Brief Answers to Big Questions-10-How Do We Shape the Future?


A key element for Einstein was imagination. Many of his discoveries came from his ability to reimagine the universe through thought experiments.


As a boy, I was passionately interested in how things worked.

My job now is still to figure out how things work, only the scale has changed.

If you know how something works, you can control it.

“If you know how something works, you can control it.” 这句话让我想到了《蒋勋解读红楼梦》中的一个有趣观点。蒋勋先生认为,真正能够让一个家族长盛不衰的做法应该是诗书传家。比如曹家的创始人是江宁织造,那就应该让子孙后代学习纺织业的知识技能,并把纺织业作为一种家族产业经营起来,而不是安于自己的官职,想当然地认为替皇帝工作就能衣食无忧了。这样即使失宠于皇帝被抄家,也能很快自立门户,通过经营纺织业来重整家门。我认为这个例子正好印证了霍金的这句话,如果你知道事情的基本原理,那么你就能控制它,而不是被它控制。



The basis for the future of education must lie in schools and inspiring teachers.


First, the exploration of space for alternative planets on which to live,

and second, the positive use of artificial intelligence to improve our world.


But I am advocating that all young people should be familiar with and confident around scientific subjects, whatever they choose to do.


A world where only a tiny super-elite are capable of understanding advanced science and technology and its applications would be, to my mind, a dangerous and limited one. I seriously doubt whether long-range beneficial projects such as cleaning up the oceans or curing diseases in the developing world would be given priority. Worse, we could find that technology is used against us and that we might have no power to stop it.


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