amd_kernel_code_t Struct Reference——AMD gpu shader kernel 代码数据结构

amd_kernel_code_t Struct Reference——AMD gpu shader kernel 代码数据结构_第1张图片

LLVM: amd_kernel_code_t Struct Reference

uint16_t wavefront_sgpr_count
Number of scalar registers used by a wavefront.
uint16_t workitem_vgpr_count
Number of vector registers used by each work-item.

workitem_vgpr_count:  每个工作线程需要使用的 向量寄存器的个数;

wavefront_sgpr_count:  wavefron使用的标量寄存器的个数;

LLVM: lib/Target/AMDGPU/AMDKernelCodeT.h Source File


/// AMD Kernel Code Object (amd_kernel_code_t). GPU CP uses the AMD Kernel
/// Code Object to set up the hardware to execute the kernel dispatch.
/// Initial Kernel Register State.
/// Initial kernel register state will be set up by CP/SPI prior to the start
/// of execution of every wavefront. This is limited by the constraints of the
/// current hardware.
/// The order of the SGPR registers is defined, but the Finalizer can specify
/// which ones are actually setup in the amd_kernel_code_t object using the
/// enable_sgpr_* bit fields. The register numbers used for enabled registers
/// are dense starting at SGPR0: the first enabled register is SGPR0, the next
/// enabled register is SGPR1 etc.; disabled registers do not have an SGPR
/// number.
/// The initial SGPRs comprise up to 16 User SRGPs that are set up by CP and
/// apply to all waves of the grid. It is possible to specify more than 16 User
/// SGPRs using the enable_sgpr_* bit fields, in which case only the first 16
/// are actually initialized. These are then immediately followed by the System
/// SGPRs that are set up by ADC/SPI and can have different values for each wave
/// of the grid dispatch.
/// SGPR register initial state is defined as follows:
/// Private Segment Buffer (enable_sgpr_private_segment_buffer):
///   Number of User SGPR registers: 4. V# that can be used, together with
///   Scratch Wave Offset as an offset, to access the Private/Spill/Arg
///   segments using a segment address. It must be set as follows:
///     - Base address: of the scratch memory area used by the dispatch. It
///       does not include the scratch wave offset. It will be the per process
///       SH_HIDDEN_PRIVATE_BASE_VMID plus any offset from this dispatch (for
///       example there may be a per pipe offset, or per AQL Queue offset).
///     - Stride + data_format: Element Size * Index Stride (???)
///     - Cache swizzle: ???
///     - Swizzle enable: SH_STATIC_MEM_CONFIG.SWIZZLE_ENABLE (must be 1 for
///       scratch)
///     - Num records: Flat Scratch Work Item Size / Element Size (???)
///     - Dst_sel_*: ???
///     - Num_format: ???
///     - Element_size: SH_STATIC_MEM_CONFIG.ELEMENT_SIZE (will be DWORD, must
///       agree with amd_kernel_code_t.privateElementSize)
///     - Index_stride: SH_STATIC_MEM_CONFIG.INDEX_STRIDE (will be 64 as must
///       be number of wavefront lanes for scratch, must agree with
///       amd_kernel_code_t.wavefrontSize)
///     - Add tid enable: 1
///     - Hash_enable: ???
///     - Heap: ???
///     - Type: 0 (a buffer) (???)
/// Dispatch Ptr (enable_sgpr_dispatch_ptr):
///   Number of User SGPR registers: 2. 64 bit address of AQL dispatch packet
///   for kernel actually executing.
/// Queue Ptr (enable_sgpr_queue_ptr):
///   Number of User SGPR registers: 2. 64 bit address of AmdQueue object for
///   AQL queue on which the dispatch packet was queued.
/// Kernarg Segment Ptr (enable_sgpr_kernarg_segment_ptr):
///   Number of User SGPR registers: 2. 64 bit address of Kernarg segment. This
///   is directly copied from the kernargPtr in the dispatch packet. Having CP
///   load it once avoids loading it at the beginning of every wavefront.
/// Dispatch Id (enable_sgpr_dispatch_id):
///   Number of User SGPR registers: 2. 64 bit Dispatch ID of the dispatch
///   packet being executed.
/// Flat Scratch Init (enable_sgpr_flat_scratch_init):
///   Number of User SGPR registers: 2. This is 2 SGPRs.
///   For CI/VI:
///     The first SGPR is a 32 bit byte offset from SH_MEM_HIDDEN_PRIVATE_BASE
///     to base of memory for scratch for this dispatch. This is the same offset
///     used in computing the Scratch Segment Buffer base address. The value of
///     Scratch Wave Offset must be added by the kernel code and moved to
///     SGPRn-4 for use as the FLAT SCRATCH BASE in flat memory instructions.
///     The second SGPR is 32 bit byte size of a single work-item's scratch
///     memory usage. This is directly loaded from the dispatch packet Private
///     Segment Byte Size and rounded up to a multiple of DWORD.
///     \todo [Does CP need to round this to >4 byte alignment?]
///     The kernel code must move to SGPRn-3 for use as the FLAT SCRATCH SIZE in
///     flat memory instructions. Having CP load it once avoids loading it at
///     the beginning of every wavefront.
///   For PI:
///     This is the 64 bit base address of the scratch backing memory for
///     allocated by CP for this dispatch.
/// Private Segment Size (enable_sgpr_private_segment_size):
///   Number of User SGPR registers: 1. The 32 bit byte size of a single
///   work-item's scratch memory allocation. This is the value from the dispatch
///   packet. Private Segment Byte Size rounded up by CP to a multiple of DWORD.
///   \todo [Does CP need to round this to >4 byte alignment?]
///   Having CP load it once avoids loading it at the beginning of every
///   wavefront.
///   \todo [This will not be used for CI/VI since it is the same value as
///   the second SGPR of Flat Scratch Init. However, it is need for PI which
///   changes meaning of Flat Scratchg Init..]
/// Grid Work-Group Count X (enable_sgpr_grid_workgroup_count_x):
///   Number of User SGPR registers: 1. 32 bit count of the number of
///   work-groups in the X dimension for the grid being executed. Computed from
///   the fields in the HsaDispatchPacket as
///   ((gridSize.x+workgroupSize.x-1)/workgroupSize.x).
/// Grid Work-Group Count Y (enable_sgpr_grid_workgroup_count_y):
///   Number of User SGPR registers: 1. 32 bit count of the number of
///   work-groups in the Y dimension for the grid being executed. Computed from
///   the fields in the HsaDispatchPacket as
///   ((gridSize.y+workgroupSize.y-1)/workgroupSize.y).
///   Only initialized if <16 previous SGPRs initialized.
/// Grid Work-Group Count Z (enable_sgpr_grid_workgroup_count_z):
///   Number of User SGPR registers: 1. 32 bit count of the number of
///   work-groups in the Z dimension for the grid being executed. Computed
///   from the fields in the HsaDispatchPacket as
///   ((gridSize.z+workgroupSize.z-1)/workgroupSize.z).
///   Only initialized if <16 previous SGPRs initialized.
/// Work-Group Id X (enable_sgpr_workgroup_id_x):
///   Number of System SGPR registers: 1. 32 bit work group id in X dimension
///   of grid for wavefront. Always present.
/// Work-Group Id Y (enable_sgpr_workgroup_id_y):
///   Number of System SGPR registers: 1. 32 bit work group id in Y dimension
///   of grid for wavefront.
/// Work-Group Id Z (enable_sgpr_workgroup_id_z):
///   Number of System SGPR registers: 1. 32 bit work group id in Z dimension
///   of grid for wavefront. If present then Work-group Id Y will also be
///   present
/// Work-Group Info (enable_sgpr_workgroup_info):
///   Number of System SGPR registers: 1. {first_wave, 14'b0000,
///   ordered_append_term[10:0], threadgroup_size_in_waves[5:0]}
/// Private Segment Wave Byte Offset
/// (enable_sgpr_private_segment_wave_byte_offset):
///   Number of System SGPR registers: 1. 32 bit byte offset from base of
///   dispatch scratch base. Must be used as an offset with Private/Spill/Arg
///   segment address when using Scratch Segment Buffer. It must be added to
///   Flat Scratch Offset if setting up FLAT SCRATCH for flat addressing.
/// The order of the VGPR registers is defined, but the Finalizer can specify
/// which ones are actually setup in the amd_kernel_code_t object using the
/// enableVgpr*  bit fields. The register numbers used for enabled registers
/// are dense starting at VGPR0: the first enabled register is VGPR0, the next
/// enabled register is VGPR1 etc.; disabled registers do not have an VGPR
/// number.
/// VGPR register initial state is defined as follows:
/// Work-Item Id X (always initialized):
///   Number of registers: 1. 32 bit work item id in X dimension of work-group
///   for wavefront lane.
/// Work-Item Id X (enable_vgpr_workitem_id > 0):
///   Number of registers: 1. 32 bit work item id in Y dimension of work-group
///   for wavefront lane.
/// Work-Item Id X (enable_vgpr_workitem_id > 0):
///   Number of registers: 1. 32 bit work item id in Z dimension of work-group
///   for wavefront lane.
/// The setting of registers is being done by existing GPU hardware as follows:
///   1) SGPRs before the Work-Group Ids are set by CP using the 16 User Data
///      registers.
///   2) Work-group Id registers X, Y, Z are set by SPI which supports any
///      combination including none.
///   3) Scratch Wave Offset is also set by SPI which is why its value cannot
///      be added into the value Flat Scratch Offset which would avoid the
///      Finalizer generated prolog having to do the add.
///   4) The VGPRs are set by SPI which only supports specifying either (X),
///      (X, Y) or (X, Y, Z).
/// Flat Scratch Dispatch Offset and Flat Scratch Size are adjacent SGRRs so
/// they can be moved as a 64 bit value to the hardware required SGPRn-3 and
/// SGPRn-4 respectively using the Finalizer ?FLAT_SCRATCH? Register.
/// The global segment can be accessed either using flat operations or buffer
/// operations. If buffer operations are used then the Global Buffer used to
/// access HSAIL Global/Readonly/Kernarg (which are combine) segments using a
/// segment address is not passed into the kernel code by CP since its base
/// address is always 0. Instead the Finalizer generates prolog code to
/// initialize 4 SGPRs with a V# that has the following properties, and then
/// uses that in the buffer instructions:
///   - base address of 0
///   - no swizzle
///   - ATC=1
///   - MTYPE set to support memory coherence specified in
///     amd_kernel_code_t.globalMemoryCoherence
/// When the Global Buffer is used to access the Kernarg segment, must add the
/// dispatch packet kernArgPtr to a kernarg segment address before using this V#.
/// Alternatively scalar loads can be used if the kernarg offset is uniform, as
/// the kernarg segment is constant for the duration of the kernel execution.
struct amd_kernel_code_t {
  uint32_t amd_kernel_code_version_major;
  uint32_t amd_kernel_code_version_minor;
  uint16_t amd_machine_kind;
  uint16_t amd_machine_version_major;
  uint16_t amd_machine_version_minor;
  uint16_t amd_machine_version_stepping;
  /// Byte offset (possibly negative) from start of amd_kernel_code_t
  /// object to kernel's entry point instruction. The actual code for
  /// the kernel is required to be 256 byte aligned to match hardware
  /// requirements (SQ cache line is 16). The code must be position
  /// independent code (PIC) for AMD devices to give runtime the
  /// option of copying code to discrete GPU memory or APU L2
  /// cache. The Finalizer should endeavour to allocate all kernel
  /// machine code in contiguous memory pages so that a device
  /// pre-fetcher will tend to only pre-fetch Kernel Code objects,
  /// improving cache performance.
  int64_t kernel_code_entry_byte_offset;
  /// Range of bytes to consider prefetching expressed as an offset
  /// and size. The offset is from the start (possibly negative) of
  /// amd_kernel_code_t object. Set both to 0 if no prefetch
  /// information is available.
  int64_t kernel_code_prefetch_byte_offset;
  uint64_t kernel_code_prefetch_byte_size;
  /// Reserved. Must be 0.
  uint64_t reserved0;
  /// Shader program settings for CS. Contains COMPUTE_PGM_RSRC1 and
  /// COMPUTE_PGM_RSRC2 registers.
  uint64_t compute_pgm_resource_registers;
  /// Code properties. See amd_code_property_mask_t for a full list of
  /// properties.
  uint32_t code_properties;
  /// The amount of memory required for the combined private, spill
  /// and arg segments for a work-item in bytes. If
  /// is_dynamic_callstack is 1 then additional space must be added to
  /// this value for the call stack.
  uint32_t workitem_private_segment_byte_size;
  /// The amount of group segment memory required by a work-group in
  /// bytes. This does not include any dynamically allocated group
  /// segment memory that may be added when the kernel is
  /// dispatched.
  uint32_t workgroup_group_segment_byte_size;
  /// Number of byte of GDS required by kernel dispatch. Must be 0 if
  /// not using GDS.
  uint32_t gds_segment_byte_size;
  /// The size in bytes of the kernarg segment that holds the values
  /// of the arguments to the kernel. This could be used by CP to
  /// prefetch the kernarg segment pointed to by the dispatch packet.
  uint64_t kernarg_segment_byte_size;
  /// Number of fbarrier's used in the kernel and all functions it
  /// calls. If the implementation uses group memory to allocate the
  /// fbarriers then that amount must already be included in the
  /// workgroup_group_segment_byte_size total.
  uint32_t workgroup_fbarrier_count;
  /// Number of scalar registers used by a wavefront. This includes
  /// the special SGPRs for VCC, Flat Scratch Base, Flat Scratch Size
  /// and XNACK (for GFX8 (VI)). It does not include the 16 SGPR added if a
  /// trap handler is enabled. Used to set COMPUTE_PGM_RSRC1.SGPRS.
  uint16_t wavefront_sgpr_count;
  /// Number of vector registers used by each work-item. Used to set
  uint16_t workitem_vgpr_count;
  /// If reserved_vgpr_count is 0 then must be 0. Otherwise, this is the
  /// first fixed VGPR number reserved.
  uint16_t reserved_vgpr_first;
  /// The number of consecutive VGPRs reserved by the client. If
  /// is_debug_supported then this count includes VGPRs reserved
  /// for debugger use.
  uint16_t reserved_vgpr_count;
  /// If reserved_sgpr_count is 0 then must be 0. Otherwise, this is the
  /// first fixed SGPR number reserved.
  uint16_t reserved_sgpr_first;
  /// The number of consecutive SGPRs reserved by the client. If
  /// is_debug_supported then this count includes SGPRs reserved
  /// for debugger use.
  uint16_t reserved_sgpr_count;
  /// If is_debug_supported is 0 then must be 0. Otherwise, this is the
  /// fixed SGPR number used to hold the wave scratch offset for the
  /// entire kernel execution, or uint16_t(-1) if the register is not
  /// used or not known.
  uint16_t debug_wavefront_private_segment_offset_sgpr;
  /// If is_debug_supported is 0 then must be 0. Otherwise, this is the
  /// fixed SGPR number of the first of 4 SGPRs used to hold the
  /// scratch V# used for the entire kernel execution, or uint16_t(-1)
  /// if the registers are not used or not known.
  uint16_t debug_private_segment_buffer_sgpr;
  /// The maximum byte alignment of variables used by the kernel in
  /// the specified memory segment. Expressed as a power of two. Must
  /// be at least HSA_POWERTWO_16.
  uint8_t kernarg_segment_alignment;
  uint8_t group_segment_alignment;
  uint8_t private_segment_alignment;
  /// Wavefront size expressed as a power of two. Must be a power of 2
  /// in range 1..64 inclusive. Used to support runtime query that
  /// obtains wavefront size, which may be used by application to
  /// allocated dynamic group memory and set the dispatch work-group
  /// size.
  uint8_t wavefront_size;
  int32_t call_convention;
  uint8_t reserved3[12];
  uint64_t runtime_loader_kernel_symbol;
  uint64_t control_directives[16];

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