Go Project Layout 总结

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Go 没有对项目的 layout 有硬性规定,也没有官方版本的 best practice,所以社区内部有几种不同的实践方式,可根据自身需求自行参考。本文仅作简要总结


根据社区 Standard Go Project Layout 提出的方案,我们可以将一个 Go Project 划分成以下几大目录:

Go Project Layout 总结_第1张图片


Go Directories


Main applications for this project.

The directory name for each application should match the name of the executable you want to have (e.g., /cmd/myapp).

Don't put a lot of code in the application directory. If you think the code can be imported and used in other projects, then it should live in the /pkg directory. If the code is not reusable or if you don't want others to reuse it, put that code in the /internal directory. You'll be surprised what others will do, so be explicit about your intentions!

It's common to have a small main function that imports and invokes the code from the /internal and /pkg directories and nothing else.


Private application and library code. This is the code you don't want others importing in their applications or libraries.

Put your actual application code in the /internal/app directory (e.g., /internal/app/myapp) and the code shared by those apps in the /internal/pkg directory (e.g., /internal/pkg/myprivlib).


Library code that's ok to use by external applications (e.g., /pkg/mypubliclib). Other projects will import these libraries expecting them to work, so think twice before you put something here :-)

It's also a way to group Go code in one place when your root directory contains lots of non-Go components and directories making it easier to run various Go tools (as mentioned in the Best Practices for Industrial Programming from GopherCon EU 2018).

See the /pkg directory if you want to see which popular Go repos use this project layout pattern. This is a common layout pattern, but it's not universally accepted and some in the Go community don't recommend it.


Application dependencies (managed manually or by your favorite dependency management tool like dep).

Don't commit your application dependencies if you are building a library.

Service Application Directories


OpenAPI/Swagger specs, JSON schema files, protocol definition files.

Web Application Directories


Web application specific components: static web assets, server side templates and SPAs.

Common Application Directories


Configuration file templates or default configs.

Put your confd or consul-template template files here.


System init (systemd, upstart, sysv) and process manager/supervisor (runit, supervisord) configs.


Scripts to perform various build, install, analysis, etc operations.

These scripts keep the root level Makefile small and simple (e.g., https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/blob/master/Makefile).


Packaging and Continuous Integration.

Put your cloud (AMI), container (Docker), OS (deb, rpm, pkg) package configurations and scripts in the /build/package directory.

Put your CI (travis, circle, drone) configurations and scripts in the /build/ci directory. Note that some of the CI tools (e.g., Travis CI) are very picky about the location of their config files. Try putting the config files in the /build/ci directory linking them to the location where the CI tools expect them (when possible).


IaaS, PaaS, system and container orchestration deployment configurations and templates (docker-compose, kubernetes/helm, mesos, terraform, bosh).


Additional external test apps and test data. Feel free to structure the /test directory anyway you want. For bigger projects it makes sense to have a data subdirectory. For example, you can have /test/data or /test/testdata if you need Go to ignore what's in that directory. Note that Go will also ignore directories or files that begin with "." or "_", so you have more flexibility in terms of how you name your test data directory.

Other Directories


Design and user documents (in addition to your godoc generated documentation).


Supporting tools for this project. Note that these tools can import code from the /pkg and /internal directories.


Examples for your applications and/or public libraries.


External helper tools, forked code and other 3rd party utilities (e.g., Swagger UI).


Git hooks.


Other assets to go along with your repository (images, logos, etc).


This is the place to put your project's website data if you are not using Github pages.

Directories You Shouldn't Have


Some Go projects do have a src folder, but it usually happens when the devs came from the Java world where it's a common pattern. If you can help yourself try not to adopt this Java pattern. You really don't want your Go code or Go projects to look like Java :-)

Don't confuse the project level /src directory with the /src directory Go uses for its workspaces as described in How to Write Go Code. The $GOPATH environment variable points to your (current) workspace (by default it points to $HOME/go on non-windows systems). This workspace includes the top level /pkg, /bin and /src directories. Your actual project ends up being a sub-directory under /src, so if you have the /src directory in your project the project path will look like this: /some/path/to/workspace/src/your_project/src/your_code.go. Note that with Go 1.11 it's possible to have your project outside of your GOPATH, but it still doesn't mean it's a good idea to use this layout pattern.



和 golang 的 workspace 的区别

golnag 的workspace 使用 GOPATH 环境变量设置,请参考 这篇文章 ,详细说明了 GOPATH 的设置方式,$GOPATH 目录下约定有三个子目录:src,bin,pkg,在src 目录下建立我们的项目,项目的路径为 :

  • $GOPATH/src/github.com/your_github_username/your_project:绝对路径,推荐使用;

  • $GOPATH/src/your_project:相对路径,可以用,但不推荐

而在 your_project 下的目录结构就是我们上图所说的目录结构。

Go Project Layout 总结_第2张图片

注意,src 目录下可以建立多个项目



就目前而言,Go 对于工程项目的 layout 并未有官方权威的指导(区别于 Go Workspace 的 layout,Go 为此有着明确的约束,即要有 bin/pkg/ 和 src/),但是开源社区中的大部分 Go 项目对一些目录的划分已经有了一些默契。可参考的有 Kuberntes、Promethus、etcd 等等。对于应用项目(即总是可编译出一个可执行文件的项目),一般都会有 cmd/pkg/ 和 vendor/,其他一些目录则根据社区习惯会有所不同。对于非应用项目,比如一些库,则上述的 layout 设计并不能完全适用,且从目前社区的编码习惯来看,不少库项目的 layout 都相对比较自由(比如很多项目就直接将其所有代码放置于项目根目录下)。

从团队协作的角度来看,必须对 Go 工程项目的 layout 定义出一个最小通用子集并为此达成使用默契

所以,当你开始一个 Go 项目的时候,你可以这么做:

  • 确定你要写的项目是 application 还是 library,如果是 application,尽可能有 cmd/pkg/ 和 vendor/ 目录;如果是 library,可参考上述规则;

  • 如果是一个很小的项目,可以不需要所谓的目录设计,尽可能保持清晰简单即可;

  • 参考设计不构成硬性的约束条件,一切都要以实际项目的需求来权衡设计,但最终还是要能保证清晰简单;



