This is a custom monitoring metric on check_mk platform,
the threshold is defined in /usr/lib/check_mk_oracle/MAIN/conf1/perf_ORCL_arc_disk.json
[oracle@IDPCN-IYCost conf]$ cat perf_ORCL_logswitches.json
notice the two threshold value:“perf_warn”:“60”,“perf_crit”:“120”,mean the times of log switch , which will trigger warning alarm and 95%trigger critical alarm if reach the threshold.
select to_char(first_time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24') first_time,count(*)
from v$log_history
WHERE TO_CHAR(FIRST_TIME, 'yyyymmdd')='20230324' group by to_char(first_time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24') order by FIRST_TIME desc
The above output results show that the log switch reached 61 times at three o’clock in the morning
the sql text is as below:
select *
from (SELECT to_char(begin_interval_time, 'YYYY_MM_DD HH24:MI') snap_time,
FROM dba_hist_seg_stat dhss,
dba_hist_seg_stat_obj dhsso,
dba_hist_snapshot dhs
WHERE dhs.snap_id = dhss.snap_id
AND dhs.instance_number = dhss.instance_number
AND dhss.obj# = dhsso.obj#
AND dhss.dataobj# = dhsso.dataobj#
AND to_char(begin_interval_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24') like '2023-03-24 03%'
GROUP BY to_char(begin_interval_time, 'YYYY_MM_DD HH24:MI'), dhsso.object_name
order by 3 desc)
where rownum <= 5;
—Notice:in the “where” condition, to_char(begin_interval_time, ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH24’) like ‘2023-03-24 03%’ ,please replace with actual time happened
the output result will be:
Here, The table with the most block changing is MOSALED, so we try to find out the sql statement related to MOSALED
SELECT to_char(begin_interval_time, 'YYYY_MM_DD HH24:MI'),
dbms_lob.substr(sql_text, 4000, 1),
FROM dba_hist_sqlstat dhss,
dba_hist_snapshot dhs,
dba_hist_sqltext dhst
WHERE UPPER(dhst.sql_text) LIKE '%MOSALED%'
AND dhss.snap_id = dhs.snap_id
AND dhss.instance_Number = dhs.instance_number
AND dhss.sql_id = dhst.sql_id
AND to_char(DHS.begin_interval_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24')='2023-03-24 03'
Final, we will pass these sql information to relevant person, and discuss root cause together with them