

为什么视觉简历如此有益 (Why visual CVs are so beneficial)

First of all, what is a visual CV? A visual CV is a brief visual representation of your skills and experience, your superpowers and your capabilities, that is easy to read and interpret and that creates a strong emotional connection with the audience. A good visual CV is a picture that gives a viewer an almost instantaneous understanding of the essence of you as a professional and personality. A picture worth of thousand words.

首先,什么是视觉简历? 视觉简历是对您的技能和经验,超能力和能力的简短视觉表示,易于阅读和解释,并能与观众建立强烈的情感联系。 良好的视觉简历是一张图片,可以使观看者几乎立即了解您作为专业人士和性格的本质。 一幅价值一千字的图片。

And why is it so powerful and why you should concern yourself with being able to create one?


There are reasons why you should:


  1. It is unusual and it stands out. Everyone else is using the standard CV where you write up your job experience as a list of job titles and job descriptions. I am not saying you do not need it anymore, but a visual CV can be used to promote yourself on social media and literally get noticed immediately. While the standard one can be brought in the game when you need to comply with the hiring process. A visual CV is a shock tactics weapon.

    这很不寻常,很引人注目 。 其他所有人都在使用标准的简历,您可以在其中撰写工作经历,作为职位和职务说明的列表。 我并不是说您不再需要它,而是可以使用视觉简历来在社交媒体上宣传自己,并立即得到关注。 当您需要遵守招聘流程时,可以将标准游戏引入游戏中。 视觉简历是一种打击战术武器。

  2. It is brief. A visual CV cannot be too elaborate due to the limitations of the format. This is its weakness and also its strong side at the same time. Being brief means that it will take only a moment for a person to interpret the information and it is appreciated by people who are bathing in a massive amount of information and have only a short span of time to consume yet another piece of information.

    很简短 。 由于格式的限制,视觉CV不能太复杂。 这是它的弱点,同时也是它的强项。 简短意味着一个人只需要一点时间就可以解释信息,并且沐浴在大量信息中并且只有很短的时间就可以消费另一条信息的人们会对此表示赞赏。

  3. It will force you to focus on what is important. The format limitations of a visual CV will force you to leave out the details that are less important and therefore must not be visualized. You will have to think about the essence of your narrative and what kind of impression you are trying to make. This way visual CV also becomes a thinking tool to help you polish out your narrative, inevitably increasing the quality of your message.

    这将迫使您将重点放在重要的事情上 。 视觉简历的格式限制将迫使您忽略不太重要的细节,因此不得对其进行可视化。 您将不得不考虑叙述的本质以及您想给人的印象。 通过这种方式,视觉简历也成为一种思维工具,可以帮助您完善叙事,不可避免地提高信息质量。

  4. It can be used to improve your conventional CV. Okay, you still think it is silly to use a visual CV (I do not agree, but I can understand your reluctance and anxiety). But think about it — creating your visual CV will help you sort your thoughts out and will make it clearer for you to see how you should build your conventional CV. A method could be — draw your visual CV out and use it as a plan to re-write your regular CV afterward. Win-win!

    它可以用来改善您的常规简历 。 好的,您仍然认为使用视觉简历是很愚蠢的(我不同意,但是我可以理解您的勉强和焦虑)。 但是请考虑一下-创建视觉简历将帮助您理清思路,并使您更清楚地了解如何构建常规简历。 一种方法可能是—抽出可视简历,并将其用作以后重写常规简历的计划。 双赢!

  5. It is fun! You will have a lot of fun creating your visual CV and it will cheer you up! Quite awesome in our stressful time, innit? ;)

    很好玩! 创建视觉简历会给您带来很多乐趣,它将使您振作起来! 在我们紧张的时候真棒,天生? ;)

创建一个很容易,您可以做到 (It is easy to create one and YOU CAN DO IT)

A lot of people not involved in creative jobs, basically everyone except for graphic designers, artists, and architects, can try to use their lack of drawing training as a perfect excuse to stay away from activities that involve drawing. These people would say something like “I cannot draw”, or “I haven’t drawn since the primary school”, or even “I am just incapable of drawing and I do not have the talent” and I have heard those numerous times.

许多不从事创意工作的人,除了图形设计师,艺术家和建筑师外,基本上每个人都可以尝试以缺乏绘画培训为借口,远离从事绘画的活动。 这些人会说诸如“我不能绘画”,“我从小学没去过绘画”,甚至“我只是不能绘画而我没有才干”之类的话,我听过很多次。

I can tell you this. Yes, you cannot draw the same way as a professional with proper training and years and years of practice behind them. And probably you shouldn’t — you already do something else in your life. And no, you can still draw good enough to express yourself visually. You just need to learn the technique to draw simply or sketch things out. Your main goal here is to create visual objects that can resemble concepts that they represent. On a level good enough for people to quickly interpret them and not bother with the low fidelity of the drawing itself. This level of skill can be achieved relatively quickly. And you will become better over time, putting enough practice behind you.

我可以告诉你。 是的,您无法像受过适当培训和多年实践的专业人员那样画画。 也许您不应该-您已经在生活中做了其他事情。 不,您仍然可以画出足够好的外观来表达自己。 您只需要学习简单绘制或勾勒出事物的技巧即可。 这里的主要目标是创建视觉对象,这些视觉对象可以类似于它们所代表的概念。 在足够高的水平上,人们可以快速解释它们,而不必为绘图本身的低保真度感到困扰。 此技能水平可以相对快速地达到。 随着时间的流逝,您将变得更好,并在您身后进行了足够的练习。

Now to the point. In order to come up with a visual CV you basically need three components:

现在到了重点。 为了提出视觉简历,您基本上需要三个组件:

  1. Draw your portrait — the hardest one among the three. I have created the comprehensive step by step guide for sketching a nice looking portrait that does not require too much of drawing skill. Find it here.

    绘制您的肖像,这是三者中最难的一幅。 我已经创建了详尽的循序渐进指南,以草绘不需要太多绘图技巧的漂亮肖像 。 在这里找到它。

  2. Write legibly so other people can read and understand your writing.

  3. Learn how to draw a few helpful icons that can be used to represent the concepts often found on CVs. I will provide a set of icons that are most commonly used, feel free to reuse them.

    了解如何绘制一些有用的图标,这些图标可以用来表示CV上经常出现的概念。 我将提供一组最常用的图标,您可以随时重复使用它们。

All of the abovementioned things are attainable for everyone, even those who say they cannot draw. The trick here is to slow down, be copycat and not aim at the perfection from the first go; focus on a clear message and not the quality of the drawing.

所有上述事情对每个人都是可以实现的,即使是那些说自己不能画画的人。 这里的窍门是放慢脚步,成为模仿者,而不是从一开始就追求完美。 专注于清晰的信息,而不是图纸的质量。

Now, let’s draw together your visual CV.


创建可视简历的分步指南 (The step by step guide for creating a visual CV)

First thing first, you will need some materials to create your visual CV. The bare minimum is a few sheets of A4 (letter size if you are in the US) regular copy paper and a black felt tip pen. Additionally to that, you could also use a couple of brush pens in more colors. I usually prefer light grey for shading and bright yellow for highlighting, but extra colors are for gold-plating and are not really necessary. Here is what you need to get going:

首先,您将需要一些材料来创建视觉简历。 最低限度是几张A4(如果在美国,则为信纸尺寸)常规复印纸和黑色毡尖笔。 除此之外,您还可以使用更多颜色的画笔笔。 我通常更喜欢浅灰色的阴影和明亮的黄色的突出显示,但多余的颜色是镀金的,并不是必须的。 这是您需要执行的操作:

Grab an A4 (letter size for the folks in the US) and a black color technical pen or any other felt tip pen, preferably with a fine point. I use a regular printing copy paper and a technical pen by Neuland with a thick tip of 0.7 size. Pay less attention to the tooling though. 拿起A4(美国民众的信纸大小)和黑色技术笔或任何其他毡尖笔(最好带有细点)。 我使用普通的打印复印纸和 Neuland的 技术笔,笔尖的笔尖厚0.7。 不过,请注意工具。

第1步-定义有关您的主要事实并创建布局 (Step 1 — Define the major chunks of facts about you and create a layout)

If it helps, write down the labels of major chunks of information on small sticky notes and arrange on the paper, like this:


To help break the void of the perfect white in front of you, use the old trick of writing down labels of major sections you need for your layout and place them on the paper. It will give you the flexibility to re-arrange and think more carefully about your information design and layout. And it is easier this way — you will fear less to mess things up! 为了帮助打破面前完美白纸的空白,请使用古老的技巧来写下布局所需的主要部分的标签,然后将其放在纸上。 它使您可以灵活地重新安排和更仔细地考虑您的信息设计和布局。 这样更容易-您不必担心将事情搞砸了!

Think about the most important sections of your visual CV and elaborate on them even further. The fact is, the most important parts must hold the most detail and the least important must be really high-level. This way you will emphasize visually where to look and which parts and pieces should require more attention. In visual perception, there is a law — larger (and the ones with more details) pieces are more important than smaller ones (and the ones will less detail). Make the principle work for you. I am talking about something like this:

考虑一下视觉简历中最重要的部分,并进一步进行详细说明。 事实是,最重要的部分必须包含最详细的信息,而最不重要的部分必须真正具有高层次。 这样,您将在视觉上强调在哪里看以及应该更注意哪些零件。 在视觉感知中,有一条规律-较大(且细节较多的作品)比较小(而细节较少的作品)更重要。 使原理为您服务。 我说的是这样的:

I decided that the two most important pieces are the summary and my work experience. I elaborated these two further and generated more sub-chunks, subsequently arranging it on the white of the paper sheet. 我认为两个最重要的部分是摘要和我的工作经验。 我进一步详细说明了这两个,并生成了更多的子块,然后将其放在纸张的白色上。

This will conclude your preparation. This is a very important step. Make sure you nail your narrative by selecting the most important pieces of information that introduce you the best and that are the most relevant for your audience, for example, for the recruiter who is going to read it.

这将完成您的准备。 这是非常重要的一步。 选择最重要的信息,为您介绍最好的信息,并与您的听众最相关,例如,与准备阅读该信息的招聘人员,以确保您的叙述正确。

第2步-选择最适合您的突出显示的图标 (Step 2 — Choose icons that support your highlights the best)

Now that you have a high-level information design for your visual CV, you need to start looking for supportive visuals. I am talking about simple and easy to draw icons that will not become a challenge for your current level of drawing skills. See below to find some examples of icons I often use when I need to tell a visual story about me as a professional or my work experience.

现在,您已经为可视CV建立了高级信息设计,您需要开始寻找支持性的可视。 我说的是简单易画的图标,这些图标不会对您当前的绘画技能水平构成挑战。 请参阅下面的内容,当我需要讲述关于我作为专业人士或工作经验的视觉故事时,经常使用的一些图标示例。

Of course, it is not possible to come up with an ultimate set of icons that would exhaust any need and at some point you will need to come up with more icons. When you run into such a need, check two sources. One, seek inspiration on Google by searching for images that satisfy your criteria. For example, “healthcare icon”. Secondly, you may want to check this fantastic source of endless inspiration at www.thenounproject.com. It has an incredible collection of icons for almost any situation and it is constantly growing.

当然,不可能拿出一套精疲力尽的最终图标集,有时您将需要拿出更多的图标集。 当您遇到这种需要时,请检查两个来源。 第一,通过搜索满足您条件的图片在Google上寻求灵感。 例如,“医疗保健图标”。 其次,您可能想在www.thenounproject.com上查看这个源源不断的奇妙资源。 它几乎在任何情况下都具有令人难以置信的图标集合,并且还在不断增长。

Try to find the simplest and easiest way to depict a concept with the use of an icon. The good ones are the ones that are not laden with excessive details and are easy for your current level of drawing skills. Here are some examples of icons I often use in relation to the concepts I need for my visual CV. 尝试找到使用图标来描述概念的最简单,最简单的方法。 好的是那些没有过多细节的工具,并且对于您当前的绘画技能水平来说很容易。 以下是一些我经常使用的图标示例,这些图标与我的视觉简历所需的概念有关。

第3步-将想法转移到纸上 (Step 3 — Transfer the idea onto the paper)

Go through your layout iteratively. Start with your portrait. Usually, your audience will lay their eyes on your portrait, so make it relatively big. Follow the instructions from my other article here. It is really simple and only requires certain discipline and persistence:

反复遍历您的布局。 从你的肖像开始。 通常,您的听众会把目光投向您的肖像,因此使其相对较大。 请按照此处其他文章的说明进行操作。 这真的很简单,只需要一定的纪律和持久性即可:

the simple steps I suggest in my other article. 我在另一篇文章中建议的简单步骤,这并不困难。

Then proceed with your name and personal details. It can include your contact information and other details important for your narrative:

然后继续输入您的姓名和个人详细信息。 它可以包括您的联系信息和其他对您的叙述很重要的详细信息:

Proceed with the name and personal details. Use the icons to help the viewer skim through the information more effectively. 继续输入姓名和个人详细信息。 使用图标可以帮助查看者更有效地浏览信息。

Then knock out the most important section. In my case, it is the summary. Here I decided to pair comprehensive visuals with text labels:

然后删除最重要的部分。 就我而言,它是摘要。 在这里,我决定将全面的视觉效果与文本标签配对:

Proceed with the most important chunk of facts. Again, it is a good idea to pair icons with text labels. 处理最重要的事实。 同样,将图标与文本标签配对是一个好主意。

Then on with the next section, and so on:


Then I drew out the work experience as a timeline, only focusing on job titles and not so much on the companies where I worked. It can be a combination of though if you need it. 然后,我将工作经验作为时间表进行了介绍,只关注职位名称,而不是我工作的公司。 如果需要,可以将它组合在一起。

Finally, when all the sections were rendered, the final version looked like this:


The final rendering of the visual CV with all of the sections transferred on paper. It is ready to be used! 视觉简历的最终渲染,所有部分都转移到了纸上。 准备使用!

A few more examples of layouts I used for my talk on visual thinking at Øredev conference in November, 2019:


As you can see, it is totally fine to stay on the level of simple drawings and only use one color if you are constrained on time and materials. In fact, The drawings you see above have been drawn live during my talk. It was possible to pace the drawing to my talking. 如您所见,完全可以保留简单的图纸水平,并且仅在时间和材料受限的情况下才使用一种颜色。 实际上,您在上面看到的图纸是在我演讲期间现场绘制的。 有可能使绘画步伐与我的讲话保持一致。

Check my talk here:


Yuri Malishenko — Simplify Complex — the talk on Visual Thinking at Øredev conference, November 8, 2019. 尤里·马利申科(Yuri Malishenko)—简化复杂—在Øredev会议上发表的关于视觉思维的演讲,2019年11月8日。

第4步-反复进行多次操作,以获取最喜欢的版本 (Step 4 — Iterate as many times as it takes to get to the version that you like the most)

In fact, you do not need to follow the process with the sticky notes. You can create a draft by just drawing your ideas out on the paper directly and then discarding and doing it again and again.

实际上,您无需遵循带有粘滞便笺的过程。 您可以通过将想法直接在纸上画出然后丢弃并一次又一次地创建草稿。

One thing for sure is that great things do not appear in a single go. Great things are a product of iteration. That said, there is no sense in over-investing in the first version. Make it simple but fast and good enough to learn from it. Recently a friend of mine, Sophie, has engaged in the process of coming up with a visual CV to boost her job search. She came up with the first version and asked for my feedback. Which I did on a sticky note. The process triggered a series of iteration that eventually led to the version Sophie liked the most:

可以肯定的是,一件伟大的事情不会一appear而就。 伟大的事物是迭代的产物。 也就是说,在第一个版本中过度投资是没有意义的。 使它简单但又快又好,可以从中学习。 最近,我的一个朋友索菲(Sophie)参与了提出视觉简历的过程,以促进求职。 她提出了第一个版本,并要求我提供反馈。 我在便签上做了。 该过程触发了一系列迭代,最终导致了Sophie最喜欢的版本:

First Sophie came up with a version of the visual CV. Then she asked for my feedback which I provided schematically on a sticky note. Then Sophie started drafting out more iterations. First Sophie提出了视觉CV版本。 然后,她要求我提供我的反馈,我在粘滞便笺上示意性地提供了此反馈。 然后,索菲(Sophie)开始草拟更多迭代。

More iterations entailed as Sophie was looking for a good balance between visuals and text. What usually happens here is that people tend to forget about the text — images are more fun! But it is a vicious trap, the text is still a core part of any visual communication. Keep that in mind too!

Sophie寻求视觉和文字之间的平衡时,需要进行更多的迭代。 通常这里发生的是人们倾向于忘记文本-图像更有趣! 但这是一个恶性陷阱,文字仍然是任何视觉传达的核心部分。 也请记住这一点!

Then there were more. Sophie tried to strike a good balance between supporting visuals and text labels. In the end, she came up with the version she liked and felt comfortable sharing publicly. 然后还有更多。 索菲(Sophie)试图在支持的视觉效果和文字标签之间取得良好的平衡。 最后,她想出了自己喜欢的版本,并感到很容易公开共享。
Your desk might look like this in the end — the creative mess. My favorite type of mess! 最后,您的办公桌可能看起来像这样-创意混乱。 我最喜欢的一团糟!

Again, it is very important to embrace the fact that your first version will most likely be meh. But that’s ok! How else can you learn and arrive at a better version other than iterating and learning from your mistakes? And do not forget to show it to your friend — it is easy to get blindsided as we are always biased toward our ideas.

同样,接受您的第一个版本很可能是meh这一事实非常重要。 但是没关系! 除了从错误中反复学习,您还能如何学习并获得更好的版本? 并且不要忘记将其展示给您的朋友-因为我们总是偏向于我们的想法,所以很容易失明。

步骤5-可选-镀金! (Step 5 — OPTIONAL — gold-plate it!)

You might want to add an extra touch to your final version by applying shadows and highlighting important parts of your visual CV. I use two brush pens for that:

您可能希望通过应用阴影并突出显示视觉简历的重要部分来为最终版本添加额外的修饰。 我为此使用两支画笔笔:

Neuland FineOne brush pens. My two favorite colors are light grey and brilliant yellow. Grey for popping things out by placing shadows and yellow for highlights and strengthening visual hierarchy. -Neuland FineOne画笔 。 我最喜欢的两种颜色是浅灰色和亮黄色。 灰色用于通过放置阴影来弹出事物,而黄色则用于突出显示并增强视觉层次。

Once shadows and highlights are applied, the look of the visual CV has changed for better. Supporting visuals are now popping out and the important pieces are easier to find:

一旦应用了阴影和高光,视觉CV的外观就会变好。 支持的视觉效果现在突然出现,重要的部分更容易找到:

When I have time I often use gold-plating techniques to enhance the look and feel of the final drawing. Notice how I used yellow circles to help the viewer distinguish the parts that pertain to my work experience. This way it is easier to differentiate them from the rest of the information present on the CV. 有空时,我经常使用镀金技术来改善最终图纸的外观。 请注意,我如何使用黄色圆圈帮助观看者区分与我的工作经历有关的部分。 这样,将它们与简历上显示的其余信息区分开来就容易了。

视觉简历的应用和使用 (Application and use of visual CV)

1-更新常规简历时 (1 — When updating your regular CV)

Let’s say you need to update your regular CV and you haven’t done it in some time, maybe even in years. It might be an intimidating task to do and you would usually feel stuck and would not have a clear understanding of where to start. What you could do in such a case is to start with the visual CV where it would help you focus on the most important parts, finding a good structure for your narrative.

假设您需要更新常规的简历,并且有一段时间,甚至几年都没有这样做。 这可能是一项令人生畏的任务,并且您通常会感到受阻,并且对从何处开始没有清晰的了解。 在这种情况下,您可以做的是从视觉简历开始,这将帮助您专注于最重要的部分,为叙述找到一个好的结构。

In this example, a friend of mine has created a mind-map type of the visual CV where she started with her in the center and then she continued with different aspects of her to figure out what would be important for her CV later on, where to emphasize:


A friend of mine used this mind-map visual CV to help herself collect the most important facts about herself as a professional. It also turned out to be a very well structured visual summary. The text is in Danish. 我的一个朋友使用此思维导图的视觉简历来帮助自己收集有关自己作为职业人士的最重要事实。 事实证明,这也是一个结构良好的视觉摘要。 文字为丹麦语。

2-在社交媒体上推广自己时 (2 — When promoting yourself on social media)

Antons Osadcijs was looking for the non-standard ways to attract attention to his candidacy applying for a job at one of the biggest companies in Denmark. He decided to produce some hi-quality content on social media and published this post that did attract the attention of the company’s employees as you can see from the comments to his post on Linkedin:

安东尼·奥萨奇斯 ( Antons Osadcijs)一直在寻找非标准的方法来吸引人们关注他在丹麦最大的公司之一求职中的候选人资格。 他决定在社交媒体上制作一些高质量的内容,并发表了这篇文章,确实引起了公司员工的注意,正如您在Linkedin上发表的评论中所看到的:

Antons has posted his ideas about his approach to his daily job with the intention to attract the attention of people in the company he would like to work. He did get some attention from the people at that company and they even started tagging each other there to spread the word, proving the approach does work! Antons发布了他对日常工作方式的想法,旨在引起他想工作的公司中人们的注意。 他确实得到了该公司员工的关注,他们甚至开始在那里互相贴标签以传播信息,证明这种方法确实有效!

This is how Antons has told his story with his visual CV:


As you can see, Antons has chosen the map of Denmark to tell his story. He draws diagrams digitally. 如您所见,Antons选择了丹麦地图来讲述他的故事。 他以数字方式绘制图表。

3-向新团队介绍自己时 (3 — When presenting yourself to a new team)

Let’s say you are joining a new team and there is no better way to present yourself other than creating a visual summary of your strong sides and your expertise. Last year we were forming a new team and we have decided to create a brief poster to do the presentations. You can be very flexible what you put on those posters and in our case, we agreed to focus on four areas:

假设您要加入一个新团队,除了对自己的强项和专业知识进行直观总结之外,没有其他更好的方式来展示自己。 去年我们成立了一个新团队,我们决定创建一个简短的海报来进行演示。 您可以非常灵活地张贴在这些海报上,在我们的案例中,我们同意重点关注四个领域:

  • Experience.

  • The preferred style of communication.

  • Strong traits.

  • Hobbies.


Also, we used those not so sustainable easy flips (rolls of plastic films that are claimed to be easy to wipe off; they are also static and would stick to almost any flat surface, you can write with whiteboard markers on them) as a medium for our posters. See how it looked like during the presentation:

此外,我们还使用了那些不太可持续的易翻转纸卷(声称容易擦除的塑料薄膜卷;它们也是静态的,并且会粘附在几乎任何平面上,您可以在白板笔上书写)作为媒介。为我们的海报。 在演示过程中查看其外观:

My dear friend and colleague Jakob Wolman is presenting how cool he is. In the earlier version of his presentation (to the right) he used the concept of frames and containers to help the viewer differentiate between chunks of information. 我亲爱的朋友和同事雅各布·沃尔曼(Jakob Wolman)介绍了他有多酷。 在他的演示文稿的早期版本(如右图)中,他使用框架和容器的概念来帮助观众区分信息块。

This is what I drew when I was in a similar situation:


When I needed to present myself visually I have chosen to focus on two things: a) my skills and b) my ambitions. As you can see, I still had my self-portrait and I used a lot of icons to make the message easier to read and encourage the viewer to engage with it. 当我需要视觉呈现自己时,我选择专注于两件事:a)我的技能和b)我的野心。 如您所见,我仍然有自己的自画像,并且使用了很多图标来使消息更易于阅读并鼓励观众参与其中。

4 —作为团队建设活动的破冰者 (4 — As an ice-breaker for team building activities)

Sometimes you would like to spice up your team building event. Sharing stories about yourself the visual way is one of the most powerful ways to express yourself. When we recently gathered for a half a day to learn more about each other in the newly formed team, we have set aside 1 hour for telling stories about ourselves. Since the team name was decided to be Wookiees we thought it would also be fun to draw ourselves as a wookiee. (For those who do not know what I am talking about, a wookiee is a fictional species from the Star Wars saga, read more about wookiees if you are interested).

有时您想为团队建设活动增添趣味。 通过视觉方式分享有关自己的故事是表达自己的最有力方式之一。 最近,我们聚在一起半天,在新组建的团队中互相了解更多,我们预留了1个小时来讲述自己的故事。 由于团队名称被确定为Wookiees,我们认为吸引自己成为wookiee也很有趣。 (对于那些不知道我在说什么的人,wookiee是《星球大战》传奇小说中的虚构物种,如果您有兴趣,请阅读有关wookiee的更多信息)。

This is what I did to present myself from that angle:


I used the fictional character to represent myself in this one and I chose the wookiee who likes to draw. It was super fun! 我用虚构的角色来代表自己,并选择了喜欢绘画的wookiee。 超级好玩!

An interesting thing happened. At the time of me drawing the Wookiee, the other two team members started copying. They created two cute versions of a wookiee and could use it for their presentation posters. People are very good at being copycats and that is super fine. Don’t be afraid to copy, copying is a great way of learning. Steal with pride, steal like an artist!

一件有趣的事发生了。 在我绘制《 Wookiee》时,其他两个团队成员开始复制。 他们创建了两个可爱的wookiee版本,可以将其用作演示海报。 人们非常擅长做模仿者,这很好。 不要害怕复制,复制是一种很好的学习方式。 自豪地偷东西,像艺术家一样偷东西!

My poster has encouraged two cute versions of a wookiee used by my colleagues. We had a lot of laughs and in general, the exercise filled our team-building exercise with meaning and joy. 我的海报鼓励同事使用两种可爱的wookiee版本。 我们笑了很多,总的来说,该练习使我们的团队建设练习充满了意义和喜悦。

那么接下来会发生什么呢? (So what happens next?)

I implore you to pick up your pen and put your story to the paper. Follow the step by step guides from above and tell the world about you, what a great personality and professional you are! Share it with a hash-tag of #visualcv or #myvisualcv so people could find it easier on social media. I can’t wait to see and read those stories!

我恳请你拿起笔,把你的故事写在纸上。 遵循上面的逐步指南,向全世界介绍您,您是一个多么出色的个性和专业人士! 与#visualcv或#myvisualcv的哈希标签共享它,以便人们可以在社交媒体上更轻松地找到它。 我等不及要看和读那些故事了!

If you are stuck with the question analog of physical well then it doesn’t really matter. Don’t let the perfection stand in the way of accomplishing. Do it the way you are most comfortable and share it with the rest. And have fun!

如果您坚持使用物理模拟问题的话,那就没关系了。 不要让完美妨碍完成。 以最舒适的方式进行操作,并与其他人共享。 玩得开心!

I am an aspiring product manager, agile coach and a visual thinker living in Copenhagen, Denmark. I blog on visual thinking and share my random agile thoughts, if you want to read more. You can get in touch with me via my website or Instagram account or on Twitter. All the best!

我是一位有抱负的产品经理,敏捷教练和视觉思想家,住在丹麦的哥本哈根。 我想发表更多关于视觉思维的博客,并分享我随机的敏捷思想 。 您可以通过我的网站或Instagram帐户或在Twitter上与我联系。 祝一切顺利!

翻译自: https://medium.com/graphicfacilitation/how-do-i-get-a-job-i-want-with-a-visual-cv-fa2529ec88e3

