MSHR(Miss Status Handling Register)

※Li C, Song S L, Dai H, et al. Locality-Driven Dynamic GPU Cache Bypassing[J]. 2015.
※GPU体系结构-the miss status holding register(MSHR)原理简介

  MSHR是一个计算机体系结构用语,Miss-status Handling Registers 的缩写,用来记录每一项未完成的事务,记录的信息包括失效地址、关键字信息以及重命名寄存器信息。

Miss Status Handling Registers
keep track of outstanding misses
就是保存 misses 状态的轨迹信息的一个表

  Each MSHR contains enough state to handle one or more accesses of any type to single memory line。
  A memory request that misses in the cache is added to the MSHR table and a fill request is generated if there is no pending request for that cache line.
  When a fill response to the fill request is received at the cache, the cache line is inserted into the cache and the corresponding MSHR entry is marked as filled.
  Responses for filled MSHR entries are generated at one request per cycle.
Once all the requests waiting at the filled MSHR entry have been responded to and serviced, the MSHR entry is freed.
  On a cache hit, a request will be served by sending data to the register file immediately. On a cache miss, the miss handling logic will first check the miss status holding register (MSHR) to see if the same request is currently pending from prior ones. If so, this request will be merged into the same entry and no new data request needs to be issued. Otherwise, a new MSHR entry and cache line will be reserved for this data request. A cache status handler may fail on resource unavailability events such as when there are no free MSHR entries, all cache blocks in that set have been reserved but still haven’t been filled, the miss queue is full, etc.
MSHR(Miss Status Handling Register)_第1张图片

  在上面的微架构模型中,当系统有访存请求的时候,在①处的access type选择语句,有两条路径:bypass是绕过cache,这儿不考虑。我们关注的是L1-D-Path的路径,通过匹配tag,如果cache hit的话,那么就可以直接送往register files。如果cache miss,会先检查MSHR,看是否已经有相同的数据请求已经发出过(只是数据还没有被传回到cache中),如果确实发出过相同的数据请求的话,就将当前请求合并到之前的相同的数据请中。如果MSHR中没有(M)相同请求的话,就传递数据请求到下一级cache。

  当从下一级cache中拿到数据,放到return queue中,数据接下来的流向也有两条路径:如果数据请求是经过cache->MSHR->下一级cache这条路径的,那么需要把数据放到先前预留的cache line中,并且MSHR中对应的entry设置为filled(Fill Path 1);如果数据请求是通过bypass path这条路径的,那么直接把return queue中的数据传给register files(Fill Path 2)。
