
Food Phrasal Verbs

This is one episode of Lucy's Youtube Channel.


  1. to pig out

to eat a lot of food
example: I'm meant to be on a really strict diet, but I pigged out last night.

  1. to eat up

to eat everything
Come on, eat your food up or you'll be hungry.
normally moderate for children

  1. to pick at

to unwilling eat a small amount of food
Are you feeling alright? You've been picking at your food for ages.

  1. to cut out

to eliminate
Sorry, no cake for me. I'm cutting out sugar.

  1. to cut back (on)

to reduce
My doctor told me I need to cut back on fat.

  1. to bolt/wolf down

to eat everything quickly
I wolf down my breakfast this morning because I had no time.

Cooking and preparing for food

  1. whip up

to prepare food quickly or easily
Here we are, something I whipped up yesterday.

  1. to cut up

to cut into pieces
Do you want me to cut up your food for you?

  1. to chop up

to cut with sharp blows
If you cut the pie up, I'll chop up the vegetables.

  1. to boil over

to cause liquid overflow during boiling
Can you run and get peas? I think they're boiling over.

  1. to warm up

to heat
Do you want me to warm up your dinner for you when you get home?

  1. to fry up

to cooking something by frying
Do you want me to fry up some bacon?

phrases with "up", usually childish.

other vocabularies

  1. phrasal verbs
  2. audible
