UVM Systemverilog EDA IP国外学习网站


  • SemiWiki - All Things Semiconductor! (半导体届的维基百科,罗列了各EDA,IP等供应商和行业资讯)
  • Verification Academy - The most comprehensive resource for verification training. | Verification Academy  mentor的学习论坛,里面有UVM cookbook 同时还包含练习代码以及testbench的模板代码           
  •                                                                                          (Code Example Downloads | Verification Academy)
  • ChipVerify chip verify 相比其他网站,这个网站上的内容更基础实用。
  • quqi The UVM Primer 基础实用,必看。
  • https://www.edaplayground.com/ 在线EDA仿真网站
  • VLSI Pro – Slick on Silicon 一个博客 sv一些内容
  • Doulos - Global Independent Leaders in Design and Verification KnowHow 一个培训网站,UVM code 规范 (Easier UVM Coding Guidelines)以及testbench脚本生成工具(Easier UVM Code Generator) 
  • ClueLogic – Providing the clues to solve your verification problems  Providing the clues to solve your verification problems
  • Universal Verification Methodology 涉及验证的各方面
  • SystemVerilog - Verification Guide SV/UVM 基础内容
  • .: Verification Guide :.  包含UVM,System C, 专栏挺全
  •  Verification Gentleman blog,一些比较cool的验证技巧
  • Project VeriPage: Site Map and Search verilog pli
  • systemverilog.io   ddr 和 sv知识,荐!
  • WELCOME TO WORLD OF ASIC (asic-world.com)
  • DeepChip.com 经验分享
  • CFS Vision (cfs-vision.com) blog
  • Cliff Cummings' Award-Winning Verilog & SystemVerilog Papers - many are included in Sunburst Design's Verilog Training & SystemVerilog Training Courses.   Cliff Cummings的主页,DVCON,SNUG发表的paper 荐!

  •  Conference Papers Authored or Co-Authored by Stuart Sutherland Stuart Sutherland的主页,DVCON,SNUG发表的paper 荐!

  • Laurent Arditi's Web Site (google.com)  Laurent Arditi的主页,ARM的formal expert   荐!!

  • John Harrison (cam.ac.uk) formal理论方向

  • Verilab - Resources - Papers and Presentations  Verilab文章合集

  • The ZipCPU by Gisselquist Technology 分享一些形式验证和AXI设计的博客

  • MindShare - Training, Books, eLearning, Software DDR/USB等协议的eBook,还有一些架构的training

  • Academia.edu

  •  Explore & Upload Documents for Free | Scribd

  • Upload as much as you need! Unlimited volume of uploaded files. - PDFCOFFEE.COM

  • 三个找文档的地方,相当于国内的百度文库

  • AMIQ Consulting

  • Learn SystemC

  • Sci-Hub: removing barriers in the way of science 这个网站不要太牛逼。。。

  • Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture (morganclaypool.com)  计算机体系相关的综述,配合上个链接下载!

  • Google 学术搜索  百度学术 - 保持学习的态度 (baidu.com)  搜搜小论文,配合上面那个网站用

  • troyguo/awesome-dv: Awesome ASIC design verification (github.com) 特总搜集的github上的项目 

  • Online Courses - Learn Anything, On Your Schedule | Udemy  


  • English to SVA & SVA to English language converter | Agnisys (ispec.ai)


  1.  Avery Design Systems (avery-design.com) 
  2. https://www.syosil.com/
  3. IEEE 
  4. Build Reliable Products | Amiq
  5. Design And Reuse, The System-On-Chip Design Resource - IP, Core, SoC (design-reuse.com)
  6. Agnisys | Best Products & Services for System Verilog / UVM
  7. Arteris IP = The leaders in SoC System IP
  8. Jira | Issue & Project Tracking Software | Atlassian
  9. Magillem: EDA Front-end design and documentation software
  10. Home – OneSpin Solutions
  11. www.verilab.com
  12. Semiconductor Engineering - Deep Insights For Chip Engineers (semiengineering.com)
  13. LCDM-ENG
  14. The Design Verification Company - Aldec, Inc
  15. opentitan
  16. Hardware Design Verification & Validation | ProGineer Technologies
  17. Welcome to SmartDV Technologies (smart-dv.com)
  18. Home - FirstEDA
  19. Rugged High-Performance Interfaces and Computing Solutions | New Wave DV
  20. Edaphic.Studio
  21. Correct Designs
  22. BestTech Views
  23. TrueChip
  24. Symbiotic EDA Empowerment
  25. https://edacafe.com
  26. DesignCon
  27. The open source digital design conference

  28. Design Automation Conference (dac.com)
  29. Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design

  30. Breker--Advanced Verification Solutions

  31. Home | axiomise

Here are few good resources to refer & learn about UVM:

  1. Verification Academy

  2. Accellera System Initiative

  3. UVM Cookbook

    UVM | Verification Academy
  4. Coverage Cookbook

    Coverage | Verification Academy
  5. UVM Coding Guidelines

    UVM/Guidelines | Verification Academy
  6. SystemVerilog Coding Guidelines

    SV/Guidelines | Verification Academy
  7. Doulos

  8. Various Papers From Cliff Cummings

    Cliff Cummings' Award-Winning Verilog & SystemVerilog Papers - many are included in Sunburst Design's Verilog Training & SystemVerilog Training Courses.
  9. Various Papers From Sutherland

    Conference Papers Authored or Co-Authored by Stuart Sutherland
  10. testbench.in

  11. asic-world.com

  12. AMBA (AXI, AHB) Protocols

    AMBA Specifications for On-Chip Connectivity – Arm®
  13. Synopsys SNUG Papers

  14. Cadence CDNLive Papers

    Cadence Events
  15. Mentor’s Verification Horizons

    Verification Horizons | Siemens Digital Industry Software   Questa Advanced Verification Environment for Simulation and Debug | Siemens Digital Industries Software

You may like to use following online Simulator & data storage cum configuration management site:



I will look forward to add more resources in future which might be beneficial for you!

Good Day!
