IoU vs Dice vs F1-score


IoU vs Dice vs F1-score_第1张图片

P(Precision) = TP/(TP + FP);

R(Recall) = TP/(TP + FN);

IoU = TP/(TP + FP + FN)

DICE (dice coefficient) = 2*TP/(FP + FN + 2 * TP)=2*IoU/(IoU+1)

F1-score = (2*P*R)/(P + R)=2*TP/(FP + FN + 2 * TP)=DICE




IoU vs Dice vs F1-score_第2张图片 还有这篇,这篇没有权重但是论文里写了公式 

IoU vs Dice vs F1-score_第3张图片


其实这里的dice准确的说叫soft dice,出自论文V-Net: Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation,

Fbeta_score=(1 + beta2)*TP/[ beta2 *(TP+FN)+(TP+FP)] = (1 + beta2)* (true * pred) / [beta2 *true + pred]

F1_score=2*TP/[(TP+FN)+(TP+FP)] = 2* (true * pred) / [true + pred]

Dice = 2* (true * pred_score) / [true*true + pred_score* pred_score]



实现代码如下,github链接GitHub - miaotianyi/pytorch-confusion-matrix: Differentiable precision, recall, F-beta score, F1 score, and dice loss for input tensors of real-valued probabilities


def f_beta(y_true, y_pred, reduce_axes, beta=1., epsilon=1e-6):
    Differentiable F-beta score
    F_beta = (1 + beta^2) * TP / [beta^2 * (TP + FN) + (TP + FP)]
    = (1 + beta^2) (true * pred) / [beta^2 * true + pred]
    Using this formula, we don't have to use precision and recall.
    F1 score is an example of F-beta score with beta=1.
    beta2 = beta ** 2   # beta squared
    numerator = (1 + beta2) * (y_true * y_pred).sum(reduce_axes)
    denominator = beta2 * y_true.sum(reduce_axes) + y_pred.sum(reduce_axes)
    denominator = denominator.clamp(min=epsilon)
    return numerator / denominator

def dice(y_true, y_pred, reduce_axes, beta=1., epsilon=1e-6):
    Compute soft dice coefficient according to V-Net paper.
    Unlike F-beta score, dice uses squared probabilities
    instead of probabilities themselves for denominator.
    Due to the squared entries, gradients will be y_true and y_pred instead of 1.
    beta2 = beta ** 2   # beta squared
    numerator = (1 + beta2) * (y_true * y_pred).sum(reduce_axes)
    denominator = beta2 * y_true.square().sum(reduce_axes) + y_pred.square().sum(reduce_axes)
    denominator = denominator.clamp(min=epsilon)
    return numerator / denominator
