美剧《老友记》笔记 S05E01


You spoiled everything! 你搞砸了所有事情!

How can I face them? 我怎么见人?

She's just fixing her makeup. 她在补妆。

Women's names are interchangeable. 女人的名字会相互调换。

No fault of his own. 这完全不怪他

I hope you don't take this the wrong way. 我希望你不要误解。

I don't see that we have a choice. 我们别无选择。

Tow the line! Thread the needle! Think out of box! 听天由命,努力争取,不要死心眼。

Let's look at this objectively. 我们客观的想想看。

We have to leave for New York in an hour. 我们一小时后就要回纽约了。

They look pretty soundproof. 隔音效果似乎很好。

We come for her things. 我们来拿她的东西。

I think you are absolutely delicious. 你实在秀色可餐。

I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else. 

I'll see you there in a bit. 待会见。

There's no way I can make myself taller now.

What if I die an unsuccessful, regular-size man?

This pregnancy is throwing me all off. 怀孕害我灵力不强了。

We are on that subject. 说到这个话题

I was going through a really hard time in London. 我在伦敦的时候经历了一段艰难时刻。

I gotta go unpack. 我要去整理行李了。

So no sign of Emily? 还没看到Emily?

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