夜跑第6天|核对Sugary drink consumption Plunges暴跌 in Chile智利 after a new food law.


Surgery drink consumption plunges  In Chile after new food raw.

plunge 暴跌骤降跳水

nosedive plummet slump tumble

For years after Chile embraced采取 the world's most sweeping彻底的 measures to combat mounting  Obesity对抗肥胖症,  a partial verdict 一定程度证明on their effectiveness in Chileans智利人 are drinking a lot fewer-sugar-laden高糖的 beverages饮料 ,according to a study published Tuesday.

embrace measures to do something=take measures

a verdict on sth对某事的裁决、判断

Consumption of sugar sweetened drinks含糖饮料 dropped nearly 25% in the 18 months after Chile adopted a raft of regulations that included  advertising restrictions on unhealthy foods, bold front- of- package warming lablels and a ban on Junk food垃圾食品  in schools. During the same period, researchers recorded a 5% increase in purchases of bottled water, diet soft drinks减肥软饮 and fruit juices without added sugar.

The law is far -reaching影响深远的. It includes mandatory 法定的,强制性的 package redesigns that erased cartoons like Tony the tiger from sugary cereal  boxes and series of black stop signs that must appear on the front of packages foods and beverages high in salt, sugar, fat or calories.

To avoid having to display the dreaded令人生畏的 stop signs on their products, companies like  Nestle, Coca Cola and PepsiCo 雀巢可口可乐和百事可乐have reformulated hundreds of products, reducing the amount of sodium sodium in salad dressings沙拉酱 and substituting artificial sweeteners甜味剂 for sugar in carbonated drinks碳酸饮料.

substitute A for B用A来替换B

Experts say it is too soon to know whether the food regulations are making a dent削弱,取得进展 in Chile's obesity  rates, but the early results could embollden鼓舞  policymakers in  Chile.

你可能感兴趣的:(夜跑第6天|核对Sugary drink consumption Plunges暴跌 in Chile智利 after a new food law.)