public enum NullValuePropertyMappingStrategy {
* If a source bean property equals {@code null} the target bean property will be set explicitly to {@code null}.
* If a source bean property equals {@code null} the target bean property will be set to its default value.
* This means:
For {@code List} MapStruct generates an {@code ArrayList}
For {@code Map} a {@code HashMap}
For arrays an empty array
For {@code String} {@code ""}
for primitive / boxed types a representation of {@code 0} or {@code false}
For all other objects an new instance is created, requiring an empty constructor.
* Make sure that a {@link Mapping#defaultValue()} is defined if no empty constructor is available on
* the default value.
* If a source bean property equals {@code null} the target bean property will be ignored and retain its
* existing value.
public class Source {
private Integer id;
private String name;
public class Target {
private Integer id;
private String name;
public interface Converter {
Converter INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(Converter.class);
// name 值不做映射
@Mapping(source = "name", target = "name", ignore = true)
Target fromSource(Source source);
Source toSource(Target target);
通过 @Mapping#ignore=true 来指定不需要做映射的值
public class Source {
private Integer id;
private List itemList;
public class SourceItem {
private String identifier;
public class Target {
private Integer id;
private List itemList;
public class TargetItem {
private String identifier;
public interface SourceItemConverter {
SourceItemConverter INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(SourceItemConverter.class);
TargetItem fromSourceItem(SourceItem sourceItem);
SourceItem toSourceItem(TargetItem targetItem);
public interface SourceConverter {
SourceConverter INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(SourceConverter.class);
Target fromSource(Source source);
Source toSource(Target target);
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
private static void testFromSource(){
Target target = SourceConverter.INSTANCE.fromSource(new Source(1, Arrays.asList(new SourceItem("111"), new SourceItem("112"))));
private static void testToSource(){
Source source = SourceConverter.INSTANCE.toSource(new Target(2, Arrays.asList(new TargetItem("222"), new TargetItem("223"))));
public class Source {
private Integer id;
private String name;
public class Target {
private Integer id;
private String name;
public interface Converter {
Converter INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(Converter.class);
* id 不做更新,其他 source 的属性更新到 target
* @param source
* @param target
@Mapping(target = "id", ignore = true)
void fromSource(Source source, @MappingTarget Target target);
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
private static void testFromSource(){
Source source = new Source(1, "sourceName");
Target target = new Target(2, "targetName");
Converter.INSTANCE.fromSource(source, target);
只需要在调用该对象合适(比如下列的setStyles)的方法后让该方法返回该对象(通过this 因为一旦一个函数称为一个对象方法的话那么在这个方法内部this(结合下面的setStyles)指向这个对象)
function create(type){
var element=document.createElement(type);
SOAP Version 1.2 Part 0: Primer (Second Edition)
SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework (Second Edition)
SOAP Version 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts (Second Edition)
Which style of WSDL
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