// Initialize.
Arrays.fill(charMapping, -1);
// The count for each char. At most NUM_CHARS chars.
int[] tempCharCounts = new int[NUM_CHARS];
// The index of the char in the ASCII charset.
int tempCharIndex;
// Step 1. Scan the string to obtain the counts.
char tempChar;
for (int i = 0; i < inputText.length(); i++) {
tempChar = inputText.charAt(i);
tempCharIndex = (int) tempChar;
System.out.print("" + tempCharIndex + " ");
} // Of for i
// Step 2. Scan to determine the size of the alphabet.
alphabetLength = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
if (tempCharCounts[i] > 0) {
} // Of if
} // Of for i
// Step 3. Compress to the alphabet
alphabet = new char[alphabetLength];
charCounts = new int[2 * alphabetLength - 1];
int tempCounter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CHARS; i++) {
if (tempCharCounts[i] > 0) {
alphabet[tempCounter] = (char) i;
charCounts[tempCounter] = tempCharCounts[i];
charMapping[i] = tempCounter;
} // Of if
} // Of for i
// Step 1. Allocate space.
nodes = new HuffmanNode[alphabetLength * 2 - 1];
boolean[] tempProcessed = new boolean[alphabetLength * 2 - 1];
// Step 2. Initialize leaves.
for (int i = 0; i < alphabetLength; i++) {
nodes[i] = new HuffmanNode(alphabet[i], charCounts[i], null, null, null);
} // Of for i
// Step 3. Construct the tree.
int tempLeft, tempRight, tempMinimal;
for (int i = alphabetLength; i < 2 * alphabetLength - 1; i++) {
// Step 3.1 Select the first minimal as the left child.
tempLeft = -1;
tempMinimal = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (tempProcessed[j]) {
} // Of if
if (tempMinimal > charCounts[j]) {
tempMinimal = charCounts[j];
tempLeft = j;
} // Of if
} // Of for j
tempProcessed[tempLeft] = true;
// Step 3.2 Select the second minimal as the right child.
tempRight = -1;
tempMinimal = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (tempProcessed[j]) {
} // Of if
if (tempMinimal > charCounts[j]) {
tempMinimal = charCounts[j];
tempRight = j;
} // Of if
} // Of for j
tempProcessed[tempRight] = true;
System.out.println("Selecting " + tempLeft + " and " + tempRight);
// Step 3.3 Construct the new node.
charCounts[i] = charCounts[tempLeft] + charCounts[tempRight];
nodes[i] = new HuffmanNode('*', charCounts[i], nodes[tempLeft], nodes[tempRight], null);
// Step 3.4 Link with children.
nodes[tempLeft].parent = nodes[i];
nodes[tempRight].parent = nodes[i];
System.out.println("The children of " + i + " are " + tempLeft + " and " + tempRight);
} // Of for i
其中的tempProcessed数组是布尔类型的,用以判断该节点是否被访问过。然后找到最小的元素作为左孩子,再找最小的元素作为右孩子。再建一个新的节点作为父节点并且依次连接起来。之后再有一个getroot()方法以获取根节点,根节点就是最后一个节点即nodes[nodes.length - 1]。
public void generateCodes() {
huffmanCodes = new String[alphabetLength];
HuffmanNode tempNode;
for (int i = 0; i < alphabetLength; i++) {
tempNode = nodes[i];
// Use tempCharCode instead of tempCode such that it is unlike
// tempNode.
// This is an advantage of long names.
String tempCharCode = "";
while (tempNode.parent != null) {
if (tempNode == tempNode.parent.leftChild) {
tempCharCode = "0" + tempCharCode;
} else {
tempCharCode = "1" + tempCharCode;
} // Of if
tempNode = tempNode.parent;
} // Of while
huffmanCodes[i] = tempCharCode;
System.out.println("The code of " + alphabet[i] + " is " + tempCharCode);
} // Of for i
}// Of generateCodes
* Encode the given string.
* @param paraString
* The given string.
public String coding(String paraString) {
String resultCodeString = "";
int tempIndex;
for (int i = 0; i < paraString.length(); i++) {
// From the original char to the location in the alphabet.
tempIndex = charMapping[(int) paraString.charAt(i)];
// From the location in the alphabet to the code.
resultCodeString += huffmanCodes[tempIndex];
} // Of for i
return resultCodeString;
}// Of coding
* Decode the given string.
* @param paraString
* The given string.
public String decoding(String paraString) {
String resultCodeString = "";
HuffmanNode tempNode = getRoot();
for (int i = 0; i < paraString.length(); i++) {
if (paraString.charAt(i) == '0') {
tempNode = tempNode.leftChild;
} else {
tempNode = tempNode.rightChild;
} // Of if
if (tempNode.leftChild == null) {
System.out.println("Decode one:" + tempNode);
// Decode one char.
resultCodeString += tempNode.character;
// Return to the root.
tempNode = getRoot();
} // Of if
} // Of for i
return resultCodeString;
}// Of decoding