
Hal started the sledge and went down towards the river.


Buck lifted his head and watched the sledge move away.


Pike was leading, and Joe, Teak and Soles were behind him.

派克打头, 乔, 蒂克和索拉克斯跟在他后面。

Hal was walking in front of the sledge and Mercedes was riding on it; Charles was walking behind.

哈尔走在雪撬前面, 玛尔赛蒂坐在雪撬上, 查尔斯随后。

As Buck watched, Thornton felt his body with gentle hands, searching for broken bones.

巴克一边看着他们, 桑顿一边用手轻轻抚摸着他的身体, 寻找着破碎的骨头。

Buck was very thin, very tired and very weak, but Thornton didn't think he was going to die.

巴克虽然瘦骨嶙峋, 衰疲不已, 但桑顿却仍然觉得他有救。

Then both dog and man watched the sledge as it went slowly out on to the ice in the middle of the river.


Suddenly the back of the sledge went down and the front went up into the air.

突然雪撬的后部陷了下去, 前部向空中翘起。

Mercedes screamed, and Charles turned and took one step back.

玛尔赛蒂尖叫起来, 查尔斯转身刚后退了一步,

Then a big piece of ice broke off, and dogs, sledge and people disappeared; there was only a big hole in the ice.

随后一大块冰破裂了, 雪撬、狗还有人一起没了踪影, 冰面上只留下了一个大洞。

John Thornton and Buck looked at one another.


'You poor thing, ' said John Thornton, and Buck licked his hand.

“你这可怜儿, ”约翰桑顿说, 巴克舔着他的手。
