



1.注册微信服务号,每年年费300.00块钱,到期续费。注册完了登录微信服务号获取 微信服务号的AppID和AppSecret。





        /// 获取access_token的Url
        /// 两个参数
        /// {0}:微信公众号的AppID
        /// {1}:微信公众号的AppSecret

        public const string AccessTokenUrl = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/token?grant_type=client_credential&appid={0}&secret={1}";微信服务号调用API实现微信报警_第3张图片



        /// 获取用户信息的Url
        /// 两个参数
        /// {0}:获取到的access_token
        /// {1}:用户的OpenID

        public const string UserInfoUrl = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/user/info?access_token={0}&openid={1}&lang=zh_CN"; 微信服务号调用API实现微信报警_第5张图片


正常情况下,微信会返回下述 JSON 数据包给公众号:

    "subscribe": 1, 
    "openid": "o6_bmjrPTlm6_2sgVt7hMZOPfL2M", 
    "language": "zh_CN", 
    "subscribe_time": 1382694957,
    "unionid": " o6_bmasdasdsad6_2sgVt7hMZOPfL",
    "remark": "",
    "groupid": 0,
    "subscribe_scene": "ADD_SCENE_QR_CODE",
    "qr_scene": 98765,
    "qr_scene_str": ""




        /// 获取公众号关注者列表的Url
        /// 两个参数
        /// {0}:获取到的access_token
        /// {1}:获取关注用户列表偏移量,不填默认从头开始拉取 可传空值

        public const string UserListUrl = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/user/get?access_token={0}&next_openid={1}";

       ps:2021年开始,根据相关法律法规,为保障用户合法权益,该接口不再输出用户昵称、头像信息:相关字段返回空值(网页授权不受此调整影响)。微信出于用户数据保密安全出发,在获取服务号关注信息时不在返回隐私信息,只返回opend和remark字段。建议使用 https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/user/info/updateremark?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN 接口配置备注。也可登录公众平台手动备注。https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/user/info/updateremark?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN微信服务号调用API实现微信报警_第8张图片



        /// 发送模板消息的Url
        /// 一个参数
        /// {0}:获取到的access_token

        public const string SendTemplateUrl = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/template/send?access_token={0}";

ps:需要管理员登录微信公众平台后台 配置模板。也可自定化模板,需要审核一般2周之内。




        public void getWXCode(string UsrName)
            validateCode vCode = new validateCode();
            string code = vCode.CreateValidateCode(6);
            Session["WXCode"] = code;
            Session.Timeout = 5;//设置过期时间5分钟
            string SStation = "";
            Template template = new Template();
            template.color = "#173177";
            template.template_id = "I6-jnpVqirQ6h3JvCM2-PrEsOfzfH8SggiFRmuzQbNQ";//模板ID
            Yw_UserDao dao = new Yw_UserDao();
                string access_token = dao.CurDbSession.From().First().access_Token;

                List sys_GZHPushes = dao.CurDbSession.FromSql("select a.OpenId,NickName,UserId,UserName,SStations,SStationNames,PushType from Sys_GZHPushType  a join Sys_PushConfig b on a.OpenId=b.OpenId and  a.IsPush=1 and a.OpenId is not null and b.PushType=20").ToList();
                List pushTypesList = new List();
                //List StationList = t_SStationDao.dao.CurDbSession.From().Where(a => a.SStationType == "ST06" || a.SStationType == "ST03").ToList();
                List sysList = sys_GZHPushes.ToList();

                foreach (var syspushType in sysList)
                    syspushType.SStation = "";// StationList.Where(a => a.SStation == SStation).First().SStationName; //20220621原来是这个SStation;
                    syspushType.SStationName = "";// StationList.Where(a => a.SStation == SStation).First().SStationName;
                    syspushType.Content = "验证码"+code+",5分钟内有效,请勿泄露!";// syspushType.SStationName + "临时接入了,请注意了!(时间:" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + ")";

                var OpIdGroupList = pushTypesList.GroupBy(a => a.OpenId).ToList();
                foreach (var id in OpIdGroupList)
                    string content = id.ToList().Aggregate("", (current, item) => current + item.Content);
                    string stationName = id.ToList()
                        .Aggregate("", (current, item) => current + (item.SStationName + ","),
                            current => current.Substring(0, current.Length - 1));
                    template.touser = id.Key;//推送人
                    template.data =
                            first = new { value = content, color = "#173177" },
                            keyword1 = new { value = "微信验证码", color = "#173177" },
                            keyword2 = new { value = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), color = "#173177" },
                            keyword3 = new { value = "微信验证码", color = "#173177" }
                    Rate.Air.Dao.Business.WeiXinUtil.Instance.SendTemplateMsg(access_token, template);
                //HttpContext.Response.ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8";
                //HttpContext.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ReturnMessage() { code = "400", msg = "推送完成" }));
            catch (Exception ex)

                //HttpContext.Response.ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8";
                //HttpContext.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ReturnMessage() { code = "404", msg = "推送失败" }));



 public class validateCode
        public string CreateValidateCode(int length)

            int[] randMembers = new int[length];

            int[] validateNums = new int[length];

            string validateNumberStr = "";


            int seekSeek = unchecked((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);

            Random seekRand = new Random(seekSeek);

            int beginSeek = (int)seekRand.Next(0, Int32.MaxValue - length * 10000);

            int[] seeks = new int[length];

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)

                beginSeek += 10000;

                seeks[i] = beginSeek;



            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)

                Random rand = new Random(seeks[i]);

                int pownum = 1 * (int)Math.Pow(10, length);

                randMembers[i] = rand.Next(pownum, Int32.MaxValue);



            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)

                string numStr = randMembers[i].ToString();

                int numLength = numStr.Length;

                Random rand = new Random();

                int numPosition = rand.Next(0, numLength - 1);

                validateNums[i] = Int32.Parse(numStr.Substring(numPosition, 1));



            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)

                validateNumberStr += validateNums[i].ToString();


            return validateNumberStr;


        public byte[] CreateValidateGraphic(string validateCode)

            Bitmap image = new Bitmap((int)Math.Ceiling(validateCode.Length * 12.0), 22);

            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(image);



                Random random = new Random();




                for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)

                    int x1 = random.Next(image.Width);

                    int x2 = random.Next(image.Width);

                    int y1 = random.Next(image.Height);

                    int y2 = random.Next(image.Height);

                    g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Silver), x1, y1, x2, y2);


                Font font = new Font("Arial", 12, (FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic));

                LinearGradientBrush brush = new LinearGradientBrush(new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height),

                 Color.Blue, Color.Red, 1.2f, true);

                g.DrawString(validateCode, font, brush, 3, 2);


                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)

                    int x = random.Next(image.Width);

                    int y = random.Next(image.Height);

                    image.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(random.Next()));



                g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Silver), 0, 0, image.Width - 1, image.Height - 1);


                MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

                image.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);


                return stream.ToArray();









3.由于微信第三方机制的原因,每次获取微信access_token的有效时间是7200秒(2小时)。需要缓存access_token,可以存文件,数据库,内存中。博主这里已数据库为例。 存完之后每次调佣接口前验证access_token是否到期,如果到期则重新获取,否则直接读取。微信服务号调用API实现微信报警_第13张图片


4.微信公众平台SDK! Senparc.Weixin.MP.dll

官网地址: 微信公众平台SDK,微信SDK - Senparc.Weixin SDK - 公众号 小程序 企业号 开放平台 - 微信公众平台 企业号 开放平台 微信支付 SDK JSSDK Senparc.Weixin.MP 盛派网络 盛派公众号

[原创][下载]Senparc.Weixin.MP-微信公众平台SDK(C#) - 已支持微信7.x API - SZW - 博客园

5.创建微信WeiXinModel.cs类,记录接口 账号密码 用户模型 模板模型等基础信息。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Rate.Air.Model

    /// API调用链接

    public class APIUrl
        /// 获取access_token的Url
        /// 两个参数
        /// {0}:微信公众号的AppID
        /// {1}:微信公众号的AppSecret

        public const string AccessTokenUrl = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/token?grant_type=client_credential&appid={0}&secret={1}";


        /// 获取公众号关注者列表的Url
        /// 两个参数
        /// {0}:获取到的access_token
        /// {1}:获取关注用户列表偏移量,不填默认从头开始拉取 可传空值

        public const string UserListUrl = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/user/get?access_token={0}&next_openid={1}";


        /// 获取用户信息的Url
        /// 两个参数
        /// {0}:获取到的access_token
        /// {1}:用户的OpenID

        public const string UserInfoUrl = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/user/info?access_token={0}&openid={1}&lang=zh_CN";


        /// 发送模板消息的Url
        /// 一个参数
        /// {0}:获取到的access_token

        public const string SendTemplateUrl = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/template/send?access_token={0}";


    /// 微信公众号信息

    public class GZHInfo
        /// 微信公众号的AppID

        public const string AppId = "**********";


        /// 微信公众号的AppSecret

        public const string AppSecret = "*******************";


    /// access_token类

    public class AccessToken
        /// 获取到的凭证access_token

        public string access_token { get; set; }


        /// 凭证有效时间,单位:秒

        public int expires_in { get; set; }


        /// 凭证的到期时间

        public DateTime expireTime { get; set; }


    /// 公众号关注者列表模型类

    public class UserList
        /// 关注该公众账号的总用户数

        public int total { get; set; }


        /// 拉取的OPENID个数,最大值为10000

        public int count { get; set; }


        /// 列表数据,OPENID的列表

        public object data { get; set; }


        /// 拉取列表的后一个用户的OPENID

        public string next_openid { get; set; }


    /// 模板消息类

    public class Template
        /// 接收者openid

        public string touser { get; set; }


        /// 模板ID

        public string template_id { get; set; }


        /// 模板跳转链接(可空)

        public string url { get; set; }


        /// 模板数据

        public object data { get; set; }


        /// 模板内容字体颜色,不填默认为黑色

        public string color { get; set; }



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
using Dos.Common;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Rate.Air.Model;
using Rate.Air.Model.Common;

namespace Rate.Air.Dao.Business
    public class WeiXinUtil
        private static WeiXinUtil _instance = null;
        public static WeiXinUtil Instance
                if (_instance == null)
                    _instance = new WeiXinUtil();

                return _instance;


        /// 获取access_token

        public AccessToken GetAccessToken()
            string url = string.Format(APIUrl.AccessTokenUrl, GZHInfo.AppId, GZHInfo.AppSecret);

            AccessToken accessToken = GetJson(url);

            if (accessToken != null)
                //accessToken.expireTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(accessToken.expires_in);
                accessToken.expireTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(300);
            return accessToken;


        /// 获取关注用户列表

        /// access_token
        /// 用户的openId:从该用户的开始获取,为空从头开始拉取
        public List GetUserList(string accesstoken, string nextOpenid)
            string url = string.Format(APIUrl.UserListUrl, accesstoken, nextOpenid);

            UserList openList = GetJson(url);
            if (openList == null) return null;

            List listuUsrInfos = new List();

            Dictionary oIdList = (Dictionary)(openList.data);
            object[] objArr = oIdList.Values.ToArray();
            Sys_GZHUsrInfo usrInfo;
            for (int i = 0; i < ((object[])objArr[0]).Length; i++)
                usrInfo = GetUserInfo(accesstoken, ((object[]) (objArr[0]))[i].ToString());
                if (usrInfo == null) continue;
            return listuUsrInfos;


        /// 获取用户信息

        /// access_token
        /// 用户的openId
        public Sys_GZHUsrInfo GetUserInfo(string accesstoken, string openId)
            string url = string.Format(APIUrl.UserInfoUrl, accesstoken, openId);

            Sys_GZHUsrInfo user = GetJson(url);
            return user;


        /// 发送模板消息

        /// access_token
        /// 模板模型
        public bool SendTemplateMsg(string accesstoken, Template template)
            bool isSuccess;
            string url = string.Format(APIUrl.SendTemplateUrl, accesstoken);

            string postData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(template);

            isSuccess = HttpPostData(url, postData);

            return isSuccess;


        /// 调用接口并将获取的Json转对象

        /// 请求链接
        public T GetJson(string url) where T : class
            WebClient wc = new WebClient();

            wc.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

            wc.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;

            string returnText = wc.DownloadString(url);

            if (returnText.Contains("errcode"))
                return null;
            JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            var objs = serializer.Deserialize(returnText);
            return objs;


        /// 发送HttpPost请求

        /// 请求链接
        /// 发送的数据
        public bool HttpPostData(string posturl, string postData)
            Stream outstream = null;
            Stream instream = null;
            StreamReader sr = null;
            HttpWebResponse response = null;
            HttpWebRequest request = null;
            Encoding encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
            byte[] data = encoding.GetBytes(postData);
            // 准备请求...
                // 设置参数
                request = WebRequest.Create(posturl) as HttpWebRequest;
                CookieContainer cookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
                request.CookieContainer = cookieContainer;
                request.AllowAutoRedirect = true;
                request.Method = "POST";
                request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
                request.ContentLength = data.Length;
                outstream = request.GetRequestStream();
                outstream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
                response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
                instream = response.GetResponseStream();
                sr = new StreamReader(instream, encoding);
                string content = sr.ReadToEnd();
                if (content.Contains("\"errmsg\":\"ok\""))
                    return true;
                string err = string.Empty;
                return false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogHelper.Error("微信推送" + ex.Message);
                string err = ex.Message;
                return false;



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Services.Description;
using AirManagement.Controllers;
using Rate.Air.Dao.Business;
using Rate.Air.Dao.Custom;
using Rate.Air.Model;
using Rate.Air.Model.Common;
using Rate.Tools;

namespace Rate.Air.MaintainceApp.Controllers.SysManagement
    public class SysWeiXinController : BaseController
        public ActionResult WeiXinPush()
            return View();

        /// 微信报送

        public ActionResult WeiXinReport()
            return View();
        /// 微信分组

        public ActionResult WeiXinGroup()
            return View();


        /// 微信报送分页查询

        public ActionResult GZHUsrInfoList_FindByPage(Sys_GZHUsrInfo model, int page, int rows)
            var pager = new PagerBase() { CurrentPageIndex = page, PageSize = rows };
            var list = Sys_WeiXinDao.Instance.FindByPage(model, ref pager);
            return Json(new { total = pager.TotalItemCount, rows = list }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


        /// 同步微信用户列表

        public ActionResult SyncWeiXinUsr()
            string access_token = LogHelper.ReadAccessToken();
            //string access_token = "";
                AccessToken accessToken = WeiXinUtil.Instance.GetAccessToken();
                access_token = accessToken.access_token;
            //_AccessToken =new AccessToken();
            //_AccessToken.access_token = Request["access_token"]; 
            int a =0;
            List list = WeiXinUtil.Instance.GetUserList(access_token, "");
            return Json(new { IsSuccess = true });


        /// 发送模板消息

        public ActionResult SendTemplate()
            string openId = Request["openId"];
            string content = Request["content"];
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(openId))
                return Json(new { IsSuccess = false, Message = "发送失败" });
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content))
                return Json(new { IsSuccess = false, Message = "请输入发送内容!" });
            string access_token = LogHelper.ReadAccessToken();
                AccessToken accessToken =  WeiXinUtil.Instance.GetAccessToken();
                access_token = accessToken.access_token;
            content = content.Replace("PM10", "PM₁₀")
                .Replace("PM2.5", "PM₂.₅")
                .Replace("SO2", "SO₂")
                .Replace("NO2", "NO₂")
                .Replace("O3", "O₃")
                .Replace("m3", "m³");//处理上下标

            Template template = new Template();
            template.touser = openId;//推送人
            template.color = "#173177";
            template.template_id = "YqG6JcQmKdmDXiarkpL2TFbxbDOICqcOcuKJbDZiG74";//模板ID
            //template.url = "http://cityAirPublish.leitechina.com.cn:8032";//跳转链接
            template.data =
                    first = new { value = "空气质量统计信息", color = "#173177" },
                    keyword1 = new { value = "湖南省生态环境监测中心", color = "#173177" },
                    keyword2 = new { value = DateTime.Now.ToString(), color = "#173177" },
                    keyword3 = new { value = content, color = "#173177" }
            //_AccessToken = new AccessToken();
            //_AccessToken.access_token = Request["access_token"];
            bool result = WeiXinUtil.Instance.SendTemplateMsg(access_token, template);
            return Json(new { IsSuccess = result, Message = result ? "发送成功" : "发送失败" });


        /// 群推日报模板消息

        public ActionResult PushTemplateByType(string content)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content))
                return Json(new { IsSuccess = false, Message = "请输入发送内容!" });
            string access_token = LogHelper.ReadAccessToken();
                AccessToken accessToken = WeiXinUtil.Instance.GetAccessToken();
                access_token = accessToken.access_token;

            //_AccessToken = new AccessToken();
            //_AccessToken.access_token = Request["access_token"];

            int successCount = 0;
            int failCount = 0;
            Sys_WeiXinDao.Instance.PushTemplateMsgByType(content, access_token, ref successCount, ref failCount);

            return Json(new { IsSuccess = true, Message = string.Format("成功发送{0}个", successCount) });


        /// 配置推送信息

        public ActionResult PushTypeConfig(Sys_GZHPushType model)
            bool result = Sys_WeiXinDao.Instance.SetPushType(model);
            return Json(new { IsSuccess = result, Message = result ? "配置成功" : "配置失败" });


        /// 获取日报消息

        public ActionResult GetDailyMsg(string queryTime)
            string content = Sys_WeiXinDao.Instance.GetPushDailyMsgContent(queryTime, CurUser.UserName);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content))
                content = content.Replace("PM10", "PM₁₀")
                .Replace("PM2.5", "PM₂.₅")
                .Replace("SO2", "SO₂")
                .Replace("NO2", "NO₂")
                .Replace("O3", "O₃")
                .Replace("m3", "m³");//处理上下标
            return Json(new { Content = content });
        /// 验证

        public ActionResult CheckUser(Sys_Usr obj, string OpenId)
            bool result = true;
            var list = Sys_WeiXinDao.Instance.CheckUser(obj);
            if (list.Count == 0)
                return Json(new { IsSuccess = false, Message = "系统账号跟手机号不一致!" });
                Sys_GZHPushType model = new Sys_GZHPushType();
                model.OpenId = OpenId;
                model.UserId = list[0].Id;
                model.UserName = list[0].RealName;
                result = Sys_WeiXinDao.Instance.GZHPushTypeEdit(model) > 0;
            return Json(new { IsSuccess = result, Message = result ? "验证成功" : "验证失败" });
        /// 查询绑定账号跟手机号

        public ActionResult Usr_GetAll(string OpenId)
            var list = Sys_WeiXinDao.Instance.CheckUser(OpenId);
            return Json(new { Data = list }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        /// 微信分组分页查询

        public ActionResult GZHGroupList_FindByPage(Sys_GZHGroup model, int page, int rows)
            var pager = new PagerBase() { CurrentPageIndex = page, PageSize = rows };
            var list = Sys_WeiXinDao.Instance.GroupFindByPage(model, ref pager);
            return Json(new { total = pager.TotalItemCount, rows = list }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        ///  保存分组

        public ActionResult SaveGroup(Sys_GZHGroup obj, int optType)
            bool isSucc = false;
            if (optType == OptType.Add) //新增
                obj.CreatedTime = DateTime.Now;
                obj.CreatedBy = CurUser.UserName;
                var list = Sys_WeiXinDao.Instance.CheckGroupName(obj, optType);
                if (list.Count > 0)
                    return Json(new { IsSuccess = false, Message = "该分组名已存在" });
                isSucc = Sys_WeiXinDao.Instance.InsertMain(obj) > 0;
            else if (optType == OptType.Edit) //修改
                var list = Sys_WeiXinDao.Instance.CheckGroupName(obj, optType);
                if (list.Count > 0)
                    return Json(new { IsSuccess = false, Message = "该分组名已存在" });
                isSucc = Sys_WeiXinDao.Instance.UpdateMain(obj) > 0;
            return Json(new { IsSuccess = isSucc, Message = isSucc ? "操作成功!" : "操作失败!" });
        /// 删除分组

        public ActionResult GZHGroup_Delete(Sys_GZHGroup obj)
            if (obj.GroupId < 0)
                return Json(new { IsSuccess = false, Message = "请选择需要删除的记录!" });
            bool isSucc = Sys_WeiXinDao.Instance.Group_Delete(obj) > 0;
            return Json(new { IsSuccess = isSucc, Message = isSucc ? "操作成功!" : "操作失败!" });













