【守护】 Retain

时刻警惕优良传统中潜在的熵。这几周我的健康值梯度性下降,读英语的约定也逐渐掉料,这是非常严峻的征兆,万万要全力守护起来。【目标】每天规定时段看养生相关的英文资料,记录下全程的探索  【陪伴者】王书浓



你获得了梦寐以求的新鲜身体,它使你 free of disease, healthy, productive and zestfully enjoying your life. 你准备再年少轻狂一次,只是这一次,你发誓永远不再轻易碰健康的底线。




【饮食】奉行 Michael Pollan 的 "Eat Food, Not Too Much, Mostly Plants." 并且我个人需要忌口高 GI 食物和牛奶。【番茄式休息】这个绝对是千重万重,是及时止损的关键因子。我需要乖乖地设好番茄钟,直到它刻骨铭心地内化在脑子里。【早睡】违规的危害想都别想,它简直是个让人走向慢性自杀的黑暗森林。切记,23:15 是底线,没有理由讨价还价。【定时去健身】让自己出汗,活跃快乐激素。最重要的是养成一个可以坚持一生的好习惯。


首先,我要在作为“指导纲领”的欣计划上加上几条:① 让你的血液年轻而澄澈(正向愿景) ② 不按时休息,你很快就废了(反向刺激) ③ 失去的觉永远都补不回来(反向刺激)etc, etc.

之前列的不少动机都是正向的,时间一长就上不了我的刺激阈值了。最好搭配一些反向刺激(恐吓),就像 “微小惩罚” 能波动人类厌恶损失的心理那样。



《你一生的故事》里提到了 “思维意味着心里说话”。主人公参加了一个封闭式俄语课程后,思维时用的语言已经成了俄语,连做梦时用的都是俄语。而一个从小到大一直使用手语的人竟然“思考时内心没有声音,脑子里只有一双手比来画去”。


Why good leaders make you feel safe


1. If you have hard time in your family, would you ever consider laying off one of your children? We would never do it. And why do you consider laying off people inside your organization?

2. Lifetime employment. You cannot get fired for your performence issues. In fact, if you have issues, they will coach you and give you support, just like we would do with one of our children who happens to come home with a C from school?

3. Bob doesn't believe in head counts. Bob believes in heart counts. And it's much more difficult to simply reduce the heart count.

4. We call them leaders because they will choose to sacrifice so that their people may be safe and protected and so their people may gain, and when we do, the natural response is that our people will sacrifice for us. 

They will give us their blood and sweat and tears to see that their leader's vision comes to life, and when we ask them, "Why would you do that? Why do you give your blood and sweat and tears for that person?"

They all say the same thing, "Because they would have done it for me." And isn't that the organization we would all like to work in?

How great leaders inspire action


1. People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it. 

2. Golden circle: Why  How   What

3. The goal is not to do business with everyone who needs what you have. The goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe.

4. If you hire people just because they can do a jjob, they'll work for your money. But if you hire people who believe what you believe, they will work for you with blood and sweat and tears.

5. They were driven by a cause(事业), by a purpose, by a belief. They believed that if they could figure out this flying machines, it'll change the course of world.

6. The innovators and the early adoptors are comfortable with those gut decisions, intuitive decisions, that are driven by what they believe about the world, and not just what product is available.

7. We follow those who lead, not because we have to, but because we want to. We follow those who lead, not for them, but for ourselves. It's those who start with 'why' that have the ability to inspire those around them, or find others who inspire them.

Is milk good or bad for health?

A man does not need milk. Cow's milk was originally intended for calves. Calves have milk to grow into large cows. We as humans are the only beings that the milk of a different 'type' of drinking. That is, we drink milk that is actually designed to allow extremely fast growing calves. A calf grows in a few months into an adult cow of 600kg. Is that what we want people?

Lactose is also called "milk sugar," and ensures that babies and young animals grow. About 70% of the world's population is lactose intolerant. If you are lactose intolerant, mist your body (part of) the enzyme "lactase," which ensures that lactose is broken down. Many people become ill from drinking milk, but only come here later in life behind. 70% of the world is a great group of people!

We know that milk contains calcium. Calcium is good for building bones and teeth. However, milk contains a lot of phosphorus. When the ratios between phosphorus, calcium and magnesium are good, the body takes on phosphorus easily. This is not the case with cow's milk. Cow's milk contains almost as much calcium as phosphorus; your body can not do anything with it.

Animal products such as dairy products, ensure that the pH value of your blood drops. This means that your body becomes more acidic. Want to counteract the acidifying effect of milk, you'll be eating a lot of fruit to come into balance. In short, the more milk you drink, the more acidic you are and the more vegetables you'll have to eat to make it good again.

So there are certainly reasons to have reservations about drinking milk. On the other hand you can say, we drink it for so long ... why should we not do this now? Perhaps your very old great-grandmother made it. That would certainly be so. However, remember that the milk that your great-grandmother drank in its time was a very different quality than those of dairy products that are in our store.

What happened to you after you started drinking only water?

I feel better inside. Instead of this clogged stomach where food was waiting to digest and meanwhile just sat heavy in my stomach . I was already helping digestion by drinking pure water instead of sugary soda or juice. Much easier for bathroom stuff.

How to fix a broken heart

1. If your heart is broken, you cannot ignore that. You have to recognize that, as compelling as the urge is, with every strip down memory lane, every text you send, every second you spend stalking your ex on social media, you are just feeding your addiction, deepening your emotional pain and complicating your recovery. 

Getting over heartbreak is not a journey, it's a fight, and your reason is your strongest weapon. There is no breakup explanation that's going to feel satisfying. No rationale can take away the pain you feel. So don't search for one, don't wait for one, just accept the one you were offered or make up one yourself and then put the question to rest, because you need that closure to resist the addiction.

2. Heartbreak is a complex psychological injury. It impacts us in a multitude of ways.(此处省略一个共享社交的例子)To fix your broken heart, you have to identify these voids in your life and fill them, and I mean all of them. The voids in your identity: you have to reestablish who you are and what your life is about. The voids in your social life, the missing activities, even empty spaces in the wall where pictures used to hang.

3. If you know someone who is heartbroken, have compassion, because social support has been found to be important for their recovery. And have patience, because it's going to take them longer to move on than you think it should. 

And if you're hurting, know this: it's difficult, it is a battle within your own mind, and you have to be diligent to win. But you do have weapons. You can fight. And you will heal.

The science of cells that never get old

1. It's the overshorting of telomeres(端粒) that leads us to feel old and see signs of aging. My skin cells start to die and I start to see fine lines, wrinkles. Hair pigment(色素) cells die and you start to see gray. Immune system cells die, you increase your risks of getting sick.

knife theory

2. Health span is the number of years of your life when you're free of disease, you're healthy, productive, zestfully enjoying your life.

Disease span, the opposite of health span, is the time of your life spent feeling old and sick and dying.

3. The longer, the more years that is the mother had been in this situation, no matter her age, the shorter were her telomeres. And the more she perceived her situation as stressful, the lower was her telomerase and the shorter were her telomeres.

4. The more chronic stress you are under, the shorter your telomeres, meaning that more likely you were to fall victim to an early disease span and perhaps untimely death.

5. Some caregivers were resilient to stress. Somehow they able to experience their circunstances not as a threat day in and day out(夜以继日) but as a challenge — we have contol over the way we age all the way dawn into our cells.

How young blood might help reverse aging


1. An old mouse that gets young blood through shared circulation looks younger and functions younger in its brain.

2. As we get older, the blood changes as well. Factors that are required for the development of tissues, for the maintenance of tissues, start to decrease as we get older. While factors involved in repair, in injury and in inflammation(炎症) -- they increase as we get older. Our body lives in a very different environment as we get older.

3. biological age VS chronological age

4. The Fountain of Youth is actually within us, and it has just dried out. Maybe we can find the factors that are mediating these effects. We can produce these factors synthetically(人工合成), and we can treat diseases of aging, such as Alzheimer's disease.

What if you had a second brain?

1. The microbes can manipulate your cravings and eating behaviours for their own survival.

Your diet affects which bacteria thrives, but as a result, the flourishing bacteria in your gut can then send signals to the brain via the vagus nerve to tell you to keep eating the foods they love.

The future of good food in China

1. In China, where everyone and everything is in a hurry, you need to outperform over 1.3 billion other people to build a better life.

2. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.

The brain benefits of deep sleep - and how to get more of it

1. For some reason, we decided to wear it as a badge(徽章) of honor that we can get by on not enough sleep. That adds to a real health crisis.

2. Poor sleep makes us make risky, rush decisions and is a drain on our capacity for empathy.

3. Deep sleep is how we convert those interactions that make during the day into our long-term memory and personalities.

What makes something go viral?

1. participating in the shared anticipation of something about to happen.

five jobs

2. (1) Humor: makes me laugh  (2) Identity: this is me (3) Helps me connect with another person (4) Helps me learn some about myself (5) Restores my faith in humanity

3. 从 recipe->job 到 job->recipe: 发现社交媒体传播信息的时候,让人们连接了。所以将连接人们作为目的。Let's do this together!

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