

“A Diamond Is Forever.”也许你对这句广告语比较陌生,但是这句话的中文版本你肯定听过,而且相当熟悉,那就是“钻石恒久远,一颗永流传”。一想到钻石,脑海中除了会浮现它耀眼的光芒,同时还会联想到那光芒照耀下的新娘的美丽脸庞。那么从何时开始,钻石与爱情、婚姻关联起来了呢?

这还要倒推回大萧条时代,钻石业巨头戴比尔斯(De Beers)在广告语中将钻石赋予了特殊意义,同时暗示准新娘们“只有愿意花大价钱为你买钻石的人才是真正爱你的人”。这样的营销策略准确地抓住了准新娘的心理,因而成功引爆了钻石市场。长久以来,人们对钻石的热情有增无减,但是近些年,钻石市场却黯然失色。

贝恩咨询公司(Bain & Company)认为,2017年毛坯钻石的交易额比2016年下跌了10亿美元,且未来十年将近2亿6千万克拉的钻石开采量使得钻石制造商的利益逐渐蒸发。与此同时,人造钻石的出现不仅靠着相对便宜的售价抢占了钻石市场的份额,而且避免了钻石背后可能会产生的血腥交易。面对种种新情况的出现,钻石产业正处在举步维艰的境地。钻石的未来是否会像广告中讲的那样长久呢?让我们拭目以待吧。

本篇课程首发于2018年10月30日,选自 The Economist Espresso APP



Shine off: diamonds

① During the Great Depression, De Beers invented a clever marketing wheeze: it persuaded fiancées that unless their husband-to-be spent a month's salary on a diamond engagement ring, he was a cold-hearted miser. (Later, that was upped to two months' salary.)

② Demand for diamonds has grown steadily since.

③ But recently the industry, gathering today at the World Diamond Council annual meeting in Mumbai, has been in less than sparkling spirits.

④ Bain & Company, a consultancy, reckons that rough-diamond sales fell from $15bn in 2016 to $14bn in 2017.

⑤ Producers' profits have disappeared as supplies have increased.

⑥ Bain reckons an extra 26m carats a year will be mined over the next decade.

⑦ Retailers are under pressure, too.

⑧ The trade in blood diamonds has tainted the gems' image.

⑨ And laboratory-grown diamonds—now almost indistinguishable from mined ones—are gaining market share.

⑩ Should America, which accounts for almost half of diamond-jewellery sales, stutter, the industry could find itself between a rock and hard place.


wheeze /wiːz/: n. (尤指为获利而想出的) 巧计;计谋

fiancée /fiˈɒnseɪ, ˌfiːɑːnˈseɪ/: n. 未婚妻

· fiancé /fiˈɒnseɪ, ˌfiːɑːnˈseɪ/: n. 未婚夫

husband-to-be: n. 未婚夫;准丈夫

· mother-to-be: n. 准妈妈

· bride-to-be: n. 准新娘

diamond engagement ring: 订婚钻戒

· wedding ring: 结婚戒指

cold-hearted /ˌkəʊldˈhɑːtɪd, ˌkoʊld ˈhɑːrtɪd/: adj. 冷血的

· warm-hearted: adj. 热心的

· kind-hearted: adj. 善良的

· heart-warming: adj. 暖心的

· heart-melting: adj. 融化心房的

· heart-breaking: adj. 让人伤心的

Your smile is heart-meltingly beautiful.


miser /ˈmaɪzə, ˈmaɪzər/: n. 吝啬鬼

up /ʌp/: vt. 使上涨;提升 (价格等)

grow steadily: 稳步增长

be in ... spirits: 在……的精神状态中

· be in high spirits: 兴高采烈;情绪高昂

· be in low spirits: 情绪低落

rough diamond: 毛坯钻石

· loose diamond: 裸钻

reckon /ˈrekən/: vt. 认为

carat /ˈkærət/: n. 克拉

mine /maɪn/: vt. 挖掘;开采

retailer /ˈriːteɪlə, ˈriːteɪlər/: n. 零售商

be under pressure: 处于某种压力之下


You put me under huge pressure, you know that?


Don't add to the pressure that I'm already under, please.

taint one's image /teɪnt/: 损害……的形象


Your conduct has tainted the company's image.


Your behavior has tainted the family's image.

distinguish A from B: 分得清 A 和 B

A is indistinguishable from B /ˌɪndɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃəbəl/: 很难区分 A 和 B

gain market share: 获取市场份额

account for: 占比;导致,是……的原因;说明

stutter /ˈstʌtə, ˈstʌtər/: vi. 说话结巴,吞吞吐吐;进展不顺利

Should 倒装句:

Should there be any problems, please don't hesitate to contact me.


(be) between a rock and hard place: 进退两难;举步维艰

I am now between a rock and hard place.




参加第一期友邻优课参与式课堂(Participative Practicum)的16位同学


