E05| Flipped Brawk Chapter 5 笔记


she body-blocked me她身体挡住我

she step right in my away她正好挡住了我的去路

god must've been sleeping in 上帝一定是睡过头了

you can laugh at that all you want  你想笑就笑吧/随你笑吧

I'm being dead serious here/I'm dead serious.我是认真的

I can't tell you which one's which.我总是分不清哪个是哪个

it doesn't mean anything这没有任何意义,毫无意义

I didn‘t say a thing我什么坏话都没说,我一句都没说

I won't say a thing我不会说的,我会保密的

I used to be dragged home.我过去经常被拖回家

dinner is served晚餐准备好了

she totally dominate the fair.她在展览上出尽风头

she had a point 她说的有道理

It was just Juli being Juli,right? 只是朱莉就是朱莉,对吗?

I was just being myself  我只是我自己

I've never heard of such a thing, but maybe so.我从来没听说过这种事,但也许是吧。

you idiot 你个白痴

the day was doomed before it had started 这一天还没开始就注定了

although in your case I'm not so sure  不过我对你的情况不太确定

everything gets back on track 一切又都回到原来那样

he takes a step back from me他向后退了一步

It felt like I was sinking fast, but I couldn't figue out why.


I could tell something was wrong, but I didn't know what.


I could almost hear the click in my brain我几乎能听到脑子里的咔嗒声

I felt like a complete doofus我觉得自己像个十足的傻瓜

No wonder he was disgusted with me难怪他对我感到厌恶

it does not make sense它没有任何意义,说不通

I don't know how to say it nicely.我不知道如何说好。

Then came the day I blew it.但有一天我搞砸了

This went for two years  这一切持续了两年。

It got to a point where it was just part of my morining routine。我明白这已经是我每天早上的一部分

chicks peck out of their shells 小鸡啄出蛋壳



chicken wire 细铁丝网围栏 a type of thin wire net used to make fences for chickens

give me big-time help 帮了我大忙

Undercover Operations卧底行动

shredded newspaper 粉碎的报纸

manage to time the eggs安排好产卵的时间

a live-action erupting volcano

live action实景真人 ; 迪斯尼真人动画 ; 实景拍摄

real-life nightmare真正的噩梦

hold back留级

例句:Particularly in Math. So, hold him back.I mean, he's short.

特别是对于数学. 那就让他留级吧.我是说, 反正他个子矮,

reptilian trivia爬行冷知识

major-league非常重要的; 颇有影响力的;

look her square in the eye 直视她的眼睛

mental calculator心算

sliding-glass door 滑动玻璃门

hit the slide玩滑梯


draw a conclusion得出结论

朗文解释:to decide that a particular fact or principle is trueaccording to the information you have been givendraw a conclusion from

例句:It would be unwise to draw firm conclusions from the results of a single survey.

spare somebody’s feelings顾及/保护某人的感受

朗文解释:to avoid doing something that would upset someone

例句:Just tell me the truth. Don’t worry about sparing my feelings.

spare no expense/effort to do something 不惜工本;不惜费用

朗文解释:to spend as much money or do everything necessary to make something really good or successful


No expense was spared in developing the necessary technology. 

No effort will be spared to bring the people responsible to justice.

come/get to grips with something

朗文解释:to understand or deal with something difficult

例句: I’ve never really got to grips with this new technology.

whip out 突然拿出,现出

in a flood of tears=in floods of tears 朗文解释:crying a lot泪如泉涌

wig (somebody) out紧张, 抓狂,吓坏

朗文解释:American English informal to become very anxious, upset, or afraid, or to make someone very anxious, upset, or afraid

例句:Now you're wigging out at a rat funeral.You're making me nervous.


get a rise out of somebody戏弄某人使之厌烦或愤怒

朗文解释:informal to make someone become annoyed or embarrassed by making a joke about them → make fun of somebody

例句: She enjoys getting a rise out of you.

drop from 撇开,凋零,脱离 drop somebody from a team/side

朗文解释:NOT INCLUDE [transitive] to decide not to include someone or something

例句:His name was dropped from the list.

wind up=turn out =end up结果是

creep out吓坏; 蹑足而出; 偷偷溜出

jabber 急促(或激动)而含混不清地说;闲聊

tap on this chart 点击这个图表

lean out 探身出去;伸出身体

good point 问得好,说得好;好点;好主意

朗文解释:(that’s a) good idea/point/question used to say that someone has just said or suggested something interesting or important that you had not thought of before

造句:‘But it’s Sunday, the bank will be closed.’ ‘Good point.’

be better off doing something (=used to give advice or an opinion)境况富裕;更舒适

he'd be way better off going along with her idea than make fun of her


go along with 赞同;陪…一起去,遵从

stick up 竖起,伸直,突出


1 if a part of something sticks up, it is raised up or points upwards above a surface from/out of/through etc

2 stick 'em up spoken informal used to tell someone to raise their hands when threatening them with a gun – used in films, stories etc

例句:The branch was sticking up out of the water.

in the back of my mind

at/in the back of your/my  mind

put/push something to the back of your mind


a thought that is at the back of your mind is one you try to ignore because you do not want it to be true

例句:But always it lurked, in the back of my mind.

sack out睡觉

a bunch of 一群;一束;一堆

at the top of one's lungs  adv. 用尽量大的声音;放声(大叫)

have trouble crawing in 爬进去有困难

have trouble in doing sth在…方面有困难

get sb/sth  back on track 网络重回正轨; 回到正轨;

be on track

朗文解释:spoken to be likely to achieve the result you want 

例句:We’re still on track for 10% growth.

all counted for 有价值,有重要性

unaccounted for  未加解释的 ; 未予说明的,下落不明的

a mountain of大量的,很多的,山一般的

come to a grinding halt =grind to a halt 戛然而止 ; 有气无力地停下 ; 会陷于停顿 ; 停顿了磨

come to a halt 停止 ; 停住 ; 停止前进 ; 停下来

bail out跳伞;保释;放弃,退出;舀出;帮助......摆脱困境

back and forth 反复地,来回地

clear throat 清了清嗓子

chicken droppings 鸡粪

stalk out of 从…走出来

off the hook 逃脱 ; 摆脱困境 ; 

bounce up and down 上下弹跳 ; 上下蹦跳 ; 蹿上跳下

get/come (straight) to the point (=talk about the most important thing immediately)开门见山 ; 单刀直入 ; 谈正题 ; 直抒胸意

I haven't got much time so let's get straight to the point.

get the point (=understand it)领会,知道

He didn’t get the point at first.  

miss the point (=not understand it)抓不着要点;不得要领

I don't know why but Mel always seems to miss the point.

I'd be on the lookout for Juli so I could whip the door open before she had the chance to knock or ring the bell

be on the lookout for somebody/something

朗文解释:to continuously watch a place or pay attention in order to find something you want or to be ready for problems or opportunities → look out for 

例句:We’re always on the lookout for new business opportunities.

make yourself scarce溜走

朗文解释:informal to leave a place, especially in order to avoid an unpleasant situation

例句: I decided it was time to make myself scarce.

beat out 搞清;敲平;使筋疲力尽

The golden opportunity to whip a soggy magazine over the egg carton hand presented iteself

a golden opportunity


a good chance to get something valuable or to be very successful

例句: He wasted a golden opportunity when he missed from the penalty spot.

 sleeping in 睡过头,迟起床


whip  抽打;猛然移动;促使,煽动;搅打

chuck 抛掷;丢弃;放弃,宝贝儿(熟人间友好称呼)

 soggy 浸水的;透湿的;沉闷的


vile糟糕透顶的; 可恶的; 极坏的; 邪恶的; 令人完全不能接受的;

disgusting 极糟的; 令人不快的; 令人厌恶的; 令人气愤的;

disgust v.使作呕; 使厌恶; 使反感;

creepy/creepier adj.令人毛骨悚然的; 令人不寒而栗的; 怪异的,离奇的(使人感到紧张);

entourage 随行人员,随从

doorstep 门阶; (常用以做三明治的)厚面包片

scramble 炒(蛋)

scramble eggs with bacon and sausage 

make diagrams and charts 

diagram 图表;图解


line chart折线图;线形图表

bar chart条形图

pie chart饼状图

taking line charts and bar charts and pie charts-about the activity of eggs


I 've worked pretty stinking hard on xx 我已经非常努力地做某事

 stinking  adv. (非正式)极其,非常


1.informal very unpleasant

2.spoken used toemphasizewhat you are saying when you are angry

例句:I've got a stinking cold. 我得了这该死的感冒。

county 郡,县



plywood 夹板,胶合板

shack 棚屋;小室

duck 闪避;没入水中, 躲避;猛按…入水

mushy 糊状的;感伤的,多愁善感的

mangy  污秽的;疥癣的;肮脏的 

mutt 杂种狗;笨蛋

nuzzle 用口鼻)轻擦(以表喜爱)

ruffle 弄皱;生气;鸟受惊时羽毛竖起

pat 用手掌)轻拍;轻拍……以引起注意;轻拍……(使)成形

coo 发出咕咕声;柔声地说;(婴儿)满足地轻哼


warble 鸟鸣;用柔和的颤声唱





dilapidated  adj. 荒废的,破旧的,要塌似的;受破坏的

plaster  减轻;粘贴;涂以灰泥;敷以膏药;使平服

be plastered with something

I plaster on a smiling face我强迫自己笑

you plaster a fake smileonyourface 你带着一副假笑的面具在你脸上



scowl 怒视

hiss /hisses 发嘘声,嘶嘶声

doom  厄运;死亡;判决;世界末日

朗文解释:to make someone or something certain to fail,die, be destroyed etc

1.sb/sth be doomed (to sth/ to do sth) 使……在劫难逃

2.doom sb/sth (to sth/to do sth) 注定……失败(死亡、遭殃)

basically 主要地,基本上


1 [sentence adverb] spoken used to emphasize the most important reason or fact about something, or a simple explanation of something 主要地

例句:Basically, I’m just lazy.

2 in the main or most important ways, without considering additional details or differences SYN fundamentally 基本上

例句:Basically, he hadn’t changed at all.

patio 露台;天井

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