前人栽树后人乘凉,本专栏提供资料:数据增强、智能标注、意图识别算法|多分类算法、文本信息抽取、多模态信息抽取、可解释性分析、性能调优、模型压缩算法等项目代码整合,省去你大把时间,效率提升。 帮助你快速完成任务落地,以及科研baseline。
A.2【数据标注】:基于Label studio的训练数据标注指南:信息抽取(实体关系抽取)、文本分类等
A.3【数据标注】基于Label studio的训练数据标注指南:(智能文档)文档抽取任务、PDF、表格、图片抽取标注等
A.4.【数据标注】基于Label studio的训练数据标注指南:文本分类任务
A.5.[数据标注]:基于Label studio的训练数据标注指南:情感分析任务观点词抽取、属性抽取
B.1【智能标注】:基于 hugging face 预训练模型的实体识别方案:生成doccano要求json格式
B.2【智能标注】:主动学习(Active Learning)简介综述汇总以及主流技术方案
C.1 百度飞桨:ERNIE 3.0 、通用信息抽取 UIE、paddleNLP的安装使用[一]
C.2 产业应用实例:信息抽取{实体关系抽取、中文分词、精准实体标。情感分析等}、文本纠错、问答系统、闲聊机器人、定制训练
C.3 知识图谱项目实战(一):瑞金医院MMC人工智能辅助构建知识图谱–初赛实体识别
C.4.2快递单信息抽取【二】基于ERNIE1.0至ErnieGram + CRF预训练模型
C.4.3 快递单信息抽取【三】–五条标注数据提高准确率,仅需五条标注样本,快速完成快递单信息任务
C.4.4 Paddlenlp之UIE模型实战实体抽取任务【打车数据、快递单】
C.4.5 PaddleNLP UIE–小样本快速提升性能(含doccona标注)
C.6基线提升至96.45%:2022 司法杯犯罪事实实体识别+数据蒸馏+主动学习
C.9 文档级关系抽取:基于结构先验产生注意力偏差SSAN模型
C.8 基于ERNIELayout&PDFplumber-UIEX的多方案学术论文信息抽取
D.2 基于ERNIR3.0文本分类以中医疗搜索检索词意图分类(KUAKE-QIC)为例【多分类(单标签)】
D.3 基于ERNIR3.0文本分类以CAIL2018-SMALL数据集罪名预测任务为例【多标签】
D.4 基于Ernie-3.0 CAIL2019法研杯要素识别多标签分类任务
D.5 基于ERNIR3.0文本分类:WOS数据集为例(层次分类)
D.6 小样本学习在文心ERNIE3.0多分类任务应用–提示学习
D.7 UIE分类模型【以情感倾向分析新闻分类为例】含智能标注方案)
F.5【性能优化模型压缩】VisualDL 2.0应用升级–基于「手写数字识别」模型的全功能展示
F.6【性能优化模型压缩】可视化分析工具VisualDL 2.4强势来袭!新增:动态图模型可视化和性能分析
G.2 NLP领域任务如何选择合适预训练模型以及选择合适的方案【规范建议】【ERNIE模型首选】
G.3 PaddleHub–飞桨预训练模型应用工具{风格迁移模型、词法分析情感分析、Fine-tune API微调}【一】
G.4PaddleHub–{超参优化AutoDL Finetuner}【二】
G.5 PaddleHub实战篇{词法分析模型LAC、情感分类ERNIE Tiny}训练、部署【三】
G.6 PaddleHub实战篇{ERNIE实现文新闻本分类、ERNIE3.0 实现序列标注}【四】
{'公司': [{'text': '拼多多', 'start': 16, 'end': 19, 'probability': 0.935215170074585, 'relations': {'高管': [{'text': '黄峥', 'start': 0, 'end': 2, 'probability': 0.9996391253586268}]}}]}
哔哩哔哩公司的创始人是徐逸,徐逸是最早的哔哩哔哩创始人,但一直在幕后,没有特别公开。曾经是Acfun弹幕网的会员,然后模仿Acfun建立了自己的网站,现在是董事。 {'公司': [{'text': '哔哩哔哩公司', 'start': 0, 'end': 6, 'probability': 0.7246855227849665, 'relations': {'高管': [{'text': '徐逸', 'start': 11, 'end': 13, 'probability': 0.9985462800938478}]}}]}
{"出发地": [{"text": "广州", "start": 15, "end": 17, "probability": 0.9073772252165782}], "目的地": [{"text": "佛山", "start": 18, "end": 20, "probability": 0.9927365183877761}], "时间": [{"text": "7月5日", "start": 6, "end": 10, "probability": 0.9978010396512218}]}
{"出发地": [{"text": "百度大厦", "start": 1, "end": 5, "probability": 0.968825147409472}], "目的地": [{"text": "龙泽苑东区", "start": 6, "end": 11, "probability": 0.9877913072493669}]}
{"目的地": [{"text": "杭州", "start": 7, "end": 9, "probability": 0.9929172180094881}], "时间": [{"text": "9月24日", "start": 12, "end": 17, "probability": 0.9953342057701597}]}
{#"出发地": [{"text": "北京", "start": 7, "end": 9, "probability": 0.973048366717471}], "目的地": [{"text": "上海", "start": 10, "end": 12, "probability": 0.988486130309397}], "时间": [{"text": "上周末", "start": 0, "end": 3, "probability": 0.9977407699595275}]}
{"出发地": [{"text": "北京", "start": 2, "end": 4, "probability": 0.974188953533556}], "目的地": [{"text": "上海", "start": 5, "end": 7, "probability": 0.9928200521486445}], "时间": [{"text": "昨天", "start": 0, "end": 2, "probability": 0.9731559534465504}]}
input data: 黑苦荞茶的功效与作用及食用方法
label: 功效作用
input data: 交界痣会凸起吗
label: 疾病表述
input data: 检查是否能怀孕挂什么科
label: 就医建议
input data: 鱼油怎么吃咬破吃还是直接咽下去
label: 其他
input data: 幼儿挑食的生理原因是
label: 病因分析
input data: a high degree of uncertainty associated with the emission inventory for china tends to degrade the performance of chemical transport models in predicting pm2.5 concentrations especially on a daily basis. in this study a novel machine learning algorithm, geographically -weighted gradient boosting machine (gw-gbm), was developed by improving gbm through building spatial smoothing kernels to weigh the loss function. this modification addressed the spatial nonstationarity of the relationships between pm2.5 concentrations and predictor variables such as aerosol optical depth (aod) and meteorological conditions. gw-gbm also overcame the estimation bias of pm2.5 concentrations due to missing aod retrievals, and thus potentially improved subsequent exposure analyses. gw-gbm showed good performance in predicting daily pm2.5 concentrations (r-2 = 0.76, rmse = 23.0 g/m(3)) even with partially missing aod data, which was better than the original gbm model (r-2 = 0.71, rmse = 25.3 g/m(3)). on the basis of the continuous spatiotemporal prediction of pm2.5 concentrations, it was predicted that 95% of the population lived in areas where the estimated annual mean pm2.5 concentration was higher than 35 g/m(3), and 45% of the population was exposed to pm2.5 >75 g/m(3) for over 100 days in 2014. gw-gbm accurately predicted continuous daily pm2.5 concentrations in china for assessing acute human health effects. (c) 2017 elsevier ltd. all rights reserved.
predicted result:
level 1: CS
level 2:
input data: previous research exploring cognitive biases in bulimia nervosa suggests that attentional biases occur for both food-related and body-related cues. individuals with bulimia were compared to non-bulimic controls on an emotional-stroop task which contained both food-related and body-related cues. results indicated that bulimics (but not controls) demonstrated a cognitive bias for both food-related and body related cues. however, a discrepancy between the two cue-types was observed with body-related cognitive biases showing the most robust effects and food-related cognitive biases being the most strongly associated with the severity of the disorder. the results may have implications for clinical practice as bulimics with an increased cognitive bias for food-related cues indicated increased bulimic disorder severity. (c) 2016 elsevier ltd. all rights reserved.
predicted result:
level 1: Psychology
level 2:
input data: posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (pres) is a reversible clinical and neuroradiological syndrome which may appear at any age and characterized by headache, altered consciousness, seizures, and cortical blindness. the exact incidence is still unknown. the most commonly identified causes include hypertensive encephalopathy, eclampsia, and some cytotoxic drugs. vasogenic edema related subcortical white matter lesions, hyperintense on t2a and flair sequences, in a relatively symmetrical pattern especially in the occipital and parietal lobes can be detected on cranial mr imaging. these findings tend to resolve partially or completely with early diagnosis and appropriate treatment. here in, we present a rare case of unilateral pres developed following the treatment with pazopanib, a testicular tumor vascular endothelial growth factor (vegf) inhibitory agent.
predicted result:
level 1: Medical
level 2: