Dolphin calculator user agreement

1. Acceptance and modification of the terms of service

This agreement is a professional version of membershipand Dolphin calculator between the user to become a Dolphin calculator - HDmobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator Professional Editionmember and use the Dolphin calculator - HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphincalculator provided by the professional version of the member service protocol.This Agreement describes the rights and obligations of the Dolphin calculator-HDmobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator and professional membersregarding software licensing and service usage and related aspects.“Professional Member” or “You” refers to a personal or single entity thatenjoys the Professional Edition membership service provided by Dolphincalculator-HD Mobile Theme Desktop Static Dolphin calculator. This ServiceAgreement constitutes a prerequisite for you (whether an individual or a unit)to use the Professional Edition membership service provided by the Dolphincalculator - HD Mobile Theme Desktop Static Dolphin calculator, and you are notauthorized to use the services of this Agreement unless you accept the terms ofthis Agreement. Your use will be deemed to be agreed to be bound by the termsof this Agreement.

Dolphin calculator - HD mobile phone theme desktop staticDolphin calculator has the right to modify the terms of service at any time,once the terms of service have been changed and modified, the Dolphincalculator - HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator willprompt the modified content on the relevant page; if the professional versionmember does not agree with this The modification of the agreement can cancelthe service that has been acquired and stop using it; if the professionalversion member continues to use the service provided by the Dolphin calculator-HDmobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator, it is considered that theprofessional version member has accepted all the modifications of thisagreement.

Please review and accept or reject this agreement. Minorsshould be reviewed and performed accompanied by a legal guardian. The minor’sexercise and performance of the rights and obligations under this agreement isdeemed to have been approved by the legal guardian. You are Enjoy the Dolphincalculator-HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator professionalmembership service must fully and strictly comply with the terms of thisservice agreement.

2.the service description

Dolphin calculator - HD mobile phone theme desktop staticDolphin calculator professional membership service related Dolphin calculator -HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator product ownership andrelated software intellectual property Dolphin calculator - HD mobile phonetheme desktop static Dolphin calculator all. Dolphin calculator - HD mobile desktop static Dolphin calculator providesservices that are strictly enforced in accordance with their terms of serviceand operating rules. Professional members who are enjoying any single serviceof Dolphin calculator-HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculatorshall be bound by this agreement and the "Dolphin calculator - HD MobileTheme Desktop Static Dolphin calculator Privacy Policy and User Terms ofService".

Dolphin calculator - HD mobile phone theme desktop staticDolphin calculator enjoys the right to supervise, prompt, and check allactivities on the members of the professional version. For example, thebehavior of professional members violates relevant laws and regulations orviolates the terms of this agreement. Dolphin calculator - HD mobile phonetheme desktop static Dolphin calculators have the right to ask them to correctand hold them accountable.

Dolphin calculator - HD mobile phone theme desktop staticDolphin calculator to all members of the professional version of the service,are limited to the professional version of the member in the Dolphin calculator- HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator platform use, anymalicious means such as malicious cracking Dolphin calculator - HD mobile phonetheme desktop static The service content provided by the Dolphin calculator andthe Dolphin calculator-HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculatorplatform are separated from the services provided by the Dolphin calculator-HDmobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator. All legal consequencescaused by this are the responsibility of the perpetrator. The Dolphincalculator-HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator will be heldlegally responsible for the perpetrator.

When the professional version members use the Dolphincalculator-HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator for eachsingle service, the professional version of the member's use behavior isregarded as its service terms for each individual service and Dolphincalculator - HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator in eachsingle service Agree to the class announcement.

You clearly understand and agree that the Dolphincalculator-HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator professionalmember payment method is the payment method collected by the charging operator.You may have certain commercial risks through payment by this payment method,including but not limited to illegal The numerator uses illegal accounts such asyour account or bank card to carry out illegal activities, and these risks willcause you corresponding economic losses. You shall bear the consequences of notbeing able to pursue the infringement liability and the accountability of theinfringing party.

Dolphin calculator - HD Mobile Desktop Static Dolphin calculator is notresponsible for any damages caused by third party actions or omissions,including but not limited to payment services and network access services, andinfringement by any third party.

3.the professional version of membership services andaccount enquiry

Once you become a Dolphin calculator-HD mobile phonetheme desktop static Dolphin calculator professional member, you are deemed torecognize the price indicated by the service; after becoming a Dolphincalculator-HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator professionalmember, the service will take effect immediately.

The value-added service fee standard of the professionalversion member is based on the detailed tariff price marked on the Dolphincalculator-HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator website. TheDolphin calculator-HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator hasthe right to change the above tariff standard based on its own businessdevelopment needs, but the Dolphin calculator- The high-definition mobile phonetheme desktop static Dolphin calculator will be given the renewal fee andupgrade different tariffs for the professional members who have been activatedand continue to be effective at different stages according to the actualoperation situation. The specific preferential policies are announced on therelevant service page by Dolphin calculator-HD mobile phone theme desktopstatic Dolphin calculator. The content is subject to change.

You can check the details of your account information,including the service content, service period, consumption amount, transactionstatus, etc., by logging in to the Dolphin calculator-HD mobile phone themedesktop static Dolphin calculator professional member center.

4. the professional version of the membership rights andservice period

You can enjoy all the rights after purchasing the Dolphincalculator-HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator professionalmember. The member rights of the Dolphin calculator-HD mobile phone themedesktop static Dolphin calculator official website shall prevail. Dolphincalculator-HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator has theright to be based on Dolphin calculator. - HD mobile phone theme desktop staticDolphin calculator business development needs to change all or part of themembership rights. For the above rights adjustment Dolphin calculator - HDmobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator will be notified orannounced on the corresponding service page, you can also check the latestmember rights content through the Dolphin calculator - HD mobile phone themedesktop static Dolphin calculator official website.

5. Rights and restrictions of professional members

During the validity period of the Professional Editionmembers, Professional Edition members can take priority in activities organizedby the Dolphin calculator-HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphincalculator and enjoy various benefits and value-added services provided by the Dolphincalculator-HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator.

The professional version of the member service is limitedto the application account itself; the professional version of the memberservice period can not be transferred between the Dolphin calculator -high-definition mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator account,prohibition of gift, borrow, function, transfer or sale. Otherwise, the Dolphincalculator-HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator has theright to cancel the transfer account and the professional account membership ofthe transfer account without notice, and the losses caused by the professionalversion of the member.

If the professional version of the member's behaviorcontinues to violate this agreement or violate the relevant national laws andregulations, or Dolphin calculator - HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphincalculator thinks that the professional version of the member behavior isdetrimental to the Dolphin calculator - HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphincalculator or the reputation and interests of others, Dolphin calculator - HDMobile Theme Desktop Static Dolphin calculator has the right to cancel theProfessional Edition membership of this Professional Edition without anycompensation.

Professional members must not obtain or purchaseprofessional membership services on the website of the HD mobile phone themedesktop static Dolphin calculator professional member's website for illegal usesuch as theft, exploitation of system vulnerabilities and illegal Dolphincalculators that are not authorized by Dolphin calculator-HD mobile phone themedesktop static Dolphin calculator. Otherwise, the Dolphin calculator-HD mobilephone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator has the right to cancel theservice qualification of the professional version members. The problems causedby this are borne by the professional version of the member, and the Dolphincalculator-HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator is notresponsible.

Any professional member may not use the nickname andsignature file with the meaning of insult or personal assault that is illegal,obscene, insulting or personal attack. Once found, the Dolphin calculator-HDmobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator has the right to cancelits professional membership without Give any compensation and refund.

Professional members who have been disqualified from theProfessional Edition can no longer participate in the activities organized bythe Dolphin calculator-HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculatorand can no longer enjoy the benefits and value-added services provided by the Dolphincalculator-HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator, ie no Enjoythe benefits of the Professional Edition membership.

Dolphin calculator - HD mobile desktop static Dolphin calculator providesprofessional version of the membership service content can not be used forcommercial, profitable and other purposes, only for private viewing.

6. Changes to the agreement

Dolphin calculator-HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphincalculator According to the agreement of this agreement, change the servicecontent, service method and content of this user agreement. If the professionalversion member disagrees with the Dolphin calculator-HD mobile phone themedesktop static Dolphin calculator change, have the right to cancel and stopusing The corresponding all or part of the service has been obtained; if theprofessional version member continues to use the above-mentioned servicesprovided by the Dolphin calculator-HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphincalculator, it is considered that the professional version member has acceptedthe above adjustment of the Dolphin calculator-HD mobile phone theme desktopstatic Dolphin calculator.

Dolphin calculator - HD mobile phone theme desktop staticDolphin calculator Once the professional version of the membership agreement ismodified, the revised content will be posted on the page. Once announced, it isconsidered to be a member of the Professional Edition.

Professional Edition members are not responsible for anypersonal or financial loss, damage or injury when using the services providedby the Dolphin calculator-HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphincalculator, regardless of the reason, the Dolphin calculator-HD mobile phonetheme desktop static Dolphin calculator is irresponsible. Since theProfessional Edition member informs others of the personal password or sharesthe registered account with others, any personal data caused by this isdisclosed, and the Dolphin calculator-HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphincalculator is not responsible.

If the professional version member does not agree to themodification of the terms, you can take the initiative to terminate theprofessional version of the member service to the Dolphin calculator-HD mobilephone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator, but the Dolphin calculator-HDmobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator is not refunded from theopening of the professional version of the member service to the termination ofthe professional version. If the member of the member service continues toenjoy the professional version of the member service, the member of theprofessional version has accepted the modification of the terms.

7. Interruption and termination of services

Due to the irresistible cause of the Dolphin calculator-HDmobile phone theme desktop static Dolphin calculator, such as governmentbehavior, force majeure, the professional version of the member service can notcontinue, Dolphin calculator - HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphincalculator will notify the professional version of the member as soon aspossible, but not The loss of the Professional Edition membership service feeis not refundable for any loss caused to the Professional Edition member.

If the Professional Edition member violates or is deemedto be in violation of the Terms of Service, Dolphin calculator - HD MobileTheme Desktop Static Dolphin calculator reserves the right to terminate allservices you have purchased and cancel your Dolphin calculator withoutnotifying the Professional Edition member. - HD mobile phone theme desktopstatic Dolphin calculator professional membership account and usage rights, butdoes not refund any paid professional membership service fees.

Dolphin calculator - HD Mobile Desktop Static Dolphin calculators are notexercising or delaying the exercise of their rights under this Agreement and donot constitute a waiver of such rights, and the sole or partial exercise of anyof its rights under this Agreement does not exclude any other Exercise ofrights. Dolphin calculator - HD mobile phone theme desktop static Dolphincalculator has the right to ask you to continue to fulfill your obligations andbear the corresponding liability for breach of contract.

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