

1音频 1b、peppa pig第一季1-10集、牙牙学语1、不一样的卡梅拉

2动画 字母歌、we wish you a merry christmas


A、Santa will pop out

Baby, I am Santa. I will hide behind the chair. When we sing “out Santa will pop”, I will jump out. Let’s sing the song together. Here is the chimney. Here is the top. Open the lid, out Santa will pop. Lala.

Now it’s your turn to be the Santa.

B、Make a chimney

Baby, let’s make a chimney by the carpets. Can you help me? Here is the chimney. Here is the top. Here is the lid. Can you open the lid? Yes. Can you hide in the chimney? Ok. When we sing “out Santa will pop”, please jump out. Mummy, it’s your turn to hide in the chimney.

C、Good old mum

Mum put on a red nose. Mum put on a big beard. Mum put on big boots. Mum put on a big pillow. Mum put on a red hat. “Ho! Ho! Ho!” Now I am Santa. Do you want some gifts?





牛津树level 1 12本


5 中文

