wordpress 插件_带有插件的WordPress中有效的反垃圾邮件

wordpress 插件

WordPress has a very rich set of plugins and a combination of them can make anti-spam in WordPress quite easy. Here is a list of plugins that can help prevent spammers from registering spam account (if the site allows registration of new users) and posting spam comments.

WordPress有非常丰富的插件集,并且它们的组合可以使WordPress中的反垃圾邮件相当容易。 以下是可帮助阻止垃圾邮件发送者注册垃圾邮件帐户(如果站点允许注册新用户)和发布垃圾邮件评论的插件列表。

反垃圾邮件评论∞ (Anti spam comments ∞)

Use the Akismet WordPress plugin.

使用Akismet WordPress插件 。

Akismet is a Web service that automatically detects comments and trackback spams. The Akismet WordPress plugin checks the comments against the Akismet web service to detect and block spams.

Akismet是一种Web服务,可以自动检测评论和引用垃圾邮件。 Akismet WordPress 插件会根据Akismet Web服务检查注释,以检测和阻止垃圾邮件。

反垃圾邮件用户注册∞ (Anti spam user registration ∞)

Use the Math Captcha WordPress plugin.

使用Math Captcha WordPress插件 。

The Captcha plugin allows you to protect the website from spam by asking the users to do a math calculation in the login, registration, password recovery and comments forms.

通过Captcha插件,您可以要求用户在登录,注册, 密码恢复和评论表格中进行数学计算,从而保护网站免受垃圾邮件的侵害。

反暴力破解密码∞ (Anti brute-force password cracking ∞)

Use the Limit Login Attempts WordPress plugin


WordPress allows unlimited login attempts by default which allows passwords (or hashes) to be brute-force cracked. The Limit Login Attempts plugin temporarily blocks the Internet address after a specified limit on retries from that IP is reached, and makes the brute-force password cracking difficult.

WordPress 默认情况下允许无限制的登录尝试,从而使暴力破解密码(或哈希)。 在达到从该IP进行的重试指定限制之后,“限制登录尝试”插件会暂时阻止Internet地址,并使破解暴力密码变得困难。

With these plugins, the WordPress installation should be able to handle most of the spams seen by small sites.


翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/anti-spam-in-wordpress/

wordpress 插件
