def main():
Train a classifier based on all the measures, to discriminate hypernymy from one other single relation.
# Get the arguments
args = docopt("""Calculate the Average Precision (AP) at k for every hyper-other relation in the dataset.
= the test set result file.
= the test set containing the original relations.
= the cutoff; if it is equal to zero, all the rank is considered.
test_set_file = args['']
test_results_file = args['']
cutoff = int(args[''])
# Load the test set
print 'Loading the dataset...'
test_set, relations = load_dataset(test_set_file + '.test')
hyper_relation = 'hyper'
for other_relation in [relation for relation in relations if relation != hyper_relation]:
curr_relations = [other_relation, hyper_relation]
print '=================================================='
print 'Testing', hyper_relation, 'vs.', other_relation, '...'
# Filter out the dataset to contain only these two relations
relation_index = { relation : index for index, relation in enumerate(curr_relations) }
curr_test_set = { (x, y) : relation for (x, y), relation in test_set.iteritems() if relation in curr_relations }
# Sort the lines in the file in descending order according to the score
with, 'r', 'utf-8') as f_in:
dataset = [tuple(line.strip().split('\t')) for line in f_in]
dataset = [(x, y, label, float(score)) for (x, y, label, score) in dataset if (x, y) in curr_test_set]
dataset = sorted(dataset, key=lambda line: line[-1], reverse=True)
# relevance: rel(i) is an indicator function equaling 1 if the item at rank i is a hypernym
gold = np.array([1 if label == 'True' else 0 for (x, y, label, score) in dataset])
scores = np.array([score for (x, y, label, score) in dataset])
for i in range(1, min(cutoff + 1, len(dataset))):
score = average_precision_score(gold[:i], scores[:i])
print 'Average Precision at%dis%.3f' % (i, 0 if score == -1 else score)
print 'FINAL: Average Precision at%dis%.3f' % (len(dataset), average_precision_score(gold, scores))