pyspark etl_pyspark一个有效的etl工具

pyspark etl

Many of you may be curious about ETL Tools and the use of the ETL process in the world of data hubs where data plays a significant role. Today, we will examine this more closely.

你们中的许多人可能对ETL工具以及在数据起着重要作用的数据中心世界中使用ETL流程感到好奇。 今天,我们将对此进行更仔细的研究。

什么是ETL? (What is ETL?)

ETL (which stands for Extraction, Transform and Load) is the generic process of extracting data from one or more systems and loading it into a data warehouse or databases after performing some intermediate transformations.


There are many ETL tools available in the market that can carry out this process.


A standard ETL tool like PySpark, supports all basic data transformation features like sorting, mapping, joins, operations, etc. PySpark’s ability to rapidly process massive amounts of data is a key advantage.


Some tools perform a complete ETL implementation while some tools help us create a custom ETL process from scratch, and there are a few those fall somewhere in between. Before going into the detail of PySpark, let’s first understand some important features that an ETL tool should have.

有些工具可以执行完整的ETL实现,而有些工具则可以帮助我们从头开始创建自定义ETL流程,其中有些介于两者之间。 在详细介绍PySpark之前,让我们首先了解ETL工具应具有的一些重要功能。

ETL工具的功能 (Features of ETL Tools)

ETL comprises of 3 processes which follow a sequence, beginning with extraction and ending with load. Let us look at these steps more closely:

ETL由3个过程组成,这些过程遵循一个顺序,从提取开始到以加载结束。 让我们更仔细地研究这些步骤:

  1. ExtractThis is the first step of ETL and it is the process of extracting or fetching data from various data sources. This can include most databases (RDBMS/NOSql) and file formats like JSON, CSV, XML, and XLS.

    提取这是ETL的第一步,它是从各种数据源提取或提取数据的过程。 这可以包括大多数数据库(RDBMS / NOSql)和文件格式,如JSON,CSV,XML和XLS。

  2. TransformIn this process, all the extracted data is kept in a staging area where raw data is transformed into a structured format and into a meaningful form for storing it into a data warehouse.


    A standard ETL tool like


    PySpark that we will look at later, supports all basic data transformation features like sorting, mapping, joins, operations, etc.


  3. LoadThis is the last process of the ETL tool in which the transformed data is loaded into the target zone or target warehouse database. This stage is a little challenging because a huge amount of data needs to be loaded in a short period.

    加载这是ETL工具的最后一个过程,在该过程中,已转换的数据被加载到目标区域或目标仓库数据库中。 此阶段有点挑战,因为需要在短时间内加载大量数据。

pyspark etl_pyspark一个有效的etl工具_第1张图片
Source 资源

输入PySpark(Enter PySpark)

PySpark is a combination of Python and Apache Spark. It is a python API for spark which easily integrates and works with RDD using a library called ‘py4j’. It is the version of Spark which runs on Python.

PySpark是Python和Apache Spark的组合。 这是一个用于spark的python API,可以使用名为'py4j'的库轻松集成RDD并与之配合使用。 它是在Python上运行的Spark版本。

As per their official website, “Spark is a unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing”.

根据他们的官方网站,“ Spark是用于大规模数据处理的统一分析引擎”。

The Spark core not only provides many robust features apart from creating ETL pipelines, but also provides support for machine learning (MLib), data streaming (Spark Streaming), SQL (Spark Sql), and graph processing (Graph X).

除了创建ETL管道外,Spark核心不仅提供许多强大的功能,而且还支持机器学习(MLib),数据流(Spark流),SQL(Spark Sql)和图处理(图X)。

PySpark的优点 (Advantages of PySpark)

  • Speed: It is 100 times faster than traditional large-scale any data processing frameworks.


  • Real-Time Computation: The main key feature is its in-memory processing in the PySpark framework, it shows low latency.


  • Caching and Disk Persistence: Simple programming layer provides powerful caching and disk persistence capabilities.


  • Deployment: It can be deployed through Hadoop via Yarn, Mesos or Spark’s own cluster manager.


There are many organizations such as Walmart, DLT Labs, Nokia,, Netflix, etc that use PySpark.

有许多使用PySpark的组织,例如沃尔玛, DLT Labs ,诺基亚,,Netflix等。

There are several features that make PySpark such an amazing framework when it comes to deal with huge datasets. Whether it is to analyze datasets or to perform computations on large datasets, Data Engineers are switching to this powerful tool.

当处理大量数据集时,PySpark的许多功能使其成为一个了不起的框架。 无论是分析数据集还是对大型数据集执行计算,数据工程师都在切换到此功能强大的工具。



PySpark’s ability to rapidly process massive amounts of data is a key advantage. If you are looking to create an ETL pipeline to process a huge amount of data quickly or process streams of data, PySpark offers a worthy solution.

PySpark的快速处理大量数据的能力是关键优势。 如果您希望创建一个ETL管道来快速处理大量数据或处理数据流,PySpark提供了一个有价值的解决方案。

It is not an ETL solution out of the box, but it would be the best one for an ETL pipeline deployment.


Thanks for reading!


Author — Pranjal Gupta, DLT Labs

作者— Pratull Gupta, DLT Labs

About the Author: Pranjal is currently working with our DL Asset Track team as a Nodejs developer.

关于作者: Pranjal当前以Node.js开发人员的身份与我们的DL Asset Track团队合作。

pyspark etl_pyspark一个有效的etl工具_第2张图片


pyspark etl
