import (
go mod tidy
package models
import (
var store = base64Captcha.DefaultMemStore
//配置RedisStore, RedisStore实现base64Captcha.Store接口
//var store base64Captcha.Store = RedisStore{}
func MakeCaptcha() (string, string, error) {
var driver base64Captcha.Driver
//创建一个字符串类型的验证码驱动DriverString, DriverChinese :中文驱动
driverString := base64Captcha.DriverString{
Height: 40, //高度
Width: 100, //宽度
NoiseCount: 0, //干扰数
ShowLineOptions: 2 | 4, //展示个数
Length: 1, //长度
Source: "1234567890qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm", //验证码随机字符串来源
BgColor: &color.RGBA{ // 背景颜色
R: 3,
G: 102,
B: 214,
A: 125,
Fonts: []string{"wqy-microhei.ttc"}, // 字体
driver = driverString.ConvertFonts()
c := base64Captcha.NewCaptcha(driver, store)
id, b64s, err := c.Generate()
return id, b64s, err
func VerifyCaptcha(id string, VerifyValue string) bool {
// 参数说明: id 验证码id, verifyValue 验证码的值, true: 验证成功后是否删除原来的验证码
if store.Verify(id, VerifyValue, true) {
return true
} else {
return false
func (con LoginController) Captcha(c *gin.Context) {
id, b64s, err := models.MakeCaptcha()
if err != nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"captchaId": id,
"captchaImage": b64s,
在LoginController控制器中定义 验证验证码的方法
func (con LoginController) DoIndex(c *gin.Context) {
captchaId := c.PostForm("captchaId") // 验证码id
verifyValue := c.PostForm("verifyValue") //验证码的值
username := c.PostForm("username")
password := c.PostForm("password")
// 1.判断验证码是否验证成功
if flag := models.VerifyCaptcha(captchaId, verifyValue); flag {
userinfo := []models.Manager{}
password = models.Md5(password)
models.DB.Where("username = ? and password = ? ", username, password).Find(&userinfo)
if len(userinfo) > 0 {
session := sessions.Default(c)
//注意: session.Set没法保存结构体对应的切片,所以需要把结构体转换成json字符串
userinfoSlice, _ := json.Marshal(userinfo)
session.Set("userinfo", string(userinfoSlice))
con.Success(c, "登录成功", "/admin")
} else {
con.Error(c, "用户名或密码错误", "/admin/login")
} else {
con.Error(c, "验证码验证失败", "/admin/login")
{{ define "admin/login/login.html" }}
{{ end }}
Login.js 获取验证码,验证码改变js方法
$(function () {
var loginApp = {
init: function () {
this.getCaptcha() // 调用获取验证码方法
this.captchaImgChange() // 调用验证码改变方法
getCaptcha: function () { // 获取验证码
$.get("/admin/captcha?t=" + Math.random(), function (response) { // ? t= 随机数,防止浏览器缓存
$("#captchaImg").attr("src", response.captchaImage)
captchaImgChange: function () { // 验证码改变
var that = this;
$("#captchaImg").click(function () {
package base64Captcha
// Store An object implementing Store interface can be registered with SetCustomStore
// function to handle storage and retrieval of captcha ids and solutions for
// them, replacing the default memory store.
// It is the responsibility of an object to delete expired and used captchas
// when necessary (for example, the default memory store collects them in Set
// method after the certain amount of captchas has been stored.)
type Store interface {
// Set sets the digits for the captcha id.
Set(id string, value string) error
// Get returns stored digits for the captcha id. Clear indicates
// whether the captcha must be deleted from the store.
Get(id string, clear bool) string
//Verify captcha's answer directly
Verify(id, answer string, clear bool) bool
package models
//下载go-redis: go get
import (
var ctxRedis = context.Background()
var (
RedisDb *redis.Client
func init() {
RedisDb = redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: "",
Password: "", // no password set
DB: 0, // use default DB
_, err := RedisDb.Ping(ctxRedis).Result()
if err != nil {
package models
type Store interface {
// Set sets the digits for the captcha id.
Set(id string, value string)
// Get returns stored digits for the captcha id. Clear indicates
// whether the captcha must be deleted from the store.
Get(id string, clear bool) string
//Verify captcha's answer directly
Verify(id, answer string, clear bool) bool
import (
var ctx = context.Background()
const CAPTCHA = "captcha:"
type RedisStore struct {
//实现设置 captcha 的方法
func (r RedisStore) Set(id string, value string) error {
key := CAPTCHA + id
err := RedisDb.Set(ctx, key, value, time.Minute*2).Err()
return err
//实现获取 captcha 的方法
func (r RedisStore) Get(id string, clear bool) string {
key := CAPTCHA + id
//获取 captcha
val, err := RedisDb.Get(ctx, key).Result()
if err != nil {
return ""
//如果clear == true, 则删除
if clear {
err := RedisDb.Del(ctx, key).Err()
if err != nil {
return ""
return val
//实现验证 captcha 的方法
func (r RedisStore) Verify(id, answer string, clear bool) bool {
v := RedisStore{}.Get(id, clear)
return v == answer
package models
import (
//var store = base64Captcha.DefaultMemStore
//配置RedisStore, RedisStore实现base64Captcha.Store接口
var store base64Captcha.Store = RedisStore{}
func MakeCaptcha() (string, string, error) {
var driver base64Captcha.Driver
//创建一个字符串类型的验证码驱动DriverString, DriverChinese :中文驱动
driverString := base64Captcha.DriverString{
Height: 40, //高度
Width: 100, //宽度
NoiseCount: 0, //干扰数
ShowLineOptions: 2 | 4, //展示个数
Length: 1, //长度
Source: "1234567890qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm", //验证码随机字符串来源
BgColor: &color.RGBA{ // 背景颜色
R: 3,
G: 102,
B: 214,
A: 125,
Fonts: []string{"wqy-microhei.ttc"}, // 字体
driver = driverString.ConvertFonts()
c := base64Captcha.NewCaptcha(driver, store)
id, b64s, err := c.Generate()
return id, b64s, err
func VerifyCaptcha(id string, VerifyValue string) bool {
// 参数说明: id 验证码id, verifyValue 验证码的值, true: 验证成功后是否删除原来的验证码
if store.Verify(id, VerifyValue, true) {
return true
} else {
return false
[上一节][golang gin框架] 11.Gin 商城项目后台管理系统-控制器配置,views模板分离,局部刷新架构
[下一节][golang gin框架] 13.Gin 商城项目-配置公共基类实现公共的成功,失败提示页面 用户登录、退出登录、以及权限判断