

Many organisations already know the benefits of migrating their services to the cloud. The big debate they often have is whether to opt for public or private cloud hosting. However, it doesn’t need to be an ‘either-or’ dilemma. There is a third way: a hybrid cloud that combines both public and private options. In this post, we’ll look at what a hybrid cloud is and the benefits it can offer.

许多组织已经知道将服务迁移到云的好处 。 他们经常遇到的主要争论是选择公共还是私有云托管。 但是,它不一定是“非此即彼”的困境。 第三种方法是:将公共和私有选项结合在一起的混合云。 在本文中,我们将探讨什么是混合云及其可提供的好处。


公有云,私有云和混合云概述 (An overview of public, private and hybrid clouds)


公有云 (Public cloud)

A public cloud is an internet accessed hosting solution that uses shared physical hardware managed by a third-party hosting provider. This form of cloud offers pay-as-you-go managed hosting, quick IT deployment and rapid, flexible scaling of resources as and when needed.

公共云是一种互联网访问的托管解决方案,它使用由第三方托管提供商管理的共享物理硬件。 这种形式的云提供按需付费托管托管,快速的IT部署以及在需要时根据需要快速灵活地扩展资源。


私有云 (Private clouds)

A private cloud is similar to a public cloud but with one major difference: the infrastructure is completely dedicated to your organisation. This means you get improved security and control in addition to the efficiency and agility that cloud provides. This makes it far more suitable for those organisations which have to follow strict compliance regulations. For increased security, you can opt to locate a private cloud on your own premises, though you can also choose to have it hosted at your vendor’s high-security data centre.

私有云类似于公共云,但有一个主要区别:基础架构完全专用于您的组织。 这意味着除了云提供的效率和敏捷性之外,您还将获得更高的安全性和控制力。 这使得它更适合那些必须遵守严格合规性法规的组织。 为了提高安全性,尽管您也可以选择将私有云托管在供应商的高安全性数据中心中,但是您可以选择在自己的场所中定位私有云。

The final benefit of a private cloud is that, as the underlying hardware is dedicated just for your organisation, you can tailor the storage, compute and networking components to meet your specific needs.



混合云 (Hybrid cloud )

A hybrid cloud enables organisations to run two interrelated systems, each of which is capable of storing and processing different sets of data. This set-up can be hyper-effective: the public cloud offers scalability and efficiency whilst the private cloud provides optimum hardware configuration, speed and much needed security.

混合云使组织能够运行两个相互关联的系统,每个系统都能够存储和处理不同的数据集。 这种设置可能非常有效:公共云提供可伸缩性和效率,而私有云则提供最佳的硬件配置,速度和急需的安全性。


分散负荷 (Spreading the load)

To benefit most from a hybrid cloud, organisations need to decide how to balance the workload between the public and private elements. How much data do you wish to be stored on either system and how much processing is each system required to do? You don’t need to have a 50-50 split in terms of capacity. It is possible, for example, to have only a small private cloud capacity and have most of your system hosted on a public cloud – or vice versa.

为了从混合云中获得最大收益,组织需要决定如何在公共和私有元素之间平衡工作量。 您希望在两个系统上存储多少数据,每个系统需要进行多少处理? 您不需要在容量方面进行50-50的分配。 例如,可能只有少量的私有云容量,而您的大多数系统都托管在公共云上,反之亦然。

Looking at what other organisations do, the common practice is to use the public cloud for running websites, social networks, email and development servers. Private clouds tend to be reserved for data analysis, database services, CRM, and the storage of sensitive data.

看看其他组织做什么,通常的做法是使用公共云来运行网站,社交网络,电子邮件和开发服务器。 私有云倾向于保留用于数据分析,数据库服务,CRM和敏感数据的存储。

However, it is not just the type of applications that need considering when deciding on which cloud system to host them. Performance should also be considered as private and public clouds have different capabilities. Private clouds, for example, tend to be better at handling steady workloads and processes which require speed, whereas public clouds, with their ability to quickly scale up, are much better for workloads that need to deal with unexpected surges. A well-configured hybrid system can also shift some of their private cloud processing over to the public cloud when necessary.

但是,在决定托管哪个云系统时,不仅需要考虑应用程序的类型。 性能也应视为私有云和公共云具有不同的功能。 例如,私有云往往更擅长处理需要速度的稳定工作负载和流程,而公共云具有快速扩展的能力,对于需要应对突发流量的工作负载则要好得多。 配置良好的混合系统还可以在必要时将其某些私有云处理转移到公共云。


更好的安全性 (Better security)

For organisations within the EU (and in the UK after Brexit), the new General Data Protection Regulation law, which comes into effect in May 2018, will have a significant impact on the way they protect their data. The new law requires much tighter security and enhanced management of all personal data. It will also bring in much tougher penalties for those who do not comply, with fines up to 20 million euros or 4% of global turnover. In addition, any organisation which loses data through hacking or any other means will be held liable for all loss, damages or injury caused to the individuals whose data is lost.

对于欧盟范围内(以及英国退欧后的英国)的组织而言,新的《通用数据保护条例》法律将于2018年5月生效,它将对其数据保护方式产生重大影响。 新法律要求更加严格的安全性,并加强对所有个人数据的管理。 对于不遵守规定的人,还将处以更严厉的罚款,最高可处以2000万欧元或全球营业额4%的罚款。 此外,任何通过黑客入侵或任何其他方式丢失数据的组织都应对因丢失数据的个人造成的所有损失,损害或伤害负责。

This is one reason a hybrid cloud could be so beneficial. The private part of your hybrid system is much more secure than the public part and is the perfect place to store and lock down information that needs to be secure for compliance with the new GDPR law.

这就是混合云如此有益的原因之一。 混合系统的私有部分比公共部分安全得多,并且是存储和锁定信息的理想场所,这些信息需要安全才能遵守新的GDPR法。


现场托管还是由供应商托管的私有云? (On-site or vendor hosted private cloud?)

The final question is whether it is better to host your private cloud on-site or have it hosted with your service provider. The new GDPR law may play a role in your choice here, too. On-site security is just as important as online security. Service providers invest large sums of money into ensuring that their data centres are secure. Access controls are in place, CCTV cameras and security guards patrol the premises and strict protocols are put in place to ensure staff do not put clients’ data at risk. Setting up this level of security on-site can be expensive, especially if you only have a small data centre.

最后一个问题是在现场托管私有云还是与服务提供商托管私有云是更好的选择。 新的GDPR法律也可能在您的选择中发挥作用。 现场安全与在线安全同样重要。 服务提供商投入大量资金来确保其数据中心的安全。 实施访问控制,闭路电视摄像机和保安人员巡视场所,并制定严格的协议以确保工作人员不会将客户的数据置于危险之中。 在现场设置这种级别的安全性可能会很昂贵,尤其是在您只有小型数据中心的情况下。

However, you should also consider the issue of data access. A private cloud, hosted on-site, ensures you are not reliant on variable internet connectivity to access critical data. In this sense, a self-hosted hybrid cloud enables gives you consistent access to that critical data.

但是,您还应该考虑数据访问的问题。 托管在现场的私有云可确保您不依赖可变的Internet连接来访问关键数据。 从这个意义上讲,自托管混合云使您能够始终如一地访问关键数据。


结论 (Conclusion)

As you can see from reading this post, hybrid clouds give organisations the ability to run different applications in the most suitable environments. Apps which need flexible resourcing can have scalability, apps which need better performance can run on optimised hardware and data which needs to be protected can be secured far more effectively. In addition, balancing the workloads in the most effective way can increase efficiency and reduce long-term expenditure.

从阅读本文可以看到,混合云使组织能够在最合适的环境中运行不同的应用程序。 需要灵活配置资源的应用程序可以具有可伸缩性,需要更好性能的应用程序可以在优化的硬件上运行,而需要保护的数据可以得到更有效的保护。 此外,以最有效的方式平衡工作负载可以提高效率并减少长期支出。

If you are considering cloud hosting for your organisation check out our cloud hosting packages or call us on 0800 8620380.

如果您正在考虑为组织使用云托管,请查看我们的云托管软件包或致电0800 8620380与我们联系。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/the-benefits-of-hybrid-cloud-hosting/

