
挑战 1 小时搞定年度总结

Challenge to complete the annual review in 1 hour

石墨文档 Graphite document 2021-12-29 16:00The 2021-12-29 16:00

朋友,你的年度总结做完了吗? Have you finished your annual review, my friend? Have you finished your annual review, my friend?

每到年底,年度总结四个字就好像悬在职场人头顶的四块大石。要挤压工作时间去完成它,要整理过去一年的项目资料,要在全公司公开展示……对于部门 / 团队而言,年度总结也被当做一个小型项目,leader 思考的是怎么更好地进行项目管理,部门成员则更关注怎么更高效地完成总结本身。

At the end of each year, the four words of annual summary are like four big stones hanging over the head of people in the workplace. There's squeezing work hours to get it done, there's sorting through the last year's projects, there's a company-wide public presentation... For the department/team, the annual summary is also regarded as a small project. The leader thinks about how to better manage the project, while the members of the department pay more attention to how to efficiently complete the summary itself.

At the end of each year, the four words of annual summary are like four big stones hanging over the head of people in the workplace. There's squeezing work hours to get it done, there's sorting through the last year's projects, there's a company-wide public presentation... For the department/team, the annual summary is also regarded as a small project. The leader thinks about how to better manage the project, while the members of the department pay more attention to how to efficiently complete the summary itself.


We are all part-time workers, and we can understand your mixed feelings about the annual review. Today, instead of talking about the necessity and importance of annual review, we will share with you how to make annual review more efficient and easier through graphite.

We are all part-time workers, and we can understand your mixed feelings about the annual review. Today, instead of talking about the necessity and importance of annual review, we will share with you how to make annual review more efficient and easier through graphite.


汇报一定要用 PPT 吗? Do POWERPOINT presentations have to be used? Do POWERPOINT presentations have to be used?

你们公司用在线文档汇报,还是用传统 PPT 汇报?

Does your company use online documentation or traditional POWERPOINT presentations?

Does your company use online documentation or traditional POWERPOINT presentations?


How to choose the two has become an important indicator to test whether a team works efficiently or not.

How to choose the two has become an important indicator to test whether a team works efficiently or not.

大家都有类似的经验——当我们在做 PPT 时,往往会舍本逐末,把过多的时间精力聚焦在排版美化上,而压缩了思考以及内容撰写时间。

We all have similar experience -- when we make PPT, we tend to skip the essentials and focus too much time and energy on typesetting and beautification, and compress the time for thinking and content writing.

We all have similar experience -- when we make PPT, we tend to skip the essentials and focus too much time and energy on typesetting and beautification, and compress the time for thinking and content writing.

因此,从国外到国内,从互联网公司到传统行业,越来越多的组织,在线文档已经替代 PPT,成为大家进行工作汇报的首选。

Therefore, from foreign to domestic, from Internet companies to traditional industries, more and more organizations, online documents have replaced PPT, become the first choice for everyone to report their work.

石墨文档支持插入表格、超链接、图片、音/视频等,拥有丰富的标题格式选项,通过在线文档我们也能够更高效地做出逻辑清晰、界面美观的总结文档。 Graphite documents support insertion of tables, hyperlinks, images, audio/video, etc., with rich title formatting options, through online documents we can also more efficiently produce logical, beautiful summary documents.


For example, if you are a brand PUBLICist, insert a video for this year's project and click it to play it directly within the document.



If you are a salesman, insert a data analysis table, which can be dragged and viewed directly within the document, and click to open the document to view the details.



When writing the annual review, graphite documents allow us to focus more on content creation, aggregating all information in one document to more efficiently and gracefully present what we want to say.

如果公司要求必须使用 PPT,那么一定要试试在线幻灯片,它与传统本地 PPT 相比,具有得天独厚的优势。

If powerpoint is a must, try online slideshows, which offer unique advantages over traditional local powerpoint.


As a concrete example, visual diagrams are often used to show the results of a presentation document.

以前我们特别怕粘贴到 PPT 里的表格有更新,因为这意味着要重新生成图表,意味着可能需要再一次传输 PPT 文件,意味着如果过了 PPT 提交日期,就无法修改调整。

In the past, we were especially afraid of updating the form pasted into the PPT, because it meant that the chart had to be generated again, that the PPT file might have to be transferred again, and that it could not be modified and adjusted after the PPT submission date.

而如果你使用的是可以实时更新,可以与表格互联互通的石墨幻灯片,以上问题都将不复存在。汇报内容可以修改到演讲的前 1 秒,无论表格数据更新过多少次,最后刷新已嵌入 PPT 中的图表即可看到最新版本。

If you use graphite slides that can be updated in real time and interconnect with tables, none of these problems will exist. The report content can be modified to the first second of the speech. No matter how many times the table data has been updated, you can see the latest version by refreshing the chart embedded in the PPT at last.



可自动提醒的进度管理表 Progress management sheet that can be automatically reminded

对于员工,当汇报文档写完,年度总结算是完成了一大半。但对于部门负责人或者 HRBP ,进度条还远远不到一半。

For employees, when the report documents are written, the annual summary is almost half done. But for department heads or HRBPS, the progress bar is far less than halfway there.


They are responsible for issuing notices, collecting documents, organizing meetings, etc., and need to control the progress of the annual report project.


If there are fewer people, things are easy. But if the department is large or shared across the company, the annual report can become a big project.


At this point, we can use graphite tables for task management.


In the graphite form, we define the content that needs to be filled in by members, write down the submission time setting "date reminder", and then we can build a task progress management table that can be automatically reminded.



If worry about information revised by mistake or have a visible scope control requirements, we can also use the "cell" locking function, for different business modules, different personnel delimit the exclusive area, independent setting can edit, view, view permissions only, and, in the guarantee of efficiency at the same time give attention to both security controls.



Project management is time node management, using the "date reminder" function, we can set up automatic reminder countdown, specify different time nodes, report specific tasks to be completed, so that when the expiration of the relevant personnel can receive the message reminder.


To sum up, in the whole project of annual summary report, through multi-person collaborative editing and permission control, graphite form can make the collection of information more convenient and standardized, with date reminder, it realizes the automation of information notification, collection, reminder and summary.


一种高效的公开汇报方式 An efficient way to report publicly

当收到年度总结大会倒计时 1 天的提醒时,我们就知道公开汇报的日子要到了。

When we were reminded of the 1-day countdown to the annual summary meeting, we knew the day of public presentation was coming.

传统的 PPT 汇报模式下,我们往往都是先听汇报再提问,“麻烦把 PPT 翻到第多少页,我有个疑问”是经常出现的场景,浪费时间不说,分享与提问环节的割裂也极容易造成信息损耗。

Under the traditional PPT reporting mode, we often listen to the report first and then ask questions. "Please turn the PPT to the next page, I have a question" is a common scene. Not to mention wasting time, the separation of sharing and questioning is also very easy to cause information loss.

今天跟大家分享一个全新的汇报模式,仅需简单 4 步,就可以开一个高效且有产出的汇报会议。

Today, I'm going to share with you a new debriefing model. In just 4 simple steps, you can have an efficient and productive debriefing meeting.

第 1 步 Step 1


Prepare your debrief in advance and integrate the information you need to present. Before the presentation, send a link to your document to the group so that other people can click on the link to view your content.

第 2 步 Step 2


In the reporting process, if you want to focus on the content of the current statement, you can directly "comment" in the document to express your questions and opinions in real time.


第 3 步 Step 3


At the end of the presentation, the presenter browses through the document, answers the questions raised, explores them, and draws conclusions.

第 4 步 Step 4


After the report, comments and feedbacks of reviewers can be directly recorded at the top of the report document, thus pointing out the direction for the follow-up work.


As the display link of the annual summary, the report is also a centralized communication link, and its key point should be efficient information transmission and exchange. The presentation is smooth and silky with graphite documents and an innovative meeting format.


文件不沉淀,价值减一半 The document does not settle and its value is reduced by half


The report should not be the final part of the annual review. The document should be filed.

回到年度总结的最开始——整理资料、数据,如果我们使用传统 Office,平时又很少进行文件整理归档,那么在写总结文档时,面对一整年的产出,仅仅是找资料就会消耗你大量的时间和精力。

Back to the beginning of the annual summary -- sorting out materials and data. If we use traditional Office and rarely file, we will spend a lot of time and energy just looking for materials when writing summary documents in the face of a whole year's output.


Graphite has the characteristics of write and save, for individuals, all output files will be centrally stored in "my desktop" or the relevant "team space", click or search can quickly find the required documents, data.


For a department or team, if files need to be stored in a centralized manner, the head of the department can create folders in the "Team Space" of the department after the report and let members transfer the report documents with one click to achieve centralized and standardized management.


如此一来,部门成员可以随时查阅、学习其他同事的项目经验。如果有新员工加入,团队空间的文件资料也可以帮助 TA 更加快速地融入团队。

In this way, members of the department can consult and learn from other colleagues' project experience at any time. If a new employee joins the team, the documentation of the team space can also help him/her to integrate into the team more quickly.

年 years度 The degree of总结是日常工作的缩影,涉及到内容生产、协作、管控、沉淀的全过程。 Summary is the epitome of daily work, involving the whole process of content production, collaboration, control and precipitation.

与使用传统 Office 办公对比,石墨的云 Office 将效率渗透到了多人协作、数据收集分析、项目管理、知识沉淀、资料共享、文件安全管理的方方面面。 Compared with the use of traditional Office, graphite cloud Office will infiltrate efficiency into many aspects of multi-person collaboration, data collection and analysis, project management, knowledge precipitation, data sharing, file security management.

让每个员工都能有更多时间专注于创作,充分发挥自己的创造力,也帮助企业建立了高效、安全的文档协作和共享机制,全面提升了内部协同办公效率。 It also helps the enterprise establish an efficient and safe document collaboration and sharing mechanism, and comprehensively improves the internal collaborative work efficiency.
