileUploadControl to allow uploading files

ASPxperience Suite

  • CS8867 - Add an ability to center a popup window relative to the browser's window
  • AS15223 - Add an ability to hide tabs on the client
  • S20183 - Allow Redirects on a callback
  • S18738 - ASPxDateEdit - Add an ability to share a single calendar control between several ASPxDateEdit editors
  • AS17285 - ASPxMenu - add a style for an item's disabled state
  • AS16558 - ASPxMenu - Add an ability to define different popup images for an item's normal and hovered states
  • Q97254 - ASPxPager - make it properly change a page if the control's EnableViewState is false
  • S18584 - ASPxPopupControl - Implement a new client CorrectPosition method to resize and reposition a popup window without hiding it
  • AS14376 - ASPxRoundPanel - Add an ability to modify the header's text on the client side
  • S90024 - Create a new control to upload files using AJAX
  • B91950 - EndCallback event should be raised after all scripts are initialized
  • S90432 - Event chain seems to be broken when trying to change an AspxRoundPanel HeaderText value in MasterPage
  • CS60830 - Provide consistent themes for various controls


  • S19065 - Add a FieldAreaIndexChanged event
  • S19039 - Add a FieldFilterChanged event
  • S18709 - Add a new event, which is triggered when a control's hierarchy is created
  • S18612 - Add an ability to customize the pivot grid's context menu
  • S19055 - Add an event that is raised when a field is moved to 'Field List', or its Visible property is set to False
  • S19166 - Add an OLAPQueryTimeout event
  • Q95175 - Add new ExpandAllRows and ExpandAllColumns methods
  • S19054 - Add new properties to define the customization window's size
  • S19050 - Documentation - Describe ASPxPivotGrid templates
  • S18091 - Export to PDF - Provide the ability to use Landscape page orientation
  • S90839 - Implement the client PerformCallback method and server CustomCallback event within the ASpxPivotGrid control
  • S19152 - Improve the ExpandAll function performance in OLAP mode
  • S18911 - Localization - Localization via resource files
  • S18625 - OLAP sorting - Provide an ability not to sort data by the grid
  • S19213 - Provide an ability to hide field headers
  • S90446 - Provide an ability to set the name of an exported spreadsheet
  • AS15199 - Support groups of fields

ASPxScheduler Suite

  • S19027 - Add an ability to customize pop-up menus at runtime
  • S18599 - Add Office skins support
  • S19272 - Add the ability to customize a vertical resource header area ( to change it's width)
  • Q93819 - Implement AllowAppointment* events similar to that found in XtraScheduler
  • S18714 - MonthView,WeekView - Provide an ability to customize the DateCellHeader via a template
  • S18956 - Usability - Add the GoToDate method (similar to the SchedulerControl.GoToDate method)

DXperience ASP.NET Edition

  • AS5738 - New Product - ASP.NET HTML Editor
  • AS17084 - New Product - ASP.NET Spell Checker
  • AS6329 - New Product - ASP.NET TreeView/TreeList

DXperience Professional

  • S90467 - Include Pink and Green skins into the OfficeSkins.dll

eXpress Persistent Objects

  • S18946 - Class Generator Wizard must display all tables and views from the database
  • S19142 - DeferredDeletionAttribute must accept "false" as a parameter
  • S18986 - Documentation - Add a help topic about LINQ support in XPO
  • S90324 - Make ICacheToCacheCommunicationCore XML-serializable
  • S19204 - Provide the ability to specify the NoForeignKey attribute in the metadata xml
  • S18623 - The XPObjectType table for a certain data layer (IDataLayer) should be accessed only once
  • S18988 - Wizard - The ability to import smalldatetime fields from an existing database
  • AS15888 - XPO class generator - Select/Unselect All

XtraBars Suite

  • S18518 - Provide a new "ShowInCaption" property for the PageCategory
  • S18517 - Provide the color property for the DefaultPageCategory
  • S20287 - Stand-alone Toolbar - Improve support for a StandaloneBarDockControl to be used with an XtraLayoutControl

XtraCharts Suite

  • AS15070 - Bar Series View - Add an option to show bars of the same size in the side-by-side series view
  • AS8925 - Bar Series View - Add an option to show labels for series points with a zero value
  • AS5057 - Design Time - Add import and export links to a ChartControl's smart tag (as well as to WebChartControl and XRChart), so to be able to save a chart to XML in VS IDE
  • DS6511 - Labels - Ability to fully customize their text
  • AS4481 - Pie/Doughnut Series View - Ability to paint separate titles for every chart series
  • S18907 - Serialization - the ability to save a chart to XML format
  • AS5429 - Series Label - Add the ability to show a series name in point labels
  • AS7804 - Series View - Add a Spline series view type
  • AS7366 - Web - Support the Medium Trust permission level
  • AS10978 - WebChartControl - Add the ability to store/restore a chart's layout at design time

XtraEditors Library

  • AS15650 - CheckedComboBoxEdit - editor that displays a checked listbox in the dropdown
  • S19175 - Documentation - Create a list of all available skins in one topic
  • S19177 - Documentation - In the CustomDrawDayNumberCellEventArgs.Style Property topic, add that only the ForeColor style may be changed for a cell
  • S19195 - DXValidationProvider - InvalidControls collection must not return null
  • S18792 - FilterControl - Support the IBindingListView interface
  • S19449 - Improve application loading time
  • CS64511 - Proportional resizing of panels separated by a Splitter Control when a form is resized
  • CS48127 - Provide Close buttons in tab pages
  • Q97872 - RepositoryItemComboBox - Add a MeasureItem event
  • A2207 - SimpleButton - Add an ImageLocation property
  • A1480 - Take look and feel into account when painting scroll bars for PanelControl and GroupControl in AutoScroll mode
  • S19360 - TextEdit - hide the ForeColorChanged, BackColorChanged and FontChanged events and make them obsolete
  • DS7796 - XtraTabControl - Add Deselecting and Deselected events
  • B2465 - XtraTabControl - Configuration of close buttons in tab headers

XtraGrid Suite

  • AS4577 - Add a column filter list with check boxes for multiple choices
  • S19258 - Create the ability to hide a vertical scrollbar for the LayoutView in a way it could be done with the help of the GridView's VertScrollVisibility property
  • S19442 - Documentation - Store/RestoreLayout~ methods - there should be an explicit note that the View's OptionsLayout.Columns.AddNewColumns property has no effect when the FullLayout option is used
  • AS3274 - Export to XLS - Intelligent data type detection for exporting
  • B92477 - Filter Builder is using View.PaintStyle rather than DefaultLookAndFeel
  • S90491 - LayoutView - Marquee selection of cards
  • S90533 - LayoutView - Multiple row/column Print Preview
  • S19174 - LayoutView - provide the ability to automatically change a focused card when scrolling is performed
  • S90037 - LayoutView - Runtime layout customization
  • S18790 - Process DataTime? values like DateTime type values
  • S90056 - Rename the "Clear" button under "In-Place Editor Repository"
  • S90472 - Screencasts: sound problems
  • AS4469 - Support a column's ImageIndex and ImageAlignment properties in the LayoutView

XtraLayout Suite

  • AS4239 - Ability to create a custom customization form at design time
  • DS37585 - Add a property to allow a group to be expanded by double-clicking its header
  • DS11693 - Add Click and DoubleClick events to the LayoutControlItem class
  • A2001 - Add Hints for layoutItems
  • AS17342 - Add the ability to hide specific layout items when a LayoutControl is being printed
  • CS45937 - Add TooltipController support
  • A1783 - BaseLayoutItem - Add the Shown event
  • CS30759 - Constraints and long item text
  • S19066 - Customization - provide the ability to add "fixed" items to the customization, so they work in a similar way as the EmptySpaceItem does
  • S19135 - CustomizationForm - add Filter properties to the Property Grid
  • S18818 - Designer - Set a common property for multiple selected layout items in PropertyGrid
  • AS15679 - Display icons in layout items
  • S18753 - Don't create additional labels for fields when a Table is dropped onto the LayoutControl from the Data Source window as a detail table
  • AS9107 - Improve painting when the LayoutControl is set to Enabled (each layout item shouldn't be repainted individually)
  • AS8474 - Improve the design-time Undo of the Layout control
  • CS66356 - Make labels easy to edit
  • AS4578 - More flexibility in layout labels
  • AS6185 - Provide multi-line tabbed groups in XtraLayoutControl
  • DS59751 - Splitter - Add Click and DoubleClick events
  • S18168 - TabbedGroup - Add the HeaderOrienation property
  • AS10174 - The CustomizationForm property cannot be set to a new instance
  • DS30676 - Use different LayoutControlItem.MinSize values for RadioGroups with more than one column
  • S18579 - XtraLayout validating demo: deny navigation if validation failed

XtraPivotGrid Suite

  • CS34617 - Add a CellClick event
  • S18023 - Add a CustomGroupInvervalValue event - custom group intervals and custom display text for groups
  • S90142 - Add a new Group Interval type that groups by hours
  • B91685 - Add a PrefilterCriteriaChanged event
  • S20296 - Add an OptionsBehavior.CopyToClipboardWithFieldValues option
  • S19045 - ChartControl integration - Add the ability to produce null values, which are treated as empty points when setting the ChartControl.DataSource property to the PivotGridControl instance
  • AS13146 - Implement a SavePivotGridToStream method and a corresponding PivotFileDataSource constructor
  • AS13662 - Implement custom totals in OLAP mode
  • S18886 - OLAP: Implement a CreateDrillDownDataSource method
  • S18630 - Pass a painter object to the PivotCustomDrawFieldHeaderEventArgs object
  • AS15016 - PivotFileDataSource - Add a DataSource property that will provide access to raw data and allow the number of records to be obtained
  • S19131 - Provide an ability to disable the prefilter functionality
  • S18748 - Provide an ability to obtain the bounds of a specific cell
  • S18660 - RetrieveFields must generate a unique name for fields

XtraPrinting Library

  • A947 - Export to XLS - Export an object's value and string format to Excel (use native format)
  • AS6501 - Localization - All resource names in the DevExpress.XtraPrinting assembly must include the default namespace (DevExpress.XtraPrinting)
  • S19430 - Localization - Fix label widths in Chinese localization
  • S18858 - Preview - Add an overload of the ShowPreview method to display a Ribbon print preview form instead of a standard one

XtraReports Suite

  • A1153 - Controls - Add a Cross-Tab report control based on XtraPivotGrid
  • CS28723 - Data - Add the GetNextColumnValue and GetPrevColumnValue methods
  • S18112 - Localization - All forms must be converted to .NET 2.0
  • AS6691 - Page Builder - Add the ability to keep the Detail band and its Detail Report together
  • AS6172 - Page Builder - Add the ability to skip duplicate labels
  • AS6171 - Page Builder - Add the ability to skip empty labels
  • AS16584 - Page Builder - Add the PrintOn property to PageHeader and PageFooter bands
  • AS4534 - Page Builder - Support the KeepTogether feature for splitting in the vertical direction (when a control's contents are not printed on a page in case it cannot be completely visible there)
  • AS5964 - Styles - Add the ability to specify whether BackColor, BorderColor, etc. property values should be taken from a control or from its style
  • A1621 - Web - Provide the ability to use a report's printing settings instead of that of a Web browser when printing a report on the client side
  • AS15160 - Web - Support clustered environments (Web farms and Web gardens)
  • B19721 - XRChart - Add the XRChart.DataMember property to make it easier to create data-bound charts

XtraScheduler Suite

  • S18550 - Add a possibility to set up the XtraScheduler time zone irrespective of the system time zone
  • S90370 - Add overloads to importing methods to accept a string parameter (path)
  • S90337 - Add simple calendar navigation depending on ActiveView
  • AS15709 - Add the Appointment Drop event
  • AS4517 - Controls - Add the SchedulerToolbar control (similar to that of MS Outlook)
  • S90371 - Database schema for use with XtraScheduler - document the field required for Outlook synchronization
  • AS15348 - Documentation - Add a topic about the AppointmentConflictsCalculator class
  • S18614 - Documentation - Describe the OccurrenceCalculator class
  • Q93371 - Make it possible to specify the company name for the vCalendar export
  • S19044 - Outlook synchronization - Add LastModificationTime and CreationTime properties to the _AppointmentItem class
  • AS17170 - Provide an ability to filter Appointments and Resources by using the FilterControl
  • AS6073 - Recurrent event edit confirmation
  • S18542 - Scheduler Storage - Add an ability to define a color format for a resource (OLE or ARGB)
  • S19422 - SchedulerControl - Implement the FindAll() method for the AppointmentBaseCollection and ResourceBaseCollection
  • S19415 - SchedulerControl - Provide an ability to override keyboard event handlers by creating dedicated service
  • S90753 - Scrolling - Ability to change scroll behavior, when a Scheduler's area is scrolled via the mouse
  • S18337 - SnapToCell - Extend the SnapToCell property (Create a three-state switcher: Always, Auto or Never)


  • S18340 - Dictionary - Ability to store *.txt, *.aff and *.xlg files as embedded resources

XtraVerticalGrid Suite

  • AS6408 - Add the ability to display a property description in the PropertyGridControl
  • B3294 - Add the ability to display unbound rows within a bound vertical grid
  • S130007 - Change the name of the ScaleRowHeaderPanel property to FixRowHeaderPanelWidth
  • S18745 - Implement the BestFit method
  • CS58719 - Repository - Show a warning message box before performing an action of the Clear button
  • AS17414 - Support methods for block data notifications

Resolved Issues

ASPxGridView and Editors Suite

  • B92832 - A column header can't be dragged to the group panel, if the scroll bar is set not to the topmost position within the grid's parent scrollable container
  • B90644 - An issue in the Interval Grouping demo
  • B91650 - ASPxButton has an inconsistent behavior if the UseSubmitBehavior property is true
  • B92776 - ASPxDataView item spacing when the column count is set to one
  • B19731 - ASPxGridView - does not use the editor's value changed in the editor's Validation event
  • Q97835 - ASPxGridView - The client SelectAllRowsOnPage method does not check a command column's check boxes on the first page, if the grid's paging and grouping are used
  • B92760 - ASPxSpinEdit - Setting the MinValue property to 0 is not in effect, if the NumberType property is set to Integer
  • B30291 - ASPxTextBox - If the AutoPostBack property is enabled, the editor's ValueChanged event is not generated on the server
  • Q98429 - ASPxTextBox - server TextChanged event is not generated when the AutoPostBack property is set to true
  • B92685 - Column headers are not correctly aligned on the first page load, if the grid's grouping level is predefined, and a scrollbar is enabled
  • B93015 - If ASPxHtmlEditor and ASP.NET LinkButton are on the same page, the ASP.NET LinkButton does not fire the OnClick and OnCommand events
  • B50249 - Sorting by display texts doesn't work for GridViewDataHyperLinkColumn type columns
  • B30244 - The "redirection on callback" feature is not in effect


  • B30376 - ASPxHtmlEditor doesn't work correctly in ASPxGridView EditForm
  • B30353 - ASPxHtmlEditor doesn't work in Firefox 3

ASPxperience Suite

  • B30135 - ASP.NET Web Application does not add references to DevExpress.xx assemblies
  • Q98315 - ASPxHtmlEditor - UserControl objects used within dialog forms don't work in VS2008 web applications
  • B90876 - ASPxPageControl - The WebChartControl's series are gone (deleted) after passing to another tab
  • B92673 - ASPxPageControl designer markup issues
  • B50215 - ASPxPopupControl - When creating resource files, resource strings for controls placed within the default popup window are not generated
  • B92790 - The same tag prefix is shared by the ASPxSpellChecker and ASPxScheduler controls


  • Q97695 - OLAP Groups - Code generated by the designer is not compiled
  • B92689 - OLAP hierarchies are not serialized properly

ASPxScheduler Suite

  • B19833 - AppointmentForm's code behind file should be created according to the project programming language
  • B30189 - ServerSide events aren't raised for custom controls in Templates

DXperience Enterprise

  • B30263 - After installing only XtraEditors, an exception occurs when running the DemoCenter

DXperience Professional

  • B92420 - DevExpress.Office2007Bonus library has a wrong version number
  • B91551 - SkinEditor fails with the "ExternalException: A generic error occurred in GDI+." exception when a user doesn't have permissions to write into the Program Files directory

eXpress Persistent Objects

  • DB44484 - UnitOfWork - the "Cannot access disposed object" exception is raised when building a project

XtraBars Suite

  • B92852 - Autohide dockpanels order not preserved on RestoreLayout
  • CB63244 - ItemLinks Help Topic points to a wrong location
  • B30198 - XtraTabbedMdiManager - incorrect mnemonics display

XtraCharts Suite

  • S19428 - Localization - The "Series Binding" tab caption isn't localizable in the Chart Wizard

XtraEditors Library

  • B90837 - CalcEdit doesn't retain the calculation result on clicking outside the editor
  • CB63896 - Creating Window Handle error in the ScrollBarBase class
  • B30334 - Problems with invoking XtraMessageBox with the Yes and No buttons from a topmost form
  • B30239 - Skins - Some editors size is incorrect in the new McSkin

XtraGrid Suite

  • CB45524 - Design time - Resizing XtraGrid and then undoing this clears the grid
  • B92751 - GridMainDemo - An error in the Layout Detail (new) module
  • B30299 - LayoutView - it is impossible to adjust padding for a specific item
  • B30298 - LayoutView - vertical scroll bar works incorrectly when the AllowPartialCards property is set to True
  • DB56205 - Pressing the escape key while resizing a grid resets a column collection to default
  • B92877 - PrintableComponentLink shows a grid caption when Show Caption is false

XtraLayout Suite

  • B19784 - Export - Display formatting settings (the DisplayFormat property) are ignored for the focused editor
  • AB13361 - LayoutControlGroup doesn't change its skin according to the attached StyleController
  • CB51794 - Splitter item shown in the HiddenItems array
  • B19837 - The top left editor within a LayoutControl is not focused on application startup

XtraPivotGrid Suite

  • B92035 - CreateDrillDownDataSource method causes an exception
  • B30065 - FieldValue header is cut when PivotGridControl is placed in a report, which in its turn is displayed in ReportViewer (ASP.NET)

XtraPrinting Library

  • B92019 - Export to RTF - Sometimes headers and footers are truncated
  • B92829 - Export to XLS - A System.OverflowException exception is raised (the value was either too large or too small for a UInt16) for a very large report
  • Q95798 - Export to XLS - RichTextBox is exported with control chars
  • B19789 - Usability - Some export options must be disabled in the ExportOpions dialog when the Export mode is set to SingleFile

XtraReports Suite

  • B30349 - Anchoring - CanGrow property of the XRPictureBox and XRLine controls is serialized when the VerticalAnchor property is set to Both
  • B92589 - Code - Sometimes the "Resources is ambiguous" error occurs
  • B92819 - Data - An error when setting the DataMember property of a report, if its datasource implements the IDataDictionary interface
  • B19363 - Data - GetCurrentColumnValue does not return correct values
  • B92391 - Design Time - Selection in the report designer field list is lost
  • B92153 - Design Time - Slow pasting of controls when using Ctrl+Drag
  • B92280 - Documentation - Description for the XRSummary.Running property is incorrect
  • B19839 - Documentation - ReportViewer.WriteTextTo method contains incorrect parameter information (string exportType)
  • B92815 - Mail Merge - Setting a format string for embedded fields via the Smart Tag doesn't work
  • B30300 - Page Builder - A DetailReport band is causing cross-band controls to break when it's being split across the pages
  • B92848 - Page Builder - Page Header shows incorrect bound data if it is printed on the same page with a Group Footer and without any Detail band on the same page
  • B30331 - Scripting - Script dialog height isn't preserved when invoking this dialog several times
  • B20630 - Styles - Styles property values (e.g. BackColor, Font), which are displayed in the Toolbar and PropertyGrid, are not the same as that actually used
  • B92764 - Web - Print buttons on the ReportToolbar sometimes show a blank page
  • B30308 - XRLabel - Letters are overlapped if the TextAlignment property is set to Justify (e.g. TopJustify)

XtraScheduler Suite

  • B19949 - If an Appointment starts or ends in another year (the visible one), start and end times should be rendered with this year (as in MS Outlook)
  • B92664 - Magenta bitmaps for Ribbon Designer's XtraSchedulerItems


  • B90541 - Ribbon Appointment form error
