redis 6.jedis常用操作 手机6位验证码


    • 1. Jedis所需要的maven依赖包
    • 2. 连接Redis注意事项
      • 2.1 开放端口
      • 2.2 redis.conf配置
    • 3. 完成一个手机验证码功能
      • 3.1 发送6位验证码的3种方法
      • 3.2 手机验证码功能
    • 4. Jedis常用操作

1. Jedis所需要的maven依赖包


2. 连接Redis注意事项

2.1 开放端口


systemctl status firewalld 

redis 6.jedis常用操作 手机6位验证码_第1张图片

firewall-cmd --query-port=6379/tcp



firewall-cmd --add-port=6379/tcp --permanent



firewall-cmd --reload


2.2 redis.conf配置

  redis.conf中注释掉bind ,关闭保护模式 protected-mode no ,重启redis服务

3. 完成一个手机验证码功能


3.1 发送6位验证码的3种方法


    Random random = new Random();
        String code = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            code = code + random.nextInt(10);

[1,10) 乘以100000

 int code = (int) ((Math.random() * 9 + 1) * 100000);


int flag = new Random().nextInt(999999);
    if (flag < 100000)
        flag += 100000;

3.2 手机验证码功能

public class MyJedis {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

    MyJedis myJedis = new MyJedis();
	Scanner input=new Scanner(;
	String code =;
	boolean login = myJedis.login("18328509999", code);


    public boolean login(String phone, String code) {
        Jedis jedis = new Jedis("", 6379);

        String countKey = phone + "count";
        String codeKey = phone + "code";

        String redisCode = jedis.get(codeKey);
        if (code.equals(redisCode)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;


    public void sendCode(String phone) {
        Jedis jedis = new Jedis("", 6379);

        String countKey = phone + "count";
        String codeKey = phone + "code";
        String count = jedis.get(countKey);
        if (count == null) {
            jedis.setex(countKey, 24 * 60 * 60, "1");
        } else if (Integer.parseInt(count) < 3) {
            jedis.incrBy(countKey, 1);
        } else {
        String myCode = getCode();
        jedis.setex(codeKey, 2 * 60, myCode);


    public String getCode() {
        Random random = new Random();
        String code = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            code = code + random.nextInt(10);
        return code;


redis 6.jedis常用操作 手机6位验证码_第2张图片

4. Jedis常用操作

   * Works same as ping() but returns argument message instead of PONG.
   * @param message
   * @return message
  public String ping(final String message) {
    return client.getBulkReply();

   * Set the string value as value of the key. The string can't be longer than 1073741824 bytes (1
   * GB).

* Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @param value * @return Status code reply */ @Override public String set(final String key, final String value) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.set(key, value); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } /** * Set the string value as value of the key. The string can't be longer than 1073741824 bytes (1 * GB). * @param key * @param value * @param params NX|XX, NX -- Only set the key if it does not already exist. XX -- Only set the * key if it already exist. EX|PX, expire time units: EX = seconds; PX = milliseconds * @return Status code reply */ @Override public String set(final String key, final String value, final SetParams params) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.set(key, value, params); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } /** * Get the value of the specified key. If the key does not exist null is returned. If the value * stored at key is not a string an error is returned because GET can only handle string values. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @return Bulk reply */ @Override public String get(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.get(key); return client.getBulkReply(); } /** * Test if the specified keys exist. The command returns the number of keys exist. * Time complexity: O(N) * @param keys * @return Integer reply, specifically: an integer greater than 0 if one or more keys exist, * 0 if none of the specified keys exist. */ @Override public Long exists(final String... keys) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.exists(keys); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Test if the specified key exists. The command returns true if the key exists, otherwise false is * returned. Note that even keys set with an empty string as value will return true. Time * complexity: O(1) * @param key * @return Boolean reply, true if the key exists, otherwise false */ @Override public Boolean exists(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.exists(key); return client.getIntegerReply() == 1; } /** * Remove the specified keys. If a given key does not exist no operation is performed for this * key. The command returns the number of keys removed. Time complexity: O(1) * @param keys * @return Integer reply, specifically: an integer greater than 0 if one or more keys were removed * 0 if none of the specified key existed */ @Override public Long del(final String... keys) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.del(keys); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Long del(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.del(key); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * This command is very similar to DEL: it removes the specified keys. Just like DEL a key is * ignored if it does not exist. However the command performs the actual memory reclaiming in a * different thread, so it is not blocking, while DEL is. This is where the command name comes * from: the command just unlinks the keys from the keyspace. The actual removal will happen later * asynchronously. *

* Time complexity: O(1) for each key removed regardless of its size. Then the command does O(N) * work in a different thread in order to reclaim memory, where N is the number of allocations the * deleted objects where composed of. * @param keys * @return Integer reply: The number of keys that were unlinked */ @Override public Long unlink(final String... keys) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.unlink(keys); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Long unlink(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.unlink(key); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Return the type of the value stored at key in form of a string. The type can be one of "none", * "string", "list", "set". "none" is returned if the key does not exist. Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @return Status code reply, specifically: "none" if the key does not exist "string" if the key * contains a String value "list" if the key contains a List value "set" if the key * contains a Set value "zset" if the key contains a Sorted Set value "hash" if the key * contains a Hash value */ @Override public String type(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.type(key); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public Set<String> keys(final String pattern) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.keys(pattern); return; } /** * Return a randomly selected key from the currently selected DB. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @return Singe line reply, specifically the randomly selected key or an empty string is the * database is empty */ @Override public String randomKey() { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.randomKey(); return client.getBulkReply(); } /** * Atomically renames the key oldkey to newkey. If the source and destination name are the same an * error is returned. If newkey already exists it is overwritten. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @param oldkey * @param newkey * @return Status code repy */ @Override public String rename(final String oldkey, final String newkey) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.rename(oldkey, newkey); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } /** * Rename oldkey into newkey but fails if the destination key newkey already exists. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @param oldkey * @param newkey * @return Integer reply, specifically: 1 if the key was renamed 0 if the target key already exist */ @Override public Long renamenx(final String oldkey, final String newkey) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.renamenx(oldkey, newkey); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Set a timeout on the specified key. After the timeout the key will be automatically deleted by * the server. A key with an associated timeout is said to be volatile in Redis terminology. *

* Volatile keys are stored on disk like the other keys, the timeout is persistent too like all the * other aspects of the dataset. Saving a dataset containing expires and stopping the server does * not stop the flow of time as Redis stores on disk the time when the key will no longer be * available as Unix time, and not the remaining seconds. *

* Since Redis 2.1.3 you can update the value of the timeout of a key already having an expire * set. It is also possible to undo the expire at all turning the key into a normal key using the * {@link #persist(String) PERSIST} command. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @see Expire Command * @param key * @param seconds * @return Integer reply, specifically: 1: the timeout was set. 0: the timeout was not set since * the key already has an associated timeout (this may happen only in Redis versions < * 2.1.3, Redis >= 2.1.3 will happily update the timeout), or the key does not exist. */ @Override public Long expire(final String key, final int seconds) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.expire(key, seconds); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * EXPIREAT works exactly like {@link #expire(String, int) EXPIRE} but instead to get the number of * seconds representing the Time To Live of the key as a second argument (that is a relative way * of specifying the TTL), it takes an absolute one in the form of a UNIX timestamp (Number of * seconds elapsed since 1 Gen 1970). *

* EXPIREAT was introduced in order to implement the Append Only File persistence mode so that * EXPIRE commands are automatically translated into EXPIREAT commands for the append only file. * Of course EXPIREAT can also used by programmers that need a way to simply specify that a given * key should expire at a given time in the future. *

* Since Redis 2.1.3 you can update the value of the timeout of a key already having an expire * set. It is also possible to undo the expire at all turning the key into a normal key using the * {@link #persist(String) PERSIST} command. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @see Expire Command * @param key * @param unixTime * @return Integer reply, specifically: 1: the timeout was set. 0: the timeout was not set since * the key already has an associated timeout (this may happen only in Redis versions < * 2.1.3, Redis >= 2.1.3 will happily update the timeout), or the key does not exist. */ @Override public Long expireAt(final String key, final long unixTime) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.expireAt(key, unixTime); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * The TTL command returns the remaining time to live in seconds of a key that has an * {@link #expire(String, int) EXPIRE} set. This introspection capability allows a Redis client to * check how many seconds a given key will continue to be part of the dataset. * @param key * @return Integer reply, returns the remaining time to live in seconds of a key that has an * EXPIRE. In Redis 2.6 or older, if the Key does not exists or does not have an * associated expire, -1 is returned. In Redis 2.8 or newer, if the Key does not have an * associated expire, -1 is returned or if the Key does not exists, -2 is returned. */ @Override public Long ttl(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.ttl(key); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Alters the last access time of a key(s). A key is ignored if it does not exist. * Time complexity: O(N) where N is the number of keys that will be touched. * @param keys * @return Integer reply: The number of keys that were touched. */ @Override public Long touch(final String... keys) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.touch(keys); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Long touch(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.touch(key); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Move the specified key from the currently selected DB to the specified destination DB. Note * that this command returns 1 only if the key was successfully moved, and 0 if the target key was * already there or if the source key was not found at all, so it is possible to use MOVE as a * locking primitive. * @param key * @param dbIndex * @return Integer reply, specifically: 1 if the key was moved 0 if the key was not moved because * already present on the target DB or was not found in the current DB. */ @Override public Long move(final String key, final int dbIndex) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.move(key, dbIndex); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * GETSET is an atomic set this value and return the old value command. Set key to the string * value and return the old value stored at key. The string can't be longer than 1073741824 bytes * (1 GB). *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @param value * @return Bulk reply */ @Override public String getSet(final String key, final String value) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.getSet(key, value); return client.getBulkReply(); } /** * Get the values of all the specified keys. If one or more keys don't exist or is not of type * String, a 'nil' value is returned instead of the value of the specified key, but the operation * never fails. *

* Time complexity: O(1) for every key * @param keys * @return Multi bulk reply */ @Override public List<String> mget(final String... keys) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.mget(keys); return client.getMultiBulkReply(); } /** * SETNX works exactly like {@link #set(String, String) SET} with the only difference that if the * key already exists no operation is performed. SETNX actually means "SET if Not eXists". *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @param value * @return Integer reply, specifically: 1 if the key was set 0 if the key was not set */ @Override public Long setnx(final String key, final String value) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.setnx(key, value); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * The command is exactly equivalent to the following group of commands: * {@link #set(String, String) SET} + {@link #expire(String, int) EXPIRE}. The operation is * atomic. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @param seconds * @param value * @return Status code reply */ @Override public String setex(final String key, final int seconds, final String value) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.setex(key, seconds, value); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } /** * Set the the respective keys to the respective values. MSET will replace old values with new * values, while {@link #msetnx(String...) MSETNX} will not perform any operation at all even if * just a single key already exists. *

* Because of this semantic MSETNX can be used in order to set different keys representing * different fields of an unique logic object in a way that ensures that either all the fields or * none at all are set. *

* Both MSET and MSETNX are atomic operations. This means that for instance if the keys A and B * are modified, another client talking to Redis can either see the changes to both A and B at * once, or no modification at all. * @see #msetnx(String...) * @param keysvalues * @return Status code reply Basically +OK as MSET can't fail */ @Override public String mset(final String... keysvalues) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.mset(keysvalues); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } /** * Set the the respective keys to the respective values. {@link #mset(String...) MSET} will * replace old values with new values, while MSETNX will not perform any operation at all even if * just a single key already exists. *

* Because of this semantic MSETNX can be used in order to set different keys representing * different fields of an unique logic object in a way that ensures that either all the fields or * none at all are set. *

* Both MSET and MSETNX are atomic operations. This means that for instance if the keys A and B * are modified, another client talking to Redis can either see the changes to both A and B at * once, or no modification at all. * @see #mset(String...) * @param keysvalues * @return Integer reply, specifically: 1 if the all the keys were set 0 if no key was set (at * least one key already existed) */ @Override public Long msetnx(final String... keysvalues) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.msetnx(keysvalues); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * IDECRBY work just like {@link #decr(String) INCR} but instead to decrement by 1 the decrement * is integer. *

* INCR commands are limited to 64 bit signed integers. *

* Note: this is actually a string operation, that is, in Redis there are not "integer" types. * Simply the string stored at the key is parsed as a base 10 64 bit signed integer, incremented, * and then converted back as a string. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @see #incr(String) * @see #decr(String) * @see #incrBy(String, long) * @param key * @param decrement * @return Integer reply, this commands will reply with the new value of key after the increment. */ @Override public Long decrBy(final String key, final long decrement) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.decrBy(key, decrement); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Decrement the number stored at key by one. If the key does not exist or contains a value of a * wrong type, set the key to the value of "0" before to perform the decrement operation. *

* INCR commands are limited to 64 bit signed integers. *

* Note: this is actually a string operation, that is, in Redis there are not "integer" types. * Simply the string stored at the key is parsed as a base 10 64 bit signed integer, incremented, * and then converted back as a string. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @see #incr(String) * @see #incrBy(String, long) * @see #decrBy(String, long) * @param key * @return Integer reply, this commands will reply with the new value of key after the increment. */ @Override public Long decr(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.decr(key); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * INCRBY work just like {@link #incr(String) INCR} but instead to increment by 1 the increment is * integer. *

* INCR commands are limited to 64 bit signed integers. *

* Note: this is actually a string operation, that is, in Redis there are not "integer" types. * Simply the string stored at the key is parsed as a base 10 64 bit signed integer, incremented, * and then converted back as a string. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @see #incr(String) * @see #decr(String) * @see #decrBy(String, long) * @param key * @param increment * @return Integer reply, this commands will reply with the new value of key after the increment. */ @Override public Long incrBy(final String key, final long increment) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.incrBy(key, increment); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * INCRBYFLOAT *

* INCRBYFLOAT commands are limited to double precision floating point values. *

* Note: this is actually a string operation, that is, in Redis there are not "double" types. * Simply the string stored at the key is parsed as a base double precision floating point value, * incremented, and then converted back as a string. There is no DECRYBYFLOAT but providing a * negative value will work as expected. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @param increment * @return Double reply, this commands will reply with the new value of key after the increment. */ @Override public Double incrByFloat(final String key, final double increment) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.incrByFloat(key, increment); String dval = client.getBulkReply(); return (dval != null ? new Double(dval) : null); } /** * Increment the number stored at key by one. If the key does not exist or contains a value of a * wrong type, set the key to the value of "0" before to perform the increment operation. *

* INCR commands are limited to 64 bit signed integers. *

* Note: this is actually a string operation, that is, in Redis there are not "integer" types. * Simply the string stored at the key is parsed as a base 10 64 bit signed integer, incremented, * and then converted back as a string. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @see #incrBy(String, long) * @see #decr(String) * @see #decrBy(String, long) * @param key * @return Integer reply, this commands will reply with the new value of key after the increment. */ @Override public Long incr(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.incr(key); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * If the key already exists and is a string, this command appends the provided value at the end * of the string. If the key does not exist it is created and set as an empty string, so APPEND * will be very similar to SET in this special case. *

* Time complexity: O(1). The amortized time complexity is O(1) assuming the appended value is * small and the already present value is of any size, since the dynamic string library used by * Redis will double the free space available on every reallocation. * @param key * @param value * @return Integer reply, specifically the total length of the string after the append operation. */ @Override public Long append(final String key, final String value) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.append(key, value); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Return a subset of the string from offset start to offset end (both offsets are inclusive). * Negative offsets can be used in order to provide an offset starting from the end of the string. * So -1 means the last char, -2 the penultimate and so forth. *

* The function handles out of range requests without raising an error, but just limiting the * resulting range to the actual length of the string. *

* Time complexity: O(start+n) (with start being the start index and n the total length of the * requested range). Note that the lookup part of this command is O(1) so for small strings this * is actually an O(1) command. * @param key * @param start * @param end * @return Bulk reply */ @Override public String substr(final String key, final int start, final int end) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.substr(key, start, end); return client.getBulkReply(); } /** * Set the specified hash field to the specified value. *

* If key does not exist, a new key holding a hash is created. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @param field * @param value * @return If the field already exists, and the HSET just produced an update of the value, 0 is * returned, otherwise if a new field is created 1 is returned. */ @Override public Long hset(final String key, final String field, final String value) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.hset(key, field, value); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Long hset(final String key, final Map<String, String> hash) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.hset(key, hash); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * If key holds a hash, retrieve the value associated to the specified field. *

* If the field is not found or the key does not exist, a special 'nil' value is returned. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @param field * @return Bulk reply */ @Override public String hget(final String key, final String field) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.hget(key, field); return client.getBulkReply(); } /** * Set the specified hash field to the specified value if the field not exists. Time * complexity: O(1) * @param key * @param field * @param value * @return If the field already exists, 0 is returned, otherwise if a new field is created 1 is * returned. */ @Override public Long hsetnx(final String key, final String field, final String value) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.hsetnx(key, field, value); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Set the respective fields to the respective values. HMSET replaces old values with new values. *

* If key does not exist, a new key holding a hash is created. *

* Time complexity: O(N) (with N being the number of fields) * @param key * @param hash * @return Return OK or Exception if hash is empty */ @Override public String hmset(final String key, final Map<String, String> hash) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.hmset(key, hash); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } /** * Retrieve the values associated to the specified fields. *

* If some of the specified fields do not exist, nil values are returned. Non existing keys are * considered like empty hashes. *

* Time complexity: O(N) (with N being the number of fields) * @param key * @param fields * @return Multi Bulk Reply specifically a list of all the values associated with the specified * fields, in the same order of the request. */ @Override public List<String> hmget(final String key, final String... fields) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.hmget(key, fields); return client.getMultiBulkReply(); } /** * Increment the number stored at field in the hash at key by value. If key does not exist, a new * key holding a hash is created. If field does not exist or holds a string, the value is set to 0 * before applying the operation. Since the value argument is signed you can use this command to * perform both increments and decrements. *

* The range of values supported by HINCRBY is limited to 64 bit signed integers. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @param field * @param value * @return Integer reply The new value at field after the increment operation. */ @Override public Long hincrBy(final String key, final String field, final long value) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.hincrBy(key, field, value); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Increment the number stored at field in the hash at key by a double precision floating point * value. If key does not exist, a new key holding a hash is created. If field does not exist or * holds a string, the value is set to 0 before applying the operation. Since the value argument * is signed you can use this command to perform both increments and decrements. *

* The range of values supported by HINCRBYFLOAT is limited to double precision floating point * values. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @param field * @param value * @return Double precision floating point reply The new value at field after the increment * operation. */ @Override public Double hincrByFloat(final String key, final String field, final double value) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.hincrByFloat(key, field, value); final String dval = client.getBulkReply(); return (dval != null ? new Double(dval) : null); } /** * Test for existence of a specified field in a hash. Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @param field * @return Return true if the hash stored at key contains the specified field. Return false if the key is * not found or the field is not present. */ @Override public Boolean hexists(final String key, final String field) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.hexists(key, field); return client.getIntegerReply() == 1; } /** * Remove the specified field from an hash stored at key. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @param fields * @return If the field was present in the hash it is deleted and 1 is returned, otherwise 0 is * returned and no operation is performed. */ @Override public Long hdel(final String key, final String... fields) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.hdel(key, fields); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Return the number of items in a hash. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @return The number of entries (fields) contained in the hash stored at key. If the specified * key does not exist, 0 is returned assuming an empty hash. */ @Override public Long hlen(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.hlen(key); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Return all the fields in a hash. *

* Time complexity: O(N), where N is the total number of entries * @param key * @return All the fields names contained into a hash. */ @Override public Set<String> hkeys(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.hkeys(key); return; } /** * Return all the values in a hash. *

* Time complexity: O(N), where N is the total number of entries * @param key * @return All the fields values contained into a hash. */ @Override public List<String> hvals(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.hvals(key); final List<String> lresult = client.getMultiBulkReply(); return lresult; } /** * Return all the fields and associated values in a hash. *

* Time complexity: O(N), where N is the total number of entries * @param key * @return All the fields and values contained into a hash. */ @Override public Map<String, String> hgetAll(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.hgetAll(key); return; } /** * Add the string value to the head (LPUSH) or tail (RPUSH) of the list stored at key. If the key * does not exist an empty list is created just before the append operation. If the key exists but * is not a List an error is returned. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @param strings * @return Integer reply, specifically, the number of elements inside the list after the push * operation. */ @Override public Long rpush(final String key, final String... strings) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.rpush(key, strings); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Add the string value to the head (LPUSH) or tail (RPUSH) of the list stored at key. If the key * does not exist an empty list is created just before the append operation. If the key exists but * is not a List an error is returned. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @param strings * @return Integer reply, specifically, the number of elements inside the list after the push * operation. */ @Override public Long lpush(final String key, final String... strings) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.lpush(key, strings); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Return the length of the list stored at the specified key. If the key does not exist zero is * returned (the same behaviour as for empty lists). If the value stored at key is not a list an * error is returned. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @return The length of the list. */ @Override public Long llen(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.llen(key); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Return the specified elements of the list stored at the specified key. Start and end are * zero-based indexes. 0 is the first element of the list (the list head), 1 the next element and * so on. *

* For example LRANGE foobar 0 2 will return the first three elements of the list. *

* start and end can also be negative numbers indicating offsets from the end of the list. For * example -1 is the last element of the list, -2 the penultimate element and so on. *

* Consistency with range functions in various programming languages *

* Note that if you have a list of numbers from 0 to 100, LRANGE 0 10 will return 11 elements, * that is, rightmost item is included. This may or may not be consistent with behavior of * range-related functions in your programming language of choice (think Ruby's, * Array#slice or Python's range() function). *

* LRANGE behavior is consistent with one of Tcl. *

* Out-of-range indexes *

* Indexes out of range will not produce an error: if start is over the end of the list, or start * > end, an empty list is returned. If end is over the end of the list Redis will threat it * just like the last element of the list. *

* Time complexity: O(start+n) (with n being the length of the range and start being the start * offset) * @param key * @param start * @param stop * @return Multi bulk reply, specifically a list of elements in the specified range. */ @Override public List<String> lrange(final String key, final long start, final long stop) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.lrange(key, start, stop); return client.getMultiBulkReply(); } /** * Trim an existing list so that it will contain only the specified range of elements specified. * Start and end are zero-based indexes. 0 is the first element of the list (the list head), 1 the * next element and so on. *

* For example LTRIM foobar 0 2 will modify the list stored at foobar key so that only the first * three elements of the list will remain. *

* start and end can also be negative numbers indicating offsets from the end of the list. For * example -1 is the last element of the list, -2 the penultimate element and so on. *

* Indexes out of range will not produce an error: if start is over the end of the list, or start * > end, an empty list is left as value. If end over the end of the list Redis will threat it * just like the last element of the list. *

* Hint: the obvious use of LTRIM is together with LPUSH/RPUSH. For example: *

* {@code lpush("mylist", "someelement"); ltrim("mylist", 0, 99); * } *

* The above two commands will push elements in the list taking care that the list will not grow * without limits. This is very useful when using Redis to store logs for example. It is important * to note that when used in this way LTRIM is an O(1) operation because in the average case just * one element is removed from the tail of the list. *

* Time complexity: O(n) (with n being len of list - len of range) * @param key * @param start * @param stop * @return Status code reply */ @Override public String ltrim(final String key, final long start, final long stop) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.ltrim(key, start, stop); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } /** * Return the specified element of the list stored at the specified key. 0 is the first element, 1 * the second and so on. Negative indexes are supported, for example -1 is the last element, -2 * the penultimate and so on. *

* If the value stored at key is not of list type an error is returned. If the index is out of * range a 'nil' reply is returned. *

* Note that even if the average time complexity is O(n) asking for the first or the last element * of the list is O(1). *

* Time complexity: O(n) (with n being the length of the list) * @param key * @param index * @return Bulk reply, specifically the requested element */ @Override public String lindex(final String key, final long index) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.lindex(key, index); return client.getBulkReply(); } /** * Set a new value as the element at index position of the List at key. *

* Out of range indexes will generate an error. *

* Similarly to other list commands accepting indexes, the index can be negative to access * elements starting from the end of the list. So -1 is the last element, -2 is the penultimate, * and so forth. *

* Time complexity: *

* O(N) (with N being the length of the list), setting the first or last elements of the list is * O(1). * @see #lindex(String, long) * @param key * @param index * @param value * @return Status code reply */ @Override public String lset(final String key, final long index, final String value) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.lset(key, index, value); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } /** * Remove the first count occurrences of the value element from the list. If count is zero all the * elements are removed. If count is negative elements are removed from tail to head, instead to * go from head to tail that is the normal behaviour. So for example LREM with count -2 and hello * as value to remove against the list (a,b,c,hello,x,hello,hello) will leave the list * (a,b,c,hello,x). The number of removed elements is returned as an integer, see below for more * information about the returned value. Note that non existing keys are considered like empty * lists by LREM, so LREM against non existing keys will always return 0. *

* Time complexity: O(N) (with N being the length of the list) * @param key * @param count * @param value * @return Integer Reply, specifically: The number of removed elements if the operation succeeded */ @Override public Long lrem(final String key, final long count, final String value) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.lrem(key, count, value); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Atomically return and remove the first (LPOP) or last (RPOP) element of the list. For example * if the list contains the elements "a","b","c" LPOP will return "a" and the list will become * "b","c". *

* If the key does not exist or the list is already empty the special value 'nil' is returned. * @see #rpop(String) * @param key * @return Bulk reply */ @Override public String lpop(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.lpop(key); return client.getBulkReply(); } /** * Atomically return and remove the first (LPOP) or last (RPOP) element of the list. For example * if the list contains the elements "a","b","c" RPOP will return "c" and the list will become * "a","b". *

* If the key does not exist or the list is already empty the special value 'nil' is returned. * @see #lpop(String) * @param key * @return Bulk reply */ @Override public String rpop(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.rpop(key); return client.getBulkReply(); } /** * Atomically return and remove the last (tail) element of the srckey list, and push the element * as the first (head) element of the dstkey list. For example if the source list contains the * elements "a","b","c" and the destination list contains the elements "foo","bar" after an * RPOPLPUSH command the content of the two lists will be "a","b" and "c","foo","bar". *

* If the key does not exist or the list is already empty the special value 'nil' is returned. If * the srckey and dstkey are the same the operation is equivalent to removing the last element * from the list and pushing it as first element of the list, so it's a "list rotation" command. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @param srckey * @param dstkey * @return Bulk reply */ @Override public String rpoplpush(final String srckey, final String dstkey) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.rpoplpush(srckey, dstkey); return client.getBulkReply(); } /** * Add the specified member to the set value stored at key. If member is already a member of the * set no operation is performed. If key does not exist a new set with the specified member as * sole member is created. If the key exists but does not hold a set value an error is returned. *

* Time complexity O(1) * @param key * @param members * @return Integer reply, specifically: 1 if the new element was added 0 if the element was * already a member of the set */ @Override public Long sadd(final String key, final String... members) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.sadd(key, members); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Return all the members (elements) of the set value stored at key. This is just syntax glue for * {@link #sinter(String...) SINTER}. *

* Time complexity O(N) * @param key * @return Multi bulk reply */ @Override public Set<String> smembers(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.smembers(key); final List<String> members = client.getMultiBulkReply(); return SetFromList.of(members); } /** * Remove the specified member from the set value stored at key. If member was not a member of the * set no operation is performed. If key does not hold a set value an error is returned. *

* Time complexity O(1) * @param key * @param members * @return Integer reply, specifically: 1 if the new element was removed 0 if the new element was * not a member of the set */ @Override public Long srem(final String key, final String... members) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.srem(key, members); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Remove a random element from a Set returning it as return value. If the Set is empty or the key * does not exist, a nil object is returned. *

* The {@link #srandmember(String)} command does a similar work but the returned element is not * removed from the Set. *

* Time complexity O(1) * @param key * @return Bulk reply */ @Override public String spop(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.spop(key); return client.getBulkReply(); } @Override public Set<String> spop(final String key, final long count) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.spop(key, count); final List<String> members = client.getMultiBulkReply(); if (members == null) return null; return SetFromList.of(members); } /** * Move the specified member from the set at srckey to the set at dstkey. This operation is * atomic, in every given moment the element will appear to be in the source or destination set * for accessing clients. *

* If the source set does not exist or does not contain the specified element no operation is * performed and zero is returned, otherwise the element is removed from the source set and added * to the destination set. On success one is returned, even if the element was already present in * the destination set. *

* An error is raised if the source or destination keys contain a non Set value. *

* Time complexity O(1) * @param srckey * @param dstkey * @param member * @return Integer reply, specifically: 1 if the element was moved 0 if the element was not found * on the first set and no operation was performed */ @Override public Long smove(final String srckey, final String dstkey, final String member) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.smove(srckey, dstkey, member); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Return the set cardinality (number of elements). If the key does not exist 0 is returned, like * for empty sets. * @param key * @return Integer reply, specifically: the cardinality (number of elements) of the set as an * integer. */ @Override public Long scard(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.scard(key); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Return true if member is a member of the set stored at key, otherwise false is returned. *

* Time complexity O(1) * @param key * @param member * @return Boolean reply, specifically: true if the element is a member of the set false if the element * is not a member of the set OR if the key does not exist */ @Override public Boolean sismember(final String key, final String member) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.sismember(key, member); return client.getIntegerReply() == 1; } /** * Return the members of a set resulting from the intersection of all the sets hold at the * specified keys. Like in {@link #lrange(String, long, long) LRANGE} the result is sent to the * client as a multi-bulk reply (see the protocol specification for more information). If just a * single key is specified, then this command produces the same result as * {@link #smembers(String) SMEMBERS}. Actually SMEMBERS is just syntax sugar for SINTER. *

* Non existing keys are considered like empty sets, so if one of the keys is missing an empty set * is returned (since the intersection with an empty set always is an empty set). *

* Time complexity O(N*M) worst case where N is the cardinality of the smallest set and M the * number of sets * @param keys * @return Multi bulk reply, specifically the list of common elements. */ @Override public Set<String> sinter(final String... keys) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.sinter(keys); final List<String> members = client.getMultiBulkReply(); return SetFromList.of(members); } /** * This command works exactly like {@link #sinter(String...) SINTER} but instead of being returned * the resulting set is stored as dstkey. *

* Time complexity O(N*M) worst case where N is the cardinality of the smallest set and M the * number of sets * @param dstkey * @param keys * @return Status code reply */ @Override public Long sinterstore(final String dstkey, final String... keys) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.sinterstore(dstkey, keys); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Return the members of a set resulting from the union of all the sets hold at the specified * keys. Like in {@link #lrange(String, long, long) LRANGE} the result is sent to the client as a * multi-bulk reply (see the protocol specification for more information). If just a single key is * specified, then this command produces the same result as {@link #smembers(String) SMEMBERS}. *

* Non existing keys are considered like empty sets. *

* Time complexity O(N) where N is the total number of elements in all the provided sets * @param keys * @return Multi bulk reply, specifically the list of common elements. */ @Override public Set<String> sunion(final String... keys) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.sunion(keys); final List<String> members = client.getMultiBulkReply(); return SetFromList.of(members); } /** * This command works exactly like {@link #sunion(String...) SUNION} but instead of being returned * the resulting set is stored as dstkey. Any existing value in dstkey will be over-written. *

* Time complexity O(N) where N is the total number of elements in all the provided sets * @param dstkey * @param keys * @return Status code reply */ @Override public Long sunionstore(final String dstkey, final String... keys) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.sunionstore(dstkey, keys); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Return the difference between the Set stored at key1 and all the Sets key2, ..., keyN *

* Example: * *

   * key1 = [x, a, b, c]
   * key2 = [c]
   * key3 = [a, d]
   * SDIFF key1,key2,key3 => [x, b]
* * Non existing keys are considered like empty sets. *

* Time complexity: *

* O(N) with N being the total number of elements of all the sets * @param keys * @return Return the members of a set resulting from the difference between the first set * provided and all the successive sets. */ @Override public Set<String> sdiff(final String... keys) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.sdiff(keys); return; } /** * This command works exactly like {@link #sdiff(String...) SDIFF} but instead of being returned * the resulting set is stored in dstkey. * @param dstkey * @param keys * @return Status code reply */ @Override public Long sdiffstore(final String dstkey, final String... keys) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.sdiffstore(dstkey, keys); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Return a random element from a Set, without removing the element. If the Set is empty or the * key does not exist, a nil object is returned. *

* The SPOP command does a similar work but the returned element is popped (removed) from the Set. *

* Time complexity O(1) * @param key * @return Bulk reply */ @Override public String srandmember(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.srandmember(key); return client.getBulkReply(); } @Override public List<String> srandmember(final String key, final int count) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.srandmember(key, count); return client.getMultiBulkReply(); } /** * Add the specified member having the specified score to the sorted set stored at key. If member * is already a member of the sorted set the score is updated, and the element reinserted in the * right position to ensure sorting. If key does not exist a new sorted set with the specified * member as sole member is created. If the key exists but does not hold a sorted set value an * error is returned. *

* The score value can be the string representation of a double precision floating point number. *

* Time complexity O(log(N)) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set * @param key * @param score * @param member * @return Integer reply, specifically: 1 if the new element was added 0 if the element was * already a member of the sorted set and the score was updated */ @Override public Long zadd(final String key, final double score, final String member) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zadd(key, score, member); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Long zadd(final String key, final double score, final String member, final ZAddParams params) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zadd(key, score, member, params); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Long zadd(final String key, final Map<String, Double> scoreMembers) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zadd(key, scoreMembers); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Long zadd(final String key, final Map<String, Double> scoreMembers, final ZAddParams params) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zadd(key, scoreMembers, params); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Set<String> zrange(final String key, final long start, final long stop) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrange(key, start, stop); final List<String> members = client.getMultiBulkReply(); return SetFromList.of(members); } /** * Remove the specified member from the sorted set value stored at key. If member was not a member * of the set no operation is performed. If key does not not hold a set value an error is * returned. *

* Time complexity O(log(N)) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set * @param key * @param members * @return Integer reply, specifically: 1 if the new element was removed 0 if the new element was * not a member of the set */ @Override public Long zrem(final String key, final String... members) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrem(key, members); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * If member already exists in the sorted set adds the increment to its score and updates the * position of the element in the sorted set accordingly. If member does not already exist in the * sorted set it is added with increment as score (that is, like if the previous score was * virtually zero). If key does not exist a new sorted set with the specified member as sole * member is created. If the key exists but does not hold a sorted set value an error is returned. *

* The score value can be the string representation of a double precision floating point number. * It's possible to provide a negative value to perform a decrement. *

* For an introduction to sorted sets check the Introduction to Redis data types page. *

* Time complexity O(log(N)) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set * @param key * @param increment * @param member * @return The new score */ @Override public Double zincrby(final String key, final double increment, final String member) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zincrby(key, increment, member); return; } @Override public Double zincrby(final String key, final double increment, final String member, final ZIncrByParams params) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zincrby(key, increment, member, params); return; } /** * Return the rank (or index) of member in the sorted set at key, with scores being ordered from * low to high. *

* When the given member does not exist in the sorted set, the special value 'nil' is returned. * The returned rank (or index) of the member is 0-based for both commands. *

* Time complexity: *

* O(log(N)) * @see #zrevrank(String, String) * @param key * @param member * @return Integer reply or a nil bulk reply, specifically: the rank of the element as an integer * reply if the element exists. A nil bulk reply if there is no such element. */ @Override public Long zrank(final String key, final String member) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrank(key, member); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Return the rank (or index) of member in the sorted set at key, with scores being ordered from * high to low. *

* When the given member does not exist in the sorted set, the special value 'nil' is returned. * The returned rank (or index) of the member is 0-based for both commands. *

* Time complexity: *

* O(log(N)) * @see #zrank(String, String) * @param key * @param member * @return Integer reply or a nil bulk reply, specifically: the rank of the element as an integer * reply if the element exists. A nil bulk reply if there is no such element. */ @Override public Long zrevrank(final String key, final String member) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrevrank(key, member); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Set<String> zrevrange(final String key, final long start, final long stop) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrevrange(key, start, stop); final List<String> members = client.getMultiBulkReply(); return SetFromList.of(members); } @Override public Set<Tuple> zrangeWithScores(final String key, final long start, final long stop) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrangeWithScores(key, start, stop); return getTupledSet(); } @Override public Set<Tuple> zrevrangeWithScores(final String key, final long start, final long stop) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrevrangeWithScores(key, start, stop); return getTupledSet(); } /** * Return the sorted set cardinality (number of elements). If the key does not exist 0 is * returned, like for empty sorted sets. *

* Time complexity O(1) * @param key * @return the cardinality (number of elements) of the set as an integer. */ @Override public Long zcard(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zcard(key); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Return the score of the specified element of the sorted set at key. If the specified element * does not exist in the sorted set, or the key does not exist at all, a special 'nil' value is * returned. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @param member * @return the score */ @Override public Double zscore(final String key, final String member) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zscore(key, member); return; } @Override public Tuple zpopmax(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zpopmax(key); return; } @Override public Set<Tuple> zpopmax(final String key, final int count) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zpopmax(key, count); return getTupledSet(); } @Override public Tuple zpopmin(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zpopmin(key); return; } @Override public Set<Tuple> zpopmin(final String key, final int count) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zpopmin(key, count); return getTupledSet(); } @Override public String watch(final String... keys) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline();; return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } /** * Sort a Set or a List. *

* Sort the elements contained in the List, Set, or Sorted Set value at key. By default sorting is * numeric with elements being compared as double precision floating point numbers. This is the * simplest form of SORT. * @see #sort(String, String) * @see #sort(String, SortingParams) * @see #sort(String, SortingParams, String) * @param key * @return Assuming the Set/List at key contains a list of numbers, the return value will be the * list of numbers ordered from the smallest to the biggest number. */ @Override public List<String> sort(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.sort(key); return client.getMultiBulkReply(); } /** * Sort a Set or a List accordingly to the specified parameters. *

* examples: *

* Given are the following sets and key/values: * *

   * x = [1, 2, 3]
   * y = [a, b, c]
   * k1 = z
   * k2 = y
   * k3 = x
   * w1 = 9
   * w2 = 8
   * w3 = 7
* * Sort Order: * *
   * sort(x) or sort(x, sp.asc())
   * -> [1, 2, 3]
   * sort(x, sp.desc())
   * -> [3, 2, 1]
   * sort(y)
   * -> [c, a, b]
   * sort(y, sp.alpha())
   * -> [a, b, c]
   * sort(y, sp.alpha().desc())
   * -> [c, a, b]
* * Limit (e.g. for Pagination): * *
   * sort(x, sp.limit(0, 2))
   * -> [1, 2]
   * sort(y, sp.alpha().desc().limit(1, 2))
   * -> [b, a]
* * Sorting by external keys: * *
   * sort(x,*))
   * -> [3, 2, 1]
   * sort(x,*).desc())
   * -> [1, 2, 3]
* * Getting external keys: * *
   * sort(x,*).get(k*))
   * -> [x, y, z]
   * sort(x,*).get(#).get(k*))
   * -> [3, x, 2, y, 1, z]
* @see #sort(String) * @see #sort(String, SortingParams, String) * @param key * @param sortingParameters * @return a list of sorted elements. */
@Override public List<String> sort(final String key, final SortingParams sortingParameters) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.sort(key, sortingParameters); return client.getMultiBulkReply(); } /** * BLPOP (and BRPOP) is a blocking list pop primitive. You can see this commands as blocking * versions of LPOP and RPOP able to block if the specified keys don't exist or contain empty * lists. *

* The following is a description of the exact semantic. We describe BLPOP but the two commands * are identical, the only difference is that BLPOP pops the element from the left (head) of the * list, and BRPOP pops from the right (tail). *

* Non blocking behavior *

* When BLPOP is called, if at least one of the specified keys contain a non empty list, an * element is popped from the head of the list and returned to the caller together with the name * of the key (BLPOP returns a two elements array, the first element is the key, the second the * popped value). *

* Keys are scanned from left to right, so for instance if you issue BLPOP list1 list2 list3 0 * against a dataset where list1 does not exist but list2 and list3 contain non empty lists, BLPOP * guarantees to return an element from the list stored at list2 (since it is the first non empty * list starting from the left). *

* Blocking behavior *

* If none of the specified keys exist or contain non empty lists, BLPOP blocks until some other * client performs a LPUSH or an RPUSH operation against one of the lists. *

* Once new data is present on one of the lists, the client finally returns with the name of the * key unblocking it and the popped value. *

* When blocking, if a non-zero timeout is specified, the client will unblock returning a nil * special value if the specified amount of seconds passed without a push operation against at * least one of the specified keys. *

* The timeout argument is interpreted as an integer value. A timeout of zero means instead to * block forever. *

* Multiple clients blocking for the same keys *

* Multiple clients can block for the same key. They are put into a queue, so the first to be * served will be the one that started to wait earlier, in a first-blpopping first-served fashion. *

* blocking POP inside a MULTI/EXEC transaction *

* BLPOP and BRPOP can be used with pipelining (sending multiple commands and reading the replies * in batch), but it does not make sense to use BLPOP or BRPOP inside a MULTI/EXEC block (a Redis * transaction). *

* The behavior of BLPOP inside MULTI/EXEC when the list is empty is to return a multi-bulk nil * reply, exactly what happens when the timeout is reached. If you like science fiction, think at * it like if inside MULTI/EXEC the time will flow at infinite speed :) *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @see #brpop(int, String...) * @param timeout * @param keys * @return BLPOP returns a two-elements array via a multi bulk reply in order to return both the * unblocking key and the popped value. *

* When a non-zero timeout is specified, and the BLPOP operation timed out, the return * value is a nil multi bulk reply. Most client values will return false or nil * accordingly to the programming language used. */ @Override public List<String> blpop(final int timeout, final String... keys) { return blpop(getArgsAddTimeout(timeout, keys)); } private String[] getArgsAddTimeout(int timeout, String[] keys) { final int keyCount = keys.length; final String[] args = new String[keyCount + 1]; for (int at = 0; at != keyCount; ++at) { args[at] = keys[at]; } args[keyCount] = String.valueOf(timeout); return args; } @Override public List<String> blpop(final String... args) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.blpop(args); client.setTimeoutInfinite(); try { return client.getMultiBulkReply(); } finally { client.rollbackTimeout(); } } @Override public List<String> brpop(final String... args) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.brpop(args); client.setTimeoutInfinite(); try { return client.getMultiBulkReply(); } finally { client.rollbackTimeout(); } } /** * Sort a Set or a List accordingly to the specified parameters and store the result at dstkey. * @see #sort(String, SortingParams) * @see #sort(String) * @see #sort(String, String) * @param key * @param sortingParameters * @param dstkey * @return The number of elements of the list at dstkey. */ @Override public Long sort(final String key, final SortingParams sortingParameters, final String dstkey) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.sort(key, sortingParameters, dstkey); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Sort a Set or a List and Store the Result at dstkey. *

* Sort the elements contained in the List, Set, or Sorted Set value at key and store the result * at dstkey. By default sorting is numeric with elements being compared as double precision * floating point numbers. This is the simplest form of SORT. * @see #sort(String) * @see #sort(String, SortingParams) * @see #sort(String, SortingParams, String) * @param key * @param dstkey * @return The number of elements of the list at dstkey. */ @Override public Long sort(final String key, final String dstkey) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.sort(key, dstkey); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * BLPOP (and BRPOP) is a blocking list pop primitive. You can see this commands as blocking * versions of LPOP and RPOP able to block if the specified keys don't exist or contain empty * lists. *

* The following is a description of the exact semantic. We describe BLPOP but the two commands * are identical, the only difference is that BLPOP pops the element from the left (head) of the * list, and BRPOP pops from the right (tail). *

* Non blocking behavior *

* When BLPOP is called, if at least one of the specified keys contain a non empty list, an * element is popped from the head of the list and returned to the caller together with the name * of the key (BLPOP returns a two elements array, the first element is the key, the second the * popped value). *

* Keys are scanned from left to right, so for instance if you issue BLPOP list1 list2 list3 0 * against a dataset where list1 does not exist but list2 and list3 contain non empty lists, BLPOP * guarantees to return an element from the list stored at list2 (since it is the first non empty * list starting from the left). *

* Blocking behavior *

* If none of the specified keys exist or contain non empty lists, BLPOP blocks until some other * client performs a LPUSH or an RPUSH operation against one of the lists. *

* Once new data is present on one of the lists, the client finally returns with the name of the * key unblocking it and the popped value. *

* When blocking, if a non-zero timeout is specified, the client will unblock returning a nil * special value if the specified amount of seconds passed without a push operation against at * least one of the specified keys. *

* The timeout argument is interpreted as an integer value. A timeout of zero means instead to * block forever. *

* Multiple clients blocking for the same keys *

* Multiple clients can block for the same key. They are put into a queue, so the first to be * served will be the one that started to wait earlier, in a first-blpopping first-served fashion. *

* blocking POP inside a MULTI/EXEC transaction *

* BLPOP and BRPOP can be used with pipelining (sending multiple commands and reading the replies * in batch), but it does not make sense to use BLPOP or BRPOP inside a MULTI/EXEC block (a Redis * transaction). *

* The behavior of BLPOP inside MULTI/EXEC when the list is empty is to return a multi-bulk nil * reply, exactly what happens when the timeout is reached. If you like science fiction, think at * it like if inside MULTI/EXEC the time will flow at infinite speed :) *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @see #blpop(int, String...) * @param timeout * @param keys * @return BLPOP returns a two-elements array via a multi bulk reply in order to return both the * unblocking key and the popped value. *

* When a non-zero timeout is specified, and the BLPOP operation timed out, the return * value is a nil multi bulk reply. Most client values will return false or nil * accordingly to the programming language used. */ @Override public List<String> brpop(final int timeout, final String... keys) { return brpop(getArgsAddTimeout(timeout, keys)); } @Override public Long zcount(final String key, final double min, final double max) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zcount(key, min, max); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Long zcount(final String key, final String min, final String max) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zcount(key, min, max); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Return the all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max * (including elements with score equal to min or max). *

* The elements having the same score are returned sorted lexicographically as ASCII strings (this * follows from a property of Redis sorted sets and does not involve further computation). *

* Using the optional {@link #zrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) LIMIT} it's possible * to get only a range of the matching elements in an SQL-alike way. Note that if offset is large * the commands needs to traverse the list for offset elements and this adds up to the O(M) * figure. *

* The {@link #zcount(String, double, double) ZCOUNT} command is similar to * {@link #zrangeByScore(String, double, double) ZRANGEBYSCORE} but instead of returning the * actual elements in the specified interval, it just returns the number of matching elements. *

* Exclusive intervals and infinity *

* min and max can be -inf and +inf, so that you are not required to know what's the greatest or * smallest element in order to take, for instance, elements "up to a given value". *

* Also while the interval is for default closed (inclusive) it's possible to specify open * intervals prefixing the score with a "(" character, so for instance: *

* {@code ZRANGEBYSCORE zset (1.3 5} *

* Will return all the values with score > 1.3 and <= 5, while for instance: *

* {@code ZRANGEBYSCORE zset (5 (10} *

* Will return all the values with score > 5 and < 10 (5 and 10 excluded). *

* Time complexity: *

* O(log(N))+O(M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of * elements returned by the command, so if M is constant (for instance you always ask for the * first ten elements with LIMIT) you can consider it O(log(N)) * @see #zrangeByScore(String, double, double) * @see #zrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) * @see #zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double) * @see #zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, String, String) * @see #zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double, int, int) * @see #zcount(String, double, double) * @param key * @param min a double or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY for "-inf" * @param max a double or Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY for "+inf" * @return Multi bulk reply specifically a list of elements in the specified score range. */ @Override public Set<String> zrangeByScore(final String key, final double min, final double max) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrangeByScore(key, min, max); final List<String> members = client.getMultiBulkReply(); return SetFromList.of(members); } @Override public Set<String> zrangeByScore(final String key, final String min, final String max) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrangeByScore(key, min, max); final List<String> members = client.getMultiBulkReply(); return SetFromList.of(members); } /** * Return the all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max * (including elements with score equal to min or max). *

* The elements having the same score are returned sorted lexicographically as ASCII strings (this * follows from a property of Redis sorted sets and does not involve further computation). *

* Using the optional {@link #zrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) LIMIT} it's possible * to get only a range of the matching elements in an SQL-alike way. Note that if offset is large * the commands needs to traverse the list for offset elements and this adds up to the O(M) * figure. *

* The {@link #zcount(String, double, double) ZCOUNT} command is similar to * {@link #zrangeByScore(String, double, double) ZRANGEBYSCORE} but instead of returning the * actual elements in the specified interval, it just returns the number of matching elements. *

* Exclusive intervals and infinity *

* min and max can be -inf and +inf, so that you are not required to know what's the greatest or * smallest element in order to take, for instance, elements "up to a given value". *

* Also while the interval is for default closed (inclusive) it's possible to specify open * intervals prefixing the score with a "(" character, so for instance: *

* {@code ZRANGEBYSCORE zset (1.3 5} *

* Will return all the values with score > 1.3 and <= 5, while for instance: *

* {@code ZRANGEBYSCORE zset (5 (10} *

* Will return all the values with score > 5 and < 10 (5 and 10 excluded). *

* Time complexity: *

* O(log(N))+O(M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of * elements returned by the command, so if M is constant (for instance you always ask for the * first ten elements with LIMIT) you can consider it O(log(N)) * @see #zrangeByScore(String, double, double) * @see #zrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) * @see #zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double) * @see #zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double, int, int) * @see #zcount(String, double, double) * @param key * @param min * @param max * @param offset * @param count * @return Multi bulk reply specifically a list of elements in the specified score range. */ @Override public Set<String> zrangeByScore(final String key, final double min, final double max, final int offset, final int count) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrangeByScore(key, min, max, offset, count); final List<String> members = client.getMultiBulkReply(); return SetFromList.of(members); } @Override public Set<String> zrangeByScore(final String key, final String min, final String max, final int offset, final int count) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrangeByScore(key, min, max, offset, count); final List<String> members = client.getMultiBulkReply(); return SetFromList.of(members); } /** * Return the all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max * (including elements with score equal to min or max). *

* The elements having the same score are returned sorted lexicographically as ASCII strings (this * follows from a property of Redis sorted sets and does not involve further computation). *

* Using the optional {@link #zrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) LIMIT} it's possible * to get only a range of the matching elements in an SQL-alike way. Note that if offset is large * the commands needs to traverse the list for offset elements and this adds up to the O(M) * figure. *

* The {@link #zcount(String, double, double) ZCOUNT} command is similar to * {@link #zrangeByScore(String, double, double) ZRANGEBYSCORE} but instead of returning the * actual elements in the specified interval, it just returns the number of matching elements. *

* Exclusive intervals and infinity *

* min and max can be -inf and +inf, so that you are not required to know what's the greatest or * smallest element in order to take, for instance, elements "up to a given value". *

* Also while the interval is for default closed (inclusive) it's possible to specify open * intervals prefixing the score with a "(" character, so for instance: *

* {@code ZRANGEBYSCORE zset (1.3 5} *

* Will return all the values with score > 1.3 and <= 5, while for instance: *

* {@code ZRANGEBYSCORE zset (5 (10} *

* Will return all the values with score > 5 and < 10 (5 and 10 excluded). *

* Time complexity: *

* O(log(N))+O(M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of * elements returned by the command, so if M is constant (for instance you always ask for the * first ten elements with LIMIT) you can consider it O(log(N)) * @see #zrangeByScore(String, double, double) * @see #zrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) * @see #zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double) * @see #zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double, int, int) * @see #zcount(String, double, double) * @param key * @param min * @param max * @return Multi bulk reply specifically a list of elements in the specified score range. */ @Override public Set<Tuple> zrangeByScoreWithScores(final String key, final double min, final double max) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max); return getTupledSet(); } @Override public Set<Tuple> zrangeByScoreWithScores(final String key, final String min, final String max) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max); return getTupledSet(); } /** * Return the all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max * (including elements with score equal to min or max). *

* The elements having the same score are returned sorted lexicographically as ASCII strings (this * follows from a property of Redis sorted sets and does not involve further computation). *

* Using the optional {@link #zrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) LIMIT} it's possible * to get only a range of the matching elements in an SQL-alike way. Note that if offset is large * the commands needs to traverse the list for offset elements and this adds up to the O(M) * figure. *

* The {@link #zcount(String, double, double) ZCOUNT} command is similar to * {@link #zrangeByScore(String, double, double) ZRANGEBYSCORE} but instead of returning the * actual elements in the specified interval, it just returns the number of matching elements. *

* Exclusive intervals and infinity *

* min and max can be -inf and +inf, so that you are not required to know what's the greatest or * smallest element in order to take, for instance, elements "up to a given value". *

* Also while the interval is for default closed (inclusive) it's possible to specify open * intervals prefixing the score with a "(" character, so for instance: *

* {@code ZRANGEBYSCORE zset (1.3 5} *

* Will return all the values with score > 1.3 and <= 5, while for instance: *

* {@code ZRANGEBYSCORE zset (5 (10} *

* Will return all the values with score > 5 and < 10 (5 and 10 excluded). *

* Time complexity: *

* O(log(N))+O(M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of * elements returned by the command, so if M is constant (for instance you always ask for the * first ten elements with LIMIT) you can consider it O(log(N)) * @see #zrangeByScore(String, double, double) * @see #zrangeByScore(String, double, double, int, int) * @see #zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double) * @see #zrangeByScoreWithScores(String, double, double, int, int) * @see #zcount(String, double, double) * @param key * @param min * @param max * @param offset * @param count * @return Multi bulk reply specifically a list of elements in the specified score range. */ @Override public Set<Tuple> zrangeByScoreWithScores(final String key, final double min, final double max, final int offset, final int count) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max, offset, count); return getTupledSet(); } @Override public Set<Tuple> zrangeByScoreWithScores(final String key, final String min, final String max, final int offset, final int count) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max, offset, count); return getTupledSet(); } @Override public Set<String> zrevrangeByScore(final String key, final double max, final double min) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min); final List<String> members = client.getMultiBulkReply(); return SetFromList.of(members); } @Override public Set<String> zrevrangeByScore(final String key, final String max, final String min) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min); final List<String> members = client.getMultiBulkReply(); return SetFromList.of(members); } @Override public Set<String> zrevrangeByScore(final String key, final double max, final double min, final int offset, final int count) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min, offset, count); final List<String> members = client.getMultiBulkReply(); return SetFromList.of(members); } @Override public Set<Tuple> zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(final String key, final double max, final double min) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min); return getTupledSet(); } @Override public Set<Tuple> zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(final String key, final double max, final double min, final int offset, final int count) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min, offset, count); return getTupledSet(); } @Override public Set<Tuple> zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(final String key, final String max, final String min, final int offset, final int count) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min, offset, count); return getTupledSet(); } @Override public Set<String> zrevrangeByScore(final String key, final String max, final String min, final int offset, final int count) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min, offset, count); final List<String> members = client.getMultiBulkReply(); return SetFromList.of(members); } @Override public Set<Tuple> zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(final String key, final String max, final String min) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min); return getTupledSet(); } /** * Remove all elements in the sorted set at key with rank between start and end. Start and end are * 0-based with rank 0 being the element with the lowest score. Both start and end can be negative * numbers, where they indicate offsets starting at the element with the highest rank. For * example: -1 is the element with the highest score, -2 the element with the second highest score * and so forth. *

* Time complexity: O(log(N))+O(M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set * and M the number of elements removed by the operation * @param key * @param start * @param stop * @return */ @Override public Long zremrangeByRank(final String key, final long start, final long stop) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zremrangeByRank(key, start, stop); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Remove all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max (including * elements with score equal to min or max). *

* Time complexity: *

* O(log(N))+O(M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of * elements removed by the operation * @param key * @param min * @param max * @return Integer reply, specifically the number of elements removed. */ @Override public Long zremrangeByScore(final String key, final double min, final double max) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zremrangeByScore(key, min, max); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Long zremrangeByScore(final String key, final String min, final String max) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zremrangeByScore(key, min, max); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Creates a union or intersection of N sorted sets given by keys k1 through kN, and stores it at * dstkey. It is mandatory to provide the number of input keys N, before passing the input keys * and the other (optional) arguments. *

* As the terms imply, the {@link #zinterstore(String, String...) ZINTERSTORE} command requires an * element to be present in each of the given inputs to be inserted in the result. The * {@link #zunionstore(String, String...) ZUNIONSTORE} command inserts all elements across all * inputs. *

* Using the WEIGHTS option, it is possible to add weight to each input sorted set. This means * that the score of each element in the sorted set is first multiplied by this weight before * being passed to the aggregation. When this option is not given, all weights default to 1. *

* With the AGGREGATE option, it's possible to specify how the results of the union or * intersection are aggregated. This option defaults to SUM, where the score of an element is * summed across the inputs where it exists. When this option is set to be either MIN or MAX, the * resulting set will contain the minimum or maximum score of an element across the inputs where * it exists. *

* Time complexity: O(N) + O(M log(M)) with N being the sum of the sizes of the input * sorted sets, and M being the number of elements in the resulting sorted set * @see #zunionstore(String, String...) * @see #zunionstore(String, ZParams, String...) * @see #zinterstore(String, String...) * @see #zinterstore(String, ZParams, String...) * @param dstkey * @param sets * @return Integer reply, specifically the number of elements in the sorted set at dstkey */ @Override public Long zunionstore(final String dstkey, final String... sets) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zunionstore(dstkey, sets); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Creates a union or intersection of N sorted sets given by keys k1 through kN, and stores it at * dstkey. It is mandatory to provide the number of input keys N, before passing the input keys * and the other (optional) arguments. *

* As the terms imply, the {@link #zinterstore(String, String...) ZINTERSTORE} command requires an * element to be present in each of the given inputs to be inserted in the result. The * {@link #zunionstore(String, String...) ZUNIONSTORE} command inserts all elements across all * inputs. *

* Using the WEIGHTS option, it is possible to add weight to each input sorted set. This means * that the score of each element in the sorted set is first multiplied by this weight before * being passed to the aggregation. When this option is not given, all weights default to 1. *

* With the AGGREGATE option, it's possible to specify how the results of the union or * intersection are aggregated. This option defaults to SUM, where the score of an element is * summed across the inputs where it exists. When this option is set to be either MIN or MAX, the * resulting set will contain the minimum or maximum score of an element across the inputs where * it exists. *

* Time complexity: O(N) + O(M log(M)) with N being the sum of the sizes of the input * sorted sets, and M being the number of elements in the resulting sorted set * @see #zunionstore(String, String...) * @see #zunionstore(String, ZParams, String...) * @see #zinterstore(String, String...) * @see #zinterstore(String, ZParams, String...) * @param dstkey * @param sets * @param params * @return Integer reply, specifically the number of elements in the sorted set at dstkey */ @Override public Long zunionstore(final String dstkey, final ZParams params, final String... sets) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zunionstore(dstkey, params, sets); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Creates a union or intersection of N sorted sets given by keys k1 through kN, and stores it at * dstkey. It is mandatory to provide the number of input keys N, before passing the input keys * and the other (optional) arguments. *

* As the terms imply, the {@link #zinterstore(String, String...) ZINTERSTORE} command requires an * element to be present in each of the given inputs to be inserted in the result. The * {@link #zunionstore(String, String...) ZUNIONSTORE} command inserts all elements across all * inputs. *

* Using the WEIGHTS option, it is possible to add weight to each input sorted set. This means * that the score of each element in the sorted set is first multiplied by this weight before * being passed to the aggregation. When this option is not given, all weights default to 1. *

* With the AGGREGATE option, it's possible to specify how the results of the union or * intersection are aggregated. This option defaults to SUM, where the score of an element is * summed across the inputs where it exists. When this option is set to be either MIN or MAX, the * resulting set will contain the minimum or maximum score of an element across the inputs where * it exists. *

* Time complexity: O(N) + O(M log(M)) with N being the sum of the sizes of the input * sorted sets, and M being the number of elements in the resulting sorted set * @see #zunionstore(String, String...) * @see #zunionstore(String, ZParams, String...) * @see #zinterstore(String, String...) * @see #zinterstore(String, ZParams, String...) * @param dstkey * @param sets * @return Integer reply, specifically the number of elements in the sorted set at dstkey */ @Override public Long zinterstore(final String dstkey, final String... sets) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zinterstore(dstkey, sets); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Creates a union or intersection of N sorted sets given by keys k1 through kN, and stores it at * dstkey. It is mandatory to provide the number of input keys N, before passing the input keys * and the other (optional) arguments. *

* As the terms imply, the {@link #zinterstore(String, String...) ZINTERSTORE} command requires an * element to be present in each of the given inputs to be inserted in the result. The * {@link #zunionstore(String, String...) ZUNIONSTORE} command inserts all elements across all * inputs. *

* Using the WEIGHTS option, it is possible to add weight to each input sorted set. This means * that the score of each element in the sorted set is first multiplied by this weight before * being passed to the aggregation. When this option is not given, all weights default to 1. *

* With the AGGREGATE option, it's possible to specify how the results of the union or * intersection are aggregated. This option defaults to SUM, where the score of an element is * summed across the inputs where it exists. When this option is set to be either MIN or MAX, the * resulting set will contain the minimum or maximum score of an element across the inputs where * it exists. *

* Time complexity: O(N) + O(M log(M)) with N being the sum of the sizes of the input * sorted sets, and M being the number of elements in the resulting sorted set * @see #zunionstore(String, String...) * @see #zunionstore(String, ZParams, String...) * @see #zinterstore(String, String...) * @see #zinterstore(String, ZParams, String...) * @param dstkey * @param sets * @param params * @return Integer reply, specifically the number of elements in the sorted set at dstkey */ @Override public Long zinterstore(final String dstkey, final ZParams params, final String... sets) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zinterstore(dstkey, params, sets); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Long zlexcount(final String key, final String min, final String max) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zlexcount(key, min, max); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Set<String> zrangeByLex(final String key, final String min, final String max) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrangeByLex(key, min, max); final List<String> members = client.getMultiBulkReply(); return SetFromList.of(members); } @Override public Set<String> zrangeByLex(final String key, final String min, final String max, final int offset, final int count) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrangeByLex(key, min, max, offset, count); final List<String> members = client.getMultiBulkReply(); return SetFromList.of(members); } @Override public Set<String> zrevrangeByLex(final String key, final String max, final String min) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrevrangeByLex(key, max, min); final List<String> members = client.getMultiBulkReply(); return SetFromList.of(members); } @Override public Set<String> zrevrangeByLex(final String key, final String max, final String min, final int offset, final int count) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zrevrangeByLex(key, max, min, offset, count); final List<String> members = client.getMultiBulkReply(); return SetFromList.of(members); } @Override public Long zremrangeByLex(final String key, final String min, final String max) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zremrangeByLex(key, min, max); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Long strlen(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.strlen(key); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Long lpushx(final String key, final String... string) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.lpushx(key, string); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Undo a {@link #expire(String, int) expire} at turning the expire key into a normal key. *

* Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @return Integer reply, specifically: 1: the key is now persist. 0: the key is not persist (only * happens when key not set). */ @Override public Long persist(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.persist(key); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Long rpushx(final String key, final String... string) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.rpushx(key, string); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public String echo(final String string) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.echo(string); return client.getBulkReply(); } @Override public Long linsert(final String key, final ListPosition where, final String pivot, final String value) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.linsert(key, where, pivot, value); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Pop a value from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available * @param source * @param destination * @param timeout * @return the element */ @Override public String brpoplpush(final String source, final String destination, final int timeout) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.brpoplpush(source, destination, timeout); client.setTimeoutInfinite(); try { return client.getBulkReply(); } finally { client.rollbackTimeout(); } } /** * Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key * @param key * @param offset * @param value * @return */ @Override public Boolean setbit(final String key, final long offset, final boolean value) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.setbit(key, offset, value); return client.getIntegerReply() == 1; } @Override public Boolean setbit(final String key, final long offset, final String value) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.setbit(key, offset, value); return client.getIntegerReply() == 1; } /** * Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key * @param key * @param offset * @return */ @Override public Boolean getbit(final String key, final long offset) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.getbit(key, offset); return client.getIntegerReply() == 1; } @Override public Long setrange(final String key, final long offset, final String value) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.setrange(key, offset, value); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public String getrange(final String key, final long startOffset, final long endOffset) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.getrange(key, startOffset, endOffset); return client.getBulkReply(); } @Override public Long bitpos(final String key, final boolean value) { return bitpos(key, value, new BitPosParams()); } @Override public Long bitpos(final String key, final boolean value, final BitPosParams params) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.bitpos(key, value, params); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * Retrieve the configuration of a running Redis server. Not all the configuration parameters are * supported. *

* CONFIG GET returns the current configuration parameters. This sub command only accepts a single * argument, that is glob style pattern. All the configuration parameters matching this parameter * are reported as a list of key-value pairs. *

* Example: * *

   * $ redis-cli config get '*'
   * 1. "dbfilename"
   * 2. "dump.rdb"
   * 3. "requirepass"
   * 4. (nil)
   * 5. "masterauth"
   * 6. (nil)
   * 7. "maxmemory"
   * 8. "0\n"
   * 9. "appendfsync"
   * 10. "everysec"
   * 11. "save"
   * 12. "3600 1 300 100 60 10000"
   * $ redis-cli config get 'm*'
   * 1. "masterauth"
   * 2. (nil)
   * 3. "maxmemory"
   * 4. "0\n"
* @param pattern * @return Bulk reply. */
@Override public List<String> configGet(final String pattern) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.configGet(pattern); return client.getMultiBulkReply(); } /** * Alter the configuration of a running Redis server. Not all the configuration parameters are * supported. *

* The list of configuration parameters supported by CONFIG SET can be obtained issuing a * {@link #configGet(String) CONFIG GET *} command. *

* The configuration set using CONFIG SET is immediately loaded by the Redis server that will * start acting as specified starting from the next command. *

* Parameters value format *

* The value of the configuration parameter is the same as the one of the same parameter in the * Redis configuration file, with the following exceptions: *


  • The save parameter is a list of space-separated integers. Every pair of integers specify the * time and number of changes limit to trigger a save. For instance the command CONFIG SET save * "3600 10 60 10000" will configure the server to issue a background saving of the RDB file every * 3600 seconds if there are at least 10 changes in the dataset, and every 60 seconds if there are * at least 10000 changes. To completely disable automatic snapshots just set the parameter as an * empty string. *
  • All the integer parameters representing memory are returned and accepted only using bytes * as unit. *
* @param parameter * @param value * @return Status code reply */
@Override public String configSet(final String parameter, final String value) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.configSet(parameter, value); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public void subscribe(final JedisPubSub jedisPubSub, final String... channels) { client.setTimeoutInfinite(); try { jedisPubSub.proceed(client, channels); } finally { client.rollbackTimeout(); } } @Override public Long publish(final String channel, final String message) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.publish(channel, message); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public void psubscribe(final JedisPubSub jedisPubSub, final String... patterns) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.setTimeoutInfinite(); try { jedisPubSub.proceedWithPatterns(client, patterns); } finally { client.rollbackTimeout(); } } protected static String[] getParams(List<String> keys, List<String> args) { int keyCount = keys.size(); int argCount = args.size(); String[] params = new String[keyCount + args.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) params[i] = keys.get(i); for (int i = 0; i < argCount; i++) params[keyCount + i] = args.get(i); return params; } @Override public Object eval(final String script, final int keyCount, final String... params) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.eval(script, keyCount, params); client.setTimeoutInfinite(); try { return getEvalResult(); } finally { client.rollbackTimeout(); } } @Override public Object eval(final String script, final List<String> keys, final List<String> args) { return eval(script, keys.size(), getParams(keys, args)); } @Override public Object eval(final String script) { return eval(script, 0); } @Override public Object evalsha(final String sha1) { return evalsha(sha1, 0); } private Object getEvalResult() { return evalResult(client.getOne()); } private Object evalResult(Object result) { if (result instanceof byte[]) return SafeEncoder.encode((byte[]) result); if (result instanceof List<?>) { List<?> list = (List<?>) result; List<Object> listResult = new ArrayList<>(list.size()); for (Object bin : list) { listResult.add(evalResult(bin)); } return listResult; } return result; } @Override public Object evalsha(final String sha1, final List<String> keys, final List<String> args) { return evalsha(sha1, keys.size(), getParams(keys, args)); } @Override public Object evalsha(final String sha1, final int keyCount, final String... params) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.evalsha(sha1, keyCount, params); return getEvalResult(); } @Override public Boolean scriptExists(final String sha1) { String[] a = new String[1]; a[0] = sha1; return scriptExists(a).get(0); } @Override public List<Boolean> scriptExists(final String... sha1) { client.scriptExists(sha1); List<Long> result = client.getIntegerMultiBulkReply(); List<Boolean> exists = new ArrayList<Boolean>(); for (Long value : result) exists.add(value == 1); return exists; } @Override public String scriptLoad(final String script) { client.scriptLoad(script); return client.getBulkReply(); } @Override public List<Slowlog> slowlogGet() { client.slowlogGet(); return Slowlog.from(client.getObjectMultiBulkReply()); } @Override public List<Slowlog> slowlogGet(final long entries) { client.slowlogGet(entries); return Slowlog.from(client.getObjectMultiBulkReply()); } @Override public Long objectRefcount(final String key) { client.objectRefcount(key); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public String objectEncoding(final String key) { client.objectEncoding(key); return client.getBulkReply(); } @Override public Long objectIdletime(final String key) { client.objectIdletime(key); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Long bitcount(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.bitcount(key); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Long bitcount(final String key, final long start, final long end) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.bitcount(key, start, end); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Long bitop(final BitOP op, final String destKey, final String... srcKeys) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.bitop(op, destKey, srcKeys); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** *
   * redis> sentinel masters
   * 1)  1) "name"
   *     2) "mymaster"
   *     3) "ip"
   *     4) ""
   *     5) "port"
   *     6) "6379"
   *     7) "runid"
   *     8) "93d4d4e6e9c06d0eea36e27f31924ac26576081d"
   *     9) "flags"
   *    10) "master"
   *    11) "pending-commands"
   *    12) "0"
   *    13) "last-ok-ping-reply"
   *    14) "423"
   *    15) "last-ping-reply"
   *    16) "423"
   *    17) "info-refresh"
   *    18) "6107"
   *    19) "num-slaves"
   *    20) "1"
   *    21) "num-other-sentinels"
   *    22) "2"
   *    23) "quorum"
   *    24) "2"
* @return */
@Override @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public List<Map<String, String>> sentinelMasters() { client.sentinel(Protocol.SENTINEL_MASTERS); final List<Object> reply = client.getObjectMultiBulkReply(); final List<Map<String, String>> masters = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); for (Object obj : reply) { masters.add( obj)); } return masters; } /** *
   * redis> sentinel get-master-addr-by-name mymaster
   * 1) ""
   * 2) "6379"
* @param masterName * @return two elements list of strings : host and port. */
@Override public List<String> sentinelGetMasterAddrByName(final String masterName) { client.sentinel(Protocol.SENTINEL_GET_MASTER_ADDR_BY_NAME, masterName); final List<Object> reply = client.getObjectMultiBulkReply(); return; } /** *
   * redis> sentinel reset mymaster
   * (integer) 1
* @param pattern * @return */
@Override public Long sentinelReset(final String pattern) { client.sentinel(Protocol.SENTINEL_RESET, pattern); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** *
   * redis> sentinel slaves mymaster
   * 1)  1) "name"
   *     2) ""
   *     3) "ip"
   *     4) ""
   *     5) "port"
   *     6) "6380"
   *     7) "runid"
   *     8) "d7f6c0ca7572df9d2f33713df0dbf8c72da7c039"
   *     9) "flags"
   *    10) "slave"
   *    11) "pending-commands"
   *    12) "0"
   *    13) "last-ok-ping-reply"
   *    14) "47"
   *    15) "last-ping-reply"
   *    16) "47"
   *    17) "info-refresh"
   *    18) "657"
   *    19) "master-link-down-time"
   *    20) "0"
   *    21) "master-link-status"
   *    22) "ok"
   *    23) "master-host"
   *    24) "localhost"
   *    25) "master-port"
   *    26) "6379"
   *    27) "slave-priority"
   *    28) "100"
* @param masterName * @return */
@Override @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public List<Map<String, String>> sentinelSlaves(final String masterName) { client.sentinel(Protocol.SENTINEL_SLAVES, masterName); final List<Object> reply = client.getObjectMultiBulkReply(); final List<Map<String, String>> slaves = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); for (Object obj : reply) { slaves.add( obj)); } return slaves; } @Override public String sentinelFailover(final String masterName) { client.sentinel(Protocol.SENTINEL_FAILOVER, masterName); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public String sentinelMonitor(final String masterName, final String ip, final int port, final int quorum) { client.sentinel(Protocol.SENTINEL_MONITOR, masterName, ip, String.valueOf(port), String.valueOf(quorum)); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public String sentinelRemove(final String masterName) { client.sentinel(Protocol.SENTINEL_REMOVE, masterName); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public String sentinelSet(final String masterName, final Map<String, String> parameterMap) { int index = 0; int paramsLength = parameterMap.size() * 2 + 2; String[] params = new String[paramsLength]; params[index++] = Protocol.SENTINEL_SET; params[index++] = masterName; for (Entry<String, String> entry : parameterMap.entrySet()) { params[index++] = entry.getKey(); params[index++] = entry.getValue(); } client.sentinel(params); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public byte[] dump(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.dump(key); return client.getBinaryBulkReply(); } @Override public String restore(final String key, final int ttl, final byte[] serializedValue) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.restore(key, ttl, serializedValue); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public String restoreReplace(final String key, final int ttl, final byte[] serializedValue) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.restoreReplace(key, ttl, serializedValue); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public Long pexpire(final String key, final long milliseconds) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.pexpire(key, milliseconds); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Long pexpireAt(final String key, final long millisecondsTimestamp) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.pexpireAt(key, millisecondsTimestamp); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Long pttl(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.pttl(key); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * PSETEX works exactly like {@link #setex(String, int, String)} with the sole difference that the * expire time is specified in milliseconds instead of seconds. Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @param milliseconds * @param value * @return Status code reply */ @Override public String psetex(final String key, final long milliseconds, final String value) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.psetex(key, milliseconds, value); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public String clientKill(final String ipPort) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); this.client.clientKill(ipPort); return this.client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public String clientGetname() { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clientGetname(); return client.getBulkReply(); } @Override public String clientList() { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clientList(); return client.getBulkReply(); } @Override public String clientSetname(final String name) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clientSetname(name); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public String migrate(final String host, final int port, final String key, final int destinationDb, final int timeout) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.migrate(host, port, key, destinationDb, timeout); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public String migrate(final String host, final int port, final int destinationDB, final int timeout, final MigrateParams params, final String... keys) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.migrate(host, port, destinationDB, timeout, params, keys); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public ScanResult<String> scan(final String cursor) { return scan(cursor, new ScanParams()); } @Override public ScanResult<String> scan(final String cursor, final ScanParams params) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.scan(cursor, params); List<Object> result = client.getObjectMultiBulkReply(); String newcursor = new String((byte[]) result.get(0)); List<String> results = new ArrayList<>(); List<byte[]> rawResults = (List<byte[]>) result.get(1); for (byte[] bs : rawResults) { results.add(SafeEncoder.encode(bs)); } return new ScanResult<String>(newcursor, results); } @Override public ScanResult<Map.Entry<String, String>> hscan(final String key, final String cursor) { return hscan(key, cursor, new ScanParams()); } @Override public ScanResult<Map.Entry<String, String>> hscan(final String key, final String cursor, final ScanParams params) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.hscan(key, cursor, params); List<Object> result = client.getObjectMultiBulkReply(); String newcursor = new String((byte[]) result.get(0)); List<Map.Entry<String, String>> results = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, String>>(); List<byte[]> rawResults = (List<byte[]>) result.get(1); Iterator<byte[]> iterator = rawResults.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { results.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, String>(SafeEncoder.encode(, SafeEncoder.encode(; } return new ScanResult<Map.Entry<String, String>>(newcursor, results); } @Override public ScanResult<String> sscan(final String key, final String cursor) { return sscan(key, cursor, new ScanParams()); } @Override public ScanResult<String> sscan(final String key, final String cursor, final ScanParams params) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.sscan(key, cursor, params); List<Object> result = client.getObjectMultiBulkReply(); String newcursor = new String((byte[]) result.get(0)); List<String> results = new ArrayList<>(); List<byte[]> rawResults = (List<byte[]>) result.get(1); for (byte[] bs : rawResults) { results.add(SafeEncoder.encode(bs)); } return new ScanResult<String>(newcursor, results); } @Override public ScanResult<Tuple> zscan(final String key, final String cursor) { return zscan(key, cursor, new ScanParams()); } @Override public ScanResult<Tuple> zscan(final String key, final String cursor, final ScanParams params) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.zscan(key, cursor, params); List<Object> result = client.getObjectMultiBulkReply(); String newcursor = new String((byte[]) result.get(0)); List<Tuple> results = new ArrayList<Tuple>(); List<byte[]> rawResults = (List<byte[]>) result.get(1); Iterator<byte[]> iterator = rawResults.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { results.add(new Tuple(,; } return new ScanResult<Tuple>(newcursor, results); } @Override public String clusterNodes() { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clusterNodes(); return client.getBulkReply(); } @Override public String readonly() { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.readonly(); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public String clusterMeet(final String ip, final int port) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clusterMeet(ip, port); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public String clusterReset(final ClusterReset resetType) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clusterReset(resetType); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public String clusterAddSlots(final int... slots) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clusterAddSlots(slots); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public String clusterDelSlots(final int... slots) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clusterDelSlots(slots); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public String clusterInfo() { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clusterInfo(); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public List<String> clusterGetKeysInSlot(final int slot, final int count) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clusterGetKeysInSlot(slot, count); return client.getMultiBulkReply(); } @Override public String clusterSetSlotNode(final int slot, final String nodeId) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clusterSetSlotNode(slot, nodeId); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public String clusterSetSlotMigrating(final int slot, final String nodeId) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clusterSetSlotMigrating(slot, nodeId); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public String clusterSetSlotImporting(final int slot, final String nodeId) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clusterSetSlotImporting(slot, nodeId); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public String clusterSetSlotStable(final int slot) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clusterSetSlotStable(slot); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public String clusterForget(final String nodeId) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clusterForget(nodeId); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public String clusterFlushSlots() { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clusterFlushSlots(); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public Long clusterKeySlot(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clusterKeySlot(key); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Long clusterCountKeysInSlot(final int slot) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clusterCountKeysInSlot(slot); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public String clusterSaveConfig() { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clusterSaveConfig(); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public String clusterReplicate(final String nodeId) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clusterReplicate(nodeId); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public List<String> clusterSlaves(final String nodeId) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clusterSlaves(nodeId); return client.getMultiBulkReply(); } @Override public String clusterFailover() { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clusterFailover(); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public List<Object> clusterSlots() { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.clusterSlots(); return client.getObjectMultiBulkReply(); } public String asking() { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.asking(); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } public List<String> pubsubChannels(final String pattern) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.pubsubChannels(pattern); return client.getMultiBulkReply(); } public Long pubsubNumPat() { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.pubsubNumPat(); return client.getIntegerReply(); } public Map<String, String> pubsubNumSub(String... channels) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.pubsubNumSub(channels); return; } @Override public void close() { if (dataSource != null) { JedisPoolAbstract pool = this.dataSource; this.dataSource = null; if (client.isBroken()) { pool.returnBrokenResource(this); } else { pool.returnResource(this); } } else { super.close(); } } public void setDataSource(JedisPoolAbstract jedisPool) { this.dataSource = jedisPool; } @Override public Long pfadd(final String key, final String... elements) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.pfadd(key, elements); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public long pfcount(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.pfcount(key); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public long pfcount(final String... keys) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.pfcount(keys); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public String pfmerge(final String destkey, final String... sourcekeys) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.pfmerge(destkey, sourcekeys); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public List<String> blpop(final int timeout, final String key) { return blpop(key, String.valueOf(timeout)); } @Override public List<String> brpop(final int timeout, final String key) { return brpop(key, String.valueOf(timeout)); } @Override public Long geoadd(final String key, final double longitude, final double latitude, final String member) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.geoadd(key, longitude, latitude, member); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Long geoadd(final String key, final Map<String, GeoCoordinate> memberCoordinateMap) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.geoadd(key, memberCoordinateMap); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public Double geodist(final String key, final String member1, final String member2) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.geodist(key, member1, member2); String dval = client.getBulkReply(); return (dval != null ? new Double(dval) : null); } @Override public Double geodist(final String key, final String member1, final String member2, final GeoUnit unit) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.geodist(key, member1, member2, unit); String dval = client.getBulkReply(); return (dval != null ? new Double(dval) : null); } @Override public List<String> geohash(final String key, String... members) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.geohash(key, members); return client.getMultiBulkReply(); } @Override public List<GeoCoordinate> geopos(final String key, String... members) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.geopos(key, members); return; } @Override public List<GeoRadiusResponse> georadius(final String key, final double longitude, final double latitude, final double radius, final GeoUnit unit) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.georadius(key, longitude, latitude, radius, unit); return; } @Override public List<GeoRadiusResponse> georadiusReadonly(final String key, final double longitude, final double latitude, final double radius, final GeoUnit unit) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.georadiusReadonly(key, longitude, latitude, radius, unit); return; } @Override public List<GeoRadiusResponse> georadius(final String key, final double longitude, final double latitude, final double radius, final GeoUnit unit, final GeoRadiusParam param) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.georadius(key, longitude, latitude, radius, unit, param); return; } @Override public List<GeoRadiusResponse> georadiusReadonly(final String key, final double longitude, final double latitude, final double radius, final GeoUnit unit, final GeoRadiusParam param) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.georadiusReadonly(key, longitude, latitude, radius, unit, param); return; } @Override public List<GeoRadiusResponse> georadiusByMember(final String key, final String member, final double radius, final GeoUnit unit) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.georadiusByMember(key, member, radius, unit); return; } @Override public List<GeoRadiusResponse> georadiusByMemberReadonly(final String key, final String member, final double radius, final GeoUnit unit) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.georadiusByMemberReadonly(key, member, radius, unit); return; } @Override public List<GeoRadiusResponse> georadiusByMember(final String key, final String member, final double radius, final GeoUnit unit, final GeoRadiusParam param) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.georadiusByMember(key, member, radius, unit, param); return; } @Override public List<GeoRadiusResponse> georadiusByMemberReadonly(final String key, final String member, final double radius, final GeoUnit unit, final GeoRadiusParam param) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.georadiusByMemberReadonly(key, member, radius, unit, param); return; } @Override public String moduleLoad(final String path) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.moduleLoad(path); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public String moduleUnload(final String name) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.moduleUnload(name); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public List<Module> moduleList() { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.moduleList(); return; } @Override public List<Long> bitfield(final String key, final String...arguments) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.bitfield(key, arguments); return client.getIntegerMultiBulkReply(); } @Override public Long hstrlen(final String key, final String field) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.hstrlen(key, field); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public String memoryDoctor() { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.memoryDoctor(); return client.getBulkReply(); } @Override public StreamEntryID xadd(final String key, final StreamEntryID id, final Map<String, String> hash) { return xadd(key, id, hash, Long.MAX_VALUE, false); } @Override public StreamEntryID xadd(final String key, StreamEntryID id, final Map<String, String> hash, final long maxLen, final boolean approximateLength) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.xadd(key, id, hash, maxLen, approximateLength); String result = client.getBulkReply(); return new StreamEntryID(result); } @Override public Long xlen(final String key) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.xlen(key); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<StreamEntry> xrange(final String key, final StreamEntryID start, final StreamEntryID end, final int count) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.xrange(key, start, end, count); return; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<StreamEntry> xrevrange(final String key, final StreamEntryID end, final StreamEntryID start, final int count) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.xrevrange(key, end, start, count); return; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<Entry<String, List<StreamEntry>>> xread(final int count, final long block, final Entry<String, StreamEntryID>... streams) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.xread(count, block, streams); client.setTimeoutInfinite(); try { List<Object> streamsEntries = client.getObjectMultiBulkReply(); if(streamsEntries == null) { return new ArrayList<>(); } List<Entry<String, List<StreamEntry>>> result = new ArrayList<>(streamsEntries.size()); for(Object streamObj : streamsEntries) { List<Object> stream = (List<Object>)streamObj; String streamId = SafeEncoder.encode((byte[])stream.get(0)); List<StreamEntry> streamEntries =; result.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, List<StreamEntry>>(streamId, streamEntries)); } return result; } finally { client.rollbackTimeout(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public long xack(final String key, final String group, final StreamEntryID... ids) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.xack(key, group, ids); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public String xgroupCreate(final String key, final String groupname, final StreamEntryID id, final boolean makeStream) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.xgroupCreate(key, groupname, id, makeStream); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public String xgroupSetID(final String key, final String groupname, final StreamEntryID id) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.xgroupSetID(key, groupname, id); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public long xgroupDestroy(final String key, final String groupname) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.xgroupDestroy(key, groupname); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public String xgroupDelConsumer(final String key, final String groupname, final String consumerName) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.xgroupDelConsumer(key, groupname, consumerName); return client.getStatusCodeReply(); } @Override public long xdel(final String key, final StreamEntryID... ids) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.xdel(key, ids); return client.getIntegerReply(); } @Override public long xtrim(final String key, final long maxLen, final boolean approximateLength) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.xtrim(key, maxLen, approximateLength); return client.getIntegerReply(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<Entry<String, List<StreamEntry>>> xreadGroup(final String groupname, final String consumer, final int count, final long block, final boolean noAck, final Entry<String, StreamEntryID>... streams) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.xreadGroup(groupname, consumer, count, block, noAck, streams); client.setTimeoutInfinite(); try { List<Object> streamsEntries = client.getObjectMultiBulkReply(); if(streamsEntries == null) { return null; } List<Entry<String, List<StreamEntry>>> result = new ArrayList<>(streamsEntries.size()); for(Object streamObj : streamsEntries) { List<Object> stream = (List<Object>)streamObj; String streamId = SafeEncoder.encode((byte[])stream.get(0)); List<StreamEntry> streamEntries =; result.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, List<StreamEntry>>(streamId, streamEntries)); } return result; } finally { client.rollbackTimeout(); } } @Override public List<StreamPendingEntry> xpending(final String key, final String groupname, final StreamEntryID start, final StreamEntryID end, final int count, final String consumername) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.xpending(key, groupname, start, end, count, consumername); // TODO handle consumername == NULL case return; } @Override public List<StreamEntry> xclaim(String key, String group, String consumername, long minIdleTime, long newIdleTime, int retries, boolean force, StreamEntryID... ids) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.xclaim( key, group, consumername, minIdleTime, newIdleTime, retries, force, ids); return; } public Object sendCommand(ProtocolCommand cmd, String... args) { checkIsInMultiOrPipeline(); client.sendCommand(cmd, args); return client.getOne(); } }
