

Are you looking for the best analytics solutions for your WordPress site? An analytics tool allows you to learn how many visitors are coming to your website, where they come from, and what they do on your site.

您是否正在寻找适用于WordPress网站的最佳分析解决方案? 分析工具可让您了解有多少访问者进入您的网站,他们来自何处以及他们在您网站上的工作。

Many beginners rely on their best guesses when starting a new website or blog. You don’t have to do that, when you can collect data and make informed decisions to grow your business with these analytics solutions.

在开始新网站或博客时,许多初学者都依靠他们的最佳猜测。 当您可以收集数据并做出明智的决定来利用这些分析解决方案发展您的业务时,您不必这样做。

In this article, we have hand-picked the best analytics solutions for WordPress users. We will take a look at each one of them and their pros and cons.

在本文中,我们为WordPress用户精心挑选了最佳的分析解决方案。 我们将研究它们中的每一个以及它们的优缺点。


为什么您的WordPress网站需要分析? (Why Do You Need Analytics for Your WordPress Site?)

Website analytics help you get detailed insights on your website visitors. Here are just a few things you can learn from your website analytics:

网站分析可帮助您获得有关网站访问者的详细见解。 您可以从网站分析中学到以下几件事:

  • Number of visitors coming to your website.

  • Which sources are sending you traffic. For example, search engines, social media, advertisements, or referral links.

    哪些来源为您带来了流量。 例如,搜索引擎,社交媒体,广告或推荐链接。
  • What are your most popular pages.

  • What users do when they are on your website.


A good WordPress analytics solution presents all this data in an easy to understand report. This enables you to make informed decisions about your website, which ultimately helps you get more traffic, customers, and sales.

一个好的WordPress分析解决方案可以在易于理解的报告中显示所有这些数据。 这使您能够对网站做出明智的决定,最终帮助您获得更多的流量 ,客户和销售量。

That being said, let’s take a look at the best analytics solutions for WordPress.


1. MonsterInsights (1. MonsterInsights)


MonsterInsights is the best analytics solution for your WordPress site. It allows you to easily install Google analytics in WordPress and shows you helpful reports in your WordPress dashboard.

MonsterInsights是适用于您的WordPress网站的最佳分析解决方案。 它使您可以轻松地在WordPress中安装Google Analytics(分析) ,并在WordPress仪表板中显示有用的报告。

It adds a website stats dashboard in your WordPress admin area showing your top traffic sources. MonsterInsights also displays the top ranking articles, pages, and more, so you can better understand user behavior and grow your business with confidence.

它会在您的WordPress管理区域中添加一个网站统计信息中心,以显示您的主要流量来源。 MonsterInsights还会显示排名最高的文章,页面等,因此您可以更好地了解用户行为并充满信心地发展业务。

It also comes with eCommerce tracking which makes it super easy to track WooCommerce users in Google Analytics. You can also use this data to reduce cart abandonment on your website.

它还具有电子商务跟踪功能,这使得在Google Analytics(分析)中跟踪WooCommerce用户非常容易。 您还可以使用此数据来减少网站上的购物车遗弃。

2. ExactMetrics (2. ExactMetrics)


ExactMetrics (formerly Google Analytics Dashboard for WP) is one of the top Google Analytics plugins for WordPress. Many beginners find Google Analytics reports a bit hard to understand. ExactMetrics makes them easy to understand and shows beautiful reports right inside your WordPress admin area.

ExactMetrics(以前称为WP的Google Analytics(分析)仪表板)是WordPress的顶级Google Analytics(分析)插件之一。 许多初学者发现Google Analytics(分析)报告有点难以理解。 ExactMetrics使它们易于理解,并在WordPress管理区域内显示精美的报告。

It includes demographics reports, enhanced link tracking, affiliate link tracking, real-time reports, and more.

它包括人口统计报告,增强的链接跟踪, 会员链接跟踪 ,实时报告等。

3. Google Analytics(分析) (3. Google Analytics)


Google Analytics is the most popular analytics solution available. It is free and can be easily installed in WordPress using the plugins mentioned above. However, you can also install it directly by adding the code on your site.

Google Analytics(分析)是最流行的分析解决方案。 它是免费的,可以使用上述插件在WordPress中轻松安装。 但是,您也可以通过在您的站点上添加代码来直接安装它。

You can use a single account to install it on multiple websites and view all your reports under one dashboard.


It not only shows you the number of visitors, but with advanced reports you can track links, perform A/B testing, track user engagement, get real time traffic insights, and more.

它不仅向您显示访问者的数量,而且通过高级报告,您可以跟踪链接 , 执行A / B测试 , 跟踪用户参与度 ,获取实时流量信息等。

4.堆 (4. Heap)


Heap is a powerful website analytics tool that allows you to codelessly capture data for every click, tap, change, swipe, and pageview.


It comes with advanced behavioral data that allows you to deeply analyze your website traffic. Made for people who love data, analytics, and stats, Heap makes it possible to generate custom reports, views, and tracking.

它带有高级行为数据,可让您深入分析网站流量。 Heap专为喜欢数据,分析和统计数据的人员而设计,可以生成自定义报告,视图和跟踪。

For eCommerce websites, Heap offers advanced attribution, conversion rate optimization, faster reports, and user tracking for not just acquisition but long term value.


5.可湿性粉剂统计 (5. WP Statistics)


WP Statistics is a WordPress analytics plugin for your site. It displays tracking stats with simple graphs in your WordPress admin area.

WP Statistics是适用于您网站的WordPress分析插件。 它在WordPress管理区域中以简单图形显示跟踪状态。

The plugin helps in tracking redirects from search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, and more. You can manage user roles to display these stats in WordPress dashboard.

该插件有助于跟踪来自Google,Bing,Yahoo, Yandex等搜索引擎的重定向。 您可以管理用户角色以在WordPress仪表板中显示这些统计信息。

WP Statistics allows you to filter data according to browser versions, visitors country, search keywords, IPs, pages, and more. It can also automatically email reports for all statistics.

WP Statistics允许您根据浏览器版本,访问国家/地区,搜索关键字,IP,页面等来过滤数据。 它还可以自动通过电子邮件发送报告以获取所有统计信息。

The downside is that it stores all the data on your WordPress site. After a period of time, this may increase your WordPress backup size.

缺点是它将所有数据存储在WordPress网站上。 一段时间后,这可能会增加WordPress备份大小。

6.疯狂的鸡蛋 (6. Crazy Egg)


Crazy Egg shows you where your visitors are clicking on your site. This technology is called heat-mapping, and it allows you to visualize how your users interact with your website.

Crazy Egg会向您显示访问者在您的网站上单击的位置。 这项技术称为热量映射,它使您可以直观地看到用户与网站的交互方式。

Other than heat-mapping, it shows you how far do the users scroll on your pages, so you can analyze the content of your website. Their Confetti tool allows you to segment the clicks into referrals, sources, search terms, etc.

除了热图之外,它还显示了用户在页面上滚动的距离,因此您可以分析网站的内容。 他们的五彩纸屑工具可让您将点击次数细分为引荐,来源,搜索字词等。

It offers an A/B testing tool to pick the right color, font, and image based on the user stats. This helps you make data-driven action for your website’s design and landing pages.

它提供了一个A / B测试工具,可以根据用户统计信息选择正确的颜色,字体和图像。 这可以帮助您对网站的设计页面和目标网页进行数据驱动的操作。

7. Mixpanel (7. Mixpanel)

Mixpanel helps you add real-time event tracking for your campaigns. It is available for websites as well as mobile apps. It comes with a powerful user level targetting and helps you build user retention by sending push notifications and emails to your users.

Mixpanel可帮助您为广告系列添加实时事件跟踪。 它可用于网站以及移动应用程序。 它具有强大的用户级别定位,并通过向用户发送推送通知和电子邮件来帮助您建立用户保留率。

It also allows you to create funnels to track customers and increase conversions. The pricing is based on actions people take on your site/app, so this could go higher than your expectation.

它还允许您创建渠道来跟踪客户并增加转化 。 定价基于用户对您的网站/应用采取的操作,因此价格可能会超出您的预期。

8. Matomo (8. Matomo)


Matomo (formerly Piwik) is a free self-hosted open source analytics solution for your websites. It has a premium cloud-hosted version too. Matomo offers user-centric insights, data protection, custom and extensive analytics reports and more.

Matomo(以前称为Piwik)是为您的网站提供的免费的自托管开源分析解决方案。 它也有一个高级的云托管版本。 Matomo提供以用户为中心的见解,数据保护,自定义和广泛的分析报告等。

You can use it on enterprise level. Matomo’s support team actively helps you configure the analytics platform on your site. It has a mobile app that can display statistics on your phone.

您可以在企业级别使用它。 Matomo的支持团队会积极帮助您在站点上配置分析平台。 它有一个移动应用程序,可以在手机上显示统计信息。

9. Woopra (9. Woopra)


Woopra is another web analytics solution that offers real-time statistics and tracks users to the individual level. It focuses on customer trends, retention, segmentation, and more.

Woopra是另一个Web分析解决方案,可提供实时统计信息并跟踪用户到各个级别。 它着重于客户趋势,保留率,细分等。

You can create funnels and monitor what’s stopping your users from taking an action on your site. Woopra has a WordPress plugin that makes the integration easy.

您可以创建渠道并监控阻止用户对您的网站执行操作的原因。 Woopra有一个WordPress插件,使集成变得容易。

10. StatCounter (10. StatCounter)


The StatCounter plugin allows you to connect your WordPress site to the StatCounter service. It is a cloud-based website stats counter service which offers a basic website statistics service.

StatCounter插件可让您将WordPress网站连接到StatCounter服务。 它是基于云的网站统计计数器服务,提供基本的网站统计服务。

You can see easy to follow reports for your traffic sources, visitor locations, browsers, and more. It is easy to use but lacks the advanced features that you get from other analytics solutions. For example, eCommerce tracking, affiliate link tracking, goals and event tracking, and more.

您可以查看有关流量来源,访问者位置,浏览器等的易于遵循的报告。 它易于使用,但缺少其他分析解决方案提供的高级功能。 例如,电子商务跟踪,会员链接跟踪,目标和事件跟踪等等。

11.喷气背包 (11. Jetpack)


Jetpack by WordPress.com displays basic stats in your WordPress dashboard. You can use this plugin on any self-hosted WordPress site to track your visitors.

WordPress.com的Jetpack在WordPress仪表板中显示基本统计信息。 您可以在任何自托管的WordPress网站上使用此插件来跟踪您的访客。

It is free to use and a good option for small blogs, offering simple and easy to understand traffic reports. You will need a free WordPress.com account to connect your website to WordPress.com servers and run Jetpack on your site.

它是免费使用的,并且是小型博客的不错选择,它提供了简单易懂的点击量报告。 您将需要一个免费的WordPress.com帐户才能将您的网站连接到WordPress.com服务器并在您的网站上运行Jetpack。

We hope this article helped you find the best analytics solutions for WordPress. You may also want to see our expert pick of the best content marketing tools and plugins for WordPress.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适用于WordPress的最佳分析解决方案。 您可能还想看看我们为WordPress精选的最佳内容营销工具和插件 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/7-best-analytics-solutions-for-wordpress-users/

