【填空题】s = "abcd1234",采用字符串操作函数replace()将其中的字符 c 替换成字符 C ,使用一行代码实现,该代码是:_____________。(为便于系统自动评阅,请不要在代码中增加空格) 说明:replace()函数的使用格式为: .replace(,)
【单选题】有字符串变量 s='123',请选择语句print(s * 3)后的正确结果。
【单选题】字符串"abc"的长度是3, 字符串 "老师好"的长度是多少?
【单选题】What style is Nanjing Museum Museum hall for the generation of imitation wooden palace like?
【单选题】Kelly Clarkson is nominated for Best Pop Vocal Album. On which singing show did she get her start?
【单选题】有一个字符串变量s = 'python program',语句print(s[-3:-1]) 的输出结果是:
【判断题】ip route是一条正确的配置语句。
【单选题】Who's hosting this year's (61st) Grammy Awards?
【单选题】Who is the only country artist nominated for Album of the Year?
【判断题】Nanjing was known as the six dynasties , called "six generations of Imperial China, three Wu Jiali city" .
【单选题】有一个字符串变量s = 'python program',语句print( s[ : : ] )的输出结果是什么?
【单选题】有一个字符串变量s = 'python program',语句print(s[1:5:2]) 的输出结果是:
【单选题】1. “美丽中国”是在哪次大会上首次正式提出的( )?
输出显示为: 北京\信息\科技\大学
【单选题】Which of these categories awards the songwriter?
【单选题】有一个字符串变量s = 'python program',语句print(s[::-1]) 的输出结果是:
【单选题】Which actor is up for Record of the Year?
【填空题】s = "abcd1234", find()函数可以在字符串中搜索子串 ,s.find("cd") 返回的结果是________。
【单选题】关于葡萄胎的叙述 , 下列哪项是错误的?
【单选题】Who is this year's(61st) top-nominated artist?
【判断题】Jiangnan E xamination Center was the place to hold county and city level of the examination after Zhu Yuanzhang as the capital of Nanjing in Ming Dynasty .
【填空题】The name of —— was set by Hong Xiuquan in the Taiping capital in Nanjing.
【单选题】有一个字符串变量s = 'python program',输出语句print(s[::-2]) 的输出结果是什么?
【单选题】" City of love" refers to the .
【判断题】print('Python'.isalpha()) 的输出结果是:False
【单选题】Grammy-nominee Donald Glover once worked as a writer on which TV comedy?
【判断题】print('Python123'.isdigit()) 的输出结果是 True
nameList = ['Alan', 'Mathison', 'Turing']
print(' '.join(nameList))
【单选题】Which of following historic events in Nanjing is related to the establishment of the Nanjing Massacre Memorial museum ?
【判断题】print('936'.isdigit()) 的输出结果是 True
【单选题】下列语句执行后的屏幕输出结果,请选择你认为正确的答案。 greet="你好,我的中国" print(greet[1]) x=4 print(greet[x+2])