解决srping boot 报错 o.s.a.r.c.CachingConnectionFactory : Channel shutdown: chann

ERROR 7860 --- [] o.s.a.r.c.CachingConnectionFactory       : Channel shutdown: channel error; protocol method: #method(reply-code=406, reply-text=PRECONDITION_FAILED - unknown delivery tag 1, class-id=60, method-id=80)
2018-09-19 10:49:25.992  INFO 7860 --- [cTaskExecutor-2] o.s.a.r.l.SimpleMessageListenerContainer : Restarting Consumer@1279229a: tags=[{amq.ctag-w4xwrAddrxthsnQ5cCLw0g=DW_SPS_QUERY}], channel=Cached Rabbit Channel: PublisherCallbackChannelImpl: AMQChannel(amqp://[email protected]:5672/,2), conn: Proxy@90708c9 Share







spring boot rabbitmq常用配置

RABBIT (RabbitProperties)
spring.rabbitmq.addresses= # Comma-separated list of addresses to which the client should connect.
spring.rabbitmq.cache.channel.checkout-timeout= # Number of milliseconds to wait to obtain a channel if the cache size has been reached.
spring.rabbitmq.cache.channel.size= # Number of channels to retain in the cache.
spring.rabbitmq.cache.connection.mode=CHANNEL # Connection factory cache mode.
spring.rabbitmq.cache.connection.size= # Number of connections to cache.
spring.rabbitmq.connection-timeout= # Connection timeout, in milliseconds; zero for infinite.
spring.rabbitmq.dynamic=true # Create an AmqpAdmin bean.
spring.rabbitmq.host=localhost # RabbitMQ host.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.acknowledge-mode= # Acknowledge mode of container.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.auto-startup=true # Start the container automatically on startup.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.concurrency= # Minimum number of consumers.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.default-requeue-rejected= # Whether or not to requeue delivery failures; default `true`.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.max-concurrency= # Maximum number of consumers.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.prefetch= # Number of messages to be handled in a single request. It should be greater than or equal to the transaction size (if used).
spring.rabbitmq.listener.retry.enabled=false # Whether or not publishing retries are enabled.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.retry.initial-interval=1000 # Interval between the first and second attempt to deliver a message.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.retry.max-attempts=3 # Maximum number of attempts to deliver a message.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.retry.max-interval=10000 # Maximum interval between attempts.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.retry.multiplier=1.0 # A multiplier to apply to the previous delivery retry interval.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.retry.stateless=true # Whether or not retry is stateless or stateful.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.transaction-size= # Number of messages to be processed in a transaction. For best results it should be less than or equal to the prefetch count.
spring.rabbitmq.password= # Login to authenticate against the broker.
spring.rabbitmq.port=5672 # RabbitMQ port.
spring.rabbitmq.publisher-confirms=false # Enable publisher confirms.
spring.rabbitmq.publisher-returns=false # Enable publisher returns.
spring.rabbitmq.requested-heartbeat= # Requested heartbeat timeout, in seconds; zero for none.
spring.rabbitmq.ssl.enabled=false # Enable SSL support.
spring.rabbitmq.ssl.key-store= # Path to the key store that holds the SSL certificate.
spring.rabbitmq.ssl.key-store-password= # Password used to access the key store.
spring.rabbitmq.ssl.trust-store= # Trust store that holds SSL certificates.
spring.rabbitmq.ssl.trust-store-password= # Password used to access the trust store.
spring.rabbitmq.ssl.algorithm= # SSL algorithm to use. By default configure by the rabbit client library.
spring.rabbitmq.template.mandatory=false # Enable mandatory messages.
spring.rabbitmq.template.receive-timeout=0 # Timeout for `receive()` methods.
spring.rabbitmq.template.reply-timeout=5000 # Timeout for `sendAndReceive()` methods.
spring.rabbitmq.template.retry.enabled=false # Set to true to enable retries in the `RabbitTemplate`.
spring.rabbitmq.template.retry.initial-interval=1000 # Interval between the first and second attempt to publish a message.
spring.rabbitmq.template.retry.max-attempts=3 # Maximum number of attempts to publish a message.
spring.rabbitmq.template.retry.max-interval=10000 # Maximum number of attempts to publish a message.
spring.rabbitmq.template.retry.multiplier=1.0 # A multiplier to apply to the previous publishing retry interval.
spring.rabbitmq.username= # Login user to authenticate to the broker.
spring.rabbitmq.virtual-host= # Virtual host to use when connecting to the broker.


